Ero-Game: Power and Sword

Chapter 17: Secret Margarita

There’s Garth, Nikola, and two handsome moochers at our lunch table today. I thought they’d leave after breakfast, but clearly, I was wrong. As long as their expenses are coming out of her pocket, I’m not going to say  anything. At least, that’s what I told myself, but I couldn’t help it. After lunch, I dragged her away from the boys and asked her, “Why are they still around?”
“Don’t play dumb. You know who.”
“You mean, Dixon and Woodie?”
“Yeah, if that’s their names. Dixon and Woodie.”
“They’re my new boyfriends.”
“You know they’re just after your money, right?”
“Nah ah, they’re good guys.”
“You don’t know them.”
“I know them better than you.” She smiled.
“That’s not…” I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “They’re just moochers.”
“Sherrie, you don’t need to be jealous. I’ll share them with you.”
“I’m not jealous!”
“Tck, tck.” She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
“Ah, forget it. I’m too tired to do this now.”
“No, you’re wrong, Sherrie. They’re good guys. I can tell.” She looked sincere.
“Then why are they still here? Why aren’t they going back home?”
“They were living with a friend in a small apartment. They don’t have a home of their own. So, I told them they could stay with me as long as  they want.”
“That. They’re moochers! Why were they at the casino if they had no money?”
“They were trying to make money. They were in a tough spot. They’re very grateful to me. If I hadn’t shown up, I don’t know what would’ve  happened to them. I’m not going to throw them out.”
I couldn’t even form the words to refute her insanity. She was thinking with her pussy. “I see.”
“I want to help these boys.” She said.
“They’re not boys. They’re men. They’re older than you.” I knew their age thanks to [look-a-look].
She didn’t question how I found out their age but said, “That doesn’t matter. They’re my boys now.”
Well, I guess it’s fine as long as they don’t mooch too much off her.  “Okay. Whatever. I’m going upstairs.” I realized there was no point  talking to her, so I returned to my room.

I planned on doing the same thing as yesterday. Wait around until 6 or 7, go to the casino, and hope to meet the hidden noble.
I made sure to flip the bracelets every few hours or so. It wasn’t  necessary to turn them more than once a day, but more didn’t hurt.
I passed the time reading that horrible book again. 8 chapters in, and  it was still just filled with nonsense. To be fair, there were a few  interesting things in it, but mostly it was misinformation. I thought of  writing my own book and setting a few things straight, but I didn’t  have that kind of time.

Around 7, Nikola and I decided to head down to the casino. Garth decided to stay home this time but nagged me endlessly about gambling before we left. Thankfully, Nikola didn’t bring along her new boys but left them  in her room.

At the casino, I went straight to the bar. I didn’t spend any money on the games. Staying at the bar was more important to meet the noble anyway.
“Not going to buy any chips?” I didn’t like Nikola’s annoying smile.
“No.” I didn’t want to talk to her.
She exchanged a part of her wins from yesterday back into chips. “Ah, little sis, my great leader,” she said sarcastically, “I’ll lend you some gold if you need it. Just beg, big sis.”
“Fuck off.” I walked away. I still had way more money in the bank compared to her. It’s amazing what a little bit of money will do to some people. I shook my head.

Thankfully, today her wins weren’t as great. She’d found another boy, though. Since I didn’t give her a lot of reactions, she got bored and went home with  her new boy toy.
Unfortunately, my luck hadn’t improved. The noble didn’t show up again. I went home wondering how many times I’ll need to do this before the  noble shows up. I didn’t have time to waste, but there was nothing I could do but keep visiting the casino. If I left the capital without those 50 000 points, it’d be a huge loss.

Nikola’s room sounded louder than yesterday. “Are all of them in there?” I mumbled to myself as I opened my door. It sounded like she was fucking  all three of them. I laid down on my bed and listened to the sounds in the other room.
Then I thought I heard a voice I recognized quite well… Wait, is Garth in there too? Is she doing it with all 4 of them!?
Listening to them bang away in the other room made me feel horny. “Maybe I should get some random men too. Or see Sterling again.” I sighed in frustration.


The third one she’d brought home was nowhere to be seen, but the 2 other handsome moochers were still here.
Finishing the last pancake on my plate, I asked: “Where’s the other one?”
“He went home,” Nikola said. Is it my imagination, or does she sound sad? I ignored her.
“And Garth, do you have something to tell me?” I asked.
He looked at me and shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Is that so?”
Maybe he just didn’t think it was worth mentioning, but he’d gone up a level. It was plain as day with [look-a-look]. He was way more free-spirited than I thought. But there’s a big jump at level 12. So, even if he slept with a hundred Woodies, he wouldn’t go up another level.
“Then never mind.” If he didn’t want to tell me, he didn’t have to.

We went again to the casino that night. Nikola did the same thing as yesterday.
Thankfully Nikola wasn’t a gambling addict because when she lost a few times, she said, “I’m going back.” And went back home.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky either and returned home empty-handed again. And again, the sounds of a shaking bed greeted me. If her goal  was to make me horny and frustrated, then she’d achieved it.


I got ready to go to the casino just as I’d done yesterday.

When I came down to the restaurant, everyone looked ready to go out.
“Are all of you coming?” I asked.
“No, we’re not going to the casino,” Nikola said. “The boys want to go to the amusement park.”
“Oh, okay. So you’re not coming to the casino?”
“No. I don’t like drinking as much as you, and I heard it’s best to quit while you’re ahead.”
“But you lost yesterday.” I pointed out.
“Not much! I’m still better than you.”
“Alright, alright. Whatever.” The amusement park wasn’t a bad place to go. It had many small quests. It’d be a good place to go after I finish  the bracelets. “Then I’m heading out. You guys have fun.”
“We will,” Nikola said.
“Bye. Have fun.” Woodie, the brown-haired one, smiled and waved me off.
“Yeah, have fun.” Dixon, the red-haired one, said with a monotonic voice.
I smiled wryly back at them. They didn’t seem that interested in me.
“Don’t gamble, master.” Then there was Garth giving me his usual warning.


“You again.” Said the bartender.
“Yeah, me again,” I said.
“The usual?”
“Yeah, the usual.”
“Coming right up.”
I sat around, drank, and people-watched.

It seems Nikola was my bad luck. Because with her gone, he showed up. He walked in wearing fluffy clothes. He had shoulder-length hair, a trimmed  beard, and deep green eyes.
I didn’t let him order. I moved quickly, took the seat beside his, and ordered for both of us. If this was still a game, multiple-choice options would pop up, urging me to order one of four drinks. “Two Secret Margarita.” But I didn’t need it. I already knew which drink works best  with him. He looked at me, acknowledged me, and smiled. “I’m Sherrie.” I extended a hand.
“Hmm. Nice to meet you.” He shook my hand. He didn’t tell me his name, and thus the game has already begun.
This quest is easy and shit at the same time.
“Likewise.” I seductively rubbed my chest against his arms and gently caressed his thigh. He was a man of 6 feet with a fit body.
“Here are your drinks.” The bartender slid us our drinks.
He ignored my caressing, picked up the drink, and said, “This is my favorite drink.”
“Mine as well.” I lied.
“Is that so.” He took a sip. “The secret’s in the magic ice cubes. You can only get them from the demon territory.”
“Is that so.” I genuinely didn’t know that. I took a sip of the drink. It felt soft on the tongue but hard on the body. I could feel the gentle alcohol spread throughout my body.
“Did you buy it without knowing that?” He asked.
“I know what’s good when I taste it. I don’t need to know its history.”
“But history is part of the flavor.”
“I won’t disagree,” I said and looked into his eyes. “So, what’s your history?”
“Hmm.” He smiled and looked off into the distance. “That too is a secret.”
“Then I’d like to unravel that secret,” I said, brushing his hair behind his ear.
“Do you want to?” He smiled wryly.
“Yes, of course. Would you like to go somewhere private? I’m a good listener and a great shoulder to lean on.” I said.
“Somewhere private, huh.” He said, continuing to look at me with tired eyes. “I have been feeling the need for a woman.” He sighed, admitting his frustration. “I haven’t been with a woman in 10 years.”
I pressed my bosom closer to him and said, “And I’ve been feeling the need for a man.” After listing to Nikola fuck for the last 3 days, it was true, in more ways than one. As I caressed his thigh, I made sure to  include his crotch.
“It’s not so simply my lady.” He said, smiling wryly.
“Why can’t it be?” I asked. He took another sip of the margarita. “Whatever your secret is, it’ll be safe with me.”
“Will it?” He said and took another sip. I drank along with him.
“I have tight lips.” And whispered in his ears. “I think you’ll really like my lips if you get to know them.”
He rolled his eyes and smiled. “Fine,” he said, “how about we play a game. A riddle.”
“Sure,” I said, knowing where this was going.
“We’ll go on a date. And I’ll give you 3 riddles/hints,” he shrugged his  shoulders, “and by the end of the night, if you can guess my name, you  can sleep in my room tonight. If you guess wrong, you don’t talk to me  ever again.” I smiled. This was what I was hoping for. “No one has ever  managed to guess my name right so far.”
“Then I’ll be the first,” I said confidently.
“We’ll see.”

We finished our drinks. I paid for our drinks, and then we went on a little walk in the city.
Holding hands, we walked along, enjoying the city lights. We passed by  chattering people on restaurant terraces, old and young couples alike, and food stands that sold strange meats on a stick. He took me to the center of the city. There stood a statue of a woman in military clothes.
I knew the hint he was about to give. It was a trash hint, like all his hints. Frankly, it’s impossible to guess his name from the hints he gives. The only reason you can succeed in this quest is because of the multiple-choice system in the game. In the game, you had a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right the first time, 1 in 3 the second time, and so forth. The hints never mattered. So there was really no point in me  listening to his stupid hints, but I smiled and nodded along as he spoke.

“This woman hated rats. Did you know that?”
“Did she? I had no idea.”
“Yes, very much.” He said.
“Is this a hint?” I asked playfully, knowing the answer.
“Maybe. She’s beautiful, isn’t she.”
I looked up and agreed with him, “Yeah.” She was indeed a beautiful woman.
“Let’s have dinner.” He said. “I know the perfect restaurant.”

At the restaurant, he ordered, “I’ll have the pig fat on spiced cashews.” I ordered the same.
While we waited for our food, he asked me when my birthday was.
“Last month,” I told him.
“Mines coming up. It’s August.” He said.
“I’ll buy you something you’ll like on your birthday,” I said.
“You promised we wouldn’t meet again.”
“I believe the deal was if I don’t guess your name.”
“Well, I’ve already given you all the hints.” He said. “Do you want to make a guess?”
“We’ll wait till we get to the end of the night,” I said with a smile. I  wanted to give the impression I was still thinking about it.
“Take your time. Think. We have plenty of time.” He smiled.


We reached his place around 12 pm. He stood in front of the door and said, “So, this is the end of the night.”
“Yeah,” I said.
“So, figured out my name yet?”
“I think so.”
“Yep. I think I got it. It was a big secret.” I nodded.
“Oh, was it. And what’s the secret?” He asked.
I can’t reveal everything I know from the game, like that he’s a  half-orc and the 12th prince of the Orc tripe of Osh. No, I can’t reveal  things that weren’t part of his hints. Though it was a terrible hint, he did hint at being from Osh. “That you’re from Osh. And therefore, your name must end with Osh.”
“What? How?”
“So I got that right.” I smiled. “Then your full name is Thratt Nommay Osh.”
“So, am I correct.” I showed a gentle smile.
“Ye- yes. Yes, you’re correct.” He was shocked. “But how?”
“Well, you gave me the hints. I can explain how I figured out your hints if you invite me in,” I said.
He adjusted his collar and regained his composure. “Yes, come in.”

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