Escaping the Mystery Hotel

Chapter 123: Room 107 - The Gate Room, The Fourth Trial (14)

- Han Kain

Only one person could be revived.

Between Songee and Seungyub, whose ability would be more useful?

“What do you think, Elena?”

“I think it’s best if Kain chooses.”


With Elena naturally leaving the decision to me, both Grandpa Mooksung and Ahri turned their gazes toward me.

This is a bit burdensome.

I carefully compared the pros and cons of each person’s abilities.

Songee's biggest advantage was undoubtedly the endless usefulness of the bracelet, her excellent control over Perro, and her Blessing which was particularly effective against monster-type enemies.

The disadvantages were that there was a possibility she might not be able to use the bracelet in the next trial, and her Blessing was basically useless when the enemy was not a monster.

When comparing Songee and Seungyub individually, it was hard to determine who was better.

However, considering the current surviving team as a whole, the judgment became clear.

“I think Songee is more needed for our party right now.”

Ahri turned to me, and I continued explaining.

“The current survivors are me, Elena, Grandpa Mooksung, and Ahri, that makes four. What is our weakness? We lacked physical strength since Jinchul-hyung was eliminated. The hotel has many enemies that are difficult to deal with nothing but a gun, and my Descent and Elena’s Justice have significant limitations.”

Grandpa Mooksung voiced his agreement.

“That bird can somewhat compensate for that weakness.”

“Exactly. Think about when Perro went berserk before. At that time, it was fortunate that Jinchul-hyung, who could knock out the rampaging Perro with one punch, was there. Grotesque Perro is quite a beast. Songee's control over Perro is extremely useful for us.”

Ahri showed a mixed reaction.

“I see your point that Songee can cover our team’s weaknesses, but is Perro the only reason?”

“There’s one more thing. I think Elena and Songee’s Blessings work well together.”

Elena, who had been listening, nodded.

“It’s something Songee and I talked about before. Basically, our enemies are either humans or monsters. My Blessing is useful against humans, and Songee’s Blessing is useful against monsters. Of course, there are times when neither works.”

After sharing these opinions, Ahri also conceded.

In the end, we decided to revive Songee.

But… I should definitely tell Seungyub how strongly Ahri insisted on reviving him.



User: Han Kain (Wisdom)

Date: Day 44

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 107 (Gate Room)


n n

Sage’s Advice: 0


- Han Kain

I woke up in the resting area.

Songee naturally reappeared, looking around with surprised eyes before understanding the situation.

“Did you revive me?”

Elena approached Songee.

“Yes! We all thought we really needed you.”

Ahri flinched.

“Haha! Songee, actually, not everyone—”

Ahri thought we needed Seungyub more than you!

I swallowed the words as Ahri kicked my leg.

As I watched my companion joyfully reunite with us, I checked my status window.

It was good that our Blessings and my Status Window were back, but of course, the Advice count was still zero.

That owl wasted the entire count giving me incomprehensible advice.

The count wouldn’t refill until the day passed, but the Jekyll and Hyde game had ended so quickly despite the enormous stress, so the advice count hadn't recharged.

I wonder if I can use Scenario Comprehension?

There are three hours left until the next trial.

Grandpa Mooksung moved to the center of the room.

“Attention, everyone!”

“Do you have something to say?”

“I’ve been holding onto this because the timing never seemed right, but now might be the time to consider it.”

As he opened his hand, the “Red Capsule” appeared.

Elena’s eyes widened as she spoke.

“Oh! I forgot we had that. I hadn’t thought of it since we gave it to Jinchul.”

“The timing to use it has been tricky. I kept it when Jinchul collapsed, but even then, it wasn’t the right time. I thought of using it during the Jekyll and Hyde game, but it didn’t seem like the pill could stop Hyde. Hyde wasn’t exactly a mental attack, was it?”

“Who should hold onto the pill now?”

“I’m not sure.”

As we pondered, sSongee suddenly had a strange reaction.

“Huh? Huh?”

“What’s wrong?”

“Something with Perro—”


Before anyone could react, Perro, who was on Songee’s shoulder, flew up and swallowed the red capsule in one gulp.





“That damn bird just–!”

“Mooksung, shut up! Elena, catch the bird! Kain, pry his beak open! We might still get it out—”

Everyone went crazy at once!

The only person who kept their cool tried to calm everyone down.

“Everyone~! Everyone, please listen to me!”

“Get some water! Today, I’m going to pluck every feather from that damned parrot!”

“Is there a tool like tweezers? Kain, stick your fingers into his beak and open it!”

“Why is this bird clamping its beak so tight? Open up! Open up! Fine, I’ll use the Grimoire to possess him and make him throw up! First—”

“Everyone shut up!”

Songee’s shout echoed throughout the resting area, finally settling everyone down.


“Uh, Songee?”

“Perro definitely used some special power.”

“What do you mean?”

“A moment ago, Perro had no reaction. But the moment he saw the red capsule...”

Songee suddenly went silent.

Ahri, unable to hold herself back, asked.

“What happened the moment he saw the capsule?”

“What? What happened?”

“What do you mean something happened?”

“An immense thought filled Perro’s mind? An enormous amount of information poured into Perro’s head? Something strange happened to Perro, and he suddenly lunged and swallowed the capsule.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t really know.”

In the end, everyone fell silent.

Anyway, it seemed that the bird hadn’t swallowed the red capsule just for fun or out of hunger.

Is there still some hidden ability in Perro?

After the brief commotion, everyone was exhausted and leaned against the walls to rest.

Perro approached me and started biting me without mercy.

“Why does he keep biting me?”

“Because he hates you.”

“Why does he always hate me?”

“Is that even a question? He always ends up hurt from your practice flights. And just now, you tried to make him throw up by sticking your fingers in his beak. Wouldn’t it be more surprising if he liked you?”

“You told me to stick my fingers in his beak.”

“But Perro doesn’t know that.”


I felt a bit annoyed.

I was finally allowed to rest after Songee took Perro away.


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User: Han Kain (Wisdom)

Date: Day 44

Current Location: Floor 1, Room 107 (Gate Room)


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Sage’s Advice: 0


- Han Kain

When I came to my senses, I found myself standing in a very luxurious room.

Grandpa Mooksung and I were dressed in very vintage-style tuxedos.

Ahri, Songee, and Elena were wearing stunning dresses covered with soft fur shawls.

Are we heading to some sort of party?

Ahri reacted strangely.

“These dresses are really old-fashioned…”


I couldn’t tell.

It felt Western, which only added to my confusion.

I checked the Scenario.

Scenario: The Gate Room - 'The Secret of Esper Ho'nnn

Scenario: The Gate Room - 'The Secret of Esper Ho'

The hotel group woke up on a luxurious passenger ship. Beautiful music echoed through the room.

A staff member arrives to guide them to a dinner party. Attend the party and gather information.

Check the next part at midnight.


The sound of music began to fill the room.

Is this classical?

It sounds like a live performance rather than a recording.

Considering the fancy attire, a luxurious passenger ship?

A dinner party?


That might be the case.

- Click! Click! Click!

I quickly informed my companions of the details.

“We’re on a luxurious passenger ship. A staff member is coming soon to guide us to a dinner party.”

“A luxurious passenger ship? Like a cruise?”

“Probably. Has anyone been to a place like this before?”

The rest of the group just tilted their heads, and the Administration team gave vague responses.

“I’ve been on one during a mission, but not in a normal way.

“We infiltrated one to deal with a ridiculous monster.”

- Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang.

Opening the door, a staff member entered.

As per the scenario’s description, the staff gave a brief explanation of the room and guided us to the dinner party.

The staff repeatedly emphasized.

“You may dress comfortably inside your room, but please adhere to the dress code at the party. The tuxedos and dresses you are wearing are sufficient.”

Once the staff member left, we started a meeting.

- Click! Click! Click!

Grandpa Mooksung spoke first.

“It’s suspicious how they keep insisting on the dress code. Should we try wearing something else and go? What do you think?”

Ahri responded.

“If it’s a formal party, adhering to the dress code is expected. It’s nothing weird.”

I also had a question.

“There are still three hours until the dinner party. What should we do until then? Explore the ship?”

“Even if we explore, how about sticking together? I’m worried something might happen. Kain, is there any update to the Scenario?” Elena cautiously suggested.

“No. The Scenario just says to attend the dinner party and gather information. The next part will be revealed at midnight. It seems the main progression starts with the dinner party, but we should still do something.”

Ahri also spoke up.

“Before going outside, let’s scour the room. We might find something.”

With that, everyone started searching the room.

- Click! Click! Click!


“Everything’s fine, but why has Perro been clinging to the wall and pecking at it?”

Perro had been clinging to the wall, pecking at it nonstop.

Songee responded in a puzzled tone.

“He’s been feeling restless. It’s not a small space, but…”

If he were an ordinary bird, we might just dismiss it as animal behavior, but given Perro’s extraordinary nature, I was curious about the reason.

“Is this a music box? It looks very old. This style was popular before World War II…”

From a distance, I heard Ahri’s voice finding something.

Hearing Ahri, the vague doubts I had been harboring resurfaced.

In the process of opening up to each other, I learned something about Ahri.

There was one inconsistency in Ahri's behavior that couldn’t be reconciled.

…Is it okay to ask about it?

Feeling my mind tangled, I grew tired.

The Fourth Trial, “The Secret of Esper Ho.”

This ship was filled with secrets.

I had a feeling that this trial wouldn’t be straightforward either.


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