Eternal Love

Chapter 54

Chapter 12 : Love Awakening (1)

Chapter 12: Love Awakening (1)

Great Zhou Palace

【Imperial Study Room】

Zhou Cheng seems to be dozing off


The girl smiled: “When I grow up, I want to marry you and be a bride, okay?”


The girl is happy: “I like the feeling of being alone? Of course, like me, I think of you every day!”


The woman is happy: “Brother Cheng!!”


Women’s joy: “Brother Cheng!”


The woman cried: “I like you, I have always liked you since I was a child!”


The woman cried bitterly: “Why not me, why did you do this to me?”


The woman resented: “I will kill her, if you must choose her, I will kill her!”


The eunuch: “I heard that Miss Zhang was injured?”

Maid of the palace: “It seems that I was injured by a fall, and I have been unconscious until now!”


“You are really rude, why do you grab other people’s hands casually, have you never heard of men and women giving or receiving?”

Women’s indifference and neglect towards him for the first time


“I am ashamed to say, Yinyin hurt her head a few days ago, so she has some amnesia, so that she forgot how to go——”

The attitude of the woman has become so strange


Seeing her lying in a pool of blood and being stepped on by a tiger, Yi Ren had already lost consciousness. This was the first time he felt lost for her!


Listening to her calling someone’s name when she was seriously injured and unconscious, it made him tasteless in every way. This was the first time he felt tasteless and jealous!


In order to save her, he ran around looking for a famous doctor!


A cold wind blew, her slender and weak body trembled a little, he took off his cloak and put it on her body. This was the first time he wanted to care for her without thinking and unconsciously!


Seeing others touching her white face with dirty hands, his unconscious feeling burned with anger!


Seeing her relapse and being considerate of others, her gentleness and kindness made him deeply affectionate, and when she heard her calling others’ names, his heart seemed to be hit by a stone!


Why, since her amnesia, there is always a faint sadness deep in her eyes!


When she danced on the stage, she looked like a fairy descending to the earth, and every movement of her was so charming. Later, her movements were a little strange, and he knew that it was caused by her injury that had not healed. Love and pity made him feel helpless!


I saw her shrunken and trembling in the dark again. Why is she so helpless that I want to hold her tightly in my arms!


Seeing her smile gradually showing after being injured and demobilized was so beautiful. This was the first time he was moved by her smile; her innocent smile, the food she cooked by herself was far more delicious than the delicacies of mountains and seas, which made him Feeling sprouted!


Playing in the water, she looks like a fairy in the water; the clothes soaked in the water cling to her skin looming and translucent, and the wet hair looks so alluring. Enchanting, hers This **** appeal makes people want to be his own. This is the first time that he has desires for her and his heartbeat speeds up!


Ru Ting’s sudden and bizarre disappearance made him forget all the good feelings he had had towards her, and even made him think that everything about her was pretended? She even thought that she deceived everyone in order to get what she wanted! The anger in my heart cannot be extinguished, the pain in my heart cannot be healed, and I hate that I will develop good feelings and undue feelings for her!


Rebuked loudly and even wanted to hit her, but facing her stubborn expression and sad eyes, he couldn’t do anything!


I regret all the illusions that I had made to her, and made a vow in my heart that I would never have any feelings for her again!


Facing the tragic death of Ru Ting, he was very angry and beat her and insulted her; because he had a good impression of her, he was very angry, and it was because of the illusion that he could not be merciful to her!

clutching him crazily, just before strangling her to death, looking at her expressionless, eyes full of resentment and silent tears staring at him, making him unconsciously feel that his heart seems to have been beaten? Every sentence of her hurts his heart every time!

Desolate, helpless, sorrowful, grieving, bitter smile, all feelings of sadness, all kinds of helplessness and sadness were revealed in her tearful eyes, his heart seemed to be aching, let her go!

Looking at her holding a sharp blade and holding the already cold corpse in her hand, his heart returned to silence as dead ashes!

When she started to talk about herself, the conversation he never knew, was she really the one he knew? In just a few words, he knew that there was another person she loved, and that person was not himself! Is it true that Ru Ting’s death was not caused by her?

Just when he was losing and unable to get the answer he wanted, the sharp blade in her hand was swept down, the last smile she showed when looking at the crowd was so gentle and sweet? Who is the smile for? Before he knew the answer, she had fallen under the cliff…

In desperation, he let go of Ru Ting and rushed to the edge of the cliff. What he saw was her peaceful, smiling face…


When he had her, he didn’t know how to cherish it!

He didn’t understand what true love is until he lost her!

The unforgettable tingling of losing her makes him unforgettable

Can’t escape from the reality of losing her, so I chose to forget the love for her!

Just in the depths of my heart

The memory of her existence still remains

Maybe she didn’t make him feel this way before

Just when he understands it, he has lost the most true love

Long time

What he forgot is the most unforgettable love

Her death and recovery made him forget that he only hated her love

Learning about her situation from his own brother, it made him feel a little bit cool in his heart!!

In the chaotic battle with Zhao Guo and the assassin, he saw her again, she seemed to be haggard, and she seemed weak? The chaos made her very scared. She wanted to be by her side earlier, but saw her standing up to protect others in fear. Why can she be so kind? He rushed towards her as if frantically, but his movements were still a step slower, she was robbed…

chased her tightly, trying to rescue her from the assassin, but until the end he still took a step slower and watched her jump off the cliff!

Watching her fall from the cliff again and again, every time, every time he was unable to save the ending like this; when he rushed to the cliff for the first time, she was already invisible, and some were just a whistling wave…

The heart-piercing pain made him wake up

Get it and don’t understand it to keep it

Only those who are lost can understand to regret

Recall the past

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