Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 12]

“So, like, basically, you just kinda have to be the best of the best,” Sophie answered. That didn’t exactly tell me anything, though. All it told me was that she was extremely confident in herself and that much was already obvious.

“The best at what?” I asked.

“Hmm… I’ll tell you if you don’t tell anybody else.”

“That wasn’t the deal. The deal was to give you a taste and then you’d tell me what I want to know.” Putting it that way, it really sounded like a one-sided exchange. I got my dick sucked in exchange for getting the information I wanted. People who enjoyed giving oral really were the best.

“You’re right, but it’s kinda a secret. It’s not really something I should tell a bunch of people.”

“You said you would. Plus there are only three of us. And is it really a secret, or is it just something that not many people know about yet?”

“Is there a difference?”

“Rocket science isn’t a secret but most people don’t know anything about it.”

“Huh… that makes sense. You’re pretty smart lol.”

I don’t think that I actually said anything all that smart but, if my example was good enough to get called that, I wasn’t going to deny her. “So, what’s going on with all that?”

“It’s pretty simple. I guess I was the most gluttonous out of everybody who plays, so after I got some achievements and records, Glut – that’s what I like to call him, but Gluttony showed up in my whispers and started a new quest for me. Then I became a ‘Champion of Gluttony’ which let me change my race and stuff. Then I unlocked a new tier of recipes for my cook class, but this new tier of items isn’t allowed to go on the auction board and I’m pretty sure that nobody else in the game is one of Glut’s champions, so yeah.”

“Shouldn’t there have been world first announcements or something for getting all of that?”

“I thought there would be. I like, got achievements from it, but they weren’t announced. Try comparing our achievement lists. You should see a couple of achievements with question marks over them.”

I did as she suggested and opened up her achievement list to compare it to mine. I actually ended up being pretty surprised from just how many achievements she had. My list only had all the basic done with a sexual achievements and then some endgame raiding achievements. But Sophie? She had… a ton of achievements. The list started off comparing our achievements side by side to show which ones we both had. But, before long, my side of the list filled with unlocked achievements while hers continued going down.

PvE achievements. PvP achievements. Crafting and gathering achievements. Raiding and dungeon achievements. Event achievements. If it wasn’t for the lack of social achievements, I would have thought that she was a pretty hardcore achievement hunter. Though, the sort of achievements that she lacked—which were pretty easy to get—were all things like achievements for helping out new players in dungeons, reviving random dead players, and so on. So, if anything, these achievements were pretty telling about what sort of person she was since she would have had to deliberately not help people to avoid getting some of these. For example, there was an achievement for rewarding players after running a dungeon with them. It was just a simple little token of appreciation to say, “hey, good job.” You could only give it to one player in the group, and must people usually gave it to the tank, healer, or an exceptionally good DPS.

There was an achievement for giving out one of these.

She… didn’t have that achievement.

She never once rewarded another player. Most brand-new players got that achievement within a couple of hours since that was how long it took to get to the starter dungeon. But Sophie? She never once made use of the system. It’s also important to know that a window popped up at the end of dungeons, right in front of people’s faces, so that they could give the reward to a player of their choice. It was impossible to not notice and the only way to get rid of it was to leave the dungeon or be the only player left inside of it.

I tried not to judge people, but it was impossible to not judge her for that.

That wasn’t the point, though. As I continued scrolling down the achievement list, I eventually reached the bottom of her unlocked achievements. Surely enough, there were several there with nothing but question marks for their icons, titles, and descriptions. I never saw achievements anything like that in the game. The developers didn’t exactly care about spoilers or anything, either, so there was never a problem with hiding achievements from people who didn’t have them yet for the sake of saving them from potential spoilers.

“She’s telling the truth,” Lizamoo said. She also opened up the achievement comparison to check it out.

“Lol, I wouldn’t lie,” Sophie replied.

“You also wouldn’t give somebody a reward,” I said. I couldn’t help but to bring it up. I mean, seriously, how could somebody never give even a single one?

“Whoops, lol.”

And that was all I got from her. A “whoops.” There was no explanation or anything, and I wasn’t going to turn it into an issue and make things awkward. All I knew was that if I ever ended up getting into a dungeon with her, she definitely wouldn’t be getting my reward at the end.

So, I sighed. “Alright. So, you got a quest from Gluttony and became his champion, right? And that’s what unlocked a bunch of special recipes for you?”

“Mhm,” Sophie answered.

I was torn on whether I should let her know about me getting the quest from Lust or not. On one hand, she was in a similar position and could share information with me, and she also seemed like she knew how to keep her mouth shut if she went this long without telling everybody about what happened. On the other hand, she was the kind of player to never hand out rewards and she opened up about all of this after just letting her suck my dick and then putting in the minimum amount of effort to convince her. I didn’t want word about my quest to potentially get out since I could easily imagine no small amount of griefers tracking me and harassing me to constantly get in my way. It also meant that there would be plenty of other people trying to unlock the quest to finish it before me, and I didn’t like the idea of that either.

Now, if it was real life… I would be all aboard the equal opportunity train. But if it was just a quest in a game, then it wouldn’t be that bad to try and hog it to myself before letting everybody else know about it, right?

At the very least, I could try to get some more specific information out of her regarding what she had to do for her quest. “What sort of things did you have to do to complete the quest?”

Sophie raised an eyebrow and leaned back in her chair. “Why’re you asking?”

“I’m curious. If you got some super rare quest that nobody else has ever had, then it’s only natural for somebody to want to know what you had to do for it.” I didn’t lie about my intentions to her. I simply rephrased them in an honest way that anybody could understand.

But it didn’t work. “Lol. You got the quest, didn’t you? I’m betting from Lust.”

There was no easy way for me to talk my way out of that one without lying, and I had no intention of doing that. “Was it that obvious?”

“Why do you think I wanted to meet you? It wasn’t just because I wanted a taste. I figured—”

“A-ah, I – I’m sorry to interrupt, but… can – can I have seconds, please?” Lily asked. “We still have more seeds, so…”

“I’m with her,” Lizamoo joined in. “While you two talk about all this complicated stuff, let us girls have some more food to pass the time and fill our stomachs.”

“Oh, yeah, totally,” Sophie said with a nod.

A few moments later and Sophie had new seeds for Lily and Lizamoo. Honestly, I wanted another one as well, but I knew that I would get way too distracted by it to have an actual conversation if went for another.

“Anyways, I figured you probably got the quest. Asking questions confirmed it,” Sophie said.

Maybe it really was that simple, but I started to get the feeling that maybe she was smarter than she was letting on. She almost seemed like she was purposely playing up some sort of ditzy girl, especially with how frequently she pronounced acronyms out loud as words. Regardless, I had a gut feeling that she was smarter than she wanted to appear. “Makes sense. So, I’m guessing that you had to do something like prove your worth to Gluttony?”

“Yep! That was the first quest objective.”

“Just the first? I figured there’d be more.”

“Oh yeah, a whole lot more if it’s anything like mine. But if it’s like mine, the first part will totes be the worst one. It was the only part that really required grinding. I had to… what’d I have to do… oh, right. It didn’t really tell me what to do, so I kinda just did a bunch of stuff that sounded like something a god obsessed with eating and stuff would do. I ate every single food item in the game for that achievement, and uhh… won eating contests until I had all the achievements for those—”

“The ones in Cornshire?”


Cornshire was a small village in the middle of nowhere meant for mid-level players. It only had a single quest and zero noteworthy NPC interactions, but it made up for its lack in those by being the exclusive spot for eating contests. It was a miniature form of PvP essentially. Players went up against each other and whoever could eat the most within the time limit won. Of course, as is the case with most minigames in MMOs, basically nobody played it. I’m surprised she was able to get the achievements for it considering that the highest tier of achievement required five hundred victories there. I would have guessed that the minigame was never even played that much in total.

Also, winning the contest rewarded the winner with tokens that could be spent on various different things exclusive to the contest, but the most notable item one could exchange them for… was the minion. It was a cute little piece of corn with a smiling face that walked around behind whoever owned it. Of course, there was also the mount which was like a car carved out of corn with wheels and everything, but the corn minion was way cuter and thus more important.

That was why I decided I would need to get it and show off to Lily. I could already imagine how jealous she would look from its cuteness.

While I was thinking of contests, I also remembered that there was a gloryhole contest hidden within one of the cities. Whoever could make the most cocks cum within the timeframe won. I doubted that Lily would be interested in something like that, but there was also my new adventuring party who could benefit from some training like that.

“—then I had to cook every available recipe,” Sophie continued, “and get a bunch of other cook achievements and eating achievements, and… oh, yeah. I ate everything. Animals, bugs, monsters, NPCs, bosses, players – I think it was when I finally finished eating at least one of every single race in the game that I finally got to move onto the next part.”

“You… ate everything?” I asked.

“Yeah – wait. Oh, no, I messed up lol. I forgot, that was the part that came after. Once I finished the first quest objective I unlocked a new skill that allowed me to eat any living thing in the game. And the dead, I guess, because skeletons and zombies and stuff. Basically anything I could kill could be eaten.”

“Then, if there’s a quest objective like that after mine… maybe it’s going to make me fuck everything that’s fuckable.”

“Sounds like a good guess lol.”

“But first, I’m guessing I’m going to need to farm a bunch more sex-related achievements to clear this first objective.”

“Probs. I looked at your achieves and you’re like, missing so many lol. I thought a guy like you would have had way more sex ones unlocked.”

“I guess I was slacking off.” Well, really, I spent most of my time saving up and preparing for my dungeon. When I wasn’t doing that, I was fucking the same few people who I already knew for the most part. “So, what was the quest like after that?”

“I’m not gonna spoil all of it lol. Besides, the stuff that came after that was probs super specific to Gluttony. I doubt it’d be like what you’ll have to do for Lust.”

“Then can you at least tell me about your race? Was it from the quest?”

“Mhm! It’s called Lesser Devourer. It was one of the rewards before the end of the quest and it gave me some special skills and boosted stats and all that.”

“So, wait. The thing that seems like it would be the most unique reward of them all wasn’t even the final reward? You got it before finishing the quest?”

“Yeah lol.”

“Then, is it safe to assume you got something even more impressive once you finally did finish the quest?”

“Totes safe. Something super, super awesome, too.”

“I have a feeling that you’re not going to tell me what it is.”

“Lol nope. That one actually is secret.”

“Well, you’ve already given me plenty of good info, so I won’t press you too hard for anything else.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I’m totes down for helping if you ever need it. I’m super hyped to see what a Champion of Lust will be like. So if you ever need a spare mouth to help you out, you better come to me lol.”

“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to ask. Is there a reason why you always pronounce things like ‘lol?’”

“It’s like, just a habit lol.”

“Hey, wait,” Lizamoo spoke up. “I just realized something. Your voice is really familiar.”

“Probs a coincidence.”

“I forget her name… but you’re not that one famous chef, are you?”

“Lol nah. I wish I was famous though. Then I could like, yell at people about it being fucking raw and call them idiot sandwiches and stuff. Doesn’t really have the same impact if you’re not somebody with a proven rep lol.”

“Huh… yeah, she doesn’t talk anything like you from the clips I’ve seen. Guess you just sound similar.”

“I think I might know who you’re talking about though. I’ve been compared to her a few times before lol.”

Lizamoo shrugged and went back to her seed.

I was going to have to question Lizamoo about who Sophie reminded her of later. I had a theory that I wanted to investigate.

But before that could be done, I had to wrap things up with Sophie.

“Anyways, I’ve still got things I need to go and do,” I said, getting up from the table before stretching my arms out. “Thanks for having us, and thanks a ton for the info. I think I was able to confirm that I’m at least on the right path with how I’m going about this quest. And I’ll make sure to come to you if I ever need a spare hand – or mouth.”

“Lol, no prob. Just hit me up whenever and I’ll prob be down for helping if I’m online.”

“Good to kno—”

“Damian,” Lizamoo spoke up.


“I… just realized something.” She looked mortified.

“The seeds… are all gone. We ate all of them.”

“Wait, seriously? We went through them all that quickly?”


I looked over at Lily. She was unaware of the situation or simply didn’t care going by how relaxed she looked with her hands resting on top of her stomach. “Well, I still need a seed for the dungeon, so… I guess we’re going back to the plants and letting you get some more see—” I stopped because, by the time that I looked back at Lizamoo, she already had her gas mask reequipped.

Just as I thought Sophie was smarter than she seemed, I was starting to think that Lizamoo was, too. She almost seemed like she purposely ran out of seeds so that she would have an excuse to have more time with the plants.

“I’ll be fine on my own, probably. You can go back without me and I’ll bring the seeds by later,” Lizamoo said.

“You sure?” I asked.

“Yeah. You’ve got other things you need to do, right? Plus I’m thinking of spending a while with the plants.”

Going out there suddenly seemed pointless seeing as how Lizamoo could have gotten me some of the seeds all on her own without my help, but I did get to meet Sophie and learn some new things from her, so it wasn’t a total waste of time. Plus I got to have some plant fun with Lily. And got the best blowjob of my life.

Yeah, it was anything but a waste of time.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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