Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 307 The Beginning and Inflection Point of the Myth

Time flies like an arrow, and time flies like a shuttle.

Before he knew it, the five years that Geyue had spent in Uruk were fleeting.

Five years is not long, and it is not short, but for the people of Uruk today, and even the entire Sumerian Kingdom, these five years have passed by, but it does bring Here comes a "big change" that can be called earth-shaking.

Of course, Geyue didn't end in person, because he stayed in his own small courtyard for five years and never stepped out, so the whole Uruk's perception of him was only Gilgamesh's. A mysterious and unpredictable teacher with terrifying strength.

But precisely because of his existence, the usual wise and patient young king who can handle any troubles, big and small, and who understands people's hearts and listens to people's words has undergone earth-shaking changes, that is—Jill Gamesh has come of age!

Although this seems to be something worthy of celebration on the surface, under the influence of Geyue's long-term relationship with him, as well as the magic books he embodied and some books on politics, religion, history, philosophy, and humanities, Gilga Fundamental changes have taken place in Meishi's cognition, three views and mental state.

As if enlightened by wisdom, aware of the primitiveness and ignorance of this world, and being silently squeezed by the gods, Gilgamesh began to gradually "lose" his usual patience and good temper.

At the same time, the character also becomes ruthless, and even begins to be authoritarian, arbitrary, forced, and violent; the pursuit of extreme glory only because of one's own selfish desires makes people completely unpredictable.

And it made his courtiers and priests who served him well as in the past gradually feel extremely uncomfortable

Then those who "dare to put their dissatisfaction into practical actions (violating government orders, or embezzling supplies to play corruption)" were all dragged out by him regardless of seniority and status, and they still personally Take a shot, holding a golden big axe, in the central sacrificial square, in front of all his people, he raised his knife and fell, killing a person's head rolling.

In addition, he also showed an "extraordinarily high talent" in the XP system. For example, the first night power promulgated by the ancient European rulers in his own territory is a trivial matter, the key is He doesn't care about life or death.

As long as there is some beauty, whether it is a girl or a young woman, or a beautiful boy, he will be forcibly pulled into the room by him to do some indescribable things.

As a result, Gilgamesh's title of "young wise king" was gradually corrupted within this period of time, and the title of "tyrant" began to officially sit on top of his head.

So much so that the people of Uruk sighed deeply for this, and the gods were also troubled by this, and tried to persuade other priests through Geyue, a priest who has had a good relationship with Gilgamesh since he ascended the throne, to the present. 'Turning back is the shore', but it is obviously of no use.

However, Geyue, who has been with Gilgamesh day and night, is very clear about the reason for his change.

That is, under the vast amount of knowledge he gave to Gilgamesh beyond this era, Gilgamesh awakened the humanity in the one-third of human blood flowing through him.

He disobeyed the plan imposed on him by the gods as the "perfect king of mankind to rule mankind", and began to take his own private desires and pleasures as the first goal and continue to rule only by himself as a king as a human being.

For this, the gods of Mesopotamia were furious. After persuading Gilgamesh to no avail, they turned their attention to Geyue, the mysterious teacher.

However, due to Bai Yunyan's concealment effect, the gods were still unable to set their sights on Ge Yue's body, and due to the price that the real body needs to pay in the lower realm, as well as the inherent arrogance, they can only use the oracle. Come and order the priests from the human world to find trouble for Geyue.

But without exception, all these troubles were violently dismissed by Gilgamesh, and even beheaded a dozen fanatics.

The gods were furious about this, but they strangely did not continue to order their priests to trouble Ge Yue.

But Geyue knew very well that a pillar of gods full of earth and creation had descended in the human world, and its location was in the Demon God Forest in the west of Uruk.

And it aroused the fear of a large number of monsters, and fled the forest of monsters in large numbers, thus causing a wave of beasts.

It is precisely because of this that Gilgamesh led his soldiers to the forest to wipe out the beast tide.

Geyue sat in the courtyard as usual and analyzed the wreckage left by the Enlightened One. After five years, he had already loosened 60% of the shackles.

If he didn't want to digest all the legacy of the Enlightened One, he would have forcibly removed the damned curse.


Suddenly, Ge Yue's eyes moved slightly, and his keen perception made him aware of a divine echo coming from afar.

"The sound of joy, and the increasingly dim breath, Enkidu has already been born in the hands of Aruru."

Aluru, the goddess in charge of the land, assisted the main god Marduk to create human beings from the corpse of the primitive monster Tiamat. He is also Gilgamesh's old enemy and best friend, the humanoid weapon Enki who carries the power of the gods Both' creators.

"The wheel of fate has begun to turn."

Ge Yue pondered for a moment, then got up from her seat, and stepped out of this small courtyard for the first time since five years.


West of Uruk, outside the border of Warcraft.

The fertile soil is continuous and the yellow sand is endless. From a distance, Geyue can see the lush forest standing at the end of the line of sight, as well as the guard tower and stone wall standing on the hill in front of the forest.

That is the Forest of Warcraft. The journey from the city-state of Uruk is lacklustre. Even if there are gods to protect it, it is still in the ancient stage after all.

Human footprints have not spread all over the land, and what you see under your feet, except for the loess, is still loess.

Ge Yue San came to the forest from Uruk King City in two or two steps, chasing a breath of divinity, and appeared in an abnormal place not long after.

They looked like wild beasts, but they had various peculiarities such as bone spurs and wings, and they were so huge that they were beyond ordinary. Surrounded by an open space, they prostrated themselves on the ground.

And in that open space, there is a huge piece of wriggling 'soil' full of vitality and divinity.

The moment she saw that piece of soil, Geyue understood that there was no doubt that that piece of soil was Enkidu who hadn't been completely shaped yet.

"Pure soul, strong plasticity, there is a good seedling."

Geyue looked at the tumbling and wriggling soil, with a malicious smile on her face: "It just happens to be a pair with Gilgamesh, serving as the tomb of the gods."

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