Erotic RPG: Transmigrated Into A Lustful World

Fragrant Juices(R18++)

Only a slight portion of the tip of Elysia’s tongue had parted Eliana’s lower lips, breaching into her walls and instantly.... 


A loud and frantic scream filled with sheer bliss and ecstasy echoed throughout the room as a sudden and electrifying orgasm wracked Eliana’s body. 

She clutched onto the silky sheets of her bed for dear life as pleasure coursed through her veins. Her toes curled and her body quivered and spasmed in delight, her mind that had been rocked by an intense climax not even a few minutes earlier found itself going insane once again. 

“Hehe, I did warn you didn’t I” Elysia parted from Eliana’s snatch and chuckled. 

Eliana didn’t respond.  

Her mind too far gone to even be able to process the words she had just spoke and when she felt her voice speaking against her pussy, her body trembled even more. 

‘Heh, let’s see how she handles this.’ 

Elysia had already anticipated her reaction to be somewhat like this. She knew how pleasant the sensation of a feline tongue on any part of their body was for a human. Sure, she was a little different from regular cats and other demi-humans but even she hadn’t expected it would be this intense but she reveled in it anyway and now... she planned to drive her even crazier. 

She flicked her tongue against Eliana’s outer lips, scooping all the little fragrant juices that she had released as a result of her sudden orgasm. 

‘S-so good... Ahhh, I want to taste her even more’ 

With a sly grin, she parted her lower lips once more but this time she didn’t go slowly, she instead plunged the entirety of her tongue’s obscene length inside her pussy in one go. 


Another scream was torn from Eliana’s lips, just as she was finally coming down from the peak her recent climax had taken her and yet she found herself slowly on the way up another one. 

‘W-what is this? Why does it feel s-so goooood!!!’ 

Eliana cried out and questioned in her mind. 

Why does she feel so many tiny yet pleasurable little barbs scraping along walls of her pussy just as what she assumes to be Elysia’s tongue also keeps deftly exploring and locating the most pleasurable spots inside her?  

And why does it feel like this tongue of hers keeps heading deeper and deeper inside her seemingly without end? Could this be even considered a tongue anymore? 

“Noooo! Not There! Aaahh! Ellieee!!” 

Elysia didn’t heed her pleas.  

She continued venturing forth deeper and deeper into the wet folds of her Young Miss. Something she had never gotten the chance to do much of before due to her always wanting to be the one giving and not receiving. 

‘How cruel of her’ 

This wasn’t the first time she’s had such a thought and now as she savors her essence all over her taste buds, she feels that thought being very much justified. How dare she forbid her the pleasure of tasting something this good.  

‘If that woman hadn’t suddenly come up with a cure for the poison that had almost killed her, wouldn’t I have never had the chance to experience this.’  

As soon as that thought flashed in her mind, her movements grew more fervent, their intensity skyrocketing. Her tongue ventured forth deeper and deeper while she buried her face into Eliana’s crotch. Her cute little nose grinded against her clit, sending jolts of electricity to shoot through her body. 

‘Nooo! I’m gonna go crazy’ 

The pleasure was too much for Eliana to bear and yet even with that, her hips rose up and she ground them furiously against Elysia’s face.  

When that wasn’t enough to satiate the ache for even more pleasure, her hands ceased clutching onto the sheets of her bed and placed them on Elysia’s head, pushing her even more against her crotch, as if this could get her to go any deeper than she already was. 

She soon felt her third climax hurriedly building up inside her, bordering on an intensity that seemed to eclipse the two she had earlier. 


Elysia reveled in her reactions. Loving the way her tongue was making her squirm and writhe uncontrollably underneath her and when she thought about bringing Eliana to her next orgasm, the fervor with which she sucked and devoured her increased again once more.  

Her tongue curled around inside her depths, flicking lightly against the entrance to her womb. It’s sharp papillae that should’ve only been bringing Eliana pain, only brushed gently along her walls, making sure that there wasn’t any spot inside her that was left untouched. 

‘Ahhn God. Fuck! I wanna cum... I wanna cum so bad’ 

‘But... isn’t this... isn’t this just too easy...’ 

One part of Eliana wanted to submit to this intoxicating pleasure. She wanted to lose herself in what Elysia was doing to her and embrace it in its entirety... that was the reason she was here in this world in the first place, wasn’t she? 

But another part of her was slightly vexed at this idea, even though she knows there’s nothing wrong with her being on the receiving end of such mind-consuming pleasure. 

To her, being brought to her third consecutive climax all in under what she assumed to be at least 15 minutes so easily was a little unacceptable.  

But no matter what her competitive side thought right now... her orgasm only continued building up inside her and the thought of being constantly teased and made to writhe underneath a person like this only caused the pleasure she was feeling to surge fiercely throughout her body and her mind nearly whited out from the sensation. 

“Ellie~ Aaahnn~ I’m... I’m gonna...” Eliana gasped.  

The words coming out of her lips with great difficulty. No matter how hard she fought, her climax was already approaching, she could feel it. She was close. Oh, so close, her body teetering on the edge and yet she continued to stubbornly hold on, unaware that the more she edged herself, the stronger her eventual orgasm grew and just when she thought about holding it for even a second longer... 

“Do it! Cum. Cum for me Ana, let it all out. Stain my tongue with all your juices...” 

She didn’t know how but Elysia’s husky voice rang out directly in her mind and honestly, she didn’t even care as to the reason why, as the instant she heard her commanding tone, the feeble resistance she had formed instantly shattered.  


She moaned in ecstasy as her orgasm finally arrived and the overwhelming pleasure began to assault her in waves. Her body convulsed violently, her eyes rolling up into her head until finally her mind completely blanked out. 


Her pussy clamped down on its invader while releasing its tangy juices in a fervent tide and Elysia lapped them up greedily, relishing in their exquisite taste. 

She made sure not even a single drop was wasted and in her lustful haze she forgot her actions only prolonged and worsened Eliana’s already powerful orgasm.  


She pulled out of her depths with a content gasp and gazed down at the girl whose body was still twitching and shaking intermittently with a look of pure desire and love. 

‘She really does look good like this... Is it evil of me that I still want to mess her up even more...’  

She quickly looked over to Eliana’s study desk. Her body shuddering a little as her eyes glanced at one of its drawers and she thought about the toys and contraptions that were hidden inside. Ones that were used to bring her to a state similar to the one Eliana was in right now.  

‘Heh, I really should pay her back for all that but...’ 

Her eyes then darted back to the girl whose body finally seemed to be calming down, albeit only slightly. 

‘I won’t be needing all those things... at least for today.’ 

Her mana swirled and a small ring that was previously invisible made its presence known on her finger, with a small vial appearing in her palm not shortly after and looking at it, she couldn’t help but flash another devious grin as she downed it all in one go.  

‘Ugh, I thought considering its uses, it will taste a just little better but nope, the potion is as ugly as always ...’ 


She lightly shook her head and then turned her attention back to Eliana and after a slight gesture with her hand, a small gust of wind manifested and carried Eliana’s body (which finally ceased shaking) over to the head of the bed. 

After that, she then slowly started to slowly undress herself. 

‘It seems I’ll need a new pair... but we are going to need a bath later due to how sticky things are about to get so it doesn’t really matter anyway’ 


It was then that Eliana let out small, muffled moans. Her eyes fluttering awake and her vision swimming. All she could see was a myriad of pleasurable colors before she shook her head and tried as best as she could to regain her mental faculties. 

It was only about a minute later that she finally oriented herself and she realized she was lying atop the soft and fluffy pillows of her bed. She raised her head and searched for Elysia, finding her standing at the edge of the bed and she was left speechless by the sight she witnessed. 

“Hehe, like what you see?” 

Elysia teased as she felt her eyes ogle her half naked form. Her ample F-cup breasts held up by a simple bralette while her immaculate curves were accentuated by a pair of... boxers. 

‘She still hates wearing lacy lingerie huh... such a shame’ 

She thought inwardly but ultimately didn’t mind it all that much though since they fit her quite nicely. 


Eliana tried to respond but she found herself unable to articulate any form of response, left utterly speechless by the mouth-watering sight.  

Elysia smiled faintly, a small blush forming on her cheeks seeing Eliana’s reaction and with that she slowly climbed onto the bed and moved towards her.  

She did so at a snail’s pace, inwardly delighted at how Eliana gazed at her with a completely mesmerized expression on her face.  

“You haven’t answered me, do you like what you see?” 

Elysia finally reached Eliana and she sat her juicy ass down on Eliana’s thighs as she straddled her while speaking in a sultry tone, her husky voice reverberating in her ears. 

“V-very” Eliana stammered.  

Her face burning bright red as she looked up at those piercing blue eyes that seemed to be gazing down at her as if she were mere prey. The mere thought causing a fervent heat to spread throughout her body even though she herself might never truly admit. 

“It seems someone hasn’t had enough yet haha” Elysia chuckled.  

She placed her hands delicately on Eliana’s flat stomach before they inched up to her slowly hardening breasts. 


Eliana stifled a moan feeling her touch but when she heard Elysia’s taunting words, a defiant will began to burn along with her increasing arousal. 

“Are you sure you want to go agai––mmphh” 

Elysia was silenced by Eliana pulling her down into a passionate kiss. While one of Eliana’s arms went to her back and unclasped her bra, freeing her breasts of their confines before she flipped their positions and pinned Elysia underneath her.  

After their tongues wrestled for a bit, she pulled away, balancing herself on her elbows, as she gazed into Elysia’s eyes. 

“I know I gave you free reign earlier but don’t think you can just toy with me as you please and think I won’t fight back, humph.” 

“Haha, how adorable” 

Elysia couldn’t help but let out a cheerful laugh seeing her pouting in such a way. 

Vexed that she seemed to not be taking her seriously, Eliana roughly twisted her nipples and made Elysia let out a soul-stirring moan that only invigorated her efforts. 


“Hmph, just listen to that. I don’t know what you were being so smug about earlier.” 

“Well then about you get down there and do your worst. Then we’ll see if your words hold any merit.” 

Eliana responded eagerly to those teasing words but she didn’t notice the playful glint in Elysia’s eyes and the devious smile that appeared on her face as she watched Eliana move down to her legs before she quickly began tugging at her boxers. 

Elysia raised her legs, aiding her in swiftly taking them off while she circulated her mana, directing it to the space between her legs... 

Just when Eliana thought she was about to be greeted by Elysia’s glistening pink folds... 

She was stunned when she felt something long, thick and hard rise up and slap against her cheeks.  

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