Eternal Love

Chapter 850

Chapter 152 Bloody Battle (4)

Chapter 152 Blood War (4)

However, after Yunmeng’s words, Ghost Sha’s reaction was light and invisible, but the phantom became suspicious, so…

“It’s time, let’s go!”

Before Yunmeng could react, everyone, except Yunmeng and Can Feng, had already begun to act under the orders of the phantom.

Shan Zhen didn’t care about Guisha anymore. He directly stuffed the small jade bottle into Guisha’s hand and drew his sword to meet the enemy. The two sides finally started to fight. The scene seemed chaotic for a while, but because both were masters, he quickly understood. , The combat power is almost equal.

“Are you crazy? The ghost is still in their hands, how can you say that you just do it?” Yun Meng roared at the phantom in anger.

“Is I crazy or are you crazy? He doesn’t care about you at all. At this time, he still stands on the side of the enemy to oppose you. Even if you want to keep him, you have to deal with other talents first. For you, they That’s the obstacle, isn’t it?” The magical spirit was calm and calm, not at all shaken by Yunmeng’s anger, and even had a sense of righteousness.

Yunmeng silenced again and turned her gaze to the melee in front of her. If she only relied on these people in front of her, she knew that she would never escape from the phantom, including Ghost Sha, might be brutally killed, because she did not forget almost everyone I have forgotten the fact that this is the territory of the phantom.

“It’s just that these people’s words should be suppressed soon, let Residual Wind so that this battle can end soon.” The ghost’s voice sounded again.

Let Can Feng be enough to give them an absolute advantage. Yun Meng would not deny this fact. But if you really want Can Feng to make a move, I am afraid that the winner will be distinguished in a blink of an eye. If that is the case, let the ghosts. Sha safely left here, fearing that she would be shocked by the phantom before then… Yunmeng was frightened. She really didn’t want to imagine the ending, but she couldn’t find a way. What should she do? What can be done to make Guisha leave here safely without being injured?

Just as Yunmeng was struggling to find a way, a rush of noise disturbed her attention. When she noticed, one more person came from the two parties, and they soon suppressed their side, that is, It is said that the new addition is the enemy, this result is good or bad for Yunmeng.

Of course the Phantom had noticed, but she was not surprised at all, because the new enemy appeared in front of her was too familiar to her, familiar to the extent that she could no longer be familiar.

Therefore, in less than a quarter of an hour, all the people on the side of the phantom were killed. For this result, Shan Zhen was very surprised, because the new group of people made him very unfamiliar. The white-clothed man with his face infiltrated and appeared out of thin air. Is it an enemy or a friend? Shan Zhen couldn’t easily believe them because they helped him. After all, he couldn’t make any mistakes at this time; but when Shan Zhen was about to ask, a figure was hit and hit the pillar on his right. This person is not someone else, but Zhou Cheng.

“The emperor!!!” No longer caring about others, Shan Zhen came to Zhou Cheng for the first time and helped him up.

If Zhou Cheng had only been soaked in blood before, then at this moment, he can really be said to be full of wounds. The severity of the injury is not difficult to see. The blood is constantly flowing out of the wounds, large and small, which can also be seen. The person who strikes is the supreme skill, making him full of trauma without taking the opponent’s life. Of course, this is also because of the opponent’s skill to avoid fatal injuries.

Zhou Cheng pushed Shan Zhen to hold his hand and looked straight at Zhou Yan without saying a word. He couldn’t see any emotions in his eyes, and he couldn’t see a trace of vacillation in his expression, as if it was not himself who was injured; Although Zhou Cheng had many questions in his mind to ask, but at the same time, he also understood that his words would not pass Zhou Yan’s ears to say nothing. Is there any way to awaken his mind without hurting Zhou Yan? Zhou Cheng was really helpless. Even if the two of them were always fighting for each other, he couldn’t easily make a choice when it was a matter of life and death. They were all brothers, and he couldn’t watch Zhou Yan being used to death.

There was a blood stain on Zhou Yan’s left cheek at some point, and it could be seen that he was injured in the battle with Zhou Cheng. He held a sharp sword and walked towards Zhou Cheng step by step, his eyes and expression still unchanged, like He was only interested in the prey in front of him, and there was nothing else in his eyes.

“Stop it!”

With a shout, Zhou Yan stopped and didn’t move, because the shout was from Yunmeng, so everyone’s attention was also turned to her.

Yunmeng took a deep breath, turned his face to the phantom and said, “You didn’t tell me that the white wolf was among them.”

Phantom smiled and said, “I think you should have guessed it.”

Yunmeng did not say a word, turned her head and continued to look at the new enemy that appeared in front of her. It was true that she should have guessed it a long time ago, but the appearance of the opponent made her unexpected.

“Isn’t it just right? Let Can Feng fight them.”

As soon as these words came out, it was not the phantom, but the ghost that was shaken, because he was very aware of the strength of the white wolf and the remnant wind. Really wanting to fight is not only to hurt both sides, even if it is the same, it is not surprising. Feng is controlled by Yunmeng. As long as Yunmeng speaks, the consequences will be more or less bad. Guisha knows that he can ignore the life and death of others, including other members of Fenglang, but does not include Can Feng. At least he thinks Can Feng is not. It should just die like this, it’s not worth it.

When Gui Sha didn’t want to change how to face the remnant wind, he heard the voice of the phantom again.

“As for the others, it seems that I really underestimated you.” As soon as the voice fell, the ghost raised his left hand, but for a moment, everyone, including the white wolf, was surrounded by a group of Tsing Yi people. It is more or less thirty or so, so that they who were originally disadvantaged by the appearance of the white wolf instantly occupy an absolute advantage.

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