Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 24]

“What… what the fuck?” Nora asked with Marisa at her side. As for the redheaded tank, she had her hands up in front of her face as if to cover her eyes… but she made sure to leave some gaps between her fingers so that she could “sneakily” look at the sight that I made.

Before me on the ground was none other than Alisa with at least five different loads of cum painting her face and tits. I lost count since I was trying to go as quickly as possible, so it was probably more than that. But considering that each load featured far more cum than any orgasm could have in real life, it was no exaggeration to say that everything from her face to her tits was covered in my thick seed. The only parts that didn’t have any cum on them were the parts where Ava licked clean. It seemed like Ava especially liked it whenever I got cum on Alisa’s nipples since it meant she could drink up the cum and suck on her tits at the same time.

I had to admit that I was curious about just how much of their sexual activities together crossed over into real life since they all lived together, but I didn’t want to push any boundaries. Besides, it was exciting to think about and the answer might have been disappointing.

“Hey, it’s about time you got here,” I said to Nora with a friendly wave. I was still fucking Alisa’s tits, too, to try and get one last shot out. “I’m almost done, hang on.”

All Nora could do was stand there and watch me with a blank expression as I casually fucked her friend’s tits in front of her.

Meanwhile, Alisa could hardly speak. As soon as I started going at her tits with all of my strength and speed, she turned into a puddle of pleasure on the ground unable to do anything but moan and whine. She really, really loved having her tits fucked. As for Ava, it seemed like Ava got just as much pleasure from watching her friend orgasm over and over again as she would from actually being fucked herself. I wasn’t sure if she was just a huge voyeur or if it was because of who she was watching that she enjoyed it so much, but she had to have loved the sight given that it almost sounded like she came a couple of times, too.

Fingering herself while she watched probably helped with that.

“Any request for this last one?” I asked Alisa who was in the process of wiping some of the cum off of her face. Even if it was just a game, people tended to not want to get any cum in their eyes. I tried my best not to shoot any near her eyes, but some still got close. That was when her hands came in handy to wipe it away.

Alisa nodded and looked at Nora. “To-together,” she said between the moans.

I wasn’t completely sure what she meant by that, but the message was for Ava rather than me.

And Ava understood the message loud and clear.

Ava got on her back next to Alisa and cuddling up next to her, bringing her head right up next to Alisa’s.

That made it pretty obvious to tell what they wanted.

I had to angle myself a little bit so that the tip of my cock was pointed toward both of their faces instead of only Alisa’s, and then all I had to do was cum.

So, cum I did.

My final load managed to shoot over Alisa’s face to splash directly onto Ava’s, but the second rope of cum managed to hit both of them while the third mainly gave Alisa’s face an extra coating of paint. The rest of my cum dribbled out from my spent tool to add to that pool of cum that gathered just underneath Alisa’s neck.

Finally done, I pulled my cock out from its temporary home and looked down at the mess I made with pride.

There was so much thick, sticky cum between Alisa’s tits that it actually took them a moment to separate. When they did, there was still a web of cum connecting her tits together.

That made me curious about something, though.

There were ways to get stickier cum in the game. There was even a food item made from spider blood to do it. If I drank that to boost my cum stickiness and then came as much as possible between Lily’s tits… would it be possible to basically glue her breasts together via cum? Get them so stuck together that they stay stuck to each other even when I take my hands off and pull my dick away?

As much as I wanted to do the “science” to test that out, I had to shake the idea out of my head for the time being. I had too many other things to do. Plus using Thera as a subject for that test would be more fitting, but I knew she wouldn’t agree to that anytime soon.

“Alright, I’m satisfied,” I said, my hands on my hips as I took in one last view before giving the other girls near the entrance some attention. “Thanks for waiting.”

“Seriously?” Nora asked.


“You – right out in the open, in front of us…”

“Well, I do own this dungeon, and you’re the ones who walked in on us, so I don’t see the problem.” The next noise that I heard surprised me. “Are… are you growling at me?”

Nora blushed and looked away, refusing to give me an answer.

Alisa, slowly recovering from her repeated titfucks, had an explanation for me instead. “Don’t… don’t mind her. She does that sometimes.”

“That was the cutest growling I ever heard. It made me horny again,” I said with the half-mast to prove it.

“You’re always horny!” Nora shouted. “Are you anything but horny?!”

“Nope.” Of course, I was more than capable of being more than horny, but it was fun to play along. “It is impossible for me to be anything but, for I have become horny, destroyer of pussies.”

Nora was quick to bring her palm up to her face. Marisa, on the other hand, laughed a little even though it was one of the dumbest attempts at humor I ever made. It was good to see that she could appreciate my jokes seeing as how I didn’t exactly get to interact with her much yet. I had something to work with other than teasing her about being a masochist in denial now.

“So, what’d you call us here for again?” Nora asked.

“We’re going dungeon clearing,” I answered. “Looks like you’ve all got yourself in some good non-dungeon equips for your level already, so we can go right to it.”

“What’s the dungeon like?”

“It’s pretty basic. You won’t be fighting any monsters that you haven’t already, probably. They’ll just be stronger than normal.”

“And then… for the boss?”

“You’re gonna fuck him together.”

“How does that even work? I mean… how does clearing a dungeon by doing that work?”

“It’s a dominance or endurance thing depending on how you look at it. If you can fuck, or get fucked by, a boss to the point where he’s no longer able to do much because he’s just way too tired to do anything, then it only makes sense that you’d be able to easily kill him after that. Only, the game doesn’t make you do the killing part since it knows it would be boring and just smacking an unmoving target until his health drops to zero.”

“That… doesn’t sound that hard.”

“It might not sound hard, but you have to keep in mind that just like how dungeon monsters get buffed to the point where an equal level player wouldn’t be able to fight them on their own, their sexual stats get buffed in the same way. Bosses especially. For example, a level twenty player would never be able to solo a level twenty boss. Even a level forty player would struggle without the best available gear when it comes to soloing the final boss of a dungeon if it’s level twenty. It’s only at about level fifty that they’d really be on equal footing with the boss.”

Alisa leaned up, still enjoying that she was covered in cum. That much was obvious seeing as how she didn’t equip her gear again which would have completely cleaned her up in an instant. “You’re max level, aren’t you?” she asked me.


“Would a boss be able to make me feel as good as you did?”

“A level twenty boss? No way.”

“Oh, well, this should be easy then. What about the bosses at your level?”

“Endgame bosses – well, they’re impossible to compete against. They’re so unfairly buffed when it comes to players that, basically, any endgame boss would be able to inflict anywhere from ten times to a hundred times as much pleasure as I could if I had every available buff on me. An endgame boss, in your example, would make you instantly orgasm just from touching the tip of his cock against your tits. You’d need some serious support backing you up and a few allies to swap with so you get a chance to recover. Most people just don’t even try because of how near impossible it is. The people who usually try to fuck the endgame bosses do so for the experience of nonstop cumming from start to finish, not to  try and seriously win. Seriously. Imagine the best pleasure you have ever felt in your life and multiply that by at least fifty times. That’s how an endgame boss would make you feel within seconds, and it’d only get more intense from there without ever giving you a chance to fall from your high.”

It really was unfair. The pleasure from endgame bosses was, supposedly, so incredible that it permanently turned some people off from real sex because it could simply never compare. It even led to a good amount of divorces caused from unsatisfying sex lives afterward if the rumors were to be believed.

It was kind of stupid in a way, too. The developers literally just took the sex stats and pumped them as high as possible. It was like when some games would release new, “harder” bosses… when the only thing that they actually did was increase the damage and health of the boss. There was no extra skill needed. No new moves to learn to counter or dodge. Nothing. Just more health and more damage. The same thing applied here except it was more pleasure and stamina instead of damage and health.

I wished that I could be as overpowered in sex as a boss monster.

“Anyways, while I have faith in you four being able to handle some weaker bosses without necessarily needing any support, I’ll still be able to give you some buffs and heals if needed,” I explained. A level-appropriate paladin wouldn’t be able to heal nor buff party members through a dungeon without a healer, but a max-level paladin in a low-level dungeon? My weakest spells would max out their health if needed.

“It will be easy if Marisa doesn’t throw,” Ava said.

“I – I don’t throw!” Marisa whined. “It’s not my fault if monsters always want to – want to rape me!” She already looked like she was getting excited at the idea of it, even rubbing her thighs together as her cheeks reddened.

“You really are going to have to try and resist giving in,” I said. “The monsters in dungeons generally won’t try to fuck intruders unless the intruders try to get it themselves. So as long as you don’t roll over onto your back and beg for some monster cock, they’ll just try to kill you instead.”

“You hear that?” Nora asked, looking at Marisa. “Will you be able to actually resist for once? At least wait until the boss?”

“Stop making me sound like some kind of – some kind of… slu-slutty warrior who just wants fucked by everything!” Marisa whined even more.

“But that’s literally what you are.”

Marisa puffed out her cheeks and smacked her fists against Nora’s shoulder.

“Look at it this way,” I interrupted. “The better you get at normal fighting, the faster you’ll be able to level up and the stronger zones you’ll be able to go to. The stronger zones you can go to and survive in, the stronger monsters you’ll be able to encounter. The stronger monsters you’ll be able to encounter, the more varied fucks you’ll be able to have and you’ll feel far more pleasure than what any low-level monsters could ever give you. You could either stay fucking everything and leveling slowly without developing the skills to survive in more dangerous zones, or you can hold it back and wait to feel even better later on. After all… don’t you think it would feel even better to hold back all your desires to feel beyond incredible in the future? The more you hold back now, the better you’ll get to feel then.”

In other words, I tried to make her look at it from an edging perspective.

And it seemed to work.

“I… I see,” Marisa said. “The longer I wait… the better I’ll feel. No-not that I want to feel good or anything! What – what would really make me feel good is killing monsters, not fucking them!” She held her fists in front of her and nodded. “I can do it! I’ll prove that I can be a good tank no matter how many irresistible… throbbing… monster cocks surround me!”

“These monsters will be clothed, so they won’t have their cocks hanging out,” I said.


“Seriously, it’s only if you try to submit to them that they’ll try to fuck you.”

“They… they won’t even try to grope me during the fight?”


“They won’t jump onto me from behind and rub their disgusting, bumpy cocks all over me while I try to fight somebody in front of me?”

“Not at all.”

She looked more and more depressed with each answer from me. “What… what about cumming on me from a distance?”

“The closest you’ll get to that is a spider shooting a web on you from a distance.”

That perked her up a little. “Webs are white and sticky, right?!”

I figured that I’d give her a little victory after being shot down over and over. “They’re really thick and warm, too.”

“Alright! I can do it!” And just like that, she was back to sounding full of energy, causing Nora to sigh with another palm against her face.

“Question, handsome,” Alisa spoke up.

“Shoot,” I replied.

“Will we be able to practice fighting the boss normally, too?”

“Sure, if that’s what you all want. You could technically drop his health to only five percent and then switch over to fucking him, which would basically restart the battle from scratch since physical damage taken won’t affect his stamina at all… as unrealistic as that might sound.”

“Good,” Nora said. “Can we hurry up and go then? I have a project I need to finish later, so I don’t have that much time to play.”

“Let’s get to it then,” I said and sent them the party invite.


One teleport and a few minutes later, and we stood outside the entrance to the game’s first official dungeon.

The Green Grotto.

That was the name of the dungeon and it was a very fitting name at that. For starters, the entire dungeon took place in a cave as many MMO dungeons—especially lower level ones—did. The inside of the cave was damp with moss growing on the rocks, water dripping from the ceiling, and the occasional, primitive torch stuck to the wall lighting up the tunnels.

As for the cave’s inhabitants, well, that was where the “green” in the name came into play. It would mostly be full of goblins and then orcs as we reached the latter half of the dungeon. Not to mention giant spiders and wolves tamed by the green monsters. It was a very basic setup, but that was just what these women needed to learn how to actually fight.

And now it was time to see what they could do. I figured that I would let them go on their own since it should be possible to beat the first few trash mobs without any help from me.

I just had to hope for the best.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G.

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