Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 36. The frosted forest

Jeremy Seibel's survival in the ice palace continued.

That day, the guy really thought he was dead. When the ice witch called him to her, he had already mentally said goodbye to his loved ones and imagined the most terrible outcome of events.

Will his throat be cut? Will they turn you into a block of ice? In any case, mercy was not to be expected from this cold-blooded woman.

Before he could figure out exactly what he had angered her with, Jeremy humbly stood in front of the witch and prepared to close his eyes. It was better not to see what would happen next.

But suddenly Selina de Loon said something that Jeremy had never expected.

«We'll start sending out wedding invitations next week,» she announced in an indifferent tone.

— And…?

The guy was stunned.

— If you want to invite someone, you can write their name here.

The woman handed him the guest list, and Jeremy stared at it blankly. Among them, the most influential people of the empire and even ambassadors from other countries were listed. Including members of his own family.

— For me… Is it really okay for me to invite someone?

The baron's heir couldn't believe that he really had any right to choose in this place. After all, miracles do happen sometimes.

Selina looked at him coldly.

— What about it? Don't you want to?

These were ordinary words, but they sounded like a threat.

— N-no, not at all! Jeremy hastily snatched the paper from her hands: «I will definitely use this!»

— …

— Thank you very much, Your Highness.

The guy felt like he had just successfully weathered a storm.

— When you're done, give the list to Oscar.

— Good!

Although her expression remained as blank as ever, Jeremy still caught a slight change in it. But he didn't have a chance to examine it in detail.

After handing him the list, the ice witch had no intention of staying here. Closing the book, Selina de Loon left the library under the confused gaze of her fiance.


Jeremy took a deep breath, staring at the blank sheet of parchment in front of him with completely empty thoughts. Despite the fact that the wedding was the most unexpected turn in his life, there was no turning back.

It seems that mentally he has already come to terms with his gloomy fate.

The guy looked at the empty list for half an hour, but in the end he was able to enter only one name there. His girlfriend from the ducal family turned out to be the only person he could invite to his wedding.

Despite the fact that this wedding was not exactly a celebration, but rather a mourning, Jeremy was still a little depressed. After all, even his wedding would be a disappointment. Unlike Selina, he didn't have any connections.

All high-ranking guests invited to the ceremony will perceive him only as an «addition» to the bride. A garbage heir who was just lucky enough to become the husband of a duchess. Having felt all these views in advance, Jeremy was only even more reluctant to take part in the event.

«Camille de Walt.»

Jeremy carefully wrote out a single name in black ink and froze. For a moment, he thought about leaving her a secret message. For example, write «HELP» in large letters in invisible ink right on the invitation.

But in the end, he gave up on this idea. After all, even if Camille guesses to find a secret message in the letter, she will not be able to help him in any way. Most of the noble families in the empire simply paled in comparison with the influence of the northern duchy. Not to mention, it was almost impossible to escape from such a wedding.

The baron's son did not want to endanger his only friend in this world. It was these considerations that guided the guy, coming to the conclusion that one way or another he would not be able to escape his fate.

Sighing heavily, Jeremy folded the piece of paper and put it back in the envelope. Selina said her secretary was supposed to pick him up tonight. And, as if reading his mind, the next moment there was a knock on the door.

Jeremy immediately opened it.

There was a young man standing on the threshold, whom Jeremy had already met once before. Although the ice witch didn't like being in the presence of anyone, this person still managed to follow her everywhere and be her so-called right hand.

Oscar Carter, the Duchess's secretary, was ten years older than Jeremy. Long platinum hair tied in a ponytail and an unremarkable face. He also wore glasses. When Jeremy first saw this man in the throne room, he had a feeling of deja vu. It was as if the secretaries looked the same in all the novels, plus or minus.

«Greetings, my Lord.»

«Good afternoon,» Jeremy nodded curtly at him.

— It's evening now, not day.

When the secretary corrected him exactly as Selina had done, the guy almost grinned. That's what it means when the master and the servant are one.

— Yes, that's right,» Jeremy cleared his throat. I finished it.

The baron's heir handed him an envelope. Oscar nodded in satisfaction.

— Thank you. My Lord, may I come in for a moment?

This unexpected request threw Jeremy into a stupor.

— What…?

«I need to tell you something personally,» the secretary explained, «and there are too many prying eyes here.

Something personal…? But they don't even know each other. It was the first time Jeremy had spoken to the princess's secretary alone. Maybe she wants to give him something?

Deciding that it would be rude to refuse such an influential person at court, Jeremy stepped aside.

— of course. Please come in…

When the door closed, the guy got a little worried.

— What did you want to talk about?

Oscar Carter looked at him carefully.

«My Lord, I would like to talk to you about a personal matter.»

— Personal?

«You want to leave here, don't you?» «What is it?» he asked suddenly.

— .....

Jeremy choked on his breath.

— I can help you with that.

The guy stared at him dumbfounded for a while, unable to believe what he had just heard.

— In-you… You misunderstood me… Jeremy immediately muttered.

Suspecting some kind of verification was going on, Jeremy's first step was not to blurt out too much. In this place, his life depended on his every word. You can't fool him that easily!

— What are you talking about? I wasn't thinking of running away! — He said as confidently as possible.

Oscar smiled knowingly.

«Don't worry,» the servant said, «you can be honest with me. Her Highness will not know about this conversation.

Although Jeremy tried to keep his face impassive, he was shocked inside.

— Why are you telling me this? — the baron's son did not lose his vigilance.

— I want to help you.

— Why…?

Jeremy continued to look suspiciously at the secretary.

«I can't bear to see innocent people suffer,» Oscar assured him sincerely, «I know that this marriage was not made by your will. You don't have to carry this cross on yourself for the rest of your life.

Jeremy stared at him blankly.

— You… Are you serious about this?!

The secretary nodded.

— Despite the fact that I now occupy a high position at court, this path was very difficult. I was once sold here, just like you… If possible, I don't want others to get hurt as well.

Jeremy hesitated. If this man was pretending now, then his acting could be the envy of Oscar nominees. So is it really true?

— You… Do you really want to help me? Jeremy asked warily.

— Yes, — Oscar nodded, — I'll do my best.

Jeremy hesitated.

This young man was clearly different from the rest of the palace's inhabitants. His attitude towards Jeremy was casual, and there was no hostile aura coming from the outside. Most of the inhabitants of the north reminded Jeremy of animated ice statues. Their actions and behavior were so cold-blooded.

But the princess's secretary… He was different. Oscar even smiled at him. Maybe the whole point is that they were born and raised in the same region? And now they have involuntarily become hostages of the northern border.

The baron's son's heart trembled. In any case, he didn't have much choice. Apart from this man, no one else here tried to help him. Jeremy took a deep breath.

In the end, Jeremy decided to trust this suggestion.

— But how? «What is it?» he asked searchingly.

Until now, Jeremy had believed that he simply had no way out of this place. The Ice Witch never left her residence, as did most of her servants. The guy wasn't stupid enough to try to sneak out right under her nose. It would be like digging your own grave.

But Oscar's answer surprised him.

— It is true that Her Highness hardly leaves the palace,» Oscar agreed, «with one exception.

Unknowingly, Jeremy held his breath.

— what?

«Once every ten years, Her Highness goes down to the tomb to honor the memory of the former master,» the secretary explained, «She spends the whole day there. This will be the only opportunity for you.

— Really?! Jeremy's heart was about to jump out of his chest.

— The anniversary of the death of the Duc de Luna will be tomorrow. At this time, most of the guards will also leave to guard the tomb. You should take advantage of this while you have the chance.

Jeremy Seibel swallowed.

— At least one… Is there really even one good person in this place!

Tears welled up in the eyes of the baron's heir.

Jeremy rushed to hug the secretary, unable to believe that such luck had turned to face him. Maybe, for the first time in his life, heaven was really on his side?

Oscar Carter smiled kindly at him. He patted Jeremy on the back as his jacket became wet from his tears.

«I sincerely hope that you will succeed, my lord.»


Jeremy was over the moon for the rest of the evening. He still couldn't believe that he had almost met an angel in such a terrible place!

The secretary of the ice witch unexpectedly gave him a helping hand and agreed to help him escape.

A man Jeremy would never have even thought of before.

Oscar told him in detail how to leave the residence and get to the nearest residential village. There he will be able to hire the first carriage he sees and return back to the capital. And then it's up to you to decide what to do next…

Even if the baron did not agree to take him back, the guy was ready to earn a living by his own labor, just not to return to this terrible place.

Brimming with determination, Jeremy was ready to act.

Not intending to take a lot of things with him, the guy decided to take only the most necessary things that he might need on the road. A knife, some food and money. And everything else can be purchased on the spot.

Moreover, having spent most of his life in poverty, Jeremy had almost nothing of value…

After surviving the last night in the ice palace, Jeremy couldn't close his eyes as his heart was racing with excitement. The next morning, as Oscar had said, Selina and her men went to the tomb.

She was half an hour away from the main castle. Therefore, the guy had to wait a little before the road was «cleared». Then, putting all the few things in the bag, the baron's son decided to escape.

Slipping out onto the street, thanks to Oscar's tips, Jeremy managed to get away unnoticed. The secretary helped him distract the servants, leaving the emergency exit virtually unguarded.

Jeremy climbed through a loophole in the wall and found himself free. An endless landscape of snow, mountains and plains spread out before him. The nearest village was a few kilometers away.

There were two ways to get out of here. The first is to go directly, and thus get to the village in about a day. Or it was possible to turn through the Frosted forest, which would shorten the journey to about several hours. According to Oscar, it was also the safest option.

After passing through the forest, few people will be able to find and catch up with him. Besides, as Oscar assured him, this forest was not patrolled by guards. Therefore, deciding to heed the secretary's advice, Jeremy hurried there.

«I did it… I could do it!»

Once in the woods, Jeremy felt much calmer, but he still remained alert. He tried to move through the forest as quickly as possible. If he succeeds, he will be able to reach the village before dusk.

And there, the capital of the empire is just around the corner.

Inspired by these thoughts, the guy easily made his way through snowdrifts and fallen trees. Apparently, this forest had indeed been abandoned for a long time. No one was looking after him.

Jeremy walked on without stopping.

Not feeling tired, the baron's heir was ready to go on and on. No difficulties or obstacles could shake his spirit. Until then…

He suddenly didn't hear a growl behind him.

Jeremy's heart sank.


Slowly turning around, the guy found himself surrounded by a pack of white tigers.

Their eyes were red, and their toothy mouths were grinning dangerously. The predators were about to pounce. When Jeremy realized that he was about to become a dinner for wild animals, he almost burst into tears.

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