Erotic RPG: Transmigrated Into A Lustful World

Questions and Answers

[James Pov] 

“Alright then” 

“Firstly, how did I die? 

I find it extremely weird that I can’t remember much about my last moments on Earth. What’s the point of me being sent off to another world and all I can remember is that I was on my way home and then boom!  

Suddenly, I am waking up in a whole new world with a completely different body to boot.  

I get that there may be some magical powers at work here, but I still don’t understand why I am being kept in the dark about something so simple and minor. 

[Before I answer your question Host, why are you so sure that the reason you are here is because you even died in the first place?] 


“I mean, isn’t that the only conclusion that makes sense, why would I be here then?” 

[What if you were just inexplicably summoned here?] 

I mean, that could also be possible, but I don’t feel as if that’s the case. 

“If I was summoned here then what is the need for me to be in a different body. I don’t want to brag but even though this body is much more beautiful and physically appealing than my old one, it’s not to such an exaggerated extent, I was quite cute and adorable before, even if I didn’t particularly like it.” 

Also, if I was summoned here, it begs the question why someone hasn’t come and talked with me yet even after all this time. It's not so farfetched for them to have had some way to monitor me to check that I at least woke up right??  

Even when that horrible pain assailed me after I woke up, and I was screaming for my life, nobody came to see what the reason for the commotion was. 

Wait... When you think about it, whether I am in the body of some young miss or daughter of some rich family or a summoned individual, for them to leave me alone for so doesn’t paint a good picture in regard to my overall situation, no matter the circumstance. 

“System, can you actually tell me what’s going on and stop trying to speak in riddles, if you actually turn out to be one of those kinds of systems, it really makes me question whether your existence is a good thing for me or not?” 

[Apologies Host, I was just being curious about your thought process, I meant no harm] 

“So how did I die?” 

[On your way home Host, you were involved in an accident which ultimately resulted in your death] 

“Was it involving a truck?” 


“How cliche” 

If that’s all that happened, then I still don’t get why I can’t at least remember that. 

[I don’t know if you were unfortunate or lucky Host, but after the crash, even though your body was sent flying by the impact, you still were alive and retained consciousness for a few minutes.] 

[Though I’m very certain you would’ve still died, if you had gotten any help in that short timeframe, you might’ve survived even if you would turn out to be a cripple] 

“Okay, but I still don't understand the need to erase my memory?” 

[Host, you died a particularly slow death. Dying a slow and painful death isn’t something any normal human, even an animal will want to experience. So, the memory of it was completely erased to make the transmigration process much smoother for you] 


If they put it that way, then I think I get it.  

I was still finding difficult to come to terms with the surreally of it all earlier, so I get why the need to erase the memory. If a very normal person with no prior exposure to isekai or transmigration stories was to suddenly be thrust into my situation... 

Though some might react the way I did or maybe even better but for the regular person, I think that will be very traumatic, especially if they still had attachments back in their previous life.  

If they were to be a person with a load of responsibilities like kids or even sickly family members, suddenly waking up in a new world and coming to know that all the people you left behind now have to live on without you... 

Some people might break down from that honestly. 

When I look at it from that perspective, it really homes in on just how lucky I actually am. 

I really don’t know what it is I had done that I deserved to be so fortunate and receive such an opportunity, but I will make sure I don’t squander this second chance at life that I was given, and I will always be grateful for it instead of possibly taking it for granted. 


[To be specifically clear though Host, the memory isn’t exactly erased from your memory, it is just suppressed] 


[No mortal being gets the chance to experience ‘Death’ and lives to tell the tale Host and if such a thing were to happen to anybody else without your particular circumstances, they would undoubtedly experience ‘Death’ again not shortly after and this time they will not escape it.] 

“Huh...What does that all mean exactly?” 

[In short, when you reach a certain level of power in this world, the suppressed memory will resurface and when it does, it could actually be of great benefit to you, that will depend on your luck though, so don’t worry about it for now.] 

“Uhm, okay then”  

That was a bit cryptic, but I guess I can rein in my suspense for now. There’s not much fun in seeing yourself die now that I think about it... 

[Any other question Host?] 

Oh, damn, all of that was only my first question, this might drag on for quite a while... 

“Uhm, what was it again...Oh, now that the matter of me not remembering my death is out of the way, how did I actually get here? Did I just spawn in the body of a beautiful young rich girl all by accident and pure luck or is this the workings of some powerful entity??” 

[Which one do you think it is?] 

“The second one”  

I say that without even an ounce of hesitation. There's no way a random guy like me can get this lucky without some outside help, no matter how self-deprecating that sounds. 

[Well technically it’s both] 

“Oh, how so?”  

[Though you are now unaware, as you were dying, you were very passionate about some of the regrets you had in your life and by some lucky chance, someone heard your pleas and gifted you the chance to experience what exactly what it is you that wished for] 

For some reason, I am not feeling all too good when I hear it being worded like that 

“And what was it that I was so passionately regretful about that could possibly get some all-powerful being to intervene on my behalf and save me from certain death for?” 

[Your Lustful Desires Host] 


[Yes, you were so horrifically torn by the prospect of never experiencing the pleasures of the flesh that it struck a chord within a certain divine being thus resulting in their intervention] 

“I swear I could hear some sarcasm in your voice just now” 

[You’re imagining it Host] 

That was an awfully quick response but okay 


“So.., is it possible for me to know which Divine being it is that I should offer my eternal gratitude to?” 

[This will be a bit difficult to explain] 

“What’s so difficult about it” 

[Well, to make this as easy as possible to understand for you, we could use an analogy here] 

[Do you know what kind of Goddess the Greek Goddess Nyx was referred to as?] 

I was never really all that knowledgeable about religions and mythologies since I never really believed in any particular one, but I think I know this one from it popping up on my social media. 

“Uhm, Nyx is the Goddess of the night right and she was referred to as a Primordial or something if I can recall correctly.” 

[Yes, that is partially correct] 

[Nyx was referred to as a Primordial Goddess in Earth’s Greek mythology due to her being part of the group of the first beings to exist but that’s not important, what you should really pay attention to is more specifically what she was referred to as] 

[She was known as the ‘personification’ of the night sky by the people living in ancient times in Greece] 

“Okay, thanks for the history lesson but how are Greek Gods relevant at all to my question, unless they are who you are talking about” 

[No Host, I was just getting to that part of the explanation...] 

“I could feel as if you’re doing something that’s akin to rolling your eyes at me right now” 

[Again, you’re imagining it Host] 

“Okay, carry-on” 

[So, when you particularly think of what ‘personification’ of the night sky means when talking about Nyx, can you now guess what kind of divine being it is that brought you to this world?] 

“Uh, no, not really” 


They for sure rolled their eyes at me right now... 

[For simplicities sake, I’ll call them Gods or Goddesses, but they are fundamentally different from what you are thinking] 

[Also, remember this, They are not any of the Gods or Deities you have read about but They are more specifically ‘personifications’ of certain ‘aspects’ that make up the universe or more accurately, Existence in its entirety] 

“So... the one who sent me here?” 

[Yes, they are the Goddess/Personification of Reincarnation] 

[They basically embody and oversee the process of Reincarnation in the universe, you have heard about the theory that you may have lived multiple lives before right] 


[It’s not a theory but it’s real. When you die, your soul will leave your body and depending on the life you have lived, there are a few things which might happen to you... The Goddess of reincarnation deals with the multitude of souls that die and get reborn throughout the universe, guiding them through some sort of system...I don’t think they personally deal with every soul though but the more special ones] 

“there’s others who also get special treatment??” 

[Yes, but that mostly depends on the type of Karma they have sowed during their life and due to this, in their next life, they might start out luckier or at least have better circumstances than their previous one] 

“So, there’s others who have gone through what I’ve just experienced” 

[No, you are an exception Host, but I am not aware of how many of those have occurred throughout the exceedingly long-time span of the cosmos] 

“So, it’s not a possibility to meet others like me huh, I don’t know how I would react if that was the case.” 

[No, Host. That is highly unlikely unless...] 

“Unless what???” 

[It isn’t that important; you will come across what I was about to say eventually, so I don’t want to spoil it for you, Forgive me Host] 

“Alright whatever”  

I hate this cryptic stuff, but I guess there’s not much I can do about it. 

“The Goddess of Reincarnation sent me here, huh. I hope I get to meet her one day so I can thank her” 

[They were not the one that heard your pleas though, the one who heard your regrets and saved your soul from dissipating and taken by ‘Death’ was the Goddess of Lust, she then got them to send you to the Goddess of Reincarnation who in turn was kind enough to actually send you here] 

“Lust huh. So, something similar to Aphrodite but not the same huh” 

[Yes Host, though Aphrodite was more about Beauty and love, but this divine being is basically the amalgamation of all lust, desire and sexual activities in the universe] 

“So would she be able to see each and every single person having sex or when they are jerking themselves off” 

That sounds really weird and quite frightening to think about actually. You would really never know that there is someone peeping on you when you are busy doing the deed or when you are pleasing yourself. 

[I’m not really sure if they do that but it is a possibility, it is highly unlikely though] 

So, I was given this second chance at life thanks to the efforts of two beautiful Goddesses huh, I really am a lucky bastard.  

[Well, they would’ve thought you’d be transmigrated into the body of a normal individual with good talent, not some rich young lady. That was again another instance of you having good luck] 

“So, I was going to be in the body of a mob??” 

[Yes Host but when you arrived in this world under Goddess of Reincarnation’s power, the most suitable body to inhabit was this one as it was still a normal human and also it was relatively weak...] 

“Alright that is actually in line with my third key question but before that can you stop calling me Host, it’s a bit weird” 

[What do you wish for me to call you then...James???] 

“Well obviously, that is my name isn’t it” 

[I suggest you don’t use it anymore Host] 

“Why not, even though I am in a new body, I'm still me right” 

Plus, my name is something my parents gave me and now that I am technically dead, it’s possibly the last thing that could resemble my connection to them. I don’t know how to feel about changing it. 

[I don’t mean to be disrespectful Host, but it sucks] 


[Imagine the people of this world meeting such a beautiful girl and they come to find out your name is James; it might turn off a lot of potential pursuers] 

“Why does that even matter???” 

[Isn’t that the reason you wanted a second life in the first place] 

“I still don’t know how to feel about that, and to be fair, I don’t even remember what exactly it is that I was so regretful about so, take it as if it never happened...” 


[System’s Thoughts] 

[(this little pervert is actually saying this after all those fantasies of theirs when they were about to die... It will be will quite interesting to see how they navigate the attention she will receive, especially from the men. Even better, their reactions might be even more amusing when they inherit the owner of the body’s fragmented memories, will she shirk away from their desires or embrace them???)


[Well host, it doesn’t really matter what name you choose but it will be more beneficial to use the name of the body you are in. You will essentially be living their life from now on anyway.] 

“Fine, Fine I will think about it. My third question is about this body of mine anyway” 

“Whose body am I in exactly, can you tell me about them” 

[I think checking your ‘status’ will answer your question, just say it out loud or think about your status and it will reveal itself] 

“Oh, okay” 



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