Escape from the evil lady

Chapter 40. The Dark Host


The scene in front of me was so unimaginable that I was speechless.

The Dark Army, a unit of the army led by the Crown Princess, was well known to me. In the novel, they were described as a bunch of the last bastards and thugs, loyal to Kaena like chain dogs. Such devotion was quite conditional.

At one time, only Kaena de Ronan extended a helping hand to these «scum of society.» Criminals from all over the empire gathered under her sole command… No wonder everyone was afraid of this gang. Even the emperor turned a blind eye to many of their deeds, even if they contradicted the laws of the country.

No, who would seriously want to mess with them?

Criminals who have spent more than one year behind bars. They are all maniacs, thieves and other marginals of society. In terms of brutality and murder, the soldiers of the Dark Host were in no way «inferior» to their mistress.

Anyone who became objectionable to the Dark Host faced an unenviable fate.

«Burning, crucifixion, burial alive, crushing…»

Remembering the numerous methods of «punishing» these freaks, I involuntarily broke out in a cold sweat. This was the main reason why, until recently, I did not dare to go to the city on my own, but instead sent servants for everything I needed.

After all, a bunch of criminals, under the protection of the heir to the throne, thought they could afford everything. They could arbitrarily commit robberies, murders and violence right in the center of the city…

Naturally, after reading all this horror in the novel, I didn't want to take any chances.

I planned to sit quietly on the sidelines and wait until the empire was completely safe. The mad crown Princess and her entourage will perish in the same pit. Although I didn't know exactly what happened to this organization after the death of the villain.

Did they disband or were they sentenced to death? I somehow missed this moment. When I read the spoilers, I didn't go into such details. Still, I was more interested in the ending of the novel's villainess herself than in minor characters like her people.

But in any case, I was sure that with Kaena's death, this organization would also have to cease to exist. Isn't that logical? After all, their leader is dead.

But… Then what the hell?!

Not only were they still walking the streets as if nothing had happened, but I also managed to run into one of them! This scary guy in armor chased me all the way. I didn't even know what I was apologizing for… But in the end, instead of plunging the sword into my ribs, he suddenly bowed his head in front of me.

I was so confused that I could only stare at him in silence. Isn't this a member of the Dark Host? Those soulless sadugs without a drop of conscience? Who will not spare even a small child in front of them?

— L-lady, I'm sorry! His voice trembled slightly as the knight continued to stare at the ground, «This is your wallet, isn't it?»

My tongue, which seemed to have withered away, finally regained the ability to function.

«Ah… I… yes.»

I barely managed to say it, still fearing his sword. But the bandit apparently wasn't going to kill me… Still in shock from what was happening, I reached out with a trembling hand and took my unfortunate wallet.

As soon as I did, the knight finally straightened up. I came across his black eyes, which were as menacing as a bear's. That look could make even the bravest man swallow his saliva. So my legs gave out.

But… Wait, what?!

At first, absorbed only by my own feelings, I suddenly noticed the knight's strange reaction to me. His heartbeat was racing, his face was covered with perspiration, and he kept looking away.

As if…

Not believing my eyes, I risked opening my lips to say something, as the knight suddenly stammered in fright:

«Lady, is something wrong?» Did I displease you in some way?..

He must have turned pale, because I didn't answer for a long time.

— I'm sorry! I. I. Oh… My fault is worthy of death. Please have mercy on me, lady!


I was right. This feeling, which was familiar to me, I could not confuse with anything.

This man was definitely afraid of me.

But why? Do I really look that intimidating? But it even sounds ridiculous! To have someone like me and…

— L-lady. I'm so sorry! Please spare me! On his knees, the knight's voice sounded genuinely sincere as he begged me for leniency.

To be honest, I was confused. And that's putting it mildly.

Is this really a reality? The only organization in the empire that dared to behave arrogantly even in the face of the Emperor himself. And suddenly one of her soldiers begs for mercy from an unknown lady from an equally obscure family…

It was more like a surreal dream.

At that moment, when I was in a state of utter bewilderment, I suddenly remembered those nuances that I had not thought about before.

«Or maybe they're having a hard time right now?»

If you think about it, recently the Dark Host has lost its main support, which allowed them to continue their existence. The one through whose help they received funds for the development of their army and the further expansion of their influence in the empire.

A person like the Crown Princess of this country could certainly be considered a solid support, but now she is gone. No matter how dangerous these bandits are, if they do not have the patronage of a sufficiently reputable person, they will turn into an ordinary gang of criminals again.

If one day the nobles decide to unite and destroy them, then most likely the Dark Host will cease to exist in this empire. From this point of view, one could understand why it was completely unprofitable for them to get into trouble with the nobles right now.

«So that's the thing.»

It became clear to me why he went out of his way so diligently to apologize—he just didn't want me to tell my father about it. Perhaps, from my appearance or some other distinguishing features, he guessed that I was the daughter of the Duke de Valt. One of the members of parliament of the aristocrats at court.

«But I still wasn't going to tell my father about it, even if he hadn't tried so hard…»

Meanwhile, the knight, praying for his «sins», continued to crawl at my feet and persistently beg for forgiveness.

— I'm sorry! Sorry. Please, just once, but forgive me.

Suddenly, he started banging his forehead on the ground until blood appeared.

Even though it was a criminal, it was uncomfortable for me to see the person in front of me literally crumble to pieces, so I hurried to tell him to finally get rid of him:

— This… Everything is fine. You can go now.

«Oh… are you an angel?»

He raised his head with tears in his eyes.

— I beg your pardon?

His words seemed so ridiculous to me that I even doubted my own ears, so I asked him to express himself more clearly.

— Ah… me… I just wanted to say that you are as kind as an angel.

«Hmm… to think that a criminal would call me an angel.»

This situation was so absurd that I didn't even know how to react to it. I wanted to tell him that everything was fine so that this man would finally leave, but he continued to speak in a gloomy tone.

— More than anything, I was worried that my rash act might offend you.

I began to feel burdened by his excessive apologies.

— It's okay, I'm really fine…

Well, honestly. Even though my father was a member of parliament, he was not such a terrible person that he was so afraid. Even from this point of view, our family was far from the top of the hierarchy. Therefore, I did not see the need to humiliate myself in front of an ordinary lady from a noble family.

«Looking at him, it seems to me that the Dark Army is indeed on the verge of disintegration…»

Compared to the former greatness of their best days, what was happening now was even pathetic. I was overcome by conflicting feelings, but I came to my senses in time, reminding myself that I should not feel sorry for the criminal.

«Thank you for your generosity, lady…»

He couldn't finish because he suddenly stopped in mid-sentence, slamming his mouth shut. Turning pale, the knight stared somewhere behind me, where there was only a dark doorway. There was a look of horror on his face.

«What's wrong with him?»

I turned around to follow his gaze, but I didn't notice anything special that could cause him to have such a reaction.


When I turned back, I was faced with even more bewilderment. The knight of the Dark Host who was kneeling in front of me just now has disappeared somewhere. I looked around in confusion.

«what? Where did he go…?»


«Your Highness, my negligence deserves to die…!»

— It's good that you understand this.

In a deserted alley, a knight of the Dark Host fell to his knees in front of his mistress.

— Do you know what exactly your fault is?

The moment the knight met the icy gaze of the Crown Princess, he immediately turned to stone.

— I'm… I'm about… Please keep it simple…

The knight tried to keep his composure, but he was suffocated by the deadly aura that the girl radiated.

— Before contacting a noble lady, you need to first ask her permission, right? And what did you do? Kaena's voice cut sharper than a knife, «Didn't Jacob warn all of you that you wouldn't get away with insulting this woman?»

The knight swallowed. He knew his mistake himself. The moment he dared to address the Duke's daughter without proper manners, he had deeply offended her. It is not surprising that the girl could not tolerate such a thing and immediately ran away. The thug, who was repeatedly convicted of robbery, reproached himself for his carelessness. And yet…

— I… I just wanted to return the lady's purse…» he muttered desperately.

When the knight finally squeezed out some kind of excuse, the intangible energy surrounding him that had been pressing on him all this time gradually dissipated. The Crown Princess, who was staring at him intently, sighed.

«One mistake is enough,» the girl said coldly, «You're lucky just because she forgave you.» But there will be no such indulgence next time.

Having uttered these last words, Kaena de Ronan left the dark alley with rapid steps.

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