Eternal Love

Chapter 73

Chapter 17 : Early Night (3)

Chapter Seventeen: First Night (3)

——In the study room——

“You can tell me clearly!”

“Going back to the prince, the lady herself is very weak. If she has a first-rate birth, she will likely cause heart failure and exhaustion. At that time, she will probably even have her life–”

“Okay, let’s get out!”

Before the imperial doctor finished speaking, Zhou Yan could also guess that Yinyin’s physical condition was not unknown to him. The gradual decline in physical condition led to mental weakness. A tough approach would only push Yinyin into the abyss of death with his own hands; but the thought of Yinyin When Yin was pregnant with other people’s children, he couldn’t suppress his inner anger…

——More than ten days later——

Zhou Yan spread the news of the marriage alliance between the princess Qinglian who married Xia Guo, and the princess of Xia Guo has also arrived in Zhou. Seeing that the wedding is held…

[Jingwang Mansion] Fengzhu Garden

“Why is my sister always frowning recently?”

Han Ji came to visit Yinyin as usual, but her question was not answered…

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you tell me if you have any concerns?”

After many days of getting along, how can Han Ji not know that Yinyin is on her mind? It’s written on the face…

“…I don’t want to stay here!”

Yinyin’s meaning Han Ji understands very well, but she is helpless and powerless!

“I have my own life, I don’t want to be **** here for the rest of my life, I still have things I want to do!!!”

Living like a puppet every day, the invisible shackles make it hard for her to breathe, although Zhou Yan has not come to her since the last time she passed out, and it is because of this that she has found herself again and wants to escape this suffocating one as soon as possible. Space, I want to escape from this place, I want to go to a place where no one is there, I want to go to the one I love the most…


“Help me, sister Han Ji, help me—”

Yinyin suddenly cried to Han Ji for help, because besides Han Ji, she couldn’t find anyone to trust…


“Please, sister Han Ji, if this continues, I will definitely go crazy, I will definitely go crazy—”

Being tortured by invisible pain and facing Zhou Yan’s pain, Yinyin, who has regained her self, will be in pain in her heart as long as she thinks of Ziheng’s death and Zhou Yan’s death. Her desire for revenge makes it difficult for her to control herself. The place closest to her enemy, she was bitten by thousands of assholes.

Han Ji can’t bear to see Yinyin being tortured by pain. What kind of pain is it to lose the person she loves most? Although I can imagine it, Han Ji can’t realize Yinyin’s pain that life is better than death…

But even if she knows that Yinyin is suffering, what can she do?

“…I wonder if I can help with this?”

A familiar voice breaks the difficult situation between Han Ji and Yin Yin

I don’t know when Qin Ji came in from outside the curtain. She seemed to have heard the conversation between Yinyin and the others. When did she come? Han Ji couldn’t help but shudder at the thought of here!

“Sister Qin Ji——”

It is said that only Han Ji was shocked by Qin Ji’s appearance, and Yin Yin seemed to have only heard Qin Ji say that she wanted to help her, so she was unconsciously calling for help…

Darkness is coming

In Zhou Yan’s heart, he has been thinking about how to face Yinyin after pregnancy tens of thousands of times, but no matter what kind of reverie, the result is the same. He still can’t stand his favorite woman carrying someone else’s child, thinking here in Zhou Yan’s heart Zhou Yan’s anger continued to burn, but even so, the reality could not be changed. After many days of repeated repression and getting along with Han Ji, Zhou Yan’s angry heart was somewhat calmed, and he decided to treat Yin as before. Yin, then turned the impossible into reality. Now Yinyin doesn’t know that she is pregnant with that person’s child. As long as Yinyin becomes her own for a certain period of time, even if Yinyin knew she was pregnant Knowing that the child’s father belongs to him, and then finding a suitable opportunity for Yinyin to shed the child is nothing to worry about. In the end, Zhou Yan still couldn’t accept Yinyin’s pregnancy with other people’s children!

Now that I figured it out, let’s see Yinyin first

Zhou Yan found out that he seems to have not seen Yinyin for a long time

Zhou Yan can’t wait to think of it here

On the way to 【Fengzhuyuan】

“Miss, do you really want to help the concubine Yuan to get out of here?”

“…Since I agreed, there is no other way.”

“But I heard that Prince Jing has always been cruel, even if he is not merciful to women, if he is known by Prince Jing, will he let us go?”

“Silly girl, do you mean you want me to turn back?”

“The slave-maid doesn’t mean that, but I just think that you and the concubine are not relatives, and you really didn’t take this risk to help her leave the Jing Palace——”

“I know, but since the dancer begs me so much, how can I refuse?”

“What the lady said!”

In their conversation, it seemed a little weird. If they said that they would help her, they would feel uncomfortable, but they couldn’t detect it at all. After a conversation, Kotoki and the maidservant gradually left, and just stayed there. Next to a column at the fork in the corridor where they were talking, the anger in the eyes of a black shadow was burning…


After Qin Ji left, Yin Yin’s mood stabilized a lot. After taking the follow-up medicine, Yin Yin gradually fell asleep. Seeing Yin Yin sleeping very calmly, Han Ji’s heart also relaxed a little, after calming Yin Yin. Han Ji is also gone!

The maids also left after completing all the follow-up matters

Only sleeping Yinyin is left in the room

I don’t know when a figure appeared in the room

Even shortly after nightfall, the room still looks darker, and there is no moonlight. It is hard to tell the direction, but this person seems to know very well? The figure gradually left the bedside, and there was a relatively steady breathing sound from the gauze tent…

The black shadow opened the yarn tent

Looking at the sleeping person

There is a puzzling light in the eyes

is more of anger in the eyes

This angry look seems to be the same person who heard Kotohira and the others talking

If the sleeping person can lie peacefully in his arms like now, he can give up everything for her!

If the sleeping person can stay by his side forever, he can hold it for her at all costs!

But she wants to escape

It’s a pity that she wants to escape from him

How much he hopes that time can be returned to a few months ago. Although she lost her memory at that time, it was the happiest time for him, instead of being full of hatred and hatred for him…

If he can, he really hopes she can lose her memory forever like she did

Because of this he can have her

If he can, he really wants her to never exist

Because of this he won’t fall in love with her

If he can, he really hopes to be able to bear all the pain on her behalf

Because at least it won’t be as bad as it is now

Originally tied her with the lives of innocent people, but it was only for a while. If she really wanted to leave, even killing all the people in the world would not change her determination. Even the people who kept her would be fine, even if she could not get her. Heart, as long as she stays by her side…

“Why do I love you so much? Even though I know you are better than dead, I still don’t want to let you go–”

Every time Zhou Yan said that his heart would be painful, I believe others can’t experience this kind of pain, right?

“How long will you torture me before you will stop?”

The tone of helplessness and grief has never been seen before. Zhou Yan is lying prone beside Yinyin. Such tone and behavior can show how much Zhou Yan loves Yinyin. Why can’t his love be answered? Who is torturing whom?

“A Jun——”

A familiar call awakened Zhou Yan in grief

So what replaces it is anger

“Are you still thinking about him?”

“Are you still thinking about that person?”

Listening to Yinyin calling others’ names, Zhou Yan’s inner anger can no longer be suppressed…

big hand lift

lifted the quilt covering Yinyin’s body

Tighten Yinyin’s skirt with both hands and pull it hard

Yinyin’s clothes are broken

I haven’t waited for Yinyin who was sleeping to react, Zhou Yan’s body is already pressed on Yinyin

For Yinyin, this will be the beginning of a nightmare

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