Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 27]

The boss was still in his submissive phase once Marisa reached him, and it was obvious that Marisa was anything but dominant. She ended up standing there, in front of his cock, while chewing on her thumb as her eyes looked around the room.

“You only have to take him down a few more percentage points. Then he’ll go back to being dominant,” I explained.

Nora sighed and asked, “Do you need help?”

Rather than listen to me, Marisa went for listening to Nora as she nodded her head.

Nora walked up to the orc, standing next to him while Marisa stood between his legs, and lifted her leg up… to bring her foot down against the orc’s cock. “What kind of monster are you?” she asked. “You have a beautiful girl in front of you and you can’t even stand up and fuck her?” Fortunately for the orc, her foot wasn’t as harsh as her words. She pushed his cock around and occasionally rubbed down against it, but she never abused it. She played with it instead.

As for the orc – well, he seemed to have no problem with her foot teasing his length. Whether she stroked her toes up along his length or giving it gentle “kicks,” Gurunk groaned out in pleasure as he leaked precum onto himself.

Meanwhile, Marisa watched while fidgeting around and rubbing her thighs together. She might have been strictly submissive, but she clearly didn’t mind watching the orc in a submissive role. Or maybe she was more turned on by watching Nora act dominant. I didn’t know which it was, but she was enjoying the show regardless.

Then she was turned into part of the show.

Nora, with a little grin on her face, moved to stand behind Marisa. Reaching around her, Nora placed one hand on Marisa’s chest while her other hand slipped down to Marisa’s crotch. As for her foot, she decided to play with the orc’s balls this time using it. “Look, she’s ready and waiting for you, and you’re just going to lie there?” Nora asked Gurunk. “What a pathetic monster you are.”

It might have looked like Nora’s criticism was what drove the orc into a state of fury and a desire to fuck the women in front of him, but it was really just the fact that all of her footwork managed to take him down to the fifty percent threshold.

Nora gave Marisa a small push forward before jumping back, leaving her friend alone with the orc now standing before her.

Marisa gulped out of both nervousness and excitement just before the orc picked her up with his hands around her waist. The healing robe she wore was easily torn off of her, leaving her bare body at the mercy of his throbbing length ready to ravage her.

And ravage her was exactly what he did.

He pushed her down onto his cock until fully sheathed within her. Marisa looked like she couldn’t have been happier as she placed her hands on his shoulders, eagerly allowing him to bounce her body on his cock as roughly as he could. And, since he only needed to keep a single hand on her while he was inside of her, he let his other hand slip up to her chest to grope whichever bouncing tit was the nearest.

“Didn’t know you were into feet play,” I said to Nora.

Nora shrugged and said, “I’m into lots of things, but I only use my feet when I’m in the mood for it.”

“And what gets you into the mood for it?”

“Seeing men act pathetic.”

“Got it. So if I ever want a footjob from you, all I need to do is roll over onto my back and beg you for it?”

“I can’t imagine you being convincing at that.”

“Hey, I’ll have you know that I’m a pretty great sub. I rarely ever get the opportunity to be one, but I’m great at it.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

“Name a time and place.”

“You wish.”

“I can’t submit if you don’t give me the chance to. Perhaps I should start calling you my mistress?”

“That’s… gross,” Nora said, hiding a smile and trying not to look at me.

Teasing her by bringing out my submissive side was fun. But, if I really had to submit to somebody, I still wanted that to be Thera. Nobody was able to drive my submissive side wild greater than Thera was.

But back to the “fight,” Marisa actually managed to outlast the boss’s dominant phase. Barely, but she did. And when I looked at her status, I saw how.

Despite repeatedly cumming and being so roughly fucked by the boss, Marisa had enough presence of mind to apply some healing and resistance buffs to herself while she was getting fucked. That was honestly impressive. She managed to be a better healer while being fucked than when normally fighting monsters.

“You done?” Nora asked her.

Marisa looked disappointed that the boss was back on the ground. With a little pout and her thighs covered in her juices, she slid herself off of the boss’s cock and said, “Well… it felt good while it lasted.”

“I guess it’s my turn now. I’ll finish this up.” Taking Marisa’s place at the boss’s cock, Nora opted for something more vanilla than using her feet this time. She crouched down over the boss’s cock, straddling his waist, and held his cock with one hand while her other hand braced her against his chest. “Look at you, already back on the ground. Could you be any more disappointing?” she asked the boss as she rubbed the leaking tip of his tool between her lower lips. She sounded awfully confident for somebody who was so much smaller than the boss, looking like his cock would easily be able to break her body, but that wasn’t the case.

She pushed herself down onto his cock with no problem at all. Even as his cock bulged out her abdomen to a degree that would cause most in-game to feel overwhelming pleasure, Nora wore a cocky expression on her face as she handled his cock with ease.

Her experience was no match for him.

With her hand freed, she reached behind herself and grabbed onto his sack to squeeze and roll around within her palm as she rode him. “The least you can do to prove your worth now is to hurry up and cum. I have places to be, so don’t waste my time.” The words she said might have sounded like she was annoyed or bothered, but the tone she said them with sounded anything but. She sounded like she was having fun.

Though, her fun wasn’t going to last too long. Between her riding him and playing with his sack like that, she was able to drop his remaining percentage down faster than he was able to drop hers. There was no chance for him.

The boss’s stamina bar dropped to zero.

Nora wasn’t paying attention to the bar, instead having fun watching his face. She had no idea that his orgasm was cumming until it was too late. In an instant, such a large surge of his seed poured out from his cock that her womb partially inflated as he almost bucked her off of him. With eyes wide from surprise, Nora held onto him to resist getting thrown off as the boss’s body shook from overwhelming pleasure. She held on until he was done and, once he was, she pulled herself off of his cock only for a surge of cum to pour out from her.

With the boss on his back, his cock twitching as a final few spurts of cum shot out from it, the “battle” was officially over. He was fucked into submission and all that was left was for a golden chest to materialize out of nowhere near a new portal that popped up near the back of the boss arena.

To go along with the chest was another award.

An achievement.

“Once You Go Green.” That was the achievement, and it was given for successfully beating the game’s first dungeon boss via sex. Everybody in the party got it. That was exactly why I wanted to raise these women into being the best boss fuckers that there were. I could get all the achievements related to fucking bosses without having to actually fuck any of them myself. Though, there were a few female bosses in the game that I would personally help against. And a few bosses that changed gender back and forth during the fight depending on whether they were in their dominant or submissive phase.

 Unfortunately, there were no strictly male bosses that suit my preferences.

“Congrats, you did it,” I said to the group. “How was your first time with a boss?”

“It was fun,” Alisa said. “Wish it would have lasted longer, but I’m sure there will be some who last even longer once we reach higher levels. Right?”


Nora, looking pretty tired now, got up and looked the boss over. “What do we do with him now?”

I had no idea if she even came from that. She probably did since it would have been extremely difficult not to, but she never looked nor sounded like she did. “Nothing,” I answered. “He’s done. He’ll stay there with a twitching cock until we leave the dungeon.”

“Hypothetically, what if we kill him?”

“Nothing happens. Now, there’s an achievement for killing a player after defeating them via sex, but there isn’t one for killing a boss after beating it.”

“Are you sure? What if it’s a secret achievement?”

Looking at Nora, I noticed a special shine in her eyes.

Then I realized what that shine meant.

She was an achievement whore. Well, an achievement hunter, but I always had a soft spot for calling people achievement whores instead.

“Well, I’ll feel a bit bad for him, but you can always try it,” I said.

Nora grinned and stood up with her weapon equipped, standing over the orc to finish the job.

At least he got to cum first.

Once the deed was done, I saw that there was no new achievement and asked, “See?”

And then, right after that, an achievement popped up.

Nora looked back at me with a smug smile and asked me, “See? You won’t know until you try sometimes. Haven’t you ever went for a hundred percent achievement completion in games before? Sometimes, devs expect you to try every single little random thing to discover every achievement possible.”

She apparently had a point seeing as how she proved to be right. I never heard of there being an achievement for that, yet there clearly was. I never saw it while looking through the in-game list, either, so that meant it had to have been a secret achievement.

“Psycho Widowmaker” was the name of the achievement. The normal version, which was achieved from killing a player after defeating them via sex, was just named “Widowmaker.” The boss variant seemed like an unoriginal upgrade, but an achievement was an achievement.

Though, I did feel a bit bad about how we got the achievement. I preferred when everybody had a nice, happy ending. Dying at the end of it wasn’t exactly happy nor nice.

Then again, I was positive some people would consider that to be happy and nice.

There was never a shortage of differing preferences and fetishes.

“Alright,” I said. “One of you can open up the chest. You earned i—”

Before I could even finish what I had to say, Ava had already opened up the chest and was ready to look at its contents. She was probably expecting to actually see the contents seeing as how she looked pretty disappointed when all she saw instead was a golden glow pouring out from the chest. “Where’s the loot?” she asked.

“Look near the bottom of your vision.”

“Oh. That’s boring.”

At the bottom of everybody’s vision was the loot window. It was basically a floating rectangle that showed the items from the chest with a timer counting down and the option to roll for need, roll for greed, or to pass. Only those who could actually use the specific item on their current class could roll for need. Then it went to anybody who rolled for greed if nobody needed it. And if nobody rolled at all, then the item would simply vanish from existence.

“Always roll greed if you don’t need something,” I said. “All dungeon drops can be traded in for resources later on, so there’s no reason not to greed everything you don’t need.”

As for the items themselves – well, there was nothing good nor even interesting seeing as how it was only the first dungeon. There was only a ring that boosted critical hit chance and a bow that basically looked the exact same as a normal bow but with better stats.

“Is – is that it?” Marisa asked.

“Kind of lame rewards,” Nora said.

I couldn’t disagree with them. “They’ll get better. The first dungeon’s rewards are lame, and I really think the devs should have put some more effort into them to try and bait players into getting hyped for the rewards in the next dungeons, but they refuse to do that for some reason. Every single other dungeon has a unique armor set and unique weapons, though, so the rewards won’t always be disappointing.”

“If you say so. Anyways, if that’s everything, I need to get going.”

“Right. You said you had something else to do.”

“Yeah. Oh, and uh… thanks. For helping us.” Nora looked away but not before I could see a bit of red on her cheeks. “You’re not that bad.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I teased.

“Don’t make me take it back. Anyways, do I just… go through the portal?”

“Yeah. It’ll take you to the dungeon’s entrance when you do.”

“Got it. Thanks. See the rest of you later.”

The other girls said their goodbyes as Nora left the dungeon. Her portrait in the party list was replaced with a question mark the moment that she went offline.

As for the loot, Alisa and Ava ended up splitting it. Both of the drops were good for DPS, and Alisa was the only one who could use the bow that dropped, so she let Ava take the ring.

I didn’t bother telling them that they’d probably be replacing those items within a couple of levels. Really, if I was them, I would have kept those items in my inventory to trade them in later.

Well, no. That was what I would do if I was them with my experienced knowledge. If I was them, in their shoes as a new player… I’d want to use the new stuff I got with pride.

That was why I didn’t bother telling them not to bother with the gear. Who cared if it would be replaced soon? What mattered more was that they were having fun and enjoying the game. They didn’t need to do everything perfectly to min-max what they could get out of it. All that really, truly mattered was them having fun.

And them helping me fuck our way through every other dungeon in the game, but that could come later.

For the time being, I wanted to relax a little. Maybe take my mom out for a movie and dinner. Lily and Akorya were offline, Thera was busy working on our plan, I ran through the dungeon with the girls, helping out Wally’s friend wasn’t for over another week, and – well, I could have worked on the dungeon to actually turn it into a sex dungeon for people to visit. There was still plenty of work needed to be done before I could officially “open” it to the public.

But it was just a game and my dungeon wasn’t going anywhere. Relaxing in real life and spending some time with my mom sounded far more appealing.

So, after we all said our goodbyes to each other once we left the dungeon and made plans for the next dungeon run, I returned to my dungeon and then returned to my real body.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat

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