Erotic RPG: Transmigrated Into A Lustful World

Tears and Kisses

The two girls stayed in each other’s embrace for what was almost an eternity until their frantic emotions finally calmed down and yet even though the shallow and silent tears falling from their eyes had ceased, they didn’t dare to break away from each other. 

The room fell silent and everything seemed to be at peace at that very moment. Whatever was happening out in the world seemed to be of no concern to them, the only thing that mattered was the person in their arms.  

It was only after another eternity passed that they finally let go, with Elysia raising herself up to gaze down at Eliana with a loving and tender look. 

“It seems my little kitten is still a bit of a crybaby” Eliana teased. 


“S-shut it” Elysia let out a soft and adorable growl before retorting, her cheeks flushing a light shade of red. 

“Hehe, you’ve gotten a little feisty in my absence hmm” 

At the mention of that, Eliana saw a hint of relief pass by Elysia’s face but she could also see that there was something else lurking in the depths of those adorable eyes of hers… a veiled sense of melancholy. 

“I-I’ve really... really missed you” Elysia whispered. 


Eliana felt a pang in her heart.  

Hearing such sorrow in her tone practically shattered all of her cheerfulness right then and there. 

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I’m finally back now, all good and healthy, see... there’s no need to worry anymore...okay” She spoke frantically, trying to reassure her but Elysia only shook her head. 

“Y-You don’t understand”  

Her voice broke and she choked down a sob as tears began forming in her eyes once more, it’s just that this time, they weren’t shallow nor silent but fell freely, staining her adorable face. 

Her hands hesitantly inched closer to Eliana, one sinking into her silky hair and the other tracing along the smooth skin of her cheeks. 

“It feels like a dream...I-I thought I’d really lost you”  

“On the day that your screams of anguish and pain suddenly stopped and you fell into that coma, it was as if my world had come crashing down... I really thought that was the last thing I would ever hear from you ever again...” 

Her lips curved upward and just when Eliana thought she was about to flash her a lovely smile, she was stunned when she saw it wasn’t a one filled with happiness at all but something close to derision and... self-contempt. 

“It had even come to the point that I-I had begun yearning for them once again...” 

 “I-I just needed to hear something... anything... just so I could know that you’re still here... that you’re still alive... but for months, you would lay there... no different than a corpse “ 

“The only thing that could give me any semblance of hope was that you still looked as beautiful as ever, even if the body that you had worked and trained so hard for had become somewhat frail and weak” 

Her smile finally turned genuine but her hands were still shaking as she traced them along Eliana’s face. It was as if she still couldn’t believe that this was real, that she had finally awoken, and looking at up her with those mesmerizing velvet eyes of hers once again. 


Eliana was left tongue-tied. 

Elysia’s tears had left her negligee completely drenched but she couldn’t find it in her to care about such a thing.  

How could she when her words were like a deadly arrow piercing her heart, stronger and far more lethal than the dreaded poison that had afflicted her. 

‘To think I dared to entertain the thought of dying and leaving her all alone, thinking she would be just fine even if I’m gone’ 

She tried as best as she could to push down that sense of guilt that was silently consuming her but it proved too difficult. Just remembering the callousness of her words in that ethereal space made her feel an even greater sense of self-loathing. 

She quickly raised herself up, one hand wrapping around Elysia’s waist, holding her as tightly as she could whilst the other gently wiped away her tears. 

“I swear that I will never let you have to experience such a thing ever again, even if it’s the last thing I do, I promise you Ellie” Eliana declared. Her eyes shining with fierce resolve.  

Elysia smiled faintly hearing those passionate words. Their determination striking a chord in her feline heart but she didn’t let it show on her face, only tilting her head cutely before asking. 

“Ana, haven’t you broken such a promise already?” 


Eliana wanted to reply but words seemed to elude her.  

Memories of a time when she uttered similar words, in a dark and dreary alley flashed past her mind and her face became marred with guilt. 


Elysia let out a mischievous giggle, clearly somewhat amused at her Young Miss’s expression. 

“Don’t worry, I’ll forgive you, there’s plenty of ways for you to make it up to me after all~” Elysia purred. 

She then slowly moved her face closer to Eliana’s, bringing their foreheads together as she gazed warmly into her eyes before pressing their lips together in a gentle and tender kiss. 


Eliana was stunned.  

‘She? She kissed me? What?’ 

‘What happened to my shy little kitten while I wasn’t here’ 

Her mind was burning with curiosity but that was soon overshadowed by a different kind of heat. One that quickly began to flare up throughout her entire body, all the lust she had been suppressing ever since she woke up seemed to have finally found a proper outlet but before she could fully indulge, Elysia pulled away. 


Eliana let out a resigned moan. She hadn’t had enough, she wanted more, much more. She quickly chased after those succulent pink lips but Elysia grinned evilly and evaded her advances, letting out delightful giggles in the process. 

“That’s quite the lovely expression you have there, I’ve always wanted to see it” 


Eliana felt vexed at her teasing and an idea for mock revenge quickly formed in her mind. Her hand slithered down her back, searching for something just above her now plump ass but she was bewildered when her search proved futile. 


It was then she came to a startling realization and she felt stupid for not noticing it earlier. 

“W-Where are your ears and your tail? Are you wearing a disguise artifact? Why would you need something like that?” she questioned, her rising lust simmering down as another emotion began to take over. 

“Has that idiot Lucas been bullying you again” Her rage nearly boiled over but Elysia only sneered in disdain. 

“Hmph, he wouldn’t dare unless he is craving for another beating”  


Eliana was stunned once again and as her mind began to process Elysia’s words... her heart quickly began thumping in her chest. Her mind frantically pondered on the implications of such words and the more she thought about it, the more she found it difficult to keep calm. 

‘Lucas should probably be at the E or D rank by now if the System’s words are anything to go by so if that’s the case then...’ 

“Ellie... does that mean that... you’ve finally awakened?” She asked tentatively. 

“––Hmm, I did, about a year ago” 

“T-That’s great!”  

Eliana exclaimed cheerfully before her tone quickly turned a tad softer, and she subtly lost control of her emotions. 

“That’s really great... See, I told you t-that you would awaken someday... I told you t-that there wasn’t anything w-wrong with you...” 

Blurry and faint recollections of the days where Elysia would stay by her side as she suffered from that poison surfaced in her mind.  

Days where she would see in the corner of her slowly dwindling vision that she blamed herself, thinking it was all her fault for not being able to protect her at that crucial moment...  

Seeing her like that day after day broke her heart and you could say it was doing way more damage than the poison that was wreaking havoc throughout her body but she was helpless to do anything about it as she knew her words wouldn’t have served as comfort and they would only make her feel guilty even more.  

She then felt Elysia wiping away her tears while gazing lovingly at her and seeing that lovely and adorable smile that always made her heart skip a beat was enough to calm down her frantic emotions.  

“If something like what happened in the past occurs again, I won’t be lying down on the sidelines, beaten, bruised and exhausted...” 

“From now on... your little kitten will be fighting alongside you, no I’ll be the one protecting you from now on... My lovely Master...” 

Elysia cupped her face and captured her lips in another kiss. This time though, it wasn’t gentle nor chaste but filled with passion, love and most notably longing.  

Their tongues coiled around each other in a splendid and ardent dance while any sense of rationality that they had seemed to be slowly slipping away but... they just couldn’t help it.  

It was as if the sweet nectar they kept swapping in between their mouths was the most delicious thing in the world. 

Subtle moans echoed out from their union and continued to do so for a while before they parted once again, their eyes glazed over slight pleasure but no matter how much Eliana wanted to continue, her curiosity just happened to supersede her lust at the moment, even if it was only just a little bit. 

“Y-You still haven’t told me why you are hiding your feline features though...” She spoke, barely managing to eke out the sentence. 

“Hmm... I think it would be better if I showed you” 


Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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