Erotic RPG: Transmigrated Into A Lustful World

A Trip Down Memory Lane (R18+)

James was still reeling from the scene he had just witnessed that he couldn’t register that Eliana was speaking even though she was right next to him.  

He kept trying to forget that scene and be rid of it from his mind but he realized it had him in his clutches, with no way for him to escape. 

Without him realizing, his hand trailed closer to his cock and he started to slowly stroke it, the scenes he had just witnessed playing again vividly in his mind. 

He could remember how he felt when he realized he was pinned into the wall with no escape. In that moment, he recalled how even though he felt fear and unease, deep down there was some hint of excitement and anticipation , wondering just what was this man going to do to him. 

He recalled how he hadn’t had to think and wonder for long as not shortly after, he had felt himself become something akin to clay in his hands, where his fingers had teased and moved around inside his little hole as if he had no regard for him at all ultimately bringing him to an unknown peak of pleasure an inexplicable number of times. 


James moaned softly in his delirious state, pleasure flooding his mind even more fervently when he recalled the moment he was lying in between the man’s legs, the musky scent of his cock wafting into his nose and overwhelming him.  

When he recalled that deep voice reverberating in his ears, telling him to suck him it, James started stroking himself more frantically, his cock twitching intensely on the verge of release. 

When he thought about what would have happened if he had actually chosen to do it, would he really have taken it deep inside his mouth, would his tiny little throat have constricted around his obscene length and massive girth until he finally shot his load deep inside him. 


When his thoughts headed into that direction, he couldn’t handle it anymore and came violently, his legs shaking and his eyes rolled up into his head. 

That scene finally seemed to vanish and he was delighted but not shortly after, more scenes he thought he would never have to witness again played out in his mind. 


These scenes were not anything like the one he had just witnessed and could be said to even more tame in comparison even though for James... they could be said to have caused even more impact on him than the first one and now... every single one of them played out in his mind like a movie. 

In the first, there was a fairly handsome and popular boy that had called him to the side in an inconspicuous corner of the school for a talk. This guy was a well-known playboy with a large rotation of women, from those in his own grade to those a year ahead and even a few from the year below him as well.  

James had come across him one particular afternoon having sex with one of those many women and he was transfixed at the sight of it. The girl was moaning with such delight and rapture that he felt slightly envious and that envy was so evident on his face that when that boy saw him in the periphery of his vision, he had decided that James would also be a fine addition to his roster.  

During that talk he had engaged James in polite conversation while throwing hints here and there. James was not a clueless dunce so he caught on, but he didn’t feel particularly agreeable to it. That boy then resorted to much tougher tactics;  

He pinned James to the wall, cupping his face tenderly and raising it so James could look at him directly in the eye, he then whispered sweet nothings to him and telling he doesn’t mind James being a guy, he was just as cute, no perhaps even cuter than all the women he has been with and he is smitten by him so he wanted James to give him a shot and he could hopefully make James as happy as all of his other women. 

At the time, it wasn’t long after the incident James had with that Coach in the locker room and he was still reeling and trying to come to terms with the emotions he seemed to be feeling when guys came onto him in such a fashion... so he bolted out of there as quickly as possible and made it his mission to not cross paths with him again even though his heart and body had wavered slightly at the invitation. 


There were many other times where other boys in school professed their ‘love’ to him as well, whether it was a joke or they were being serious, James wasn’t really sure but without even bothering to discern who was being truthful and who wasn’t, he avoided and thus rejected them all.  

The constant attention he received from his fellow gender made him to not want to socialize with them anymore, not that he fit in all that much anyway. 

This caused him to become slightly antisocial and led to him spending his time mostly on his own, this was also not being helped by the constant rejection he also received when it came to his few advances on women... 

You could say it was most probably karma but to him at the time, it was nothing but plain injustice, even worse when he was rejected by the girls he used to be particularly close to... it was quite a heart-breaking for him at the time when he came to the realization that they never even considered him a choice at all.  


Another scene then played again in his mind, this one occurred not long after he had finished high school and his parents had passed away in an accident not long after that. Due to this he now had to fend for himself since they also didn’t leave him with much, just enough money that he ultimately used to get himself a decent place to live. 

He had gotten a job at a well-established restaurant where he could work as a waiter and he had adjusted quite quickly to his new life and he was earning a decent amount of money, it wasn’t a lot but it was enough for him to live on.  

He was also getting quite a lot of tips so he earned quite a bit of extra cash as well. The customers loved him, not necessarily because he was good at speaking with people but he was kind and he was respectful and obviously he looked good so he was doing quite well for himself.  

After a few months into the job, on one particular day, he was suddenly called by the owner into his office and he was told he had an opportunity of being chosen to be promoted to become a manager, along with a few others. 

The owner then obviously made advances on him while in there. He spoke calmly as if what if he was offering James was the opportunity of a lifetime and technically, he wasn’t really lying. 

James had some aversion to this as would any normal individual but the situation took a strange turn when he suddenly found himself pinned to the wall as a tall and handsome man towered over him who then started professing his attraction to James by telling him; 

“I know me coming on to you in such a way makes me seem somewhat dishonest, but I assure you, I am being one hundred percent genuine and want to start a relationship with you even if you may be my employee.” 

“Who knows, if you agree and our relationship goes well, you might not ever have to work here ever again... this place might even be yours one day” 

He said that in the most gentle and sexiest tone James had ever heard and the offer was truly tempting, not just because of the benefits he would get but mostly due to the man himself, a 10/10 sexy man with a perfect physique, an exquisite face and to top it off, he was loaded... 

The offer was truly a good one and when James looked up at this handsome specimen, his expensive cologne drifting into his nostrils, the outline of his body clearly visible from his casual clothing that it almost made his mouth water at the sight of it... 

When James felt these feelings of attraction yet again, he did what he did best, he bolted out of there with a speed even the fastest of athletes could not even hope to reach. 

When he got home that night, right as he was about to sleep, that man entered his mind and he then slowly got himself off at the thought of accepting his offer. 

If he agreed and it really went well, wouldn’t he essentially live a comfortable life as that man’s cute and adorable little wife, waking him up with steamy sex and blowjobs every morning before he goes to work...wouldn’t such a life be great?  

When he was no longer plagued by lust though and could think ‘rationally’, that part of him which didn’t want to accept such a relationship reared its ugly head again and he ultimately left that job and found another, never crossing paths with that lovely man ever again... 

This was the cycle of Jame’s life, right up until his untimely death, where he would shirk away from the gazes and advances of fellow men and would in turn be rejected and disdained by women.  

This constant rejection of his own feelings would cause him to retreat further and further into his shell where he would live by his lonesome with only his lustful fantasies as company, living the monotonous, dull and boring life that he did.  

Even though he may have sometimes thought about finally accepting his attraction for his fellow gender, he would stop and think back to all the times while growing up where he was dealing with jeers or jokes about his own looks and how he didn’t look ‘man’ enough’.  

He would think about all the times he had tried his best and to put in serious effort in trying to making himself look ‘man enough’... he would think about how much he had toiled over it every single day trying to change himself even though he never received much reward for his efforts.  

In his mind, he found it hard to reconcile with the fact of truly letting himself go and accepting his own desires and accepting the advances of others. 

He thought that if he truly did, then by doing that, wouldn’t all those people who said all those things to him be proven right in some way or another?  

He found it hard to accept such a thing and he was truly confused about what to do and was desperately searching for an answer.  

And yet deep down he was aware what it was he truly wanted but even then, he was too afraid to admit it and he would be consumed by these thoughts of his every night before he went to sleep. 

In the deepest recesses of his mind, he would find himself thinking back to that experience with that Coach in high school and a silent plea then rooted itself into his heart, he wished that there could be someone who would come and do what that Coach did. Someone who would come and forcefully take him and do with him as they please, maybe then, he would find it in himself to accept all these desires of his... 

He was only able to finally admit all those feelings and desires in the final moments of his life... sadly, it was already too late and there was no chance for him to live them out any longer... 


Eliana silently watched James as he was assailed by visions of his life with an intrigued expression on her face. She had felt that there was something bothering him while they had been indulging themselves in each other but she never thought it was something like this, it seems her earlier guess about his preference was correct and it left her feeling slightly worried and excited at the same time. 


‘I wonder if people will be able to notice the slight changes in my personality when we wake up from here or would they attribute the change in demeanor to be a result of me suffering for such a long time, it will be quite interesting to witness’ 

As she was thinking to herself, James finally came to. He first sat in silence for a little while without speaking, as there was quite a lot on his mind. Reliving certain points of his life ultimately took a toll on him and he stayed like that for quite some time. 

When he was done, he opened his eyes and glanced at the pretty naked girl beside him.  


The look in his gaze caused Eliana to shudder slightly, she could see his body was slightly trembling as if he was afraid of what he was about to do but she could also see a burning emotion in his eyes at this moment and she didn’t know if it was either sheer resolve or just plain desire, maybe even a bit of both. 

“Are you alright” she asked him as she sat up at the head of the bed. 

“Mmh, I’m fine, practically feeling better than ever” he replied. 

“Well, I’m glad... wanna continue?” she said in a sultry and teasing tone, wanting to see what his reaction would be. 

James looked at her and he didn’t know if he should laugh at her antics or still even be surprised. 

“How long until we leave here?” he suddenly asked 

“I don’t know, I don’t think it’ll be long though now” she said she raised her head in thought. 

“Then we can continue but let’s change it up a little” he said, a sly and lustful expression appearing on his face.  

“Oh, what do you have in mind-Ahh!” 

Before Eliana could even react, she found herself being pulled to the edge of the bed. 

James now stood in front of her in between her parted legs, he closed his eyes in deep thought and his hand trailed to Eliana’s wet folds, teasing them slightly. 

“Mmmh~ w-what are y-you planninggggg!” she moaned softly when she felt his touch on her clit when she soon found herself screaming loudly in pleasure, unsure as to why. 

She didn’t have to wonder for long as she felt something slowly growing from her lower body, she saw her clit grow bigger and bigger until it grew to a hard and thick cock, slightly bigger than James’s own.  

“W-What is this” she asked in disbelief. 

“You said earlier when we got here, I should think of this place as something like a dream right, well... I’m about to live out a few of my own... too bad you aren’t completely a man though?”  

Eliana didn’t catch on to the last thing he was saying but she put it at the back of her mind when she saw James slowly moved down until he sat on his knees in between her legs. 

She marveled at how her newly grown cock towered over his cute little face while James tried not to think too much about what he was about to do but he couldn’t stop himself from salivating at the sight of this thick meaty rod. He seemed to be losing control of himself and was unaware that he was slowly drooling, his mind was only plagued by one thing... 

‘I wonder just how deep I can take it’ 

The next chapter will be the last R18 chapter for a little while....

Thank you for reading

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