Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 29]

We ended up having a pretty nice date together. Well, it wasn’t actually a date, but my mother apparently found it hilarious to keep on referring to it as one to embarrass me while we were out. Whether we were placing orders for food or buying movie tickets, she somehow managed to keep on working the word “date” into conversation with whoever we were talking to.

It must have been payback for when I embarrassed the last time by loudly, and obnoxiously, declaring my love for her while telling everybody that she was the greatest mom in the entire world. Her revenge was embarrassing me by making people think we were dating.

I warned her that if she kept making herself laugh so hard, she was going to make herself finally get some wrinkles, and that seemed to be enough to stop her. After all, the only reason she was able to trick people into thinking we were dating was because of how young she looked. People usually thought we were either siblings or a couple even if she didn’t say anything.

That aside, we spent a nice evening together. Though, I admit that I wish we would have chosen another movie. I was never a big fan of horror, but she was. That was why she ended up choosing a horror movie. It was about an artificial intelligence who fell in love with a human and became so jealous of other women in the real world that she took over a robotics factory, created the perfect killing machine robot body for herself, and then installed her programming into the robot prior to going on a bloody rampage.

I never was a fan of yanderes. Especially creepy, robotic yanderes who looked like robotic skeletons once their artificial skin was burned off.

She thought the movie was more funny than scary, but there were some extremely suspenseful moments that led to me almost jumping out of my chair a few times.

Though, it wasn’t like there was anything better to watch. The only other options were generic action movies, generic romcom movies, and an animated cartoon movie about a turtle receiving cybernetic augmentations so that it could actually compete in races. Honestly, I was kind of interested in that last one, but my mom was way more interested in the yandere AI robot movie.

Now, if I were the main character in the movie we saw, I would have tried the superior option that was never brought up during the movie: giving the robot so much pleasure that she never even knew existed to the point that she would have stopped caring about things like jealousy and revenge to instead just want more dick twenty-four-seven. I would have made her too horny to be a murderer.

Of course, something like that had a pretty big chance of backfiring when going up against a powerful robot controlled by an AI. Backfiring like being tied down and used as a sentient toy to ride all day every day.

That also sounded nice. Well, sometimes. It would depend on the mood. Definitely not something that I’d want to be stuck with against my will, though.

What I really wanted to see was Lily acting like that. Somebody as shy and submissive as her trying her best to play the role of a dominant, crazy woman forcing me to be her sex toy.

I just really wanted to see Lily be dominant in general. Mainly because she was anything but dominant.

That was why I added another task onto my list of things to do: ask Lily to dominate me on my birthday. Fortunately, that was an extremely simple thing to accomplish as far as my list of things went. All I had to do was send her a message over Fiscord which was met with the response of her telling me that she could “maybe try” with a blushing face typed next to it.

For once, something on my list of things to do was checked off within a minute of being added.

That meant it was time to get some of the other things on the list dealt with, too.

Considering that I was still waiting on Thera to deal with Akorya’s bully and helping out Wally’s friend was still a few days away, that meant I was free to do something that inspired me to get my very own dungeon in the first place.

It was finally time…

For dungeon things.

I had an acceptable number of monsters now. Well, for male monsters, anyways. But that was alright. While I generally avoided stereotyping people most of the time, it was true of most women I knew that they tended to be on the picky side when it came to their monstrous partners. Any men who visited the dungeon, assuming they were primarily interested in female monsters, would most likely be happy with their options being a ghost, some slimes, and a humanoid box. So, the dungeon was ready for official opening in that regard.

I also had a little waiting area ready at the front of the dungeon to greet any potential customers at, too.

All that was really left was officially going around inviting people to come to the dungeon. Well, there was one other thing I needed to deal with.

I needed somebody with no life who wanted to be lazy and sit around at the front of the dungeon. Preferably, I needed a shift of people like that.

Fortunately, it was inside of a video game.

Very few people, in real life, wanted to sit or stand around keeping watch for a business. And they really didn’t want to do it for free.

But in a game?

There were plenty of people who would be perfectly fine with that sort of thing. Heck, roleplayers in particular had no problem roleplaying guards on watch duty even if it meant standing in place for hours upon hours doing absolutely nothing. Some of the most hardcore roleplayers wouldn’t even use text chat to talk with others to pass the time.

That meant it was time to go back to the usual city to advertise in chat for a little. I had Lily and Akorya accompany me since they were both online and because I knew that people would trust me more easily if I had a couple of women with me. They made me look more legitimate, especially considering the type of “business” I was in.

So, sitting on a bench in the city with Lily and Akorya next to me as they talked about their days, I sent a message out in the city’s “looking for” chat channel.

I’m looking to recruit a couple of players to help out at my new monster brothel. Benefits include sex with the monsters whenever you’re not working, and I can help you with power leveling classes. PM if interested.

I never was good at marketing things. A simple advertisement like that was the best that I had to offer. I also figured that it would be a good idea to refer to it as a brothel rather than a dungeon for the time being. Advertising it as a dungeon would have gotten me replies from people who were only looking to take advantage of it.

Unfortunately, I should have been more specific with what I was looking for.

I received no short number of messages from interested players wanting to help out at my dungeon. However… none of them were in it for the right reasons.

All they wanted was sex. Free sex. Both men and women alike messaged me either wanting to help out in the dungeon as employees to get fucked by visiting customers, or they wanted to do the bare minimum amount of work expected from them before having permission to fuck my monsters for free.

I received dozens of messages from people like that. It honestly got to be pretty absurd. It was also extremely time consuming since I did end up replying to most of them just to confirm their intentions.

“Nyehehe, having fun, Master?” Akorya asked, her head turned to face me as it rested on Lily’s shoulder while her hands had fun kneading a blushing Lily’s chest. If it wasn’t for unintentional player collision being off in public spaces in the city, plenty of passing players would have bumped into each other due to not paying attention. The sight of Akorya playing with Lily’s mountains was distracting to all.

“I’m horrible at this sort of thing,” I answered. “Nobody messaging me sounds right for the dungeon. They’re all… just… horny.”

“Oh no, Master. They’re horny!”

“Look, it’s not like being horny is a problem, but I want somebody who actually wants to help me out instead of only using me to earn free sex.”

“Dang. Lily, we might have to go if he doesn’t want people using him for free sex.”

“A-ah… if… if that is how it is, mon maître,” Lily said, joining in on Akorya’s act. “I am sorry to disappoint you…”

I was torn between flicking their foreheads or fucking them right there in front of everybody. Because I did have things I wanted to do, though, I opted for flicking their foreheads.

Then, before I could pull my hand back, Akorya grabbed onto it and held it still in front of her face. “Master, if you want us to play with your finger, all you had to do was ask!” With her catlike smile, Akorya stuck out her tongue and ran it up along the length of the same finger just used to flick their foreheads.

She became an even more distracting sight to the people walking by.

“Help me out, Lily,” Akorya said, pulling my hand to hold it between their faces so that each of their tongues could reach my finger.

Lily took one look at everybody around and decided to cosplay a tomato. “In – in front of… every – everybody?”

“C’mon! It’ll be fun. Plus imagine how jealous we’ll make everybody of him. If you’re too embarrassed, you could always try closing your eyes.”

I was about to tell Akorya not to pressure Lily too much just before I saw Lily nod her head and close her eyes, sticking out her tongue to join in on licking my finger.

I officially had the luckiest finger to ever exist throughout all of space and time.

However, with the two of them so eagerly licking my finger and kissing each other from around it, it was only natural that they were going to attract some unwelcome attention.

“Hey there,” one particular guy said, standing in front of Lily and Akorya. “I’ve got something way better for you two to lick. Wanna see?” The arrogant bastard even had the nerve to flash a quick, smug smile at me.

He thought he was better than me.

Honestly, I had to admire his confidence. He had the confidence required to actually think that his strategy would work. Not to mention that he made himself look like some sort of playboy out hentai doujins who only existed to steal women from others.

Too bad for him, he was the only one who thought he was better than me.

I didn’t even get a chance to say anything before Akorya and Lily killed his confidence for me.

“You’re not as cool as you think you are,” Akorya said, only giving him a side glance as she kissed my finger.

And then there was Lily.

Lily might have joked around about being my stalker before. She teasingly implied she was a yandere for me.

And this was the first time I had any reason to think that she might actually be slightly serious about that.

Lily opened her eyes and looked at the playboy with a look of pure and utter disgust. She didn’t even say anything to him. All she did was look genuinely disgusted by him. It wasn’t even the kind of disgust somebody might show after seeing something a little bit gross, either. It was the kind of disgust that somebody had when they not only saw the most repulsive thing to ever exist, but were straight up offended by its existence, too.

It was intimidating enough to make the man take a few steps back.

Then, as soon as Lily noticed I was looking at her, she looked at me with a completely transformed expression. Instead of wearing an expression of disgust, she wore a pleased smile and looked as if she was waiting for me to praise her.

The man who tried picking them up didn’t even say anything after that. He just… awkwardly walked away.

“You two are the best,” I said, giving Akorya’s forehead a kiss while I reached around her to pet the top of Lily’s head.

“I’m actually like, super happy that happened,” Akorya said. “It probably sounds stupid… but I’ve always imagined how I would react if somebody came up to me and hit on me while I’m with my partner. I saw a girl do it in a movie once and thought she was really badass for scaring the guy away, so I wanted to do it, too.”

“Make yourself proud?”

“Nyehehe, I did. I almost told him to fuck off, but then I remembered all my training by thinking about what to say in the shower! So I went with something I thought was simple and would hurt the most without giving him any sort of reaction.”


“But it wasn’t as nice as Lily’s face. I mean, woah. She looked scary.”

“E-eh?” Lily asked. “I – I did?”

“You looked like you were about to kill him!”

I nodded and said, “Yeah. You looked like you were about to make him regret ever existing.”

Lily held her hands over her face and shook her head. “I – I’m sorry! I… have no idea how I must have looked!”

“No, no, it was kind of hot. Don’t apologize.”

“Yeah,” Akorya said. “You terrified him! It was great!”

Lily whimpered from behind her hands as she shook her head some more. She was officially too embarrassed to say anything.

 Though, she did part her fingers just a little bit to look at the new voice that spoke to us.

And it was the voice of somebody who I really didn’t expect to see. Somebody who I realized I accidentally ignored in private messages.

“I recognized your name and saw you… so I thought I’d come over here in case you missed my message,” the voice said.

Standing before us was none other than the very same woman who served me, Akorya, and Wally some food just a few days prior. The pink-haired girl with a maid costume and dog ears, Cani. Only, instead of wearing her maid costume, she had on a casual wear outfit that didn’t show much skin. It did, however, include a sweater.

And sweaters were always great. Everybody in existence knew that.

“Oh! Hey!” Akorya said as soon as she recognized her.

Cani gave Akorya a little wave in response.

After checking on the message she sent me, I saw that she was actually interested in working for me. That was a huge surprise considering that she already had her own place to work at. So, I asked her about it. “You want to come do some work for me? Aren’t you busy enough with your own place?”

She scratched the back of her head and said, “Aha, well… a lot happened in the past couple of days.”

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S.

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