Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[141] Congratulatory Honeymoon? Or a Battle More Dangerous?

Chapter 141: Congratulatory Honeymoon? Or a Battle More Dangerous?

Morning birds chirped overhead as I walked through the school gate with a frown of detachment on my face. Ruby and Tsubasa walked beside me, but they didn't bother me. I was busy thinking, so I appreciated that.

I'm curious. How did they get in here?

It's one thing to get attacked, and another to get jumped so conveniently and abruptly as it happened with me.

Goddess Amaterasu did say that not all of Japan was under the direct dictatorship of Shinto. If not, the devils and fallen angels wouldn't have been camping in Kuoh.

Some land-related god politics were going on here that I wasn't aware of, nor did I care about, that was the cause behind this attack.

Obviously, it wasn't the Shinto Pantheon who let the three Nordic Gods inside their own country to wreak havoc, that'd ruin the entire purpose of Amaterasu telling me about it from earlier.

It couldn't be the devil faction either. This region's devils are Rias and Sona, and the former is too much in her female fantasy romance with me to do something like this. There is a slight chance that it's Sona, but she'd have discussed such a big thing with her big sister first—and Serafall would've had to discuss it with Sirzechs first before proceeding with this since Rias also lives in this area.

I met Sirzechs just half an hour before the attack happened, where he saw my insane potential and power. He practically gave me his sister's hand, he wouldn't have done that if he had set up Gods to assassinate me half an hour later.

Which left only one candidate behind.

The Fallen Angels.

As I had expected back when Sona told me about the Fallen Angel's odd pattern of behavior a few days ago, they have teamed up with the Nordic Gods.

It is such a pity that they didn't try their luck to fight with me besides the Norse. I'd have loved to eradicate their entire ranks last night. Now, they must be scared of me instead. But where will they hide? For how long?

Azazel has made a big mistake this time, and he should be ready to pay for it.

'It seems I need to skip the beginning classes today.' I walked into the school gate, separated from my sister and cousin, and headed to the Occult Research Club.

I found the door closed, knocking as I waited. Footsteps came from the other side and the door opened a moment later; instead of the girls, it was Kiba Yuuto today.

He showed an amicable smile when he saw me, "Ah, Aquamarine-kun. Fancy seeing you here this early, did the President summon you?"

"She didn't," I showed him a polite smile. "But I do have some business with her, as well as the Student Council President. It's about the Fallen Angels, as well as about the Nordic Invaders last night. I'm unsure if you guys know about this."

Kiba blinked and then frowned, "Come in, I'll call the president and bring Sona-san here." I'm glad he was quick-witted on the danger.

* * *

When I finally sat down with Rias, her brother, as well as Sona's sister, joined us in this meeting. As they should—being Satans in charge of this area, it's an insult to have an enemy faction come raid my house right under their nose.

"It's obviously the Fallen Angels," Sona fixed her glasses behind which a frown hid. "Issei-kun from my peerage has been dealing with Azazel of the Fallen Faction for a few months now. Ah, right," she looked at me. "I'm assuming you don't know how we operate. As devils, we take commissions from human patrons to garner demonic energy by completing the tasks."

"And Azazel has been pretending to be a normal middle-aged man for the last two months," Serafall followed. She had her eyes on the smartphone in her hand, a frown of disbelief on her hand, before she showed the phone to Sirzechs beside her who took a look with surprised eyes. She let him take a longer look and turned to me. "Sona told me about it before, I told her to rest assured as he wasn't making any moves, he might just have been here for a vacation. Plus, we were not sure from the beginning if it was Azazel. I am sorry, we should have dealt with him from the moment we found out."

"No, it's fair to not engage him when he wasn't showing any hostility," I looked at her and said, "I hope to deal with him as soon as possible, however."

"We shall," Sirzechs put the phone on the table and looked at me. "But before that, will you brief us on what happened last night with the Nordic Gods?"

"I wish to ask the same thing," Serafall said. "Once again, it's our incompetence that we didn't notice Bifrost firing into our area, we had no idea about this incident until you told us about it today. But with your source to work with, I've confirmed that the Nordic Gods have indeed invaded Kuoh last night, but," she once again took a look at her smartphone, her eyes registering the text for a long while, before she looked up at me, "Did you really... kill Odinson Thor?"

Every head in the room snapped to look at me. To start, the room was filled with all of Rias' peerage, and a part of Sona's peerage. Issei Hyuudo wasn't here, so I failed to see his reaction, but the others' looks were pleasing enough. Despite how old I am and having experienced similar scenes a thousand times before, this look of absolute surprise which shattered the idea of me being the underdog in a situation still pleased my heart to this day.

But of course, it's an incredible feeling when the world recognizes your worth.

Rias' surprise turned into a happy grin a second later, women loved it when their man turned out to be greater than they showed, while Sona began to sweat. Sona and her little peerage had picked a fight with me just a couple of days ago, she must feel lucky that I wasn't angry that day. Her Queen, Tsubaki Shinra, who stood behind her couch placed a hand on her chest and sighed in relief. She was glad for the same reason Sona was scared—that her little mischief with me hadn't caused the end of her peerage.

Of Sona's peerage, only one other reaction stood out. Loup Garou, the Werewolf. His fingers twitched, and due to his default expressionless face, I failed to pinpoint exactly why. I sensed excitement, fear, and a little rage? Odd.

Ah, and, while Issei wasn't here, his good friend Saji was. He, who was a part of Rias' peerage now, stood with his fists and jaws clenched, and head down. Nobody else but Koneko noticed it, and I let him be. I couldn't be bothered with a weakling at this time.

"Aqua!" Perhaps Rias felt a need to show off as she got off her couch and jumped into my arms. I was wondering why she hadn't sat on my side from the get-go today, perhaps my serious expression scared her earlier. "I was so worried earlier when you mentioned the attack, but you killed Thor! That's incredible! Won't you tell me what happened exactly?!"

I endured her attention-seeking behavior because she's cute, and nodded. "Well, after I left the Clubroom yesterday..."

I narrated the story briefly, though I didn't bother to mention all the events, such as when I connected with two Icons at once. I finished the story with how Bifrost opened another time to take away Baldur and Vidar back to Asgard.

I kept it short. There was no need to give them too many details; even the Shinto Gods who watched the battle from heaven yesterday didn't get to see everything. They caught the important events, such as me connecting to two Icons, but that was not a harmful thing. It didn't damage me to show off my extraordinary talents, at this point I had few things to hide.

"Aha," Sirzechs sounded impressed. "That's incredible. I congratulate you on your victory, it's a grand achievement. I think you can already guess, but don't worry about Norse coming to your tail anytime soon anymore. If they had the luxury to do so, they would have done it last night."

"That's what I thought," I nodded.

"This is incredible though, as he said," Serafall gave me a seductive smile. "Now I'm starting to get serious about that marriage thing, I doubt I'll find a better husband. Do we hold a proper honeymoon to establish the marriage?"

[Image Here]


I allowed myself to laugh to ease my fury for a little, "We can go to Source d'Argent, in Seychelles after we deal with the Fallens?"

"Oh, you're really making me consider putting off my work for vacation~" with a dramatic sigh, she bit her lips and looked at me. She wasn't playing anymore, her eyes were truly hungry as she looked at my lips. Strong women liked strong men, it was a natural thing, did learning about my feats kick her womanly instincts into action?

"Jokes aside, I say you get a vacation," Sirzechs supported her fellow Satan, though he failed to see that his friend wasn't joking about it. "You've been in non-stop work for the last couple of years, take a break. I'll take care of things for the few more days you'll be away for, if you agree."



She jumped to give Sirzechs a hug, "My Sirzechs-chan is such a good friend."

"I can't go, Onee-sama," Sona suddenly said, making her sister turn to her. "Exams are soon, and-"

"Ah, it's alright Sona-tan, I was planning to go by myself this time~" she cut off her little sister and walked over to me, ignoring Rias as she sat down on my lap. "I might be too busy with him to take care of you if you tag along..."

"Oh." Sona blinked, blinking again as she opened her mouth and then closed it. This must be the first time Serafall wasn't begging her to come to a vacation, I guessed.

"But," I put a finger on her nose and said, "after I take care of Azazel."

"Sure thing, honey~"

Sona frowned and opened her mouth when a louder voice cut through the room. "Uh, bad timing?" It came from the window, where a man with blonde-black hair sat.

Azazel of the Fallen Angels, the culprit who we were discussing, was here.

"It seems you've been mentioning my name a lot, so I decided to visit." He showed a friendly smile, "Before you guys say anything, I haven't done anything this time. Just earlier I heard about what happened, and I've come to explain myself that-"

My hand grabbed him by the mouth as I appeared in front of him after Blinking from under Serafall's ass, as I shot toward the sky with my jaws clenched.

"Funny of you to come to my doorstep!" my other hand drew back into a punch as it slammed into his nose the next second.

The sound barrier shattered, causing the glass of nearby buildings to crack, as he was shot high into the sky. He was hurled through the air like a bag of garbage until six pairs of black wings erupted behind him to stabilize him.

Azazel held his bloody nose with one hand and erected an Instant Dungeon with the other, chuckling, "My, my, I heard you were a cheery and humorous young man, but looks like you have a bad mood today."

"I wonder who's behind that?" I was already in my White Tiger form, my speed in the sky tens of times faster than a bullet, as I rushed to continue my assault against the crow bastard.

"Calm down! I'm not an enemy~" he raised his hands in defense, but I didn't give zero fucks. There was a chance that it was Kokabiel who was after this, but there is no way that Azazel wasn't aware of it even if he didn't actively take part in it.

He should have stopped it if he feared for his life.

"Haah," he let out a sigh of defeat when I was just a few meters from his face, not bothering to slow down. "Have it your way, then."

A silver blur rushed in front of me and blocked my punch. A loud thrum filled the sky, and I felt a significant amount of energy leave my body.

Sure, I wasn't using all my attributes in the punch, but that punch had all my physical strength behind it. Plus the power loss from a single touch was also alarming.

A knight in shining armor stood in front of Azazel, all protected and covered, yet I didn't miss the glare from the helmet's blue eyes.

"Stay back," the White Dragon Emperor dared warn me. "If you don't want to die."




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