Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 293 Extinction

"it's over."

As the last soul was absorbed, the planet under his feet was completely shattered, and the restraining forces of Gaia and Alaya in this parallel world were completely dead.

Standing in the universe, Geyue stared at the golden magic city that had expanded to the size of a planet, and her heart suddenly moved.

Anyway, his accumulation has reached the limit, and the water is about to overflow, and he has naturally stepped into the [Outflow] state, so it is better to directly flow out in this world.

Thinking of this, Geyue stretched out her finger, and the golden magic city began to gather, the infinite magic power began to condense, and the breath of destruction was bred along with it, ready to blast the barriers of the world, and go to the sea of ​​stars to flow out.


But at this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly emanated from the universe, a wave of divine compassion, as if an aura transcending the universe descended, and the entire solar system was rendered into a pure land of glazed glass in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, with the appearance of the immeasurably huge golden wheel surrounding the entire universe, everything in this universe with a diameter of only 4 light-years slowly stopped at this moment, and all possibilities It also freezes.

Heavenly Wheel Holy King (Chakra·vartin)!

This is the Enlightened One, known as Sakyamuni, Buddha, and Savior, who sees through the truth of the world, reaches the ultimate world, transcends the supreme power of the universe, and is one of the ceilings of the moon world.

The period is divided into two parts: "big round" and "small round".

The big wheel, also known as the "event selection tree shearing mechanism", has the ability to interfere with the operation of parallel worlds and perform event shearing, while the small wheel has the absolute destructive power to destroy everything.

"The person who cut the world this time is Sakyamuni."

There was a strange look on Geyue's face. Looking up, in the middle of the dazzling and huge endless light wheel, a huge Buddha sat cross-legged here, with a compassionate but plain face, overlooking all phenomena.

"When the heavenly wheel announces. All sentient beings and all afflictions will return to me. Under great enlightenment, human beings will become one here."

The Enlightened One came down, looked down at the universe, and then pinched out his law fingers, with infinite light shining behind him, without the slightest intention of talking nonsense, he slowly struck out the law fingers, and recited the most holy words of judgment: "Return to One Reincarnation (Amita Reincarnation) Amitabha)!"

In an instant, the huge golden wheel surrounding the universe vibrated, and seven small wheels appeared above his head, emitting infinite light, and pressed down horizontally.

Time, space, land, thought, culture, world.

With the immeasurable brilliance descending, everything began to disappear as spirit particles.

This is not an attack from matter, but an attack that transcends dimensions and cognition. Everything in the entire universe is purified under this infinite brilliance.

Reincarnation (Amita·Amitabha)!

This is the Great Noble Phantasm of the Enlightened One. In front of this Noble Phantasm, all defenses and abilities, gains and enhancements are useless and will be directly purified.

At the same time, the scariest thing about this treasure is that its destructive power will expand as the territory of human history expands.

There is no way to resist reincarnation, the only way is to endure the past, and the only person who can endure the past is neither the living nor human beings, but even so, the possibility of enduring the past is only one in 5,670,000,000 .

In the Holy Grail of the Moon, Kishinami Hakuno, as an NPC, had the protagonist's halo attack, just stepped on this possibility, and cleared the Holy Grail of the Moon.

But for someone else, there is probably no other possibility other than being vaporized in the first place.

"It won't be a great enlightened person who is well-known in the heavens and all worlds. The few perfect bodies in the moon world are undoubtedly stronger than the level of the galaxy. Coupled with the blessing of the concept of the moon worldview, It is enough to pose a threat to my clone."

(This is nonsense, just look at it. The size of the enlightened being is known as the three thousand great worlds, but the feature of the moon world is the concept. Give it a galaxy level)

Seeing her disintegrated body and the golden magic city that was constantly falling apart in the brilliance, Ge Yue felt a little excited in her heart.

After he arrived at the end of the 'world' in a clever way, he has never met a decent opponent again, not even his avatar.

But now that he has met such a huge enlightened person under the blessing of the Xingyue worldview concept, he seems to be able to give a serious punch.

"It just so happens that the whole scene, this dead universe, just applies the principles of brother Asan, even if it's just an incomplete imitation version, it's a knockoff that's incomplete."

With a wicked smile on her face, Geyue pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, posing in a pose of "heaven and earth, all for me".

[Zi Xinghe—Simulate the universe view to shape the star map, open! 】

[Target: Solar System, Scope of Influence: Solar System. 】

[Applying the cosmology: The Heavenly Dog Way of the Great Desire Realm. 】.

The bright and gorgeous purple galaxy burst out from Geyue's body, soaking in this universe that only has the scope of the solar system like moistening and silent drizzle, silently invading and rewriting the underlying rules of the world.


At this moment, the Buddha, who had been calm all the time, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and said a name in disbelief: "——Bo Xun!"

【—Om (唵)——】

The corner of Geyue's mouth curled up, and she sang the most primitive and ancient destructive speech, which was like the roaring version of a demon god.

【Amogha vairocana, maha-mudra mani, padme, jvala, pravartaya hum.】

(Bukong Great Sun Tathagata, Mahamudra orbs, lotus flowers, flames, light up! Hum!)

【Vajra-dhatu vam.】

(Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Wind Realms of the Vajra Realm)

[Namah samanta-buddhanam a vi ra hum kham svaha! 】

(Now it is time to shine the light of extinction!)

[Heaven and Earth Mysterious God Boundary Adaptive Lili——]

[Pseudo-Swastika Mandala—Infinite numbers! 】

As it is obviously full of tyranny and frightening destructiveness, but itself is full of shining incomparable divinity and Buddhist principles, the divine mantras and divine words are recited.

As if pulling the strings of the world, the dark, highly poisonous universe opened and overflowed, forming a huge mandala like a three-eyed deformed fetus formed by curse and malice behind Geyue.

The uncut cursed umbilical cord extending from the navel wraps around the whole body, even above the neck, representing a completely closed self!

That is the appearance of Sui Shen Mie Ju Mie, the reason why it shows an immature baby is that it only wants to love what it loves like a child.

The simple wish that everything else be wiped out is a huge and malevolent universe with shape!

The biggest and most terrifying malice is the innocent evil of children! To hate the other is to hate the other, and to be unhappy is to be wiped out!

The universe only recognizes itself, and the solipsian dog who is possessed by the crazy self-love who is extinct and exterminated is the ultimate violence!

The quality of the inconceivable explosion, just looking at it will make people feel hopeless and fearful for no reason.

Just between chanting the words of Yan Ling, the holy Buddha light that was enough to purify the entire universe disappeared under its monstrous coercion.

Ka Ka Ka——

Even the huge light wheel that confined the entire universe, and the body of the holy and compassionate coercive Buddha also made an unbearable crisp sound, and cracks broke out one after another.

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