Eternal Life

Chapter 1389: The way to promote the three kings

Chapter 1389, the Three Ways to Promote Heavenly Kings

"This vitality is the essence of your life, it will still be returned to you, re-agglomerate the body." Fang Han's hand in the group of black blood like a loss of energy, and two original nuclear in the air combined, non-stop creep Finally, turned into a demon god, it is actually the prototype of the Red Sea Devil.

Re-agglomerated successfully.

It’s just that the face is pale and it’s hurt.

"Thirty-three days to make a **** fist, it is equivalent to a strike by Tianjun, your mana is too horrible." Chihai Mozun got the release of Fang Han, condensed the body successfully, lost the fierceness of the Taikoo demon, watching Fang Han has some taboos.

Fang Han didn't want to kill this person, of course, because it had a relationship with the Red Devils. Otherwise, it would have been refining together with the Thunder nucleus of the Emperor Tiandi.

With his current strength, since refining and refining the thunderous pool, he has swallowed the ancient emperor casually, and Wang Pinxian has not increased much skill, but the master of the Red Sea Devils is rare, and the failure of the robbery is not dead. The monster, in the case of his own three hundred times of combat power, actually still retains a trace of spiritual knowledge.

This kind of character is swallowed up, and the benefits are great.

However, Fang Han knows that he can't just rely on swallowing to increase his cultivation. He has to work hard for a period of time, to consolidate all his cultivation and memory, and to make his progress even better. For him now, the role of cultivation and consolidation, It is much more effective than phagocytosis.

"Now, you should follow it." Fang Han suddenly waved between him, and he shot a Buddha light into the body of the Red Sea Demon. This is the Buddha light in the world's self-confidence, and has absolute control.

Moreover, Fang Han just broke the body of the Red Sea Demon, and condensed the vitality of the blood of the black and white, which has already infused his own will, and can achieve absolute control over this demon.

Without the means of display, he would not believe that this demon would be truly controlled by himself.

The Red Sea Demon is not moving, watching Fang Han show his forbidden blessing on his own body, knowing that his resistance is also in vain, Fang Han is so like a character, it is impossible to compete, it is already the whole world, Wanfang universe The person closest to Tianjun.

"Let's go, Red Sea Demon, you have to follow me, you can't mess. I have got what I want now, I have to go out from heaven. This is a ban on the heavens. Into it, only my thirty-three days to the treasure and the Fortune God fist can freely enter and exit."

Fang Han walked away, no matter how the Red Sea Demon statue, he knows that this demon must go out to heaven, must follow himself, otherwise it will be difficult to go out after going out.

The Red Sea Devils really followed up, what is the repair of this demon? If you can enter the Tianjun candidate list, you can at least reach the top three. He can naturally see that the scene is dangerous, the heavens are full of bans, and there is no square cold, he is also trapped in it.

Fang Han is now full of willingness to go out from heaven.

I got the secret of the Dan world he wanted, killed the two empires, the guns of the trial, and destroyed the whole prison, and got the life of the thunder pool, and received the Red Sea Demon. All this has been a great harvest. If you want to gain something, it is greedy. Tianjun killed and had more trouble.

Lei Di Tianjun now knows this thing, it is likely that he will split up to kill.

A Tianjun's avatar is okay. If there are a few babies, I am afraid that there is no danger of falling.

Therefore, he must immediately leave the heavens, find a place, and digest his own income. Anyway, Tianmai’s vitality has also been enough, at least enough to display thousands of times of the power of three hundred times of explosive power.


His body leaped into a qi, and it was perfectly integrated into the ban of heaven. At the same time, he wrapped the Red Sea Demon and walked out of the heavens. After a while, he disappeared completely.

"The heavens and the gods are all destroyed by me. I don't know how much turmoil will be caused? I want to have a look, and there is a singer, the guns of the trial are dead, will the whole heaven go crazy?"

When Fang Han was flying out of the heavens, he was thinking about this problem.

As soon as the heavens are infinite, the endless war of war has shrouded a piece of emptiness, barbarians, seas, protoss, and aliens. All kinds of masters, arranged in coalition forces, are still bombarding heaven and earth, day and night, the war is endless, do not know what year and month to continue, some of the heavenly breath, hidden in the depths of the world, do not know how to sit, observe the week .

Fang Han’s current cultivation is extraordinary, and he has been able to feel the temperament of Tian Jun. Immediately, he feels that the seven gods of the Protoss are connected into a large array. It seems that they are preparing to spur the creation of artifacts and break the gap in the heavens.

"The ancestor of the Protoss, the ancestor of the Protoss, has already lived up. It seems that it is difficult to wake up. The axe that was born with him is probably not long after life, and it is in the point of returning to the light, if I can get the bodies of these two people." Suddenly Fang Fang’s thoughts are: "And, the real world tree trunk, in the realm of the gods, is the foundation of the realm. If I get it, I can even restore the whole world tree. By that time, This is also a powerful magic weapon."

Now the tree of the world of Fang Han, the spoon of the gods has no use, and completely lost the fighting power.

However, as the cultivation is deep, for the thoroughness of the heavens and the earth, Fang Han knows that the tree of the world itself is a treasure that is comparable to the king of the king. Otherwise, it will not let the ancestral sacred king and the creational artifacts smash for so long, and consume so much power.

Now the tree of the world in Fang Han’s body is just a small part of the original world tree. It is equal to a dust on a planet. The power is not great. The mystery does not show up. If you really get the tree of the world. The backbone, that foot can break the boundaries of heaven and man.

Fang Han is now Tian Jun, and there must be no one way to have 100% confidence.

He figured it out. The first is to get the sleeping gods in the Dan world, integrate into the body, and save enough power to immediately hit Tianjun Avenue.

The second is to get a complete tree of the world, and it is possible to get enough savings.

The third is to get the body of a fallen Tianjun, and then apply the technique of fusion of hemorrhagic meat, thoroughly plundering the body of Tianjun.

These three methods are very difficult. The key to the Dan world is not available and cannot be entered at all. The capture of the tree of the world is against the entire realm of the gods. As for the corpse of the fallen Tianjun, it is hard to find.

"Well? The fallen body of the corpse?"

Fang Han suddenly felt a move, remembered a picture, that picture is a huge coffin, Huatian is practicing before the coffin?

The body of Hua Tianjun, lying in the coffin.

"The corpse of Tianjun... Isn’t Huatianjun just? With my current cultivation, I found the body of this Huatianjun, and I will be able to directly succumb to it, with the help of flesh and blood, plunder all, and occupy the nest, then Shocking Tianjun, I am afraid this is really 100% sure." Fang Han violently beats up.

He immediately began to calculate, where Hua Tiandu is.

However, in the void, only a vague shadow can be derived. It seems that there is a strong tyrannical force. It completely blocks all the secrets about Hua Tianjun, and it is calculated by Fang Han’s current road. It is very difficult.

"Hua Tian is not in the heavens. Otherwise, I will certainly be able to sense it. But where is Hua Tianjun? The corpse of this person is plundered and reliable. If it is, it will be completely consolidated and vivid. I can definitely figure out that my current strength is enough to understand some things of Tianjun. But that Huatian wants to merge with Hua Tianjun’s body? Then it turns out? Yes, Huatiandu The plan is definitely these."

Fang Han came out of the heavens, silent, and he is now even more without fireworks. The ecstasy of the epoch is condensed. It is difficult for Tianjun to find his traces. He returned to the Yuhuamen directly after he came out from heaven.

The ancient city of Zhongzhou is completely blocked, and the power expands outward. Countless Yuhuamen Jinxian disciples, ancestors and disciples, the elders of the Yuanxian, and the saints are all fighting outside, killing various barbarian, protoss, orcs, seas, and aliens. . The army’s defeat in the army’s festival, this time the invasion of the army, the number of robbing is completely an opportunity to exercise for the disciples of the feathers.

Inside the feather gate, the time of the kingdom has accelerated. One hour outside, the millennium is inside. Many disciples have practiced for a thousand years, and they have come out to kill the monsters. When they are in the fierce battle, they will return to heaven immediately. Among them, retreat. Now the feathering door is completely open and supply.

The king's spirit is vital, the holy spirit is not lacking, all kinds of medicinal herbs, materials, and water are generally distributed. Every disciple is grateful and swears to contribute to the martial art. At this moment, the feathering gate is like a huge war machine. It starts to work thoroughly.

Nothing else, the resources are too rich.

The magical spirit of Fang Han’s plunder, the magic weapon of the 18th floor of the treasure house of the heavenly court, can simply create ten super supreme masters. Think about it, millions of kings of the spirit, it makes people numb. There are thousands of Wang Pinxian, countless magic materials.

Yuhuang is a real manager. He has the style of teaching and teaching. He cultivates himself and manages the entire martial art. Any cultivation, distribution, reward, and teaching... Fang Han’s management methods are not so strong.

Of course, if Fang Han is fully calculating, he can naturally cover everything. For each disciple's strengths and character, each person has a special training and training method, so that everyone can be shaped into a genius. If he is a leader, he will fully cultivate The disciples of the martial art, not for thousands of years, the comprehensive strength of the feather gate will certainly exceed any Supreme Master, because his calculation ability is equivalent to the invincible light brain in the ancient scientific and technological civilization, the subtle and invisible place of each disciple. , can all have an insight into the autumn.

However, he does not have this time now, he wants to advance to Tianjun and say.

Returning to the inside of the feather door, I saw that the Emperor was closing his eyes.

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