Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 34]

Wally sent me a message letting me know to wait at the starting village for his friend. He didn’t tell me how to recognize her, but he told me that she’d recognize me. There were so many signs that I should have picked up on that I somehow never did until the obvious was ready to punch me right in the face.

And when the obvious did punch me right in the face, it punched me hard.

“He-hey!” a girl shouted. “Damian!”

The girl was only level three, which was average for reaching this starting town since players actually started off at a small settlement in the forest where they were taught all the basics. However, there was something immediately off about her. Something that made it obvious she wasn’t just a new player.

She had on some very expensive cosmetic items that could be worn at any level. Most “modern” outfits were like that. All the fantasy-looking gear was acquired normally, but anything modern could only be acquired through buying with real money, crafting end-game recipes, or through in-game events. As for her outfit, it was simple despite being modern. A pair of extremely short shorts that covered up the absolute most bare minimum of skin required to legally be called clothing, a white blouse that stopped just above her midriff while leaving the top unbuttoned to show the decently sized breasts she gave her character, and a pair of flip flops. There was also the two-handed sword strapped to her back that she must have forgotten to unequip if she wanted to look casual.

Aside from that, she looked like she made her body to have a perfect hourglass figure like ninety-nine percent of other players with female avatars did. Well, not actually ninety-nine percent. Probably closer to eighty percent. Regardless, she did make herself taller and a bit more proportional than most. Her breasts were large and her hips were wide, but neither were as big as Lily’s while also being a good head taller than her. If anything, the most unrealistic part of her was how stereotypical she looked. A girl wearing short shorts, boots, an open blouse, while having bright, blue eyes with long, blonde hair tied up in a ponytail behind her, leaving some hair loose to cover her ears and forehead.

And that was only starting on how stereotypical she was. There was also the forced hip swaying and her trying to act as bouncy as possible to never give her breasts a break from jiggling around.

“Oh – uh… I – I mean… you’re Damian, right?” she asked, now standing in front of me.

It was extremely obvious the moment that I heard “her” talk. Everything from the way that she stood to the way that she struggled to look at me even though she was trying her best to be friendly made it obvious. There was also the kind of… haughty accent. It wasn’t as obvious – it didn’t sound like Wally purposely trying to talk like a smart snob, but there were still hints of it there. Even if the game allowed for people to change their voices during character creation, accents were something that required real life training to overcome.

Honestly, it should have been obvious when he first told me about his friend. I felt like a dumbass for not realizing it back then.

There was no “friend.”

The girl standing in front of me was none other than Wally. She had to be.

And if he wanted to pretend to be a she to have some fun with me, I was more than happy to oblige and play dumb. That sounded like it could be plenty of fun. Of course, there was also the possibility that Wally was actually a woman all along. There was no way of knowing for sure what gender he really identified as. For all I knew, the girl standing in front of me was more like the real Wally than the boy I had come to associate with him.

Regardless, I already had plenty of ideas for how to tease her.

We were about to have a very fun day together.

“That’s right, I’m Damian,” I answered. “Are you Wally’s friend?”

“O-oh! Yeah, that’s me!” she answered. “My name is Willow! It’s – umm, it’s nice to meet you for the first time!”

It took everything I had to hold back from letting her know how obvious she was. She even gave herself another name starting with W. “Nice to meet you. So, you want me to show you the ropes?”

Willow smiled and nodded. “Yes! I – I don’t really know how to do anything yet. Like… how do swords work?”

She was extremely bad at playing dumb. Also, she couldn’t have gotten those clothes without somebody trading them to her or—in the case of being an alt—receiving them in the mail from her main, aka Wally. That alone was more complicated than swinging a sword around in this game, not to mention that she never would have been able to make it out of the starting forest without killing some monsters first.

“You don’t know how to fight yet?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No idea. I only just started, so…”

“We’re really going to have to start from scratch then. Let’s go out into the field to find you some easy targets.”


Yep. I was definitely going to have some fun with her.


Once we made it into the field, she must have been purposely trying to be bad at swinging a sword around when I found a slime for her to attack. She missed almost every single swing except for when the slime was finally able to bring her health low enough by smacking itself into her legs. It was only when she was about to be defeated that she conveniently managed to swing the sword like normal to defeat it.

“I… I think I need a bit of help with how to swing. How do you attack?” Willow asked.

I felt like I was acting in one of those porn plots where a woman was extremely easy to take advantage of and had no idea what she was doing to a comical level.

“By swinging your sword,” I answered, being as unhelpful as I could be. “You already proved you know how to.”

“B-but… is there a specific way to swing it?” she asked. “What… what about stance? Can you show me how to stand?”

“I’d say you’re already doing a good job of standing for somebody who apparently doesn’t know how to.”

A bit of red colored her cheeks as she pouted. “You – you know what I mean!”

Teasing her was too easy. “Alright. Here.” I came up from behind her and placed my hands on her hips. “Actual stance doesn’t really matter that much, but if you really want to try and look cool while you’re fighting instead of like a kid swinging around a tree branch, you should—”

I cut myself off when I noticed – or rather, when I felt something rubbing up against me.

Willow pushed her ass back up against my crotch.

I seriously felt like I was in the plot of some cheesy porno. It wasn’t just some cheesy porno, either. It was the kind of cheesy porno where everybody involved purposely made it as cheesy as possible. The self-aware kind of cheese. Like the classics of lemon-stealing whores and a lifeguard calling out a shark inside of a man’s personal bathtub.

“Am I doing it right?” Willow asked, putting in enough effort to “accidentally” rub against my crotch that she really just looked awkward from it.

It was time to have some more fun with her. “Yeah, you’re doing good,” I answered as I took a step back. I only backed up enough so that she wouldn’t be able to grind against me anymore without doing the same.

And surely enough, she followed me with her hips. Our waists were only separated for a second before she pushed herself back up against me, leaving her upper half leaning forward while her lower half leaned backward. This only made her look even more ridiculous.

It was as if there was a magnet connecting our lower halves together. Every time I backed up, she followed while occasionally looking back at me with a face tinted red. Except, unlike in a cheesy, self-aware porno plot, I couldn’t tell if she was actually aware of how obvious she was or not. Part of me believed she genuinely thought that she was being subtle.

So, if that was how she wanted to do it, what if I acted the same way?

With one hand on her hip, I pulled her even harder against my crotch. Given that I was only wearing some casual, light armor at the time for aesthetic reasons, there was no heavy armor in the way to block her from feeling the bulge in my pants from pressing up against her ass. Meanwhile, my other hand slid up along her side before stopping just below her breasts.

“You need to relax your body some more,” I said. “You’re too tense.”

“I-is that so?” Willow asked in response. “I’ll… try to relax.” Loosening up her body within my grasp, she allowed me to do whatever I wanted as she handed control of her figure over to me.

It was time to see just how blatant I could get with her. That meant sliding the hand that previously stopped on her chest up to her right breast, taking a gentle squeeze of it which only got a soft moan from her lips. There was no protest, no pulling away, no telling me to stop – nothing. If anything, when I grabbed her breast, she pushed her ass even harder against my crotch.

“A-am I doing good?” she asked.

“You need to bend over a little more,” I said. “There’s a tree over there you can brace yourself against for practice.”

“That… sounds like a good idea.”

Helping her practice her sword stance might have been the excuse for what we were doing, but there was nothing that looked even slightly like it as she reached her hands out against the tree in front of us. The fact that she didn’t even have her sword equipped was probably the biggest giveaway of that fact. But if that wasn’t enough to make it obvious, there was also the fact that I was leaning over her with a hand on her breasts and another slowly sliding down toward her crotch as she pressed up against my own some more.

All I had to do was throw in a few light, teasing thrusts every now and then, and then I was practically dry humping her.

Personally speaking, I was never much into dry humping or clothed sex. I appreciated lingerie and cosplay and whatnot, but I still liked actually penetrating or being between some skin instead of grinding against clothes. There was something exciting about doing it with Willow, though. Maybe it was the fact that we were putting up some pathetic act pretending that it was something else that made it more arousing than usual. Whatever it was, it had my cock practically begging for release from my pants as things got uncomfortably tight in my pants.

She must have felt the same way going by just how much she was moaning. I could have asked if her she just wanted to have actual sex at that point and she probably would have said yes.

But where would the fun in that be?

All of this practice was for wielding swords, after all.

“Willow, if you really want to get good, you’re going to have to learn how to wield other types of swords, too,” I said.

Willow turned her head just enough to look back at me and said, “I’ll – do my best. Are you… going to give me your sword?”

“That’s right. Think you’ll be able to handle it?”

She bit her lower lip and nodded.

That was all I needed to see before pulling my cock out. She couldn’t see it from how we were angled, but she’d definitely be able to feel it as I pressed it between her almost-bare thighs.

“Should – should I hold it?” Willow asked.

“That’s how you use a sword, isn’t it? You have to grip it,” I answered.

She made a noise that sounded like a hybrid of a giggle and a moan before reaching one hand down to my cock between her thighs, leaving her other hand against the tree. Her fingers firmly, but not too tightly, wrapped around my shaft. She didn’t even hesitate to begin stroking it, either.

The only question I had was who was going to cum first? While it did feel nice to be between her thighs getting stroked by her hand, she sounded like she was even more excited about the situation than I was.

It was time to give her some equal treatment since she was letting me use her thighs and hand.

My hand on her chest pulled down her shirt just enough to free her tits. Given that there was no bra, there was nothing else stopping me from directly groping one of her breasts as my other hand slid down into her shorts.

Between teasing her breast and nipple, and her clit, and the fact that she was already moaning so much, it didn’t take much for her to orgasm. Honestly, it came as a surprise to me when she moaned out as loudly as she did, her entire body trembling underneath mine.

She must have been incredibly sensitive. Or she was just so excited that it was psychologically boosting her sensitivity. Whatever it was, I wanted to play with her body even more now that I knew just how easy it was to pleasure.

Even more impressive was the fact that she never let up on jacking me off as she came. She was determined to make me cum. Given that I had enough length for her to jack off while also thrusting between her thighs, I put a bit more effort into fucking them to give her what she so clearly desired.

I really wasn’t expecting things to end up this way when Wally told me about a friend who he wanted me to help. Yet, there I was, a few strokes and thrusts away from cumming all over the tree in front of us.

Sorry, nature.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota

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