Eternal Love

Chapter 90

Chapter 22 : Zhao Ziheng returns to Zhao Country (3

Chapter 22: Zhao Ziheng’s Return to Zhao Country (3)

—Zhao Guo—

【Ling Wang Mansion】

“It’s unreasonable, those stubborn old things, they promised to let this king succeed when they said that they wanted to find the ‘Fire Soul Jade’ back!!”

Zhao Zixi angrily swept away the things on the desk

“Lord, the ‘Fire Soul Jade’ is a sacred object passed down between emperors. Even if I have seen it, I don’t necessarily know its true or false. It’s better than us—”

A somewhat aging old man offers a plan

“Do you mean trying to make the fake and the real?”

“Yes, we just have to be a fake and say it’s true. Why didn’t we think of such a simple reason?”

“Master Zhong, are you kidding me?”

I didn’t expect that someone’s offer was indeed rewarded by Zhao Zixi’s cold eyes

“I don’t know the meaning of the prince?”

The old minister Zhong Li originally kindly suggested to Zhao Zixi to please him. How did he not expect that he was not pleased, but was angrily reprimanded?

“‘Fire Soul Jade’ is a sacred object of my Great Zhao, not to mention the old ghosts of the three generations of courtiers of Prime Minister Wang. Even the scholars of Lin and the ministers in court have witnessed the body of the’Fire Soul Jade’ with their own eyes. If you really want to fake it And if they find out, wouldn’t the king’s efforts in these days have been in vain? They will definitely not let this king ascend the throne of God.”

“The official should die, please forgive me—”

“Well, you are also kind, this king will not blame you—”

“Thank you, Lord!”


Although Zhao Zixi forgave Zhongli’s words and deeds, he still couldn’t hide his unhappiness.

“Lord, there is a trick under the official who doesn’t know whether to talk about it.”

The middle-aged minister who has been sitting by and watching suddenly interjects

“Liu Master said if he had something to say, we are all on the same boat now, so there is no need to worry about it.”

“Yes, now the Prime Minister Wang and the scholar of Lin University both intend to let the three princes succeed to the throne, but we suppressed him because of his lack of ability, and the news of the disappearance and death of the former king has been more or less leaked, and it has been suppressed by us in the past. The small countries in China have invested in new masters, or they want to rely on our control. Especially the conclusion of the alliance between Da Zhou and Xia Guogang is quite threatening to us, Da Zhao, and we have been caused by the former prince and concubine. There is a conflict in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Presumably, if the fact that the former king died and the new king is not enthroned, it is likely that the worst will happen. For this reason, the minister has a plan to say—”

“Then say it quickly, don’t talk about a bunch of useless nonsense!”

“Yes, then Xiaguan said it straight. Xiaguan felt that the marriage between Da Zhou and Xia Guo also gave us a very good enlightenment. We can follow their approach and marry a princess who is comparable to our country’s strength. The prince has not established a concubine.”

Liu Cheng, who made this proposal, was younger than other ministers, but with considerable strength and ambition, he climbed all the way to the post of Zhongshu Ling. To many people, he was a threatening figure!

“For Master Liu, which princess is the most suitable?”

Another minister asked, he seemed to be more in favor of this proposal, but he seemed to be scrupulous?

“I have also thought about this. I think Princess Xin, the first princess of the big week, the daughter of the previous king of the week, and the sister of the current king of the week, are the most suitable candidates!”

“Princess Xin of Da Zhou? But the situation between us and Da Zhou does not seem feasible, right? The death of our emperor in Ashenvale cannot be separated from Da Zhou. Now the courtiers are still worried about this matter. But letting the prince take the princess of Da Zhou now will surely attract unnecessary criticism, right?”

“Master He’s remarks are not correct. The death of the emperor in Ashenvale is said to have nothing to do with Zhou Guo. Although the Ashenvale incident has affected the relations between the two countries, it is precisely because of this. This opportunity for the prince to marry Princess Xin as his concubine can completely make up for the relationship between the two countries, and the relationship between the two countries is restored to the past. Not only is the country that was suppressed by us and ready to move is completely stabilized, no one will dare to move again, and If the prince can successfully ascend the throne under Zhou’s influence, the princess will become the empress of Zhao, presumably Zhou will also agree to it, and the friendly relations between the two countries will be better than before!”

“Master Zhong is right!”

“Yes, yes, and the relationship with Zhou is as good as ever, this method is also the best!”

“Yes, that’s right—”


Several ministers were discussing the feasibility of the matter. Just when everyone almost reached an agreement, Liu Cheng, who made the proposal, blocked it!

“What does Master Liu say? Don’t you think that Princess Xin is the most suitable candidate, isn’t it Master Liu?”

Zhong Li, who was counted down by Zhao Zixi before, finally re-established his prestige and was blocked by the parties, of course he would be unwilling.

“Master Zhong, and adults, I really don’t know what is in your mind, so you can still climb to where you are now?”


“Shut up all!”

Just when Zhong Li was about to argue with Liu Cheng, Zhao Zixi stopped in time!

“You have to quarrel and wait until the matter is over. The most important thing now is to let this king ascend to the throne!”


Zhao Zixi’s words will calm everyone down

“Okay, Lord Liu, let this king listen to your final opinion. I believe you also know that this king already has a princess and a candidate for the next position. If the situation is not different at this time, this king will still insist. In my opinion, if your choice cannot be approved by this king, this king will not let you go!”

“of course!”

Zhao Zixi’s strict threats and Liu Cheng’s self-confidence made the audience quiet inexplicably

“Let’s talk about it then!”

“Yes, although the subordinate officials did think that Princess Xin was the most suitable candidate, the prime minister and the others would probably not agree with them. Instead, they would get results that we didn’t want. Therefore, the subordinate officials felt that the most suitable candidate should belong to Han. Princess Pearl Spring in the palm of the King of Han!”

“Princess Spring?”

“Isn’t that the only heir to Hanwang?”

Liu Cheng’s words immediately caused a commotion among the ministers, presumably this princess is not an ordinary person.

“Yes, Xiaguan is talking about the only princess who inherited the blood of the Han King. It is well known that the Han King only favored the queen Lu Ji, who was the number one beauty in the world, and Lu Ji gave birth to only one princess. That’s why the Han royal family is the only one. A princess has the orthodox inheritance right to the throne since she was born. In fact, the princess should have just turned eighteen this year. She should talk about marriage. If it is to propose a marriage, she will definitely agree. The King of Han has always favored the princess. My name, Princess Zhao Guoling and the future mother of the country, will certainly not lose the identity of a princess. There is no reason why the King of Han would disagree with this marriage, right?”

“Yes, the power of Han is equal to that of my Zhao. If we say that the marriage is more important than Zhou and Xia, if the prince obtains the princess, even if there is no “fire soul jade”, he can successfully ascend to the throne by the power of Han, Liu Your lord’s proposal is indeed the best choice—”

“That’s right, that’s right—”

“Master Liu is right—”

“Even these can be taken into consideration, you really deserve to be Lord Liu—”

Liu Cheng’s proposal convinced everyone, and even Zhong Li, who was displeased, had nothing to say. Everyone quickly reached an agreement and agreed with Liu Cheng’s proposal. Now only Zhao Zixi’s approval is left!

Actually, Zhao Zixi did not disagree, but was worried about something else in her heart. After struggling with her heart for a while, Zhao Zixi sat down and looked forward with a cautious attitude…

“Looking at the prince after some consideration, there should be an answer. I don’t know what the prince thinks about the proposal of the next official?”

Liu Cheng seemed to be right when Zhao Zixi had finished his judgment. He asked Zhao Zixi for the answer in a proper way and compared them to the same boat. When Zhao Zixi became the emperor, he could naturally have what he wanted.

“…Hmph, you have said so, is there any other way for this king now?”

“Wise Lord!”

It seems that Zhao Zixi also agrees with Liu Cheng’s proposal

An unknown storm is about to strike

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