Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 99 - The Fall

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was rising, and the warm sunlight shone through the window into the house, causing Geyue to unconsciously cover her eyes with her hand to block the somewhat dazzling light.

He slept very well last night, emptied his mind, let go of all guards, and had a good sleep comfortably, which made him feel refreshed and full of energy.

More importantly, he seemed to be injected with infinite power, and the confusion in his heart disappeared.

"There is an extra strength in my heart, so that I will no longer be affected by confusion, nor will I be attacked by fear, but it always feels like my head has suddenly become iron."

Shaking her head with some emotion, Geyue sat up from the bed, picked up her mobile phone, and then raised her eyebrows in surprise.

An eye-catching message was displayed on his mobile phone, which belonged to Mebius, and there was only one address on the message, and the big words "See you with the flame moth in Europe".

"Is this a run away?"

Shaking her head slightly, Geyue didn't care too much, anyway, they are all in the same world, and they have to deal with each other sooner or later, so things like cloning Sharingan are not in a hurry.

And it's good to leave, Changkong City is about to have a big collapse, if Mebius dies in this collapse because of him, then he will have no place to cry.

Pulling the curtains casually, she turned and walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and washed her face, the cold feeling made Ge Yue cheer up a little.

After washing up, I looked up and saw the image reflected in the mirror on the washstand through the spiritual realm, and suddenly felt refreshed.

"I'm so handsome~"

Twitching the corners of her mouth, Ge Yue picked up a towel and wiped her face, put on her clothes and walked out of the hotel.

Counting the time, the third Honkai is about to begin, and the outbreak of the Honkai will inevitably cause a huge number of casualties, and that will be the best and easiest time for him to obtain souls.

It's just that he doesn't know how long he will have to wait before the third big collapse.

Walking on the street, Geyue bought an Okonomiyaki from a roadside stall for breakfast, and when she was about to pay for it, she suddenly noticed something unusual—anomalies from the surrounding air.

It's like adding white sugar to boiled water. Although there is no change on the surface, you can still feel the ubiquitous weird feeling to some extent.

Frowning, just as he wanted to find out the source of this weird feeling, the Okonomiyaki owner in front of him suddenly let out a strange cry, and waved the shovel in his hand indiscriminately towards him.

Pushing the boss down to the ground with her backhand, Geyue, who was about to take further action, suddenly discovered that there were ominous, strange lines emitting black and purple light particles on his body.

"Honkai erosion phenomenon!"

Then, as Geyue's pupils constricted, these black and purple lines quickly spread up and down the boss's body, but in less than three seconds, they spread to the whole body, and then stopped struggling, falling into a trap together with breathing and heartbeat. stop.


Immediately afterwards, the whole body exploded, disintegrating into mottled spots of light, leaving only one empty piece of clothing, and a mass of disintegrating, less than half of the soul that submerged in Geyue's body.

Looking at the empty clothes in a daze, Geyue was a little at a loss, why did there not be any sign of collapse and erosion? And why is it so violent?

Obviously, in his spiritual perception, the boss is a healthy person and has not been infected with Honkai, but after only a few breaths, the other party was infected with Honkai, and then was eroded by Honkai to the point of collapse.

"No way"

As if thinking of something, Geyue closed the spiritual field, abandoned the wide-area perception, increased the precision and fineness, and then found out in astonishment.

The weak power of Houkai has already occupied all the surrounding space, but its quality is so weak that Geyue didn't notice it immediately.

"It turns out that the quality of these Houkai energy is too slight, and it is difficult to perceive the wide-area spiritual realm without concentration, so that I ignored it."

Muttering in a low voice, a deep chill rose from the bottom of her heart, occupying all of Geyue's thoughts in an instant.

There is probably only one possible explanation for this phenomenon, and that is-the Great Crash has come!

As if feeling Geyue's thoughts in the dark, the concentration of the surrounding Houkai force intensified crazily, and in less than a few seconds it had reached the level that caused Geyue's instinctive reaction in his Absolute Domain.

And it continued to intensify as time went on, bringing Geyue a kind of squeeze like being in the deep sea, with endless pressure from all directions.

Moreover, this pressure is extremely violent, like a dynamite barrel being ignited, it can send out earth-shattering and terrifying shocks at any time.

With the frenzied beating of his heart, almost substantive magic power gushed out from his body, and a violent wave erupted. While blowing away the surrounding objects, a light golden polygonal box-shaped barrier was formed to envelop him. .


The next moment, an endless, substantive black-purple mist suddenly appeared in this world, engulfing the entire Changkong City in an instant like a tsunami.

Under the erosion of this black and purple mist, the city that was functioning normally not long ago has completely collapsed at this moment.

The out-of-control traffic collided and exploded on the road, and the black smoke of gas covered up the prosperity of the last second. However, compared with what was happening below, such a picture was not worth mentioning at all.

The corroded situation that happened to the boss of Okonomiyaki a few seconds ago is happening to every creature in this city.

——Whether human beings or livestock, dark purple particles spread all over the body. Most creatures fell to the ground and stopped breathing after struggling painfully for a few seconds. Their bodies gradually disintegrated and collapsed into large black and purple particles.

Only a few people stood up again after struggling hard, but when they stood up again, the color of reason in their eyes disappeared, and they turned around and began to kill the struggling people around them in various primitive ways.

And the few of the few, the body began to mutate, the skin was broken, the body reorganized, proliferated a large number of pale white bodies soaked in ominous and strange dark purple lines, and turned into huge one after another, full of tyranny and destruction. monster!


Seeing such a terrifying change, Geyue opened her mouth wide, and then let out a hysterical roar, like half of a sonic bomb, and set off a punch full of destructive sound waves, instantly blowing away within tens of meters around all objects.

Stimulated by the dense and foggy Houkai energy around him, even across the absolute domain, the 'Void Manzang' who was integrated with him was attracted by the Houkai power and then activated, causing Geyue to produce Honkai can have a strong desire to 'eat'.

Ka Ka Ka——

The source of the strong desire of the body, the magic barrier that protected Geyue and resisted the impact of Houkai energy began to disintegrate from the inside, and collapsed, exposing Geyue's body to the world.

And as Geyue came into contact with Honkai Neng, the world suddenly became silent for a moment, as if there was an infinite stalwart, an infinitely vast existence opened its eyes and poured its gaze on this world.

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