Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 129 The Treasure of the Heavenly Heaven and the Imminent Crisis

While the three doctors were discussing how to fight against the Houkai, in another lounge, Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan surrounded the three non-mechanical girls Prometheus, begging for something.

"Prometheus, please show mercy and help us~"

Danzhu hugged Prometheus' arm and looked at her pitifully.

"Prometheus, please help us."

On the other side, Cang Xuan hugged the other arm of Prometheus, trying his best to put on a weeping expression.

"Refused, after calculation, it has been judged that the 'high-tech super-weapon' concept proposed by you two is just an unrealistic illusion, and Prometheus refuses to help you with the calculation."

Prometheus tried to get rid of the twins hanging on his arms with a blank face, but after finding that he couldn't get rid of the two without hurting them, Sanwu faintly showed a touch of life. Wu Kelian's humanized expression.

"Mouth, outrageous things like magnetic field rotation were cultivated by Leanna, why do you deny our theory!"

Danzhu curled his lips, and retorted indignantly.

Prometheus fell silent when she heard the words, her database was clearly telling her that magnetic field rotation, which violates physics and physiology and can only exist in fantasy, cannot be born in this world.

However, the rotation of the magnetic field actually appeared in the real world, and was controlled by Ge Yue's second person besides the specifications.

This outrageous thing caused Prometheus's quantum optical brain to shut down a bit.

So, facing Danzhu's questioning, she didn't know how to refute.

But being unable to refute is still unable to refute, Prometheus still refuses to deduce Danzhu and Cangxuan's theory of their high-tech super-martial arts.

Because the theory of these two people is 10,000 times more outrageous than the rotation of the magnetic field.

"Prometheus can't refute it, but Prometheus still refuses to do the calculation for you."

"Why, why can't you help us!"

"Prometheus doesn't think you have the possibility to realize that absurd theory, even with the help of an unfathomable spiritual force like 'Holy Light' that can interfere with reality."

Prometheus looked down at Danzhu and Cangxuan, his jade-like eyes clearly revealed a kind of contempt, as if telling them bluntly: Don't struggle, salted fish will be salted fish all their lives , Even if you turn over and go ashore, you are still a salted fish!

"Ah, Prometheus, you are so annoying."

Danzhu scratched his head frantically, and said, "If you don't try, how will you know it's impossible? Try it and you won't lose a piece of meat."

"That's right, Prometheus, just give it a try."

Cang Xuan also begged: "We know that we may never be able to realize this theory, but the bishop can."

"Bishop, my lord!"

Prometheus paused for a moment, recalling Geyue's figure and the hazy but exceptionally warm memory hidden deep in this body.

She was silent for a long time, then suddenly asked: "Name!"


Cangxuan and Danzhu were taken aback for a moment, and looked at Prometheus with some doubts.

"Please tell Prometheus the name of the 'high-tech super-power' theory that you want me to deduce, and I will allocate a part of the computing power to build a separate module for you to deduce and verify."

Prometheus said blankly.

"Very good!"

The twins immediately let out a cheer, hugging Prometheus and dancing like two unleashed erhas.

"We have already thought of the name of this set of 'high-tech super-martial arts' theory, and it is called - Huntian Baojian!"


In the City of Dawn, the church is filled with a dull atmosphere at the moment.

With the outbreak of the seventh Great Crash, the continent of Australia was turned into scorched earth, and the stronghold of the church in Australia, a large number of believers and saint Abraham Gray were all turned into fly ash along with the monstrous red lotus.

Under the shock of Herrscher's terrifying power of destroying the world and the death of his companions, the hearts of the believers were strongly impacted, and at the same time, their hatred for the Honkai became more violent and blazing like a fire cooking oil.

Now the entire church is like a powder keg that ignites at one point. As long as the spark named Herrscher appears, the entire church will burst into earth-shattering anger.

Regarding this atmosphere, Geyue did not come forward to adjust it. In just one month, he lost two saints and a large number of believers one after another, and there was a monstrous anger in his heart.

At the same time as he was angry, a strong warning rose in his heart.

After experiencing the seventh great collapse, he has already clearly sensed the stern malice from somewhere.

At the same time, he also understood that because of his own intervention and the spread of the Holy Light, human civilization has taken a step towards the mysterious and extraordinary realm invisibly.

Honkai, which progressed together with civilization, also took a big leap forward, completed a qualitative change, and gave birth to the Herrscher of Flame, which is capable of destroying the world.

And he, as the source of extraordinary power and the disseminator of the Holy Light, was naturally judged by Honkai as a part of human civilization, a subject that needs to be tested, and is still a subject that needs to be taken care of.

It was precisely after understanding this that a strong warning sign rose in Geyue's heart. He knew very well that the next Honkai would definitely focus on him, or in other words, carry out some kind of alienation specifically to target him. Change.

The order in which the Herrschers will come is not fixed, nor is the power of the Herrschers fixed, nor is the number of Herrschers fixed, at least not before Prometheus becomes the will of the collapse.

Honkai will generate Herrschers with different powers and different numbers according to the strength and weakness of civilization.

The most outrageous thing is Bengbeng next door's Return to Zero Era, No. 70 Herrscher, 70 different powers, Song Yueguang feels scalp numb just thinking about it.

A single Herrscher is now in front of his eyes, almost a character that can be destroyed later, but this does not mean that the Herrscher is weak.

On the contrary, every Herrscher is a natural disaster-level monster, and it is the final trial that human beings need to do their best to overcome.

If the number of such Herrschers is plural, with their various powers, even Geyue needs to be cautious.

If a planet-level Honkai beast like 'Herrscher of the Sea Janna' appeared among the Herrschers, even Geyue would have to run away. This size has exceeded the upper limit he can handle, almost Just like a god.

"Fortunately, the technology of this civilization has not yet developed to the level of Bengbeng's abnormality, and the Herrscher who descends will not be too outrageous."

Ge Yue rubbed the center of her brows a little irritably, spread out her palms, five crystal clear fragments exuding dreamlike magnificent colors quietly undulating in his palm.

These are the power fragments rewarded by the system after killing the Herrscher, which come from the four Herrschers of Thunder, Wind, Ice, and Flame who were personally killed by him, and the covenant-Destiny Gun that he manifested, and were judged by the system Because it was the Herrscher of Death that he killed.

At this moment, he has been able to synthesize a complete power crystal, and the perfect power crystal synthesized from six fragments is only short of the last Herrscher's reward.

"After this collapse, they will synthesize power crystals, and perform the final deification ceremony for the world tree, and forcefully ripen the fruit of divinity."

Ge Yue pondered for a while, and made up her mind.

The World Tree is far from reaching the maturity standard, and forced ripening is bound to make the fruit of divinity incomplete, but he can't control that much anymore.

His strength is still insufficient, and he is being targeted by Honkai, and now he is really afraid that there will be a planetary Honkai beast, or it may come early in the end.

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