Eternal life begins with saving my clan

Chapter 45 Danger from the Northern Barrend land -Desert Sand Men

45  Danger from the Northern Barrend land -Desert Sand Men

Northern Barren Land. Ah! Ah!

The miserable screams of people echoed in the small village, Qilin Crossing. Blood splattered everywhere, with dead bodies littering the street.

On the faces of the corpses were fear and unwillingness. They were cut into pieces, leaving no corpse intact.

Even though there were corpses everywhere, a group of humans was still fighting fiercely against the deadly sudden foe: the Desert Sand Men.

Amidst the chaos of the attack on Qilin Crossing village, the Desert Sand Men emerged from the swirling sandstorm like nightmarish specters. These enigmatic figures were the stuff of local legends and whispered tales around campfires, but now, they manifested in the flesh with ominous purpose.

Cloaked in tattered robes the color of sun-bleached bones, the Desert Sand Men were masters of deception, blending seamlessly with the arid landscape. Their robes billowed like the shifting dunes, making it nearly impossible to discern their forms until they were upon their prey.

Each of these attacks was a relentless force of nature, resembling more of an elemental spirit than a human being. Their skin, parched and cracked from years under the relentless desert sun, bore an ashen hue that camouflaged perfectly with the desert sands. Their faces were obscured by tattered veils, offering only glimpses of hollowed eyes that burned with an eerie, malevolent light.

In their hands, they wielded wickedly curved scimitars, the blades etched with ancient symbols that seemed to pulse with dark energy.

In a couple of minutes, the previously bustling Qilin Crossing was left empty, with a thick stench of blood in the air. The savage Desert Sand Men didn't even bat an eye at the village and marched forward as if they were controlled by an invisible hand.

In another couple of minutes, the Desert Sand Men arrived in the nearest village and began their massacre. They never uttered a word; only their scimitars did the talking.

However, this time around, the villagers retaliated with more power than at Qilin Crossing. A couple of the villagers had the Metal Bone Construct.

An old man with sparse white hair fought bravely against the Desert Sand Men with determination and confusion. "Where did this abomination come from?" he thought in shock.

Ah! Ah!

Right from his left, two of his companions were mercilessly cut into pieces. Their innards flew out, bones cracking with blood dyeing the ground red.

Watching the gory scene, all the men fighting sucked in a cold breath with their spines drenched in cold sweat. Was their fate going to be like that if they were to fall into the hands of these Desert Sand Men? The thought raced in their minds, and everyone couldn't help but look at one another.

"What are you doing?! Fight with all your strength!" The village chief shouted as he managed to deflect an attack and cut the Sand Man by the waist into two.

Desert Sand Men?!

The three inner elders looked at each other and saw the shock on each other's faces. What the hell were Desert Sand Men?!

Quickly, Su Ming reported what was sent from one of their branch halls in the northern barren land.

"What should we do?" Elder Hua asked in a low voice.

"We should send three thousand Metal Bone Construct soldiers with one thousand Bronze Metal Armor to support them if things go wrong," Elder Su Jie said after thinking for a moment.

"What about the Sect Master? Are we not going to call and report to him?" one of the outer elders asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, everyone inside held their breath for a moment before they turned to look at the four most powerful people inside the hall.

"We should tell the Sect Master if we can't handle it any longer. But first, we should try to solve it," Elder Su Feng finally said.

"I support that," Su Ming added.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location under the southern sea, Su Yen was tossed back and forth, his head hitting the tunnel wall as the high-speed river moved through the narrow tunnel.


Su Yen fell from the sky, hitting the water below with great force, making his bones quiver. He was dizzy for a moment, shaking his head to recover from his dizziness.

Recovering from his dizziness, Su Yen swam out of the small-sized water pool, only to be confronted by some beings with forks.

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