Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 81: Bait

Three days later in the evening, the Uchiha ninjas who came from the northern border found a place to camp at the foot of the mountain under the order of Uchiha Kazuhiko.

When the bonfire was lit, everyone felt a little warmth in their hearts, and the fatigue caused by the rapid march in the past few days also eased a little.

Utazuki and Uchiha Kazuhiko were sitting alone by a bonfire, seemingly chatting, but in fact they were communicating in a secret language that only they could understand.

"Have those two pieces of information been sent out?"

Ge Yue pulled the bonfire and asked softly.

"It has been sent to the hands of the Thousand-handed Buddha through the scout of the thousand-handed."

Uchiha Kazuhiko said with a smile: "I believe that with the decisiveness of Senju Buddha, he has already begun to mobilize manpower at this moment, and ambushed on the road we must pass."

"That's good."

Ge Yue nodded, and a murderous intent flashed in her double pupils.

Three days ago, when preparing to support the frontal battle between Uchiha Honka and Senju, Utazuki ordered Uchiha Kazuhiko to give a Senju scout who was hypnotized by illusions the route map for their shipment of supplies.

After three years of fighting, both Senju and Uchiha have reached their limit at this time, but Senju has to occupy some advantages.

In order to expand this advantage and even completely defeat Uchiha, the old enemy, Senju will not let go of any opportunity to weaken Uchiha.

Senju will definitely dispatch elites to destroy and ambush the batch of materials that are sufficient to alleviate Uchiha's situation and the reinforcements from the northern border.

In this regard, Qianshou Buddhajian who has obtained this information, no matter whether it is true or false, he will definitely prepare accordingly.

In the same way, in order to defeat the Senju Clan, Uchiha Tajima must pay close attention to this batch of supplies and reinforcements, and will closely monitor Senju's actions.

Once Senshou makes a change, Uchiha Tajima will also make corresponding actions, and the whole body will be affected by a single hair, and a fierce battle will inevitably take place between the two sides.

And at that time, it was the time when Utazuki fished in troubled waters and secretly killed Senju Buddha and Uchiha Tajima.

Yes, the purpose of Utazuki's trip was to kill Uchiha Tajima, who had murderous intentions towards him, and by the way, Senju Buddha, to temporarily end the three-year-old war.

In the early morning of the next day, the main battlefield between Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddha ushered in a short period of calm. For some reason, Senju surprisingly did not launch an attack.

This is a very abnormal situation. Yesterday they were fighting Senju to the death, but today they calmed down without the slightest sign. This abnormal situation instantly alerted Uchiha Tajima.

"Patriarch, patriarch, the latest news, Mr. Heyan's supplies have arrived. Food, weapons, armor, and detonating charms are enough for us who are wealthy to use for a long time."

Jonin Uchiha Sanli ran over and shouted excitedly: "This batch of supplies will be delivered to our camp at the latest by this evening!"


Uchiha Tajima's spirit was shocked, and he laughed fieryly in his heart. The supplies came, and finally they came. In this way, no matter what conspiracy Senju had, he had the confidence to block it.

"Wait! Something is wrong with Qianshou!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Tajima's mind flashed, and he instantly thought of Senju's abnormality today, and instantly thought of the batch of supplies that were about to be sent here, and his expression immediately sank.

Uchiha Tajima's expression changed for a moment, and he shouted in a low voice: "Kage Seven!"


After the words fell, Uchiha Tajima was the only remaining patriarch guard. A ninja wrapped in black clothes including his face knelt on one knee and appeared in front of Uchiha Kazuhiko.

"Ying Qi, you should immediately go to the Qianshou camp to investigate their reality. If you find that a large number of Qianshou's elites have disappeared, come back and report to me immediately."

Uchiha Tajima paused when he said this, and said coldly: "Hurry up!"

"As ordered."

Ying Qi Gongsheng took the order, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

"Shan Li!"

Uchiha Tajima watched Kageshichi leave, turned to Uchiha Sanriki, and said in a deep voice: "Assemble all the elites and wait for the information Kageshichi brings back."


Uchiha Sanriki's eyes froze, and he went to gather the troops without saying a word.

"I wish I was thinking too much."

Watching the two leave, Uchiha Tajima closed his eyes, and said to himself worriedly.

A quarter of an hour passed quietly, and Uchiha's elite had assembled, standing behind Uchiha Tajima, quietly waiting with him for Kageshichi's information.

call out!

A few minutes later, Ying Qi's figure appeared in front of everyone amidst the sound of breaking through the air, panting heavily, and said in a hoarse voice: "Master Patriarch, the Thousand Hands Camp has been emptied, only Dropped shadow clones and shell camps to confuse us."

"Damn Qianshou, they must have detected the route of that batch of supplies by some means, and went to ambush them!"

After the words fell, Uchiha Tajima was furious instantly, and broke a big tree beside him with a punch, and roared through gritted teeth: "Everyone obeys orders, attack with me, we must stop the conspiracy of Senshou and the bastards!"


All the Uchihas were instantly ignited when they heard the words, and the crowd rushed out of the camp along with Uchiha Tajima.


"Okay, stop and rest, let's eat something, and try to reach the destination before sunset."

At noon, Uchiha Kazuhiko glanced at the sky and gave the order to rest in place.

Everyone stopped, tied up the carriage, sat on the side wearily, and stuffed dry food into their mouths with clean water.

They slept in the open last night, and they were urged to go on the road at dawn, and they were really exhausted.

Fortunately, it is now close to noon, and not far from the camp, so he is naturally convinced by Uchiha Kazuhiko's order.

Except for a few special jonin who were assigned to be vigilant, the rest had their lunch and rest without worrying about any problems here.

This place is very close to the Uchiha camp, and the support will arrive in no time, and Senju will only do it here if he is crazy.

"Master Kazuhiko, with this batch of supplies and our support, the family will surely be able to recover and give Qianshou a head-on blow."

During the break, a young Jonin came to Kazuhiko Uchiha and said with a relaxed face.

His name is Uchiha Sora, and he was a young genius who grew from a Chunin to a Jonin during the three years of fighting in the north, and he was also a confidant of the dead Uchiha Kazuhiko.

Uchiha Kazuhiko looked at Uchiha Sora, smiled and said: "More than that, with the trump card of Utazuki, we will surely achieve an unprecedented victory, and Senju is nothing to be afraid of."

"Sir Geyue, if it's him, he does have the power to end this war."

Uchiha Sora's eyes flashed, and there was a look of awe on his face.

He could never forget that that night, Utazuki used an unknown technique to kill hundreds of ninjas with one blow, and split the camp of the Ninja Alliance into two terrifying blows.


Uchiha Kazuhiko smiled slightly, and while eating dry food, he turned his gaze to Geyue who was at the side, waiting for Geyue's instructions.

Calculating the time, the troops of the Senshou Clan should have arrived. If the delay continued, they would really have no chance to destroy these materials when the Uchiha people who came to meet them arrived.


A few minutes later, Utazuki who was in the middle of the team suddenly snapped his fingers, and Uchiha Kazuhiko, who was always paying attention, instantly understood what he meant—the people from Senshou had arrived.

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