Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 32. Stupid woman

It's been a while since I picked up a commoner and persuaded the duke to leave her at our estate. The girl's health was quickly restored, and after two days she was able to walk on her own.

Despite severe poisoning and a stab wound, the girl was rapidly recovering. This is a truly amazing strength of the body. I thought that the day of our farewell was just around the corner.

In a week, I will help her leave the de Walt estate and return to her old life. The only thing that bothered me before our breakup was that she still hadn't regained her memory. She may have to live with it for the rest of her life. Imagining how difficult it would be for her in the outside world, without even basic knowledge about herself, I sincerely sympathized with her.

However, I also wanted to cheer her up and let her know that it wasn't that bad.

Life can be started anew at any moment, and perhaps even better than before.

— Maybe you didn't have the best life before. But now not only good, but also bad memories will disappear. You will be able to free yourself from the shackles of past regrets!

Kaena shot the duke's daughter a disapproving look.

«What kind of nonsense is she talking about again?»

Today was the fourth day since they started living with this strange woman. Living together did not cause as much discomfort as the princess expected. Nevertheless, she still suffered some inconveniences. And they were all connected to this woman.

Before Kaena leaves the Duke's estate, no one should guess her true parentage. Otherwise, this will certainly be reported to the emperor and Empress, and all her plans to regain the throne will be thwarted.

For some reason, the Duke de Walt's daughter was really willing to help her and still has not given her location to the authorities. Kaena wasn't too interested in the motives of this woman, because somehow she and her whole family were dead. The Crown Princess didn't need any extra witnesses.

And yet…

Although Kaena decided to curb her bloodlust for a while, sometimes it was very difficult for her to restrain herself. No matter how you look at it, this arrogant girl allowed herself too much in relation to her.

That stupid woman kept pestering her with talk of all sorts of nonsense.

— Do you know that a person can have more than one path in life? When one door closes in front of you, another one will certainly open.

Kaena's eye twitched involuntarily in annoyance.

— Did you know that one of the great generals of our empire once came from a simple family? The girl ranted enthusiastically, «But thanks to his efforts, he was able to raise his position and become one of the respected warriors of the country!»

— …

— Or… If you don't have military skills, you can go into business. Instead of working in the fields for pennies, you can start your own grain farm! Perhaps one day you will even be able to feed the imperial family.

Kaena stared at this woman, trying to figure out what kind of nonsense she was talking about.

Why would she, the most powerful person in the empire, become some kind of nonentity to earn money? The girl didn't see any point in it.

Why would she suddenly trade her title of crown princess for the position of some peasant or insignificant general? Such a descent down the career ladder did not inspire Kaena with any enthusiasm.

«Maybe she means that I should pay attention to the development of agriculture and military industry? There may indeed be problems with this in the empire. But why should I deal with such issues?»

Since the princess never chased after the fame or approval of people, she never thought about the welfare of the people. Only about my own. Therefore, this girl's words had no effect on her.

— And if you don't like farming either, you can…

«I don't need it,» the Crown Princess rudely interrupted her, cutting her off in mid-sentence.

— what?

Camille looked at her in amazement.

«What I have now is quite enough,» the princess reluctantly repeated her words.

Although in a sense it could be called cunning. Until Kaena took the throne, she could not be completely satisfied with her position. But surely she wouldn't reveal her plans to some random woman?

The duke's daughter blinked in surprise for several seconds. And then…

«Ah, so that's the thing.»

It seems that she is one of those people who prefers to be content with little. Well, there was nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is destined to be born owners of business empires and other great people. Some people just need to eat something and have a roof over their heads. Although I didn't have such modest ambitions, I could understand her point of view.

— good. Then, when you leave here, you can arrange your life the way you want,» Camille smiled at her.

«Get out of here»? For some reason, deep down, Kaena didn't quite like her last words.

The duke's daughter might be the person who annoyed her the most in this life, but still…

Kaena knew the reason for her inner indecision. Probably because she had never felt so calm in recent years.

The political intrigues and battles that had been an integral part of her life all this time suddenly disappeared. It was the first time Kaena had not picked up a sword for so long and shed someone's blood.

Since birth, all she had to do was survive in a palace that looked more like a serpentine serpentarium. Therefore, such a quiet solitude involuntarily pleased her.

When Kaena thought that soon she would have to return to her old life again, where there was nothing but rivers of blood and endless battles, for some reason she felt disappointed.

— Okay… Camilla yawned tiredly and rubbed her eyes with her palm. Let's go to bed.

— …

— Good night.

The duke's daughter collapsed onto the bed and quickly fell asleep.

«She really fell asleep.»

Kaena still couldn't stop wondering about it. She stared at the woman who was sleeping peacefully on her bed.

«To think that a person like her exists in this world.»

At their first meeting, and even now, this woman didn't look a bit nervous. On the contrary, she was quite relaxed, and even managed to fall asleep peacefully in front of her. No one has ever shown such carelessness in front of Kaena.


The princess was annoyed that she was so naive and calm. It annoyed her that she had the audacity to talk to her so casually.

Her first priority was to get rid of this outrageous creature as soon as possible.


Kaena de Ronan sighed wearily. Every night she had the urge to strangle this annoying girl, especially since it was so easy. But over time, this desire became less and less.

After all, she's going to die soon anyway. So what's the hurry?

Instead, the Crown Princess threw a blanket over her, as the naked appearance of the duke's daughter only made Kaena even more embarrassed. It might sound strange from the point of view of her moral beliefs, but you need to observe some kind of decency!

Looking at her sleeping face, Kaena felt tired herself. Ever since the princess began to spend her life on the battlefield, watching endless deaths, she has never been able to completely relax, even in her chambers. But in the last few days, her usual vigilance had weakened.

She lay down on the floor next to the bed, spreading out the blanket. Her eyelids were already closing when the monstrous Crown Princess once again decided to postpone the bloodshed for later.

— Okay… I'll let you live a little longer.

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