Eternal Love

Chapter 69

Chapter 16 : Pregnancy (2)

Chapter 16: Pregnancy (2)

Han Ji’s situation is worrying, she has been in chaos since she fell, but there is more important thing to find out the reason, Zhou Yan gathered all the related people together and began to question. Of course, it is excusable that the handmaid who prescribes, decocts, and delivers the medicine is regarded as the first suspect. Even Yinyin can’t say anything. What she is more worried about is Han Ji’s situation, because she thinks it is her. , If she insisted on persuading Han Ji to take the medicine, she would not end there, so she has been waiting by Han Ji’s side and did not participate in the interrogation…

“Say, who is the poison?”

“The slave servant really didn’t know anything. The slave servant just sent the fried medicine to the princess concubine as usual, and never expected that the decoction given to the princess concubine would be drunk by the princess. How could the servant frame the princess in this way?”

“The slaves only decocted the medicine according to the prescription as usual. I really don’t know anything else!”

“The prescription for the villain had been prescribed to the concubine wife a few days ago. If the prescription was poisoned by the villain, it should have happened long ago, right?”

Two maidservants and one doctor each have testimony, making it difficult to know who is right and who is wrong

“Hmph, it would be hard for the flesh and blood to suffer. This king advises you to recruit as soon as possible!”

“Wang Ye is watching!!!!”

Zhou Yan’s words made the three of them rushed to feel flustered. Zhou Yan’s tactics were well-known far and wide, and he was very cautious in doing things. It would be wrong to commit crimes. Now it is involved in the crime of murdering the princess. You can imagine the seriousness of the consequences…

“Seeing if you can’t cry without a coffin, come here–”

Zhou Yan’s order, the guards who had been prepared for a long time lifted out the knife, the plate full of rivet templates, and the cylinder full of snakes and scorpions…

“Wang Ye is observant–”

The torture props appeared, and the three suspects were immediately shocked…

“Look at you guys who are not stupid!”

“Wang Ye’s kindness–”

“Do it!”

With an order, the torture time began…

The shrill screams have not stopped for a long time, which is chilling…

No one in [Prince Jing’s Mansion] dared to sleep peacefully this night

It’s just that even under the coercion of torture, they still got nothing. In desperation, they all had to be put in prison and will be investigated afterwards…


One day later, Han Ji’s situation still didn’t improve, and Yinyin, who was blaming herself, stayed by Han Ji’s side even more. Zhou Yan was also anxious about Han Ji’s affairs.

In order to pray for Han Ji to wake up soon, Yinyin asked to go out to burn incense and worship the Buddha, but Yinyin herself was still very weak. Zhou Yan was very opposed to it, but because of Yinyin’s bitter pleading, she nodded her head. She wanted to accompany but was refused. , I had no choice but to send Zuo Yu to follow Yinyin out of the house. To prevent accidents, Zhou Yan only promised to travel at night…

Sit on the sedan chair Yinyin to the most incense temple 【Tai’an Temple】

Sparsely populated at night

Knowing Yinyin’s arrival for a long time, the monks in the temple came out to greet them. In order to prevent being disturbed, only Zuo Yu followed Yinyin into the temple and bowed and prayed. During the kneeling, the host and the high monks would personally recite the sutras for Han Ji …

Sincerely pray that Han Ji can recover soon

In fact, in addition to Han Ji, Yinyin also prayed for the dead Ziheng and the people who died because of her, hoping that the resentment and grief accumulated over the past few days can be redeemed!

In the sound of chanting, in the fragrant incense, Yinyin’s heavy and exhausted heart can be relieved…

Maybe because of leaving the cage that trapped her

Maybe it’s because I can confide my grief in front of Buddha and Bodhisattva

With the flow of prayer time and loud chanting

Yinyin’s heart can be slightly relieved

I don’t know how long it has been

Yinyin still closed her eyes and prayed sincerely in front of the Bodhisattva

The dead can’t come back to life, I have to pray that they can ascend to bliss and be reincarnated as human beings.

People who are tortured by the pain alive pray to wake up as soon as possible and get out of the sea of ​​suffering

Do not want to deceive yourself

I don’t want to increase the number of people who are hurt by myself

I would rather everything fall on me

Don’t let people around you suffer because of yourself

There are not a few people who died because of her

Continuing to increase the number of victims makes her more painful than death

Even if the loss of the one she loves most makes her want to live

She still has to steal her life for the living

“Please Bodhisattva, I will bear all the sins by myself. Even if I will go to **** after death, please bless sister Han Ji to be safe and sober. There are too many people who died because of me. I am willing to accept any punishment. , I just hope that Sister Han Ji can wake up now—”

Deep self-blame

Deep hatred

Everything was caused by an accident

If it hadn’t been for the plane accident, she wouldn’t have come to this age. If she hadn’t entered this body, everything now might not have happened. Even the people she loved would not die because of her, except for self-blame and Hate, she can’t think of anything else that needs to be experienced and faced, even if she dies, the facts will not change, and the one she loves will never come back; since she is still alive, she can only let it go. Although the hatred of Zhou Yan cannot be changed, the reason why she is still alive now is to live in a world tormented by pain and hatred. Whenever she sees an increase in the number of victims, she will deepen her sense of guilt. What exactly is this sense of guilt? The time will come to an end, she has no time to pay attention to it, and now only hopes that Han Ji, the only one who warms her, can wake up soon…

After praying, Yinyin stepped back to the cage-like place again with a heavy heart

At the thought of going back with Han Ji, Yinyin’s mood is boring, and she doesn’t want to go back, because when she thinks of facing Zhou Yan, she will be at a loss and don’t know what to do; but Han Ji’s situation makes her care too much. , Han Ji fell because of her. If you can’t see Han Ji in person, Yinyin will be unable to forgive herself!

On the way back to the palace, Yinyin thought a lot with a variety of moods, and finally couldn’t find the answer and the way she would go in the future. Would she continue to be locked up like this and face killing herself? Is the love and the enemy who makes yourself so miserable?

Best can’t find the answer

Suddenly, the sedan chair shook to the ground, and then there was the sound of fighting outside?

“Protect the empress——”

Zuoyu was ready for the battle at the first time, and the guards of the **** gathered around the sedan chair. A group of masked black assassins greeted him. It seemed that they had been waiting for a long time?

“What happened?”

Yinyin raised the car curtain and asked hurriedly, but the situation in front of you seems to be able to guess without asking…

“Danny, please avoid, wait for the villain to solve them first!”

Zuoyu came to Yinyin and told

The black assassin begins to attack

Zuoyu and the guards fought back

Swords, lights, swords and shadows, flashing constantly in the dark night, blood splattered, the enemy was numerous, the guards fell one by one, the black assassins went straight to the sedan chair. After all, it can be seen that their target is Yinyin?

Struggling to protect the sedan, Zuo Yu and the few remaining guards struggled to kill the enemy, but they were outnumbered. Soon all the guards except Zuo Yu fell. Only Zuo Yu remained alone in front of the sedan, and the other side still had More than a dozen people…

“Guo Zuo——”

“Don’t come out, Niang-”

Yinyin lifted the car curtain and looked at the scene of Zuo Yu fighting alone, panicking, Zuo Yu fought hard to protect the master without the slightest flinch…

The remaining dozen assassins swarmed, Zuo Yu desperately resisted…


An assassin attacked Yinyin in the sedan while Zuo Yu was fighting with other assassins

“Niang Niang——”

Zuo Yu pulled out his saber for the first time, and at the moment when the assassin was about to stab Yinyin, the sabre was inserted into the assassin’s body. The undecided Yinyin was pulled out of the sedan chair by Zuoyu, and attacked in the next wave. Previously, Zuo Yu drew his saber from the assassin who was assassinated, and fought with the assassin while protecting Yinyin.

It is very difficult to fight with the assassin while protecting Yinyin. Zuoyu will always stand up to protect Yinyin even under any threat. Even if he is injured, he will fight without flinching, just when Zuoyu is dealing with the assassin. , The rush of horseshoes gradually approached, but Zuo Yu tried desperately to protect Yinyin and did not pay attention.

The horse team approached a team of officers and soldiers, and the assassins fled the scene one after another…


Leading officers and soldiers hurriedly dismounted and rushed towards Zuoyu

“Master Zuo!”

“Why are you here?”

“The prince sees that you haven’t returned for so long, so he sent a small waiter to meet you!”

“That’s it, but luckily you guys arrived in time, otherwise–”

Before Zuo Yu could finish speaking, Yin Yin next to him passed out, but fortunately, Zuo Yu reacted quickly and supported Yin Yin when Yin Yin fell…

“Niang Niang——”

“Niang Niang——”

Yinyin’s coma scared Zuoyu and the others

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