Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 63 The Snowy Communist Party

The heavy snow was flying, and the originally soft and silent snowflakes fluttered in every corner of the vast snow field, grandly and slowly mixing into a continuous "rustle" snow sound.

The magic power gathered under the feet, leaving almost imperceptible circular marks on the snow, and then it was covered by heavy snow in the blink of an eye.

Ge Yue galloped silently, using magic power to convert heat, which was poured into Ming's body continuously, dispelling the cold for the two of them.

Mosquito-sized snowflakes hit head-on, covered Geyue's face with a snow mask in a short while, and Ming in his arms curled up in her arms like a cat, entering a meditative state to recover its magic power .

Although the power of Extreme Ice Mahapatmo is strong, the consumption is extremely huge.

After just one battle, her magic power and physical strength were exhausted.

In order not to affect the next battle, and in order not to become a drag on Ge Yue, Ming needs to seize all the time to keep himself in a state where he can explode with all his strength.

In this way, the two of them ran through the ice and snow until late at night, when Geyue and Ming prepared to find a place to rest.

They are not made of iron, nor have they completed the great leap in the essence of life. In such a harsh environment, they will naturally feel tired.

After running for a while, Geyue found a quiet small village ahead.

The heavy snow has almost completely buried it in the calm and weak undulating curves of the snowfield.

I went forward to check it out, only to find that it was a deserted and abandoned village, except for some tattered supplies, there was no one inhabited for several miles around.

Ge Yue and Ming searched and placed some precautionary measures around them. They found a house that seemed to be in good condition and walked in. They split some discarded furniture and lit the fireplace, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.


However, the fireplace was burning very vigorously. Amidst the crackling sound, a smoky heat wave was released, steaming the clothes soaked in snow water from the two people, making them feel a sense of relief and comfort.

Ge Yue stretched her waist, moved a table and two chairs, placed them beside the fireplace, and sat down. Beside him, Ming had already taken off her conspicuous red windbreaker, and sat on the chair, lazily. She straightened her legs, revealing a soft curve.

"Have a good rest tonight, I'll watch the night."

Ge Yue took out a piece of her own special compressed biscuit and handed it to Ming, said with a smile: "The other party's temptation to us is almost over, and then we will face the hunting troops led by Hui Ye Kuangkui, it will be a tough battle , you must fully nourish your spirit."


Ming nodded, picked up the compressed biscuits on the table, tore off the oiled paper and ate them in small bites.

Not long after, a large piece of compressed biscuit was ordered to eat Geyue, she yawned, curled up on the chair, and fell into a deep sleep not long after.

She is too tired, both mentally and physically, are urgently urging her to rest quickly.

Ge Yue smiled silently, got up and picked up the windbreaker at the side and put it on Ming's body, then walked to the bedside.

The snowy night outside is very quiet, the windows are full of shadows of never-ending snowflakes, there is a kind of heavy tranquility in the chaos, Zi Geyue looks out of the dark window, but her thoughts diverge elsewhere.

In the battle during the day, although Kaguya's figure was not seen, his powerful perception ability caught a gaze that wandered outside the scope of the spiritual realm, brought heavy pressure, and was full of aggression and tyranny.

If he guessed correctly, the owner of that gaze was Kaguya Kuangkui.

After secretly observing that battle, Kaguya Kuangkuai has definitely noticed the flaws in his alchemy, and will definitely launch a thunderous offensive against him in the future, and will definitely not give him time to prepare powerful alchemy.

Considering the abnormal defense and attack power of the Hui Ye clan's bone veins, ordinary alchemy can't break through the defense at all, and the only way to seriously injure or repel them is to use powerful alchemy.

But the powerful alchemy needed time to prepare, but Kaguya Kuangkuai would not give him time, so he fell into a deadlock.

"Do you want to continue running away?"

This thought arose in Ge Yue's mind, but he dismissed it immediately.

He doesn't have space ninjutsu that can move instantly in a large area. No matter how he escapes, he is always in an area with traces to follow.

After the movement range is locked and compressed, they will be chased by them sooner or later, and this process, with Kaguya's strength, will take about three days.

And three days is not enough for Uchiha to solve the Ninja Alliance and then spare manpower to help him.

But it doesn't matter if he doesn't run, and he has no power to resist when he really faces Kaguya Kuangkui.

That is to say, not only does he need to run, but he also needs to prepare a powerful means that can injure Kaguya Kuangshou.

"Tsk, it's troublesome."

Geyue shook her head in annoyance, closed her eyes, opened her mental realm to be alert to the disturbances around her, and silently pondered the way to break the situation while enjoying the water.

For a moment, the room became quiet, only Ming and Geyue's even breathing and the sound of cracking firewood in the stove remained.

two hours later

Geyue woke up startled and opened her eyes to look at the silent snowy night.

It was dark, and in such a cold night, there was no sound of any biological activity, but he felt an extremely heavy oppression and panic.


Ge Yue walked up to Ming, pushed her, and called out softly.

"Are they chasing you?!"

"I didn't perceive their position, but my spiritual sense told me that a dangerous guy was approaching."

Ming rubbed his sleepy eyes, then reached out and patted his cheek to wake himself up.

The consumption of the day and the sense of security around Yu Geyue made her lose the sharpness and vigilance that she should have as a ninja. Even when she woke up, her brain was still chaotic, and she needed a period of time to adjust.

"You adjust your state first, and be ready to start fighting at any time."

Ge Yue leaned over and hugged her with her dead legs and shoulders, and carried her directly through the door into the world of ice and snow.

The snow was falling tightly, and Geyue was running extremely fast. From time to time, icy and sharp snowflakes hit the skin of the face and neck along the gaps in the clothes, giving the illusion of being cut.

However, being held in Geyue's arms, where the body touches, there seems to be an endless flow of warm currents pouring in. In such a cold and dark snowy night, Mission still feels full of warmth and peace of mind.

"so good."

Ming narrowed his eyes and smiled warmly.

"What good?"

Ge Yue lowered her head and gave a blank look, and said in a bad mood, "In this kind of hellish weather, you should stay in the warm bed and dream sweet dreams."


Ming suddenly laughed, it turned out that Ge Yue's face, which looked down, was covered by a layer of frost, especially her eyebrows, which turned into a frosty white color.

While that made her laugh, it also made her feel a little distressed, and she couldn't help but reach out to wipe the frost off his face.

Ge Yue nonchalantly shook off the icy water on his face, quickened his pace again, buried his head in his arms, and occasionally reached out to gently brush the snowflakes off his face.

After Geyue said several times that she would be fine, she left it to her.

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