Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[158] Too Many Guests

Chapter 158: Too Many Guests

As the morning sun peeked through the curtains, it spilled light across a living room transformed into a slumber party wreckage site. 

“Mhm…” Pillows and blankets lay scattered like the aftermath of a pillow fight. Last night’s bash had turned the usually tidy Hoshino residence into an impromptu dorm, buzzing with the tranquil hum of deep, restorative sleep.

Ruby and her squad, Kana, Mem, and Shoko, were all sprawled out across the living room. Yuzuru too. They crashed wherever they found space, and changed from their party clothes from the previous night. 

The air was thick, carrying a mix of stale perfume and hot chocolate.

It's not as if the house lacked rooms, mind you, the girls scattered on the floor could have chosen them if they wished, but they found it more fun to sleep together like this after a party celebration due to their massive success. The entire country was talking about them, they couldn't care less about a bed.

They weren't the only ones here. Tsubasa was there too; she was the one who managed a lot of stuff besides her parents last night, so she was quite tired as well. My two girlfriends were also present. Akane and Mai Senpai, who had been in the thick of the cheering crowd just hours earlier, had decided to stay over.

I couldn't hate the atmosphere when I woke up after a short nap, so many energetic people passed out from exhaustion was lovely.

“Huh…” Rubbing my eyes, the place felt like a dream in its cozy chaos. I slipped out to freshen up, leaving the girls to their dreams. Mom was already up, walking into the kitchen to cook breakfast. 

With two of us up, others began to follow. The quiet of the morning soon gave way to the sounds of life. 

“Aywn…” I was near the sleeping girls, cooking in the kitchen with my mother, when Ruby woke up with a rustle of blankets, her eyes fluttering open as she stretched a little, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. 

I looked at her, as the morning light cast a soft glow on her face, highlighting her flushed cheeks from last night. She looked cute. “Mhm… good morning…” She sat up, rubbing her eyes, and looked around at her friends who were gradually coming to life. 

Tsubasa was the next to wake up, coming over to kiss me on the cheek when nobody else was looking, and Ai had her back facing us. Then she went to freshen herself.

Yuzuru and Kana were the next to wake, the latter’s hair tousled and eyes blinking sleepily as she yawned widely.

“Hey girls,” I waved.


The sound of people talking made the others wake up too. My Mem-Cho, usually the most energetic of the group, groaned as she pulled a pillow over her head, mumbling, “Five more minutes, Mom…” 

I shook my head, she needed more stamina training.

The group’s quiet one, Shoko, simply sat up, folded her blanket neatly, and adjusted her hair before offering a soft smile to everyone, "Good morning". When her eyes landed on me, her smile only widened.

Ai noticed that as she tasted a spoonful of soup to test salt, “She likes you,” she said, “Poor girl, so innocent. Does she not know of your slutty behavior?”

“Focus on the cooking, mother,” I waved at the girls and spoke steeply so that only Ai heard me, while my hand secretly pinched her waist.

Two other girls also woke up, taking seats. Akane giggled from her spot on an armchair, her laughter bright and clear. "Looks like the stars of the show needed that rest. You guys better get used to hectic schedules though, idol life is a lot harder than actress’ life," she teased, her tone light and affectionate.

Mai Senpai, who had found comfort on a couch, shared a soft look with Akane and then turned to Ruby with an encouraging smile. "You guys were amazing last night. The crowd loved you," she said, her voice warm with pride as she checked her phone. “Many people who know you’re the sister of my boyfriend have left tons of messages congratulating you,” she showed us her phone. “You guys were incredible.”

Ruby's smile widened into a grin as she blushed at Mai's words, a flush of pride replacing the sleepiness in her features. "Thanks, senpai-in-law. It felt like a dream, you know? Standing there, hearing everyone cheering for us... it was unreal."

Cough-!” Ai choked beside me, presumably from the term  ‘senpai-in-law’, but the other girls were used to it by now. I helped her calm down and returned our focus to the cooking. 

The conversation gradually pulled the others awake, and they began to talk about their shared experiences from the night. They talked about their favorite moments, the loudest cheers, creepy weebos, and the minor mishaps that only made the evening more memorable. It was fun listening to them.

As the morning lazily drifted towards noon, the atmosphere in the household shifted from sleepy to lively. Ai and I served them food in a room filled with laughter as the group rehashed the best parts of their performance. 

It was a fun morning, for sure.


Ding Dong!

The haze of the morning was abruptly cut short by the sound of the doorbell. “I’ll go check,” With a curious frown, I excused myself from the laughter-filled living room and headed to the door. 

“Coming,” I said before opening the door, blinking in surprise. Well, I had already sensed their presence, so I wasn’t really surprised, but still. 

The visitors were somewhat unexpected, it was Rias and her peerage, a group of two guys and three girls.

“Good morning~ Aqua!” Rias greeted with a warm smile, her crimson hair dancing in the wind, a stark contrast against the clear morning sky. Behind her, the members of her peerage – Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, and Saji – stood in a semi-circle, each offering a polite nod.

“Uh, hey, good morning,” I greeted, masking my lack of surprise at her knowing my address with a light tone. Creepy girl.

“We’re here to congratulate Ruby,” Rias continued, her blue eyes sparkling with admiration that I found genuine. “Her performance last night was truly amazing. It's all everyone is talking about today. I had to come and see her.”

She was present in the crowd last night, and so was her peerage. I had sensed their presence but didn’t have the free time to go greet them.

The peerage seemed to share Rias’s sentiments as they nodded, even Saji with whom I had a less than favorable first impression. When I broke Issei’s limbs, it was he who stood up to save his old friend, but it didn’t quite work out. He knew well that he’d have ended up on the hospital bed too if I so wished.

Akeno, Rias’ loyal and teasing Vice-President, added, “It’s not just her voice, but the way she commanded the stage, y’know? Men are going crazy over it~ She’s made an impression in the devil circles as well. I guess you two are twins for a reason.”

“Right,” I let out a steep laugh, stepping to the side. “Welcome to my humble abode then. Though I’d appreciate a prior notification next time.”

It was clear that Ruby’s influence was beginning to ripple through not just the fields of pop culture but also the realms of the supernatural community. Her success at the concert had elevated her status, marking her as a significant figure on both fronts. But I hope this peerage nor the devils were foolish enough to assume my sister’s limits were at singing and dancing.

I invited them in, leading them to the living room where the atmosphere shifted subtly. The earlier laugh-filled air was replaced by formality and curiosity as Rias and her peerage stepped in. Ruby, catching sight of the visitors, quickly smoothed down her casual top and stood up, a mix of surprise and confusion coloring her features.

“Uh, this is unexpected, it’s the Princess of the Devils,” Ruby managed, her voice steady despite the sudden shift in her morning. I had told her about Rias’ identity in detail when I was bored, so she knew. “Thank you for coming.”

“Hey c’mon, don’t call me that, your brother and I are too close for you to call me a princess,” Rias pouted as she walked over to Ruby for a hug.

The other girls shot me a look, especially my girlfriends, as I decided to back off.

“You girls enjoy your talk,” I said and let them be. It was Ruby’s day, and I didn’t want to take Rias and the others’ attention for myself, so I excused myself. 

The exchange between Rias and Ruby was cute. Rias wanted to stay on Ruby’s good side, as she was my sister, twin no less, while Ruby was slightly awkward since she was unsure how to talk to a devil princess.

The others also chimed in, especially Mai since she knew Rias from before. I wasn’t in the same room, but I could hear them talk. I sat in another room, sipping tea with Ai and talking about mundane stuff.


While I was enjoying tea with my mom, the doorbell rang again, disrupting my chat with Ai.

Ding Dong!

“Who is it now?” Ai asked with a raised eyebrow, as she sipped her tea, and I blinked in real surprise. Since this party had teleported, I hadn’t sensed them till they were at the doorstep already. I need to take some precautions for teleportation here.

“More devils, I’ll go greet them,” I said and got up.

As I approached the door, I sensed a different level of aura than Rias, one tinged with a mix of flamboyance and power, and I already knew who it was thanks to my Jade Perception. Opening the door revealed Satan Leviathan, a being capable of drowning Japan many times over, yet dressed in a cute magical girl outfit. 

“Aqu-tan!” Levia-tan jumped and hugged my neck, and I returned it promptly, feeling her curvy waist for myself. She was a beautiful woman, adorned in an outfit that blended pop idol glamor that hid her dangerous regal authority.

While hugging her, I noted the others behind her. Sona Sitri, her sister, and Tsubaki Shinra, both of whom exuded a more subdued devil aura. Sona, with her usual calm demeanor, offered a gentle nod, as did Tsubaki. I’ve grown slightly closer to the vice president recently, enough that she had delivered a message to her former clan on my behalf, so she showed me a warm smile too, unlike her President.

“Good morning, Aqu-tan,” Serafall greeted, pulling herself back. “I hope we’re not intruding too early?”

That was a purely polite question, I’m sure she sensed Rias inside already. “Not at all,” I replied, stepping aside to welcome them. “It’s a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one. Please come inside.”

Serafall’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she entered, and not long after walking, her gaze found Ruby, who was still conversing with Rias and her group. 

“You see, I’m here for a very special reason. Well, not one, but a few,” Serafall began, her voice carrying through the room, drawing attention. Everyone turned to her in surprise. “Ruby, darling~, your performance last night was spectacular! It’s caused quite the stir everywhere—among fans and among us old folks in the supernatural scene too.”

The devils delved deep into the entertainment scene of the world, so her saying that was relevant. A lot of opportunities might arise for Ruby in the coming years.

The room’s atmosphere thickened. The girls sat straight as they recognized Serafall’s presence; they registered her celebrity identity first, her magical power after. Most of the girls here could sense Mana, so they didn’t miss it, but that’s not what they focused on, they focused on her face instead.

Serafall continued with her theatrical flair. “I’m here to congratulate you, but I’d also like to offer you something more that could propel your career even further. But that’s for later, please accept this little gift.” She produced a small, ornate envelope from her jacket, handing it to Ruby with a flourish.

Ruby, taken aback by the sudden spotlight, accepted the envelope, her hands slightly trembling. “What is this… No, never mind that. I… I don’t know what to say,” Ruby has been a fan of Ai ever since, but Levia-tan was a famous idol in her own right. “Thank you for the gift.”

While she held back her curiosity about the gift, I looked into it with my perception. It was a magical item that increased charm, from what my senses told me. Not a bad gift.

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine!” Serafall clapped her hands delightfully. “Who wouldn’t want to see a bright, young star rise even higher? And given your talents and… connections,” her eyes briefly flitted towards me, “I think you’re ready for all that awaits you in the future.”

“Surely.” I crossed my arms. “And what is the offer you were planning to make?”

“Well-” Serafall started, however, as she prepared to elaborate, her gaze suddenly landed on a new figure that walked into the room. The entire room froze.

“I thought I recognized that voice,” Ai said as she looked at Serafall. “What brings you here, Sera?”

I had revealed her identity to Akane and Mai beforehand; it wouldn’t be fair to keep it a secret from them when others knew. However, Rias and her peerage didn’t know the truth about her identity with me. They recognized her celebrity identity instead, and Serafall’s composed expression flickered with surprise. “No way, is that the living and breathing Ai!? Ai Senpai?!”

It was rather funny seeing a 500-year-old devil call my young mother ‘senpai’, and I took a step back to enjoy the incoming show a bit more.

“I suspected you two would know each other, but,” I pointed a hand at Serafall and reintroduced her to everyone, “Outside her Levia-tan identity, this young lady here is also known as one of the four Satans, the Satan Leviathan, Serafall Leviathan.”

By stirring the pot like this, and enjoying the stupefied gaze of everyone who wasn’t a devil, I enjoyed the spectacle that unfolded before me for the next few minutes.


The air in the room thickened, electrified by the revelation of Serafall’s true identity as one of the Satans. Specifically the Leviathan in question, she shot me a dirty look for revealing her identity without her permission, and I bit my tongue to apologize. 

Whispers fluttered through the room, but all fell silent as Serafall’s gaze locked onto Ai, her expression a mix of astonishment.

"Sera…. You’re a devil? Satan Leviathan?" Ai began, frowning as her voice carried a razor-sharp edge of authority that had everyone's attention snapping at her. "Count me surprised… but oh well. It's quite odd to see you in this light. I never fully expected the scope of your... talents."

Serafall, for her part, managed a graceful recovery from the initial shock of being outed. She flashed a dazzling smile, one that had charmed countless fans and foes alike. "I’m glad you didn’t ask how much of my popularity was naturally earned—the answer is all of it! But I’m glad you didn’t question it," she said, her tone light but her eyes sharp. "It’s an honor to reveal my true identity to you. Even if I didn’t get to do it myself," she shot me another dirty look.

The others in the room shifted, looking from Ai to Serafall, trying to grasp the full implications of this unexpected turn. Ruby looked between her mom and Serafall, trying to piece together her own thoughts.

"I've always admired the way you handle your celebrity life and private life, you’re too secretive. Now it makes sense why," Ai said, recalling the past.

Serafall giggled, "Thank you, Senpai, it had to be done. I can say the same to you,” she looked at me and my sister for emphasis. “What is your relationship to Aqua and Ruby?”

“Well,” I started. The conversation led us to the usual lies that we told people, that Ai was our aunt on paper, and that we lived together. We spoke, and I noticed a subtle change in Rias’ eyes when she realized Ai was basically my mother figure; I hoped she wouldn’t try too hard to impress Ai since Ai was my woman too.

Later, the two grown women sat down and indulged in conversation and forgot about the passage of time, so I took the kids around the house. I purposefully avoided taking them to the gym, as I was sure the stupid Kiba would try to fight Xenovia and Irina if he saw their swords.


Hours later, Serafall came to find me herself with an urgent look on her face, “I’m sorry, but I’m quite busy. I’ll need to be going now. But before I go, I have to talk to you about something.”

So Ruby wasn’t the only reason for her visit today, I wasn’t surprised because she did mention it. I had a feeling I knew what she wanted to talk about, too.

Serafall wanted to talk in a more private setting, and she didn’t mind Rias and Sona being present there. So I led them to a room, sat down, and sealed the room’s sound with a simple verbal command.

"We have the three faction meeting scheduled for tomorrow," Rias began, her tone shifting to one of seriousness, which was rare. "It's been delayed multiple times due to various... complications, but we have finally settled on a time tomorrow.”

I wondered what complications she meant, but it didn’t matter to me. Serafall nodded in agreement, her usual flamboyance tempered by the gravity of the discussion. "This is a crucial time. The three biblical factions have been at war ever since, and although it appears calm these days, a cold war has been going on still. This meeting is important for many reasons, we’ll be writing history tomorrow. And your presence, Aqua," she turned her gaze to me, "would be invaluable. As you've been a significant influence in many of our recent deliberations, you should be present there."

I listened, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed, feeling the weight of their expectations. They wanted me there. The room waited for my response, the air thick with anticipation.

"I appreciate the invitation, but," I started, my voice calm and measured. "I think it's best if I sit this one out. Sounds like too much work for me." A murmur of surprise and some whispers of dissent fluttered through the room.

"B-but, why?!" Rias pressed, her brow furrowing slightly. “If nothing, you’ll get to meet the different leaders of the factions…”

"She’s right. On top of that," Serafall added, "your unique position and connections could bridge problematic gaps between the three of us. You are holy enough to wield Mjolnir so Michael will like you, and you have a history with Azazel so he’ll need to cooperate if you demand something."

I shook my head slightly, a faint smile playing on my lips as I considered their words. "I'm aware of the stakes, and while I understand where you're coming from, I still can't be bothered. I’m choosing to prioritize differently."

The room's atmosphere shifted, a wave of frustration emanating from my opposing parties. Akeno looked at me, her expression one of understanding and a hint of amusement, the sole exception. Did she love how easily I took myself out of supernatural politics? Cute. I didn’t want to be pulled into a world that demanded much but offered little in terms of personal peace.

"My focus right now is here, with my family and those close to me," I continued, gesturing around the house. "I can train them in a day to advance greatly, why must I waste it? Plus I am not part of the biblical faction, I have no reason to be there."

"But Aqua," Sona interjected, her voice soft yet firm, "avoiding the politics doesn't mean it will avoid you. The decisions made there affect everyone, including those you're trying to protect. It’ll affect the entire world."

I nodded, acknowledging her point. "True. I’m raising my own faction, kind of, in the form of my Sect. Other factions do not matter to me until we’re big enough to make a difference. Again, it’s a waste of time for me to go there.”

The group digested my words, and while some seemed to understand, others were clearly disappointed. After minutes, Rias finally nodded, albeit reluctantly. "While I hope you'll reconsider, we'll respect your decision."

"As will I," Serafall chimed in, though her disappointment was palpable. "The offer stands. Should you change your mind, you’re allowed to visit the school tomorrow.”

"I'll keep that in mind," I assured her with a nod.

Slowly, the group dispersed, with Rias and her peerage making their way out. Only Serafall lingered for a few more moments of casual chat, away from the politics of the world. Oh and, I noticed Akeno wanted to tell me something, but when I asked her, she avoided it and left. Huh, was this about Kokabiel?

The day rolled down its curtains with the family and friends retreating back to their homes. One by one, the other girls began to leave as well.




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