Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[128] Hi, You Need a New Mom?

Chapter 128: Hi, You Need a New Mom?

“To think it’s Senpai, here I thought it was some stupid blockheaded dumb bitch…!” Yura jumped at Ai and pulled her into a hug. From what I’ve seen so far, she had zero jealousy toward Ai despite all the propaganda in the media that tried to pit them against each other.

Ai laughed a grin on her face, “It’s been a while, Yura. What are you doing here alone?”

I moved to the side, giving the two coworkers some space, and picked up the bike that had been resting on the ground after leaving an ugly dent and crack on the car’s headlight. This wasn’t one of her expensive cars, thankfully, she must have not wanted attention so she picked up a cheap Toyota and drove there.

“I came to hike, what about you?! You've been riding a bike since when?!” she blinked, “Well, it probably hadn’t been long since…” She looked at her car.

“I am really sorry,” Ai apologized wholeheartedly. “I’ll compensate for the fix right away. Are you injured anywhere?”

Yura smiled, “Come on, it’s a cheap car, I’ll get it fixed, and I’m nope I’m not injured,” she showed her forearm, there was a small scratch, but it was bleeding. “It’s just a scratch.”

Ai let out a heavy breath of relief, “I’m incredibly glad it’s nothing serious. Still, you’re bleeding. Do you have first air in the car? You came to hike, so you must have, I’ll bandage you.” She rushed to the back of the car to search for it, but Yura grabbed her by the arm and stopped her.

“Come on, it’s just a sting. I’ve been injured far worse while hiking, let it be. Rather,” she looked at me. “Who’s this hottie you’re out with? I recall you told me you didn’t like men, that’s why you’ve been rejecting all your pursuers?” she wiggled her eyebrows at Ai. “Who is this lucky man? I’m curious since you’re comfortable enough around him to learn how to ride bikes~?”

“Ah, that’s…” Ai smiled nervously and I took off my helmet. “That’s Aqua.”

Yura blinked, a light of recognition passed by her green pupils as I jerked my head to free my majestic hair. I smiled, “It has been a while, Onee-Sama.”

“…Aqua?!” The elder sister-like figure who could never stop playing with me every time we met on set, leaped at me with a grin and practically hung from my neck for a whole minute. “No way you’re so tall now! When was the last time we met?! When you were 10? Or 12? Ugh, you’re a pine tree now!”

She stared into my blue eyes with a glint in her eyes. She hesitated for a moment, and then said, “You know, you kinda look like my close friend, Miki-san. How weird!”

We have met multiple times at different shooting ranges, behind-the-scenes interviews, and at celebrity parties. Since I’m the son of Uncle and Aunty in papers, and they’re the owners of the studio Ai works from, we went to many different sites together. Though preferably I stayed out of cameras, the internet is scary, they might find my real connection with Ai in no time just from pictures if we’re seen together.

Regardless, I met many people in those places. As the 2nd in line on the actress list, I’ve naturally met Yura many times too. Cute kids are popular with people, and naturally, since it’s me, I was particularly cute as a kid. She couldn’t keep her hands off me and played with me a lot. It’s not wrong to say we were quite close back then.

However, I haven’t seen her recently due to Ai’s rise on the international scale, which made her attend more international events than those in Japan only. I did reach out to her on the phone a few months ago.

“Ah, is it that Miki-san whom we talked about?” I asked her, feigning ignorance.

Due to my canon knowledge, I knew Hikaru would target Yura, so I reached out to her after the attack happened, to see if she knew about him. But sadly, Hikaru was pretending to be someone else with her, going by the alias Miki-san, and on top of that, he had left Japan by then, so he wasn’t in contact with Yura anymore.

“Yes, him!” she said. “Similar eye colors and similar hair too.” She grinned, “Mhm, this isn’t nice, you reminded me of him. Now I miss him. I wonder where he went.”

“Must be busy with something personal if he didn’t tell you,” I said.

“Fair,” she nodded. She looked at my arms, which were holding her waist. I noticed Ai had been staring at it too for a minute now. “Whoa, bold hand placement. All grown up now?”

“Oops, didn’t notice,” I let go of her waist but she pulled it back down, laughing. She found it amusing more than anything.

“Of course, you didn't notice. Surely. I watched your show, you big flirt, you're not the kid you once were. Still so cute though! So yes, you can hold me.” Yura said and giggled while I laughed too.

I watched Ai's gaze linger on my hands, but thankfully she laughed along, “No way you two are flirting in front of me. Did the bike knock out your shame, Yura?!” 

She shrugged, “Oh come on, he's like a nephew to me. Since he calls you Aunty, I should be the same, although he prefers to call me Onee-sama. So I'm allowed to play with him a little~” 

“You are,” I said and grabbed her arm that was injured. “Give me a second, let me show you a magic trick.” 

I leaned in and licked the wound with my tongue. Then I slid my thumb against it, applying my saliva to her wound. Where my finger passed, her wound vanished. 

“Don't be grossed out, it's an old Chinese healing technique,” I told her. It was really just me using Pure Storm Baptism, but this looks more fancy.

“No way, it's healed?! That’s insane, Aqua!” She looked at the wound in shock. When the shock subsided, she shot me a flirty look. “But you sure you had to lick me for it? It seems to me you just wanted to use your tong—”

Ai cleared her throat and looked at both of us dryly, “Have shame, Yura. You just said he's like a nephew. You too, Aqua.”

“Alright, mom,” I told her, and Yura burst out laughing.

“Did he just call you mom?!” She laughed in a manner unsuited for an actress, “How much do you nag him every day for him to say that? Then again, I did hear you leave near producer Ichigo’s house.”

“Oh, she nags me a lot, trust me,” I said and pulled Yura to the side. “Here, sit.” 

There was a big rock on the side of the road, where I sat down and pulled her to my lap. She sat on my lap sideways, instead of the more intimate option. She put her arms around my neck and looked at me with the amusement of an adult. She didn't seem to feel anything from me yet, it was just a teasing session for her.

“You two are unbelievable, what if people see you like this?!” Ai walked closer and loomed over us with her hands on her waist.

Yura looked at Ai, and then at me. “Yeah, I can see what you meant. Poor you, need a new place to live in? A new ‘mom’ to hang out with? You know, my place is too big for me alone, it’d benefit from the company of a handsome young man.”


I laughed, while Ai gave us a dry stare. It was fun to tease her, the jealousy that she was hiding was so cute.


After half an hour of talking, I decided what to do. I can't bag her today, that's not the plan anyway. I’m glad I met her here like this, her sudden presence solidified it to Ai how much she wanted my attention. So I need to give Ai the attention that she was so dearly craving. Sorry aunty.

“Are you free recently? I want to hang out more with you,” mostly to check on her and see exactly what Yaggdrissil wanted to take from her. Secondly, to seduce her and bring her to my bed. Because it's obvious to me after this talk that she's in love with Hikaru, and I'd love to break that.

“My schedule is actually free recently,” she said. “Hmm, how about Wednesday? I've been wanting to see Senpai’s house for a while now anyway, it's a big bonus that I get to hang out with you too.”

“Whoa, so I'm not the center of it? I feel hurt.” I smiled at her.

“Awwh, I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.” She leaned closer and placed a kiss on my cheek. “You've grown up so much… It's honestly insane.” 

She stared into my eyes for a moment, biting her lip softly, with eyes cloudy as she seemed to lose herself in some personal fantasy, before giggling to herself and getting up. 

She let go of her arms around my neck and hopped off my lap. “Now, I'll continue my hiking. Sorry, I'm really addicted to it, I can't help but do it. See you?”

“See you,” I stood up, towering over her. I'd have pulled her up to kiss on the lips if Ai wasn't nearby. How sad. 

I still returned the kiss on the cheek though. Yura smiled, “See you later~”

She waved at me and rushed to Ai, who was in the car, checking to make sure that everything was alright. The two actresses had a short talk, sharing another hug, until Yura waved at us and drove away.

It happened so fast that it might not even have happened at all. Unless you look at the lipstick mark on my cheek—where Ai was staring daggers right now.

“Cute kiss mark, huh?” She asked.

“Hey, it's a platonic kiss, no need to be jealous.” I rubbed my cheek with my hand, though it just spread the color instead of erasing it.

She crossed her arms, “I'm not jealous.”

“And the sky is green.”

“Why will I be jealous?”

“Because your son was giving some other woman attention on your date?”

Ai shot me a deep frown, “If you know so much then why did you do it?”

“Hey, I was just getting along with her. It's been years since we last met. Half an hour is the bare minimum I can give her.” I argued and she turned around.

“Should have accompanied her hike, then, her car didn't lack space for a person,” she said and walked to the bike.

I followed, “But then we'd have ended up eating each other for dinner.”

“Yeah? You must be so sad to miss out on that, huh? You're gross.”

“Hey, that was a joke. You really think I'll leave my dearest mother alone to hang out with some other woman?”

“You just did, for half an hour.”

“Exactly, just half an hour.”

We stopped in front of the bike and she looked at me. Then she hopped onto the bike and began to put on her helmet.

“Mom, what are you doing? I'm not riding behind you, you're a woman, you’ll get us into another accident.” I said and she shot me a glare.

“Did that really come out of your mouth? You better sit down now if you don't want to get beaten up. Or I'll just leave you here, you can return home by flying.” She glared at me and I shrugged.

“Sure. But it's on you if some civilian dies because of your stupid skills,” I said and threw my leg over the bike. 

I slowly sat down behind her, my crotch pressed against her ass. I leaned over and put my arms around her, holding her too tightly to not be considered intimate.

She turned her head around, her dry stare hidden beneath her helmet, as she shook her head. “You're impossible.”

“Start driving, the day's still young.” I let out a laugh and she shot like a speeding bullet in a foolish attempt to, what, scare me? I? How cute.

“Not bad,” My laugh echoed through the streets, as my mother kept speeding up nonstop until the world was a streak of color through which we passed like a beam.

More than the exciting speed, I loved how our two leather-clad bodies pressed against one another under the pressure of physics.




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