Ero-Game: Power and Sword

Chapter 15: Hot Spring (18+)(yuri)

We reached the first teleportation gate at 5:48.
“Wo, we actually finished 2 floors in 1 day,” Nikola said, feeling very good about herself. “And how many cores did we get?” She asked Garth.
“Ah, I don’t know. I just put them in the bag.” He patted the space expansion bag.
“I feel like we at least got 1000.” She said.
“I think a thousand’s a bit too much.” Garth scratched his head.
“Well, take out 100 and put it in a separate bag. Selling 100 to the guild will be enough for now.”
“We’re only selling a 100?” Nikola didn’t understand why we were selling so little.
“I need the rest.”
“You need 900?”
“That’s just your made-up number. But yeah.”
“Hmm. Well, you’re the boss. Then how about we go deeper. I think we can  go deeper. We should go deeper.” Nikola said, ready to forge ahead. “Do  we have enough food? Garth, do we have it?”
“We do have enough food, but the guild staff advised against it.”
“Those men don’t know anything.” She shook her head. “I think we’re strong enough to finish the whole dungeon.”
“Ahm… That sounds dangerous.” He looked at me, hoping I would disagree with her.
“She’s right,” I said to his disappointment, “but we already did  everything we came here to do. This dungeon doesn’t have any amazing  treasure or something. So there’s no point in completing it.” I had  already completed this dungeon in the game and knew everything there was  to know about it. “100 cores will get us a few points on our record,  and I have enough to make the bracelets. So, we’ve already accomplished everything we came here to accomplish. It’s time to head back and focus  on leveling again.”
“Oh, leveling, that’s important too.” She had a serious expression, but her tail was wagging way too much.
“Come on, let’s go.” I stepped into the teleportation circle. They  followed and stepped in with me. A window popped up recording us as  having reached the end of the 3rd floor. Then options came up, asking us  whether we wanted to return to the entrance. I said yes and was teleported to the entrance. I didn’t even get a chance to blink. The area had instantly changed. A moment later, Garth and Nikola showed up.
We walked up the stairs and back out into the evening sunlight.

“You have the pamphlet, right?” I asked Garth.
“Oh, right.” He rummaged through the bag and took it out. “Okay, yeah, here it is.” He sighed when he found it.
“Okay, lead the way.”
“Ah, okay.” He opened it up and looked at the map. “The red star, that’s  what she said, right? Right, ah, let’s see. It’s this… that’s east,  right? We’re here, right? No, no, I got it. It’s this way. Okay.” He  confusedly looked around for a second, but he seemed to have figured it  out.
“You want me to help?” Nikola offered.
“No, no, I think I found it now. I found it. It’s okay. Thank you.”
“Just ask if you need any help.” She said.
I was tired and wanted to take a bath.
Garth led the way looking at the map, and we followed him. He was anxious and looking in all directions until he saw the building on the map. Then he relaxed.
“There it is.” He said, feeling tired.
“Good job,” I said, patting his head. And walked forward.
“Yeah, good job.” Nikola copied me and patted his head too.
He smiled wryly and followed behind us.

I forgot the name of the carriage driver that dropped us off, so we couldn’t give her a good review. Garth forgot too.
Anyway, we got a carriage. I gave the driver our address for the inn and got in the carriage.
The driver whipped the horse forward.

“So, what are we doing next?” Nikola asked.
I leaned back on my seat and thought. “We’ll get you a room first,” I  said, and she lit up. “I have a lot to do, but tomorrow I wanna go to  the casino?”
“Master! To waste money at the casino. That’s not good.” Garth nagged.
“You wouldn’t understand; it’s a good place to level up. And you don’t have to come if you don’t want to.” There’s a guy there with 50 000  points. I need to get it.
“Hmm. If you’re going, then I’ll come.”
“If it’s a good place to level up, then I’ll come too.” With her arms crossed, she nodded earnestly.
“Okay, floppy ears.”
“Floppy ears, What?” She grabbed her ears. “My ears aren’t floppy. You humans just have tiny ears. Plus, my brother has much floppier ears than  me. If anyone’s floppy ears, it’s him.”
“He must be cute,” I said.
“Hm. Yeah. I guess.” Yes, her brother was pretty cute, she had to admit.
“Well, your brother isn’t here, so you’re floppy ears.”
“Human you…”
“I think your floppy ears are cute,” Garth said.
“Oh, thanks. No, wait, you think they’re floppy too!”
“Well, aren’t they?”
“What? I just told you, my brother-”
“Your brother isn’t here,” I said.
“Aaah! Then I’m calling you both flat ears!”
“Okay.” I shrugged.
“I don’t think my ears are flat,” Garth said.
“That’s right, you won’t like it when I call you flat ears, will you.” She ignored me and talked to Garth.
“Yawn*. I need a bath.” I stretched my arms.
“There’s a hot spring 2 blocks from our inn,” Garth said. “I’ve been wanting to go to it ever since I saw it.”
“Don’t just change the subject!” Nikola shouted.
“Then we should go,” I said and knocked on the driver’s window.
“Are you guys ignoring me?” She asked.
“Don’t you want to go to a hot spring, Nikola?” Garth asked.
“Oh, sure. That sounds nice.” She said.
The driver opened the window and looked in. “What is it?”
“Can you drop us off… Garth, where is it?”
“Ah, oh, I think…” He explained to the driver where he saw the hot  spring. Explaining how many blocks and in which direction it was from  the inn.
“I think I know the hot spring you’re talking about. Is it called the green dragon spring?” The carriage driver, who was way more familiar  with the capital’s streets, figured it out.
“Yeah, that’s it!” Garth ejaculated.
“Alright, sure. I can drop you off there.”
“That’s great, thanks,” I said.
“It’s nothing.” The driver said.

The  driver dropped us in front of the Green Dragon Spring just as we wanted. I paid the driver while Garth and Nikola went in. I followed right behind them.
They talked to the staff, and I paid again. The staff gave us towels, soaps, and sponges. Then we were pointed in the direction of the hot  spring.
It wasn’t a mixed bath. There was a sign for men and women. “I guess we’re going this way,” I said. Nikola looked really depressed.
“Okay, I’ll go this way, master. See you after the spa.” He said and went into the men’s section.
Nikola stood frozen, staring at the men’s sign. “Come on, floppy ears. This way.”
“Don’t call me floppy ears.” She moped and followed me into the women’s section.


In the  change room, I managed to become butt naked within seconds. But it looked like Nikola was struggling since she’d only managed to take off  her leather armor. So I went over to help.
“Ah, Sherrie? Leader!?” She was so cute when she got confused. I hugged her from the back and unbuttoned her pants.
“Look at me. I’m already naked. How can you take so long.” I scolded her. “Don’t be a slowpoke, making me do it for you.” I pulled her pants  down. It looked like her tail was in the way. So I pushed her forward,  grabbed her tail, and pulled it out.
“A, God!” She yelped when I pulled her tail. It looked like that was a  little bit too much. But I managed to get her pants down to her knees.  “Ah, ah,” she regained her mental balance and tried to argue, “but  you’re a magician. You don’t have armor.” True, it does take longer to  take off armor than pants and suit.
“So, are you trying to say I’ll have to help you every time you  undress?” I asked, trying to put on my best annoyed face as I turned her  around, lifted up her arms, and pulled her shirt off. “Well, I’m not  going to do it. I’m only helping you now because I don’t want to wait  around for you.”
“What?” She looked at me, confused. I think she was catching on to my  little act, but I continued. I didn’t care anymore; I’d already started  it, it was too late to stop now. She had on a sports bra, so it was just  as easy to pull that off too.
I squeezed one of her tits and said, “Not bad.” She had perky tits with  smooth pink areolas. I pushed up against her and stared into her eyes.  Our nipples touching, I said: “Mine’s bigger.” Her eyes quivered. Our  lips were just short of a kiss, and we could feel each other’s warm  breath. We stayed like that for a second, and the tension built. She had  her back to the wall, and I stood pinning her to it.
A thousand thoughts went through my mind. Should I release her? Have I  gone too far? What does that look mean? Is she enjoying it? Does she want more? She likes Garth. She’s not gay enough. I should find another  girl. I need to level up. This could ruin my future plans. We’re just  staring into each other’s eyes. She’s beautiful. Wait, she’s a martial, she’s much stronger than me, even her muscles are bigger and more defined. She could unpin herself easily. She. Likes. My. Breasts. Too!  She loves them! It’s true everyone loves them! I smiled devilishly.
“What? What’s that smile?” Nikola asked, but I ignored her.
“We have to clean your ears,” I said. “Because your ears are so floppy-”
“They’re not floppy.” She pouted.
The tension had gone away, so I released her and looked down at her  panty. She still had her pants between her knees. “Why’s your underwear so dirty?” This wasn’t part of the play; it really was dirty. I stepped  back and looked her over.
“What? What!?” She got embarrassed when I noticed her dirty underwear.  She lit up like a tomato. “I- I- I’ve been living outside. It’s not my  fault! It’s the stupid human that wouldn’t let me in the inn!”
“Did you have money for an inn?” There weren’t laws against refusing  service like on Earth, so a racist innkeeper could refuse to provide her  a room, but from her expression, I could tell that wasn’t the case. I  sighed. She just looked pitiful. I didn’t feel like bullying her anymore  (at least for the moment).
I pulled her pants all the way down. “Come on, move your legs,” I said,  and she obediently stepped out of her pants. I picked up her pants and  started folding them. “We’ll have to buy you new clothes. You can go  with Garth tomorrow and pick out some new clothes.”
“Oh, ah, okay.” She was too embarrassed to meet my eyes as she got out  of her panties. She was fun to tease. I was starting to like her. She  looked a lot more docile without Garth around.
We put her clothes away, grabbed the soap and sponge, and went out to the hot spring. No one else was around, and we had the whole place to  ourselves.
Just looking at her made me more self-conscious about my body. She was better defined. She had runner’s legs, her abs were toned, her shoulders were broader, her back looked meatier, and her ass was firm. I smacked  it.
“Eh!?” She yelped like a puppy.
“We have to wash up before getting in the water.” She was about to get in the water.
“Come on, I’ll wash you.” I directed her to the stool. “Sit down,” I said, pointing at the stone stool.
“I can wash myself.” She mumbled.
“Sit down.” I pointed at the little stool again.
“Okay.” She obediently sat down. I smiled triumphantly.
I filled up the bucket with water and brought it to her. I put our soap  in the water and wet the sponge. First, I scrubbed her back. She had a  lot of little scars on her body. I touched the scars on her back. “How  did you get so many scars,” I asked, dipping the sponge in the soap  water again.
“Hunting monsters in the forest.”
“Hornick forest?” I vaguely remembered the forest from the game. It had some relatively tough monsters.
“Lift your arms.” She lifted her arms, and I scrubbed her armpits.
“Ah, that tickles.”
“Shut up.”
“Oh, okay.”
Maybe, shut up was a bit too much, but it’s too late. It already came out of my mouth. “Okay, it’s time to clean your floppy ears. They need a lot of care. I bet you don’t take good care of them.”
“No, they’re fine. I don’t need it cleaned.” She started struggling, but  she calmed down when I pressed my breasts against her back. It looked like she liked them, after all. Its softness cannot be denied!
I soaked the sponge with water and squeezed out the water on top of her  head. Then I got a good lather of soap on my hand and lifted her left  ear. Then I gently applied it. She relaxed her shoulders. Then I did her  other ear. Making sure to massage and rub and clean them thoroughly.
I had to see her face, so I popped my head in front and took a look.  Just as I suspected, she had a very content look on her face.
She became alert when she saw my face suddenly pop up. “What?” She asked.
“Nothing,” I said and went back to cleaning her ears. I soaked the  sponge again and cleaned her ear with it. Squeezing out the water to  wash away the soap and grimes.
I moved on to wash her neck and hair. Then when I washed her  breasts, she tried to struggle, but when I told her: “don’t make it  difficult.” With an annoyed tone, she became more docile. I scrubbed her  abs and then moved on to her tail.
“No, that’s~” Garbing her tail made her stiffen up more than when I  played with her boobs. I lathered soap all over her fluffy tail. And she  squirmed around on the stool. When I reached the base of her tail, I  slipped my hand a little further down and touched her anus. She made the  cutest “Oep~” sound and tried to get up, but I tightened my grip on her tail, and she fell forward on all fours.
“Oh, I guess that makes things easier. Thanks.” I said and applied soap along her crack.
“Leader?” She moaned and tried to get up, but I put my hand on her back.
“No, just stay like that. It makes things easier.” I told her. She went back down. No matter how much she wanted to pretend, she couldn’t deny the pleasure. I made sure to get rid of any grime between her cheeks. I rubbed her brown star with my thumb. Then I quickly washed my hands, put a new lather of soap on my hands, and gently applied it on her vulva.  She had a gorgeous pussy with wavy little pink petals. I was genuinely  jealous of hers. Though in my opinion, I have better hips and ass. The more I looked at her puss, the more I wanted to see it get spread open. I looked down at my own dickless pubis and sighed. My perverted brain was  already planning threesomes so I could see her pussy get spread open by  a big dick. I know it’d look nice with a dick in it.
I made sure to lather enough soap on her pubes before moving on to her thighs and calves. I admired her thick calves for a moment and moved on  to her feet. I made sure to get the grime between her toes. “We’ll also  need to get you a nail clipper.”
She had her head on the floor. When she heard me, she moaned, “Leader are you done?”
Oh, don’t try to pretend you aren’t enjoying this, I wanted to say but restrained myself. “No,” I said and soaked up the sponge with water. With the water-soaked sponge, I washed away the grime along with the  soap.
Peachy clean.
I grabbed her derriere. I couldn’t resist her pink nether region, such a  lovely pussy. I decided to go for it. There was no point pretending anymore. I buried my face in her nether region and ate her pussy.
“Leader?” She moaned. I ignored her and continued to tongue her love hole. It didn’t look like she was against it either because she arched her back to give me better access to her clit. I attacked her clitoral hood with my wet tongue. She reciprocated my love by pushing her ass against my face. I put two fingers in her pussy, and worked it along  with my tongue. She moaned like a whimpering dog. I smooshed the area around her clitoris harder and harder with my tongue. “I’m cumming!” She said and had a loud orgasm. Satisfied, I got my face out of her crotch.
I sat down on the stool as she lay twitching on the floor and said, “What are you doing? Get up. Come over here and scrub my back.”
With dazed eyes, she turned around and looked at me. I threw the sponge at her. “Come on, I haven’t taken a bath in 2 days.”
She crawled over with the sponge, and after dipping it in the soap water, started scrubbing my boobs. I told her to scrub my back, but she seemed a bit lost. I let it be. She scrubbed my boobs, my stomach, my neck… Then our eyes met. This time I didn’t hesitate but grabbed her head and kissed her. I forced my tongue into her mouth. She was shocked at first. But soon enough, she was sucking on my tongue like a good girl. We kissed for a bit as I felt up her body.
Then I spread my legs, grabbed her hair, and pushed her head down.
“Ah?” She was a little confused at first. But she was a smart girl; she figured out what I wanted. I leaned back, putting one hand on the floor to keep myself propped up. She looked up at my gentle smile before closing her eyes and kissing my clit.
She kissed around the vulva with little pecks. Then I felt her wet  tongue lick my slit. She was very gentle. I let go of her hair and let her enjoy me. Since she’d moaned, I didn’t bother to hold back either  and relaxed. I stared up the sky and moaned ever so slightly as she  twisted her tongue. She inserted her fingers inside me. After that, it didn’t take that long for me to cum. “Oooo…” I moaned as I convulsed  from my orgasm.
She took her face out of my crotch and looked at me. “What?” I asked  her. She just scratched her cheek. “What are you waiting for? Wash my legs so we can get in the water.”
“Oh, right.” She said and quickly washed my legs.
After she was done. I got up and went to the spring. She followed right  behind me and sat beside me in the water. “Don’t sisters in a sisterhood  do this normally?” I asked her.
“Normally? Normally… Sometimes, but normally…”
“Didn’t you like it?”
“Ah, hehehehe…” Nikola laughed like an old man. “Ah, it’s fine… I, ah.” When I gave her the death stare, she said, “Ah, no. I liked it. But, I  prefer penises. Hehehe…” She shrugged her shoulders and laughed perversely.
“Hmm. Then maybe we’ll include a penis next time.” I said.
Her eyes widened at the suggestion, and she hugged me. “Yes, let’s do  that.” Then she got to thinking. “And Garth? We’re sisters now. So. Can.  I?”
“Yeah, you can use him. I already had him.”
“Aaah~ Thank you. Thank you. I haven’t had a man since I left the village.”
“Hmm… Okay.”
We soaked in the water. We silently watched the sky. Slowly the last bit  of light from the sun disappeared, and the light stones came on.
Nikola broke the silence. “So we’re having a threesome tonight… Hehehe…”
“No, I’m too tired. I wanna get some sleep.”
“Then man? Penis? Garth?” It was amazing how fast her face changed. She looked like a sad puppy.
“You can have him on your own. I’m too tired tonight. We’ll have the threesome some other time.”
She lit up again. “Oh, okay.” She was so easy to read.
“Have you had threesomes before?” I asked.
“Yeah, back home.” She smiled, recalling good memories. “But my friend  would always get angry because the boys liked to finish in me.”
“What do you mean why?” She stood up and started flexing. She took different poses, showing off her biceps, abs, back, and legs. And  proclaimed loudly: “This is what boys like.”
“I guess.” She had the body of an MMA fighter. With her armor on, you couldn’t tell, but butt naked, it was obvious she’d worked very hard. “You know,” I said, changing the topic, “ever since you said you like  penises more, I’ve been wondering, can I fist you?”
“What? Fist?” From her confusion, I realized she was much too innocent. I tried to illustrate by pumping my fist. Then as I moved closer, she began to catch on to what I wanted to do. “What!? What!?” She backed  away.
“I think you’ll like it,” I said, smiling ear to ear. Moving ever so closer.
“What!? No!” She jumped out of the water and ran. I ended up chasing her around the hot spring with my fist in the air until a group of old aunties showed up. Then we both pretended like we were doing nothing and got back in the water.

“What a nice night. Isn’t it.” One of the aunties said.
“Yeah,” I said.


Garth was waiting for us when we came out of the hot spring.
When he saw us, he shouted, “What took you guys so long!?”
We looked at each other, scratched out heads, and simultaneously said, ““Nothing.””
He looked at us suspiciously. Then sighed and said, “Okay, whatever, let’s go back.”

When we got back to the inn, I got Nikola the room beside mine.
Then when we reached the top of the stairs, she grabbed Garth’s wrist. He was about to enter his room. “No, you’re coming with me.” He looked at me. I shrugged. “It’s fine,” Nikola said, “your master and I are sisters now.” And dragged him into her room.
We’re indeed sisters now, and sisters share.

I closed the door to my room and changed into my pajamas. I could already hear the bed shaking in the other room. I laid down on my bed, thinking  I’d be kept awake, but I didn’t realize how tired I’d gotten. Within a matter of seconds, I was snoozing. I had a dream of a bitch playing with a squeaky toy bone.

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