Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[144] Playing With ‘Father’s’ Honeypot

Chapter 144: Playing With 'Father's' Honeypot

I had caught up with Yura Katayose a few days ago, but this was Ruby's first meeting with her in years. So I let the two of them catch up and went to get changed.

Soon I stepped out of my room, having changed out of my school dress, adorning a loose yellow tee shirt and blue trousers now.

Before going to meet Yura properly in the living room, I decided to take a detour to the house's basement. It was the same place where I locked up the two exorcist girls just a couple of weeks ago. Now I had two others to implement that fate onto.

Separately, however. They deserved different punishments.

"Haah," I took in a deep breath and let out a whistle that cut through the air. Not half a minute later, all five tiger cubs, including Blue, were kneeling in front of me.

I tapped my foot against the hard floor and Kokabiel's body teleported out of my Void Storage. I kicked him, sending him slamming against the wall yet he remained unconscious.

"I want him tortured," I looked at the five tiger cubs and said. "He is a divine entity, so he barely feels any hunger. I need a way around that, such as potions which can increase hunger. You lots can make potions that simple right?"

The tiger cubs nodded excitedly. "Yes, my lord!"

"Good. That should be enough for a week or two. After he feels like dying of hunger, the real game will begin." I said, snapping my fingers to erect an Instant Dungeon that withheld only this small area within itself.

Then, I pressed my Sage's willpower on this realm. It was easy to influence reality as a Sage, I might even say I have the easiest time manipulating Instant Dungeons in this world. I made it extremely dark, erasing all the light, as well as the intensities of any new lights that might bloom here. I also added an inescapable aspect to this area, none who lacked my permission would be able to enter or leave this place unless their will could overpower mine.

Kokabiel was tied with light magic seals provided by Azazel, that were enough to drag him to a normal human's strength. He couldn't break out of the Instant Dungeon even if he wanted.

"Just three of you here should be enough. I want two others to follow me somewhere else. Blue and Red, come with me." I said and walked out of the basement, and consequently the Instant Dungeon.

"Yes, milord!" Red chimed out loud while Blue followed silently. I think Blue was getting the gist of serving me, she realized I preferred silent nods rather than loud yells.

Next, I went to the gym. The two Holy Sword girls were there, training as usual. That's their job, to train, as per my order. That's why they spent most of their time in the gym.

For the better too, they must have realized. Their skepticism toward me was slowly turning into respect.

In just a few weeks, they were many times stronger than their past selves.

They unlocked the Knight's Aura, as well as Sword Aura, and gained techniques far surpassing this world's martial arts. Here, most knights just swung their swords with their magical powers and hoped for great damage, but I taught these two girls skills and swordsmanship that could cut down the sun.

"Ah, Lord," the two of them stopped their clash and greeted me with a heavy breath. I waved at them dismissively, allowing them to continue, and raised a hand toward the sky.

Another Instant Dungeon formed, this one encompassing the entire personal gym. It's too big to create a sense of entrapment for a confined person, but the next victim did not require such initial approaches.

I pulled out the Fallen Angel Kalawarna, kicking her unconscious body to send her rolling on the floor.

"Two of you," I looked at Blue and Red, "take turns beating her up. One of you will beat her for hours while the other will take care of the things in the outside world. For example, if Red beats her up so much that he gets tired, Blue will replace him. Until she too gets tired hours later and requires replacement."

"If she demands an explanation for why she is getting beaten, don't explain to her. At least not from the get-go. Give her hope about it, and let her continue begging. And when she's crying for you guys to stop, only then tell her the reason. That she deserves all things being done to her because of her allegiance with Kokabiel and Raynare. Yes, she worked with people who have tried to kill me and my family." I said, my voice calm, as I watched the two cub's eyes grow cold. They barely held their killing intent after hearing that. "Make her cry, bleed, and break her bones. But don't kill her. I need to experiment on the Angel blood to raise my own angels, she's good material for that research project."


The three other cubs will be free to join in too, once they're done brewing the hunger potion and feeding Kokabiel.

Looking at the unconscious body of the slut on the ground, I realized that she didn't look bad. I guess I might have her serve me in the bed after the cubs break her.

As for Kokabiel himself, after letting him enjoy the isolation treatment for a while, I'll bring Akeno here. Then, the two of us will enjoy a good torture session.

Great plans for the next few weekends.

* * *

I left the gym grounds after that and went to the living room. I walked inside to find Ai, Ruby, and Yura giggling about some girl topics I could never be interested in. Asia was there too, sitting beside them and eating something as always. All of them turned their heads when they noticed me.

In particular, my eyes fell on Yura. She looked lovely in her teal blue sundress that showed part of her cleavage. She also wore a cute white hat.

[Image Here]


"Aqua, my itty-bitty baby!"

what now?

Yura got up from the couch and hopped over to me. She threw her arms around me and I held her waist, twirling her around as if she was made out of cardboard.

She gasped at the gesture, a bit surprised, and grinned at me when I lowered her to her feet. She tiptoed and looked up at me, "My, are you showing off your strength?" She asked with a warm smile.

Her expression almost made me pull her rosy lips into mine, but I managed to control myself enough to only kiss the top of her nose. "Nope, that was instinctual," I lied.

She hummed, "You would have scared any other girl, don't be so tactless~"

"As long as you're not scared, it's alright," I said and pulled her closer to me by her waist, my lower abdomen pressing against her upper abdomen. "You're just fun to get my hands on."

"Hey, hey, you have girlfriends~ be careful with your hands," she said but did not attempt to free herself, she rather put her body weight into me.

Even till this moment, she was seeing this as a playful moment. In the end, she knew me from when I was a kid. It was hard to accept the change in my appearance and my attitude all of a sudden.

However, I could see the slightest bit of lust in her eyes.

A very welcoming bit.

Ah and, Ai was glaring daggers at me while Ruby clenched her jaws in confusion at our intimacy. I felt bad for my twin. I told her I'd try to 'remember' her promise and pushed her away, while here I was rubbing my body with another woman I called my 'sister' too.

Only Asia didn't seem to mind, licking the topping of her ice cream as she watched in silence. She did tilt her confusion at my mother and sister's reaction.

"I'll take my hands off when Onee-sama doesn't like it anymore," I ignored them and told Yura, looking at the couch. "Shall we sit down and talk?"

"Sure thing," she giggled and pulled me to the rest of the family, and we got lost in the talks of mortal affairs.

* * *

Yura wasn't a boring woman to talk to. We had fun catching up, and at one point I pulled out cards and played UNO as we talked. She was going to stay the night, so we had a lot to talk about.

I wanted to pull her to the bed tonight, but I'm unsure how that will go given I had to hold back my approaches a lot thanks to the third-wheelers. I didn't miss Ai's glare at the side of my face every time I wasn't looking.

Should I give up the plan for tonight and just get closer to her emotionally instead?

A pity. I'll keep trying my luck subtly for now, and see how it goes. Ahh, I've missed this. Unable to chase women because of an already chased woman watching me. It's a quite bittersweet feeling when you get used to it. Funny and cute, even if annoying.

We ended up watching a short film in the end, led by Yura herself as its actress, and she appeared slightly embarrassed at all the compliments.

"See, this is why I don't watch my own movies~ Especially with people." The girl in question complained while she rested her head on my chest. We were sitting beside one another on one couch, while Ruby and Ai were on another couch by the side. By now, Asia was sleeping on a different couch.

Since it had been a couple of hours by now, the two ladies had glared at me enough for being so intimate with Yura. By now it was almost nonexistent, as Ai shook her head at her kouhai. "That's not a good habit. Instead, you should try to watch all of your releases in a theater. Hide your identity, and take a seat in the back as you watch. You can understand how the audience views your acting based on their live reaction. It helps you realize your own flaws and strengths that you never might have noticed before."

"Oh..." Yura blinked. "That sounds smart. Have you ever tried it?"

"Yep~" she grinned, her cheeks growing rosy in slight embarrassment. "Unlike you, I stepped into the acting ring late. I was talented with it, thankfully, but I was shy to see my own actions and dialogues. I went to many theater releases, alone or with Aqua back in the day, to experience this."

"What?!" Ruby snapped her head at our mother. "You did? With Onii-chan? When?? Why haven't I ever heard about it, and why did you never take me?!"


"I think it's because I was quiet and smart as a kid, in comparison to you." I pointed out as she shifted her glare toward me.

"I'm smarter than you," she said, "I got higher grades than you."

"Um, that's because I never study..." Because who the fuck is Bohr and why must I memorize his model?

"Yeah sure, that's what dumb people say." she crossed her arms and hmphed.

Wow. Insane attitude she's showing to me. I guess I'll have to increase the intensity of our next sparring session.

"There there kids, don't fight, we have a guest at home." Ai shook her head.

"No, it's alright," Yura picked up a grape from the table in front of us and threw it in her mouth, as she lowered her head to rest in my lap with a giggle. "It's entertaining, they're such cuties. I wish I had siblings."

"I understand why you are calling Ruby a cutie, but I'm quite big to be called that," I loomed over her face and joked, smiling down at her as she grinned at me.

Her fingers pinched my cheeks, "You're a big boy, doesn't mean you're not a cutie~ I'd have teased you more but it looks like you lost baby fat from your cheeks, pity. Speaking off, is it just the outfit or do you look a bit older today?"

Of course, when we met a few days ago, I was an [Overlord]. Now I'm a [Sage], an immortal Demigod whose body has reached its peak growth. It'd be hard for people to guess my age, I looked anywhere from 18 to 25.

"You think so?" I asked, feigning a confused tone. "Would you like to see me without the clothes to confirm that suspicion...?"

"Aqua~! Your aunty and sister are right there, c'mon~! Pft- ahaha!" Yura broke out laughing at that, which was the result I was going for. As the old saying went, if you could get her giggling, you could get her... ah, I forgot.

"Gross. You're gross, Aqua!" Ruby called me by the name, pointed a finger, and frowned at me. She pouted, standing up and looking at her aunty as her frown melted. "Aunty Yura, give me your time later when this weirdo isn't flirting with you. I'll go to sleep, it's getting late."

Ai nodded, "We should all go, actually. The kids have school tomorrow, and I'm a bit tired today because of last night's... exercise." I guess the fight and revelation last night took a toll on her. She looked at me and Yura, adding, "Yura~ go to your room, and you to yours Aqua. I can't leave you with her, who knows what you will do."

"Oh come on, Senpai, he's just a kid, you're being too harsh. He's fun." Yura got off my lap and stretched her arms. "Mhmmm~ but yes, I should rest now."

"Really, you're going to leave me alone just because that woman asked?" I feigned a hurt tone and she put her arms around my neck.

"Awwh, let me make it up to you." She leaned over and placed a kiss too close to my lips. She grinned when she realized I didn't blush and just smiled at her, "Goodnight, handsome. I'll see you tomorrow."


I think I'll make it tonight.

I had an idea, one that I'm sure she'll love to indulge in.




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