Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 122 Kevin Shuzi

"What a nasty bastard playing with humanity."

Taking a panoramic view of Xi'er's past two years, Geyue smacked her lips, and then showed a wicked smile.

"If, in this era, your 'apostle' openly rebelled, and then embraced the Holy Light with everything you bestowed, what kind of expression would you have?"

In his sight, although Xi'er had fallen into the abyss at this moment, her last trace of pure spirituality was protected by the cross with the beacon of the power of holy light that Ge Yue had given her before.

With Geyue's current power, and using this beacon as a springboard, she is 80% sure that she can pull Xi'er back from the abyss.

At that time, Xi'er, who possesses the power of Holy Light and Houkai, will undoubtedly become a perfect beacon and transit point. Through her, Geyue can directly look at one of the world's two ultimates, the truth of all truths and laws. The place of birth - the tree of imaginary numbers.

In this world, there are two great existences that traverse infinite diversity. They are the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​quantum.

The tree of imaginary numbers is rooted in the sea of ​​quantum, and together they form the Honkai world, engaging in endless competition.

Time flows on the trunk of the tree of imaginary numbers, like a canopy, branching out into infinite worlds.

Every branch is pregnant with a world, most of these worlds are imaginary spaces, and real spaces with life will be born by chance.

One of them is the world where Geyue is located, and it is also the world where the story of "Honkai 3" takes place.

The existence of the tree of imaginary numbers is equivalent to the root of a certain moon world. It is "the law of the universe, the mystery of the cycle of life, and the place where all essences and roots are formed."

However, it is different from the "pseudo-diversity" and "pseudo-infinity" formed by the moon world being divided into countless world lines by two authority dogs, and then cutting off the world lines that deviated from the development route, and recycling resources. Imaginary numbers The tree is truly a great existence of infinite diversity.

One cannot look directly at the gods, and those who look directly at the gods will be burned by the magnificence of the gods.

Having said that, if one can survive the burn of the brilliance of the gods, unimaginable benefits will be obtained.

As the birthplace of all truths and laws in this world, the tree of imaginary numbers itself is the embodiment of all laws and truths. It is not necessary to understand its essence, but only its shape is needed to obtain immeasurable benefits.

Song Yue has now obtained the high-dimensional vision and the essence (divinity) from the high-dimensional, and now he only needs to get the mystery from the high-dimensional.

With the combination of the three, he can ascend to the sky in one step, completely shed his mortal body, and obtain the qualification to ascend to the throne of God.

Faced with such a temptation, even though she knew that she would have to pay a huge price, Ge Yue was willing to do so.

"Come on, Xi'er, return to the embrace of the Holy Light!"

Thinking of this, the light in Ge Yue's eyes became more and more intense, and he ignited his magic power with a smile.

Pure, unsullied, flawless, repelling all evil, purifying all filth, the radiance condenses in his palm, forming an infinitely radiant holy spear.

"Redemption for the saints, punishment for the devils—the redemption of the other side, the gun of punishment!"

Under Geyue's high-pitched words, a burst of dazzling holy light suddenly appeared in the sky. The golden holy gun wrapped in a ten thousand zhang light, tore apart the sea of ​​clouds for thousands of miles, and followed the faith thread and the guidance of the beacon with the momentum of thunder, towards the hope. The boy shot away.

Under this shot, Xier's body, soul, and negative emotions in his heart distorted by Houkai, as well as the accumulated Houkai energy in his body, will be purified under the power of his origin [Eden].

And the divinity from Houkai, the naked malice towards human beings in the core of the Herrscher, and Xier's last trace of pure spirituality will be purified and sublimated under the washing of the power of the holy light.

In the end, with Seele's spirituality as the core, divinity and authority are integrated, and then the holy light is used to shape her body, so that she can be sublimated from the abyss of collapse into an apostle of the holy light.

At that time, Xier will be reborn as a saint who gathers the essence of the Holy Light and Houkai.

"No, the newborn Xi'er can no longer be called a saint, the Holy Spirit should be more vivid."

The corners of Geyue's lips curled up happily, already thinking about adding a new level called 'Holy Spirit' to the three levels of bishop-saint-believers, second only to the bishop.


Suddenly, Geyue's eyes shrank together suddenly, and the thread of faith originating from Xi'er and the beacon of holy light were suddenly interrupted!

"what happened?!"

Geyue opened her high-dimensional vision and looked towards Xier's position, and immediately let out a roar of rage: "Kevin, Shuzi ruined my big deal——!!!"


[The sixth Great Honkai broke out, and the existence traces of the sixth Herrscher have been observed, coordinates.]

Kevin silently turned off Flamemoth's communicator, silently watching the posture of the Sixth Herrscher in front of him.

The six pure white wings that covered the sky and revealed the meaning of holiness and purity, and the figure of the girl who was the starting point of the three pairs of pure white wings.

The girl with short dark blue hair was kneeling on the ground, her figure was extremely small compared to the huge wings, and her red eyes with golden eyes seemed a little hollow.

She held the cross on her chest with both hands, as if she was praying quietly.

"Sile Fleur, one of the Twelve Saints of the Holy Light and Truth"

Kevin silently recalled all the information about Seele in his heart, and then a sad expression appeared on his face.

The saint who was supposed to be brilliant and save the world and save people, but now he has become a broken Herrscher with such a distorted posture, how ridiculous and sad it is.

"Damn Honkai!"

Kevin cursed lowly, cleared away the distracting thoughts in his heart, and then looked solemnly at the three pairs behind Xier, sometimes stretched out, sometimes curled up, looking soft and lacking in lethal pure white wings, with embarrassment in his eyes. The solemnity of the words.

His gaze was slightly deflected, and in the buildings near the birthplace of the Sixth Herrscher Seele, a strong chill was occasionally felt in his heart.

——That is simply a work of art with the theme of 'distortion', but this work of art really challenges the limit of human thinking ability.

The roof that should have been on the top of the building appeared on the ground floor inexplicably, the built-in elevator was suspended outside, the wall that should have been straight showed a strange spiraling posture, and the wall that should have been used as interior decoration appeared on the exterior wall of the building.

To use the human body as an analogy, it's like the intestines grow out of the head as a braid, the mouth grows in the belly, and the arms extend out of the big mouth of the belly.

This is not a metaphor with rich associations, but a reality that is actually happening.

Around him, hundreds of innocent people were affected by Seele's ability, turning into the above-mentioned miserable and terrifying posture.

Moreover, the body has been distorted into such a terrifying posture, those human beings are not dead yet, and even considering the state of life alone, they appear to be extraordinarily healthy in all aspects.

But with such appearance, it can also be said that life is worse than death, because they have lost their qualifications as human beings and turned into twisted and terrifying monsters.

Kevin couldn't imagine what kind of maliciousness would give birth to such a twisted ability that tortures the limit of human psychological endurance.

But in any case, the Herrscher is the enemy of mankind, even if the other party is Xier who is a saint, he must be crusaded!

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