Eternal Love

Chapter 66

Chapter 15 : An unforgettable taste (2)

Chapter 15: The Unforgettable Taste (2)


“Eat some more—”

Han Ji is feeding Yinyin. Yinyin is sitting on the bed, her face is pale and haggard. It seems that Zhou Yan’s arrival before has caused her a lot of trauma…

“The Queen—”

An urgent voice accompanied by rapid footsteps

In a short while, a servant girl ran up to Han Ji…

“It’s not good, the princess——”

“Little Green, you are so rude in front of the dancer!!”

Han Ji put down the spoon, turned to the servant girl and scolded slightly…

“Ah! I’m very sorry!! Please make atonement!!”

The maid Xiaolu hurriedly knelt down and apologized. You must know that if you offend Yinyin, you will not only end up miserably, but you may lose even your life and it will not be enough to make up…

“Hmm! Get up quickly, it’s no big deal—”

Yinyin’s weak response, she also knew very well that if Zhou Yan knew that the maidservant made a mistake in front of her, she would probably be killed…

“Xie Niangniang!——”

Little Green stood up frightened

“Little Green, didn’t you teach you that you are not allowed to make a loud noise? What if you make a noise to the dancer and affect her condition?”

Han Ji’s profound teachings

“Yes, Little Green knew it was wrong——”

Little green bowed her head to admit her mistake

“Sister Han Ji, don’t be so strict, it will scare her–”

If it was the former Yinyin, I believe she would not speak or intercede for people? It’s just that there are not a few people who die because of her. She never thought that life was so fragile in ancient times. She could put a person to death anytime, anywhere, for whatever reason, even if that person was not killed by herself, but because of herself. Death, too many people have died, Yinyin no longer wants to see anyone die for her…

“My sister is wrong. If she knows what she is wrong, she can correct it. It’s great. If she doesn’t tell her that she did a mistake, how can she know that she has changed it? If one day she does the same on an important occasion, who else can save her?”

Han Ji understands Yinyin’s mind deeply, but what should be said is still to be said, not to blame, but to teach…

“My sister said–”

Yin Yin remembers Han Ji’s teachings…

“Okay, Xiaolu, what the **** is such a fuss about? If it’s not a big deal, be careful not to eat dinner!”

With reprimanding words, but the tone is so kind, people deeply appreciate her magnanimity…

“Yes, just now the slave and maid came from the kitchen. I heard that there was a maid who was sending tea to the prince. She didn’t know how to anger the prince and punished her in the front yard, so the slave and maid stopped by and took a look—”

While talking, Xiao Green’s voice trembled when he thought of the scene he had just seen!

“What’s wrong? Keep talking?”

Looking at Xiaolu’s words, she was so frightened, Han Ji was also a little worried that it would not be a good thing…

“The prince said that as long as she can bring the tea to him and apologize, she can forgive her, but that’s too–”

Little Green can’t go on anymore, as if she was being punished, she shuddered when she thought of the shocking scene…

From Xiaolu’s description, Han Ji could probably guess the scene, but she was also a little bit chilling: “Dancing girl, take a rest first, I’ll see the situation!”

Yinyin didn’t react for a while, Han Ji and Xiaolu left one after another…

Every time Zhou Yan punished someone, as long as Han Ji knew about it, he would dissuade them. Many people survived because of Han Ji. In order to reduce the number of victims, Han Ji ordered Xiaolu, as long as there are special circumstances. Immediately notify, the same is true now…

——The front yard of Prince Jing’s Mansion——

From the entrance to the front of the main hall, there is a walkway made of ceramic shards and charcoal. A maid walks on it with a tea bowl. She will always stumble and knock over the tea bowl within a few steps, but she will soon again. Stand up, hold up the tea bowl again, and walk past the door again; his body is covered with scars and blood stains, his clothes are in tatters, a pair of delicate feet is already completely unrecognizable, stepping on the pavement of the abnormal aisle, it is spread from the soles of the feet. There were bursts of pungent burning smell; all the maids present were frightened, and even the guards who were men were shaken.

Falling down from the specially paved walkway again and again, standing up again and again, again and again in a coma, and again and again awakened by cold water, in this cold winter, wearing thin clothes, dragging his scarred body, time and time again. Repeating the same thing again and again, what can’t be forgiven for what she did wrong? Is it just knocking over the tea bowl? But instead of being tortured by such pain, why not ask for death? Instead, insist on doing so? It’s really hard to understand…

Zhou Yan sitting at the entrance of the main hall, condescending, seems to be savoring the unique performance before him?

Soon, Han Ji followed Xiaolu to Zhou Yan…

“The Queen—”

“Wang Ye——”

After the people have greeted

“Master, what is going on?”

Han Ji asked eagerly, looked at the punished maid, she couldn’t bear it…

“This is not the performance that the princess should watch, hurry back!”

The same posture and cold tone, it seems that Han Ji’s arrival did not surprise her, nor did it disturb his thoughts…

“Wang Ye——”

“This is her voluntary, the princess does not need to say more!”


Knowing the purpose of Han Ji’s visit, Zhou Yan did not give Han Ji any room to intercede. His words confused Han Ji, voluntary? Voluntary torture? Han Ji was very puzzled and puzzled by Zhou Yan’s words. She looked at Zhou Yan and then at the maidservant who was walking on the torture path. The maidservant fell again, and soon stood up again, returning to the starting point and starting on the torture path. walk……

“What the **** is this?”

Han Ji was confused. Seeing the maidservant so persistent and not giving up, Han Ji also clearly felt that the maid was walking with her own will!

“Did you see it? If the princess has nothing else to do, please go back soon!”

Looking at Zhou Yan’s self-satisfied attitude, and then at the handmaid’s persistent behavior, Han Ji quickly woke up: “What did you do to her?”

“Why did the princess say this? You can see, this king didn’t let anyone to persecute her, it was she herself who wanted to walk on the road!”

“Is she really going to walk on the torture road? Didn’t you intimidate the lord?”

Getting along for a long time, and knowing how much Zhou Yan’s character is, how can a normal person walk on such a cruel pavement obediently? Had it not been for any reason, it would be hard for Han Ji to imagine that the maidservant would be voluntary…

Han Ji’s words caused Zhou Yan to change his posture, which was somewhat lazy and enjoyable, to sit upright: “Wang Hao, you have to pay attention to proportions when you speak. Don’t think that the king is accommodating and you will really not treat you. Don’t blame this king for being ruthless!”

“The maid is also a human being. She is also raised by her parents, and her parents will feel distressed for her. Are you really that interesting to her?”

“shut up!”

“The concubine is just telling the facts. Everyone will have their own parents worrying about her and worrying about her. Now that you torture her like this, wouldn’t it be her parents that you feel bad? As a prince, shouldn’t you treat the common people? As your own people? Will you not feel sad and sad for their misfortune?”

Zhou Yan’s prestige did not make Han Ji feel timid, but instead blurted out all the things she had always wanted to say but could not say…


“Wang Ye——”

“I tell you to shut up!!”

Zhou Yan broke out. His roar made everyone startled. This was the first time he roared in front of Han Ji. Han Ji was also stunned. Zhou Yan glared at Han Ji…

“The king, the princess——”

The little green behind Han Ji’s glaring at Zhou Yan was frightened.

“When does this king need you to criticize? Who gave you so much power to teach you how to treat your people? What qualifications do you think you have to teach this king? ”

Zhou Yan’s voice was stern, approaching Han Ji step by step, and Han Ji stepped back because of the sharp momentum…

“Warning, don’t use that self-righteous attitude to teach this king, this time this king can not pursue it, if there is another next time, I will never forgive you!”

stopped and turned abruptly: “Let’s stop here, this king will bypass you this time, and the next time this king will punish you with ten times more cruel punishment!”

The voice fell, and strode away, Zuo Yu and others followed closely…

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