Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 97 The Girl Corrupted by Honkai


Hearing this sentence, Mebius immediately showed an unbelievable expression, looked Ge Yue up and down, and said mockingly: "Do you know what Herrscher means? How dare you take this kind of thing as reward without shame?" .”

"Of course I know."

Ge Yue walked towards Mebius with a faint smile, and stretched out a palm in front of her: "Then, is the doctor satisfied with this reward?"

"Crazy guy."

Mebius sneered, stretched out a tender little hand to pat Geyue, and said with a smile, "If you can really take out a copy of Herrscher's corpse, then it's okay if I help you once."

"That's it."

Ge Yue nodded in satisfaction, took a newly equipped mobile phone and exchanged contact information with Mebius, chatted for a while, and then prepared to part.


Suddenly, the expression on Geyue's face changed, and her whole body swept past Mebius's face like a breeze, and quickly walked into the depths of the alley.

"what happened?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Mebius' eyes, driven by curiosity, he chased after him, and after turning a few corners, he saw Geyue's figure again.

Then, a deep surprise appeared on her face.

At this moment, Ge Yue was sitting on a public bench, and in his arms was holding a petite girl with delicate face, wearing a dress, with naturally curly gray hair, as beautiful as a doll.

It's just that the girl's situation is not optimistic. Her face is full of pain, and the skin exposed outside the clothes is covered with black and purple lines, which looks extremely worrying.

Looking at the girl who was held in Geyue's arms, Mebius' eyes flashed a trace of sadness, she knew what the strange lines appeared on the girl's skin.

That is the symptom after being infected by Honkai. Judging from this scale, it is already terminally ill. Even if the highest-tech crystallization of "Honkai Inhibitor" is injected immediately, it is still hopeless.

‘Damn it! '

Mebius clenched his fists, bit his lips slightly, and let out a powerless sigh in his heart.

Geyue lowered her eyes, stroking the little girl's cheek, looking at this face that completely overlapped with that of the little duck in Hou Wenli's family, she couldn't help feeling a softness in her heart.

Out of love for that little duck, he decided to try to save the little girl.

As a result, the radiant light that purified everything poured into the girl's body along his palm, like silk rain, gently purifying and dispelling the Houkai power in the girl's body like a breeze.

But with the purification of the Houkai energy in the girl's body, Geyue's expression became more and more serious.

The entanglement between the girl and the Houkai energy is too serious, and nothing can be seen on the surface, but the bones and organs in the body have undergone serious distortions, and even some cells have turned into Houkai crystals.

Even if the erosion of Houkai energy is eliminated, she has already been cut off from life, unable to return to heaven.

If you want to save her, you must abandon this broken body eroded by Houkai and reshape her body with other substances and the Philosopher's Stone.

No, even reshaping the body is impossible, the girl's soul has undergone an irreversible mutation under the erosion of the force of Houkai, even if she is re-matched with a brand new body, her soul will gradually collapse


When Geyue was silent, the girl's body regained some functions following the elimination of Houkai, and her mind was awakened from ignorance.

"It hurts, it hurts so much, it hurts to death."

But then his consciousness was awakened by the severe pain coming from his body, and he let out heartbreaking weak cries of pain.

"Hey, bear with it, it will pass soon, I will bless you in the name of the Holy Light, you will definitely get better."

Geyue sighed, causing the magic power of holy light to cut off the girl's pain nerves, and gently comforted her.

"Will it really get better?"

The girl opened those blue-gray eyes with difficulty, looked at the gentle face in front of her, and asked expectantly.

"Yes, I will."

Ge Yue's expression became more and more gentle, gently stroking her painful little face, you comforted and advised her patiently, and then told her about the scenery of your travels.

On the Antarctic continent, the stars in the sky are extraordinarily bright after the wind and snow subside;

Grizzlies in the forests of the Northland are so naive, and they feel so silky when rubbed;

In the deep mountains and old forests of Shenzhou, after being beaten, the panda looks naive and rolls all over the ground;

The big geese on the shore of Lake Baikal are dull and fat, and they don’t know how to run if someone comes to catch them. They don’t even need to add oil to roast them.

"That's great, I think I'm going to have a look."

Listening to Geyue's narration, two lines of tears of joy flowed down the girl's eyes, and she fell into a beautiful dream with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I really want to go and have a look. And thank you, kind big brother"

Accompanied by a dreamlike murmur, the girl fell into a deep sleep forever.

A pure, flawless and impurity-free remnant soul that only Ge Yue could see flew out of the body, circled around him twice, and happily flew towards his body.

But before it was about to enter his body, it was gently held in Ge Yue's hand.

Holding the soul tightly with a wave of his hand, Ge Yue silently looked at the girl's smile that hadn't faded even in death, and put the soul back into her body.

"...I can't do anything."

With a complex expression, he read out this sentence, which was dubbed the password to open the cheat, and silently injected the magic power of the holy light into the girl's body, and then looked forward to a miracle.

But, until a long time, all he waited for was the girl's body that had completely lost its temperature.

Geyue suddenly felt a pang of regret. Honkai III was the only game in his previous life that he hadn't given up on for 5 years. He had a special feeling for the characters in it.

After becoming a time traveler, if it is possible to meet them, he doesn't mind helping them as much as he can.

Undoubtedly, this individual similar to a certain little duck aroused Ge Yue's compassion, so he did not hesitate to help this little girl.

But the result turned out to be so realistic, the girl's peaceful and serene smile was like the world's greatest mockery to him - he really couldn't do anything!

At this moment, an urge to destroy everything and destroy everything suddenly surged in his heart.

But this impulse only rose for a moment, and then it was quietly suppressed by his own reason and turned into nothingness.

‘I am really a hypocrite! '

Ge Yue clenched her fists tightly, feeling a strong sense of unwillingness and self-mockery at her weak and powerless self.


At this moment, Geyue felt a strong desire in her heart again, for absolute power, for the power to crush and sweep away everything!


He let out a breath of foul air slowly, as if he wanted to let out all the stagnation in his heart.

He got up and laid the girl's body flat on the bench. After hesitating for a moment, he turned to look at Mebius who was standing there blankly, and said, "Dr. Mebius, can you Do me a little favor?"

Mebius pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "Say it."

"Please help me find the family of this little girl and bury her by the way. I will pay you a lot of money afterwards."

"Okay, but can you answer a question for me?"

"Excuse me."

"This little girl is not related to you, why did you do this for her?"

"It probably came from some kind of uncontrollable impulse."

Ge Yue shook her head, and disappeared from Mebius' sight as soon as she took a step.

"What a weirdo."

Taking a complicated look at the direction Geyue left, Mebius walked slowly to the sleeping girl, and gently picked her up, and then her expression shook suddenly, revealing an expression of disbelief.


She opened her mouth slightly, pressed her head against the girl's chest, and then felt a faint throbbing.


This is the sound of a beating heart!

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