Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[134] The Satan Meeting

Chapter 134: The Satan Meeting

I found myself in a little more aggressive mood than usual when I opened my eyes the next morning. I hadn't slept, I spent the night in a crossed-leg position, cultivating.

I had enough Qi to advance to Archlord, but since I was stuck in the revelation part, something I was wondering about all night long, it didn't hurt to gather some more Qi.

The room was painted electric blue for a second when I parted my eyes open and returned to normal a second later.

“Almost 7,” I stood up with a stretch and headed to the washroom to freshen up.


When I stepped out of the room, dressed up and ready to leave for school, I blinked at the scent of food in the air. It seems Ai had fun cooking today. 

I walked up to the dinner table and found her serving food with a smile on her face. She hummed a tune, her hair done nicely as it rested on one side of her shoulder, and she turned to me with twinkling eyes when she noticed me.

“You're up,”


I pulled her towards me. She looks so… pretty today. Is she dressing up for me? How adorable of her. Her soft, apron-worn chest pressed against my hard build, and for once she accepted the gesture with zero resistance.

“Careful, someone might see,” she said even as she put her hands around my neck. “Did you sleep well?”

“No. I Cultivated all night. Did you?” I asked her as she frowned.

“Why didn't you sleep, hm?” She traced a finger by my hair, circling around it. “You need to sleep more to get stronger.”

“I don't. Cultivating energy clears off the body fatigue the same way sleep does, if not better.” I told her and she continued frowning.

“But your mind is still busy, unlike what happens when you sleep.”

“Not enough to matter. Sleeping once a week fixes that issue.” I laughed, while my hands squeezed her waist. “You're so cute to be worrying about that.”

“Well, I'm your mother, if you forgot,” Ai withdrew her finger from my hair and put it in my chest, beginning to roll it around. “I will admit my defeat this time around since you clearly know more than me in this field. Fine, don't sleep then.”

“Mhm-hmm.” I smiled down at her.

“Mhm-mhm,” she smiled back at me, she had a cloudy look in her eyes. She parted her lips and pulled me into a soft peck. 

She gently pushed me back a second later, but that was a mistake. I pulled her back into it, devouring her lips like a hungry hyena.

“Mmfh?!” She moaned in surprise, while my hands roamed on her back and held her head from fleeing. She stopped resisting and gave in with a sigh, her eyes closing as she returned the kiss.

When it ended, she scowled at me, but it did not look the way she intended it to. Her red, glossy lips coupled with her flushed cheeks did not make her look intimidating.

“Stupid brat,” she gently punched me in the chest. “Someone might see, have you forgotten we have four people sharing this house with us? Outside the five cubs.”

“I don't care,”

“Well, you should.”

She pouted her lips as she looked away, trying to free herself from my grasp, but I just twirled her around and held her from behind. My chin rested on her shoulder as I kissed her nape.

“You've lost all rights to push me away, my dearest mom. After moaning my name all night long, how can you act this way?” I whispered to her ears as she shivered in mixed feelings, her face heating up.

“W-why are you so difficult?”

“I'm just a passionate beast in love, judge me all you want.” I kissed her nape as she closed her eyes and let out a soul-shivering moan. “You smell good today. For me?”

“You wish~” she giggled with a scoff. “I have a show to attend today, that's why.”

“Oh? How come I didn’t hear it before?” I locked my arms around her abdomen and said.  

“Well because it was decided overnight. Well, it was actually decided during the Sunday meeting that I skipped because of you, so I only learned about it last night, but yes. You remember that cooking show where Ruby went to?” She asked with a tilt of her head and continued when I nodded. “So they're doing a big TV show now, that Nakiri girl. Well, they've been doing it for a while now, and now it's on its last few episodes. That's why they're inviting big celebrities to attend it.”

“Aha, makes sense.” I nodded.

“I'll be attending it for the next few weeks as a guest judge. I'm excited, the food is going to be godly.” She licked her lips for dramatic effects. “That's the reason why I'm all fresh and smelling good today.”

“Yeah, sure,” I closed my sloppy lips on her throat, kissing up to her sweet chin as my hands tightened around her. Ai moaned for me with her eyes closed while her body relaxed into my hold.

“S-seriously, stop, someone will see…” she was too far into this to order me like before, so she pleaded. I chuckled in her ears before pulling her into another kiss.

After that, my [Jade Perception] noticed Ruby coming this way, so I truly had to let go of her. The breakfast proceeded without any issue and we left for school.

* * *

“...Your English teacher, Boa Plumaconda Sensei, is on a break. She has to return to her country due to a familial emergency. She will be back soon, be sure to complete her homework.” Our homeroom teacher, Shizuka-sensei, announced it before she left the class.

That left me wondering. I woke up this morning with aggressiveness in my blood; it had calmed down after the sweet time with Ai, but hearing this made its return.

Something was off. Memmy told me last night that Quetzalcoatl planned to leave Japan for a bit, so I was expecting goodbyes from her today. But she left already? How odd. Was the situation so urgent that she had to leave without even a text?

Something was going on, and my instincts told me I better be prepared for it.

I had to reach Sage as soon as possible. 

Hopefully today.


Classes went on as usual, and hours later, the bell rang to put an end to school for the day. I met up with the girls at the school gate, where I found Mem-Cho waiting for me as well as planned.

“Been a while since I’ve been so close to a high school,” Mem walked over to me and placed an affectionate kiss on my cheek. Many eyes locked on us and among them was my other girlfriend, Mai Senpai, who was walking out of the gate just then.

“Glad to see you two as close as always,” she said, startling Mem.

“Oh, Mai! I didn’t notice you there, how’ve you been?!” Mem turned to her… what, girlfriend-in-law? I don’t know.

Mai nodded, “I’m fine. But,” she looked away from Mem and locked eyes with me, “You should tell your boyfriend to be careful. The air has been thick with miasma recently.”

“Correction, it’s ‘our’,” Mem said with a shrug.

“Whatever,” Mai shook her head with a sigh and turned around. As she left, she left a few last words of advice, “I’m serious, it never hurts to be extra cautious.”

I stared at her back as I pondered on those words. She’s got a point. I looked at Ruby and Tsubasa, while Shoko and Yuzuru–who appeared out of nowhere–stared at me, as well as Kana, but she pretended to be looking somewhere else. I spoke, “Mem and I’ll be visiting the underworld now. I’ll take on Mai’s words and be careful. Listen to me carefully, you go home and tell Mom this, word by word…”

I finished commanding them in detail, watching them nod at every line, till I finished with a lighter mind. They should be found if they follow the commands.

It was then that the person I was waiting for, Rias Gremory, announced her presence with her melodious voice. “Aqua~!” she called from behind, and I turned to find her running toward me with her Queen by her side. “Sorry to make you wait, Grayfia is here waiting in the clubroom. We can leave now if you’re ready?”

“We are,” I said as Mem-Cho stepped beside me. “Have you done the thing I asked you about?”

“Yep,” she nodded. “The lord of Agares Clan will be at the meeting. As you asked, I requested Onii-sama and he agreed.”

“I see. Thank you, Rias, it means a lot knowing I can rely on you for anything,” I’d have kissed her if we were alone. 

She smiled with her cheeks flushed and nodded. “Oh come on, it’s nothing. Actually, Lord Agares was pleasantly surprised by your request, he didn’t even need any sort of convincing, he was ready to attend the meeting right away.”

“I’m glad he’s so excited,” I said, holding back a hiss of aggression from my voice. I admit, it will take me a particular exercise of willpower to not punch him in the face the moment we meet; even if he’s the father of my girlfriend, it irked me on a cellular level knowing he threatened Mem-Cho. 

I hadn’t met him, but I could already guess the situation. I’ve seen similar situations too many times to not see where this was going. He was obviously planning to pull her into the Agares family, given her talents—talents that I cultivated for her—using the excuse of blood connection when in reality he’s just a greedy little bastard who only cared about her power and the status it’d bring him when people will know she’s his daughter.

I felt a tug in my sleeve, as Mem gave me a disapproving look. Somehow she knew me enough to realize my internal conflicts, how 

“Great,” Rias nodded. “So should we leave?”

“We should,” I turned to look at the girls at the gate. “I’ll see you guys. Stay safe.” 

Then we parted ways. Mem-Cho and I went to the Occult Research Club, while the girls returned home.

We entered the clubroom after knocking on the door and found Satan’s wife waiting for us inside. She looked at us with a nod, before locking eyes with me. She stared at me in silence, and I returned the look.

She must have heard about it too, that I wanted to take her sister-in-law into my sect. Was that stare supposed to be a test? A moment later, when I didn’t shy away from her gaze, she showed a thin smile, “Been a while, Aquamarine.”

“Has it? I recall we met a week ago,” I said, mentioning Hel’s attack on the school. I didn’t like Grayfia much; as beautiful as she was, she was pretty cold like a doll.

“I’m glad to see you’re doing healthy as always,” she took my sassy reply as a joke and walked over. She stood before me, attempting a stare-down? Sadly, she was a bit too short for that. Rias looked at the situation under a nervous sweat, while Grayfia looked up at me and said, “My master is quite curious about the proposal you reached out to Rias with. I too am looking forward to this meeting. If you’re ready, we’re going to teleport now.”

“Anytime now.”

She spared Mem-Cho one last glance before nodding. With a snap of her finger, red circles of magic shimmered under our feet, and we vanished from the clubroom.

* * *

[Third Person Point of View]

The uncrowned sole King of current devils, Satan Sirzechs Lucifer, sat comfortably behind an office table. He was locked in a conversation with a smiling middle-aged devil man, who had blonde hair with gray on the side. 

Behind the man stood a beautiful young woman with long, pale greenish blonde hair, long slit pink eyes, and glasses that give off an impression of being cold rather than cool. Seekvaira Agares, the heir of Agares Clan.

She stood silently and didn’t take a seat to show proper respect to the Satan and her father who were chatting. Instead of a dress, she wore a miniskirt and high boots which were matched by her posh clothing. Her clothes were fitting for female nobles, respectful yet with a flashy design to them, namely the boob-window, with accessories that had the Agares seal on them.

[Image Here]

“It has indeed been so long since then, Lord Agares.” Sirzechs let out a chuckle. His tone was respectful, as it should be, toward the lord of the 2nd strongest House of the 72 Devil Houses.

“Oh come on, just call me Gavrel. You make me feel old, I’m merely a little over a thousand years old,” he said, knowing well that meant Sirzechs was half his age, being in the 500s-something himself.

Sirzechs laughed again, “How can I? I fought against the former Satans hundreds of years ago with you as my elder, I must not be disrespectful.”

“Heh,” Gavrel Agares shook his head. “Fine, have it your way. We’re not here today to discuss honorifics anyway. Speaking of, when will they be here?”

“They- ah.” Sirzechs paused when, as if summoned by their call, the room lit up with the light of a teleportation spell. A blinding light flashed, and when it vanished, five new figures stood in the room.

Aqua stood at the center with his eyes somehow already locked with Lord Agares, beside Mem-Cho who wore a small frown. Rias looked nervous, Akeno unsure, and Grayfia looked slightly amused at all of this.

Seekvaira Agares’s eyes narrowed on her half-sister, and Sirzechs observed the room in silence. 

“I have brought them,” Grayfia broke the silence with her announcement, yet the air in the room grew heavier.




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