Eternal Love

Chapter 789

Chapter 142 Fall short (3)

Chapter One Hundred and Forty-two

Zhao Ziyin’s gaze followed Wang Ye, and he did not take it back even after he had left. His expression was a bit dazed. It was not that he didn’t understand what Wang Ye meant, but he didn’t know how to respond to those words.

The figures of Wang Ye and others gradually disappeared among the fiercely fighting crowd. The city gate has just been opened at this moment, and there are already forwards rushing in, and there are troops to follow up. This kind of forceful offensive is really unimaginable and will eventually fall. Defeat, but the most urgent task at the moment is that Zhao Jun’s main purpose is to delay time, so that the people with heavy responsibilities can achieve their goals and complete tasks earlier.

Life and death, everyone must be very important. As a soldier, their life and death are placed on the battlefield. They will be psychologically prepared to die on the battlefield at any time. Normally, this is true, but the battle in front of them. Unusual; every battle has a reason for fighting, and this one is no exception. It is common for soldiers to behave differently due to the reason for the battle, just like this time, every soldier in the Zhao Jun knows They know why they are fighting. In fact, there are not a few fighting with this kind of fighting idea, but they are so persistent and dedicated, but they are really rare, because they are not only betting on this battle. Life is more of persistence!


Zhou Yan didn’t know when the rain started. He only knew that when he arrived in [Rucheng], he had seen Zhao Jun and Xia Jun fighting in full swing. He knew the news that Zhao Ziheng entered [Rucheng], and he also knew that Zhao Jun would Some action, but when you witness Zhao Jun’s actions, you will inevitably feel shocked; Zhou Yan knows the power of Zhao Jun better than anyone, let alone the most elite army in the Zhao army? For nothing else, the person who led them and nurtured them was Zhao Ziheng. He didn’t know how much others knew about Zhao Ziheng, but he knew that Zhao Ziheng was incredible. He never admitted that Zhao Ziheng was really strong, but he did not deny it. Zhao Ziheng is really capable.

Looking at the battle scene in front of him coldly, Zhou Yan didn’t know what kind of evaluation he should make. Zhao Jun could not be denied that Zhao Jun was very strong, but it could not be denied that Xia Jun had an absolute advantage in numbers. The result of this battle was clear at a glance, after all. No matter how strong people are always tired, they only need to deal with attrition. Zhao Jun’s defeat is a matter of time. It is impossible for Xia Jun to know such a simple truth; however, Zhou Yan can clearly feel that Zhao Jun Everyone in is exuding a bitter aura. At first glance, it looks like they are doing a dying struggle, but in fact they are fighting for the last breath and entangled with the enemy to the end.

“The Lord?”

A voice rang in Zhou Yan’s ears, but Zhou Yan was unmoved, still looking coldly at the battle scene in front of him.

Zuoyu looked at Zhou Yan curiously. He knew what Zhou Yan was looking at, but he didn’t understand the reason. Isn’t every second counted? When the battle scene between Zhao Jun and Xia Jun appeared in front of him, Zhou Yan stopped, and he had no intention of moving forward, which made Zuo Yu very puzzled, so he also looked at the battle scene in front of him like Zhou Yan.

For a long time, Zuo Yu could not see anything worthy of Zhou Yan’s attention, but slowly he discovered it. What he cared about was not the disparity in military strength, but the imposing manner of Zhao Jun’s soldiers, not being there. So I’m not sure, but Zuo Yu still clearly felt Zhao Jun’s aura like Mount Tai, which is why they have not been defeated for a long time under the disparity of forces; is this what Zhou Yan cares about? Of course not. Zuo Yu knows very well that Zhou Yan would never care about this. If he didn’t guess wrong, what Zhou Yan cares about must be the reason why Zhao Jun is so desperate, and this reason…It seems that there is no need to guess, no accident is inevitable. It’s the same purpose as they came here, but it’s not exactly the same. What they did should be Zhao Ziheng who was already in [Rucheng].

I don’t know how long it took, a person who had just arrived rushed straight ahead of Zhou Yan and shouted: “Knowing Lord, the emperor has arrived with troops.”

Hearing this, Zhou Yan turned his head, looked at the person coming, just glanced at him, and then turned his head back without any indication.

The visitor subconsciously looked at Zuo Yu with some horror, as if asking if he said something wrong? Everyone knows what Zhou Yan does with this expression is not surprising, but no one does not cherish his life, and the person here does not want to die because he has not said good things.

Zuo Yu turned his gaze to Zhou Yan knowingly. After a while, he looked at the visitor again and gestured to him to tell him to retreat. This proved to be correct. The visitor bowed and retreated knowingly. God knows that if you take a step slowly, wait for Zhou Yan to speak Is it still alive?

At this time, Zhou Yan’s voice suddenly sounded, saying: “Let’s go.”

The voice was very calm, and I couldn’t hear the difference in normal times. Zuo Yu immediately made a forward gesture to the people who came behind him knowingly. Zhou Yan had already taken the lead. They had just arrived and there was nothing wrong with them. , But time did not leave them room to rest, because then they will inevitably face a hard life and death battle.

The war at West City Gate has been ignited. What Xia Jun is facing is Zhou’s army, whose strength is comparable to that of Zhao Jun, but no matter how ignorant people know that this is just Zhou Jun’s forward, because it can be very short. There is no other than the army stationed in [Gucheng] Shan Zhen who has sent so many troops in the time, and Shan Zhen’s army is at least 200,000, and the number in front of him is just forwards.

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