Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[168] Which Life Is She From?

Chapter 168: Which Life Is She From?

Quetzalcoatl was a little pissed that she couldn’t just jump him and push him down on the bed. But she indeed had an image to maintain in this place; she couldn’t just bring little boys from the outside world to have them in her bed.

Besides that, she didn’t mention this to him, but it was hazardous to give into the heat and mate when her skin-shedding hour was so close. She’d fall in love, for starters, which wasn’t good.

So she had to sit this one out, even as she caught Serafall’s lewd moans flying this far from the hallroom and into the balcony where she stood. Her realm's beauty expanded before her endlessly, the green forest, with patches of red, orange, and pink trees mixed around, covered in the scent of heavenly clouds, looked all too familiar. She was too used to the sight, and although she spent little time in Japan, she had missed this.

Stone pyramids rose high, with altars and buildings and other sorts of architecture poking out of the forest. There were intricate roads built in places, and clear openings where people gathered to have fun. It had been a while since a new person had entered this heaven, so everyone here knew each other for a long time. 

When they had access to eternal peace and pleasure, what else did they have to do besides enjoy the moment?

It was a boring sight for the Battle Goddess.

Quetzalcoatl was the Goddess of Creation, Wind and Air, Learning and Knowledge, Justice and Order, and Warfare. Such peace didn’t suit her. Humans who are aware of the supernatural world were unaware of just how many Gods wanted to take over the world, and she was one of them. 

The Justice and Order side of her divinity made it so that she wanted to invoke justice around the world – but for that, she had to make sure nobody else could invoke justice other than her, which meant she had to take over the world. The Learning and Knowledge side of her divinity deemed that a good decision, that a singular ruler in the world would mean good for all of earth. Lastly, the Warfare side of her divinity supported her desire to conquer the world all day every day.

Her hand itched every minute to fight the strong. Sadly, divine rules that had been agreed upon millennia ago meant that she couldn’t do such things. The reason why Gods don’t meddle in the mortal world as much as before, even if it meant they would stop receiving new believers — such as the Aztec Religions for example, few prayed to them anymore — they still were not allowed to cause any trouble in the mortal world.

Oh, how much she wanted to crush those rules and mark the world as hers.

Quetzalcoatl caught herself trembling in creepy pleasure at the thought because something rang at the edge of her vision. One of the artifacts she wore, a bangle, acted as a cellular device for calls and video calls. She focused at the edge of her vision, and the screen expanded.

[You have received a call request from Amaterasu, the Great Divinity Illuminating Heaven.]

[You have received a call request from Indra, the God Emperor.]

“Hoh?” Quetzalcoatl blinked.

For the first time in centuries, a tickle ran through her blood as her Wisdom Eyes spun into action on its own. Her green pupils went golden and spun, as she realized the situation just from the two notifications. “Could… could it?”

She composed herself with an excited gulp and picked up the second request instead. Amaterasu can wait. The call rang for a minute until it got picked up. The screen bloomed into a video, showing the face of a man with buzz-cut, greenish-brown hair. He wore circular sunglasses, and an aloha shirt, and had a jewel around his neck. He also had a dot on his forehead; the vermillion mark.

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting such a fast response,” the man blinked and said, as he smiled. “It’s been a while, Dragon.”

“It certainly has been. What do you need, Indra?” she crossed her arms, her delightful expression hidden behind a mask of indifference.

“Nothing much,” he said, “So there's this guy, apparently with black hair and purple eyes, who was last seen in Japan. But recently, as of a few hours ago, his location has been moved to the skies of Mexico. So I’m reaching out to ask if you can check your heavens and see if there is some guy with said features. You’ll be compensated highly for your help, of course. Just call me back when you find-”

“He is with me right now,” Quetzalcoatl interrupted him, her golden eyes spinning. She tilted her head at the God-Emperor as a sadistic grin spread across her face. “What do you need him for?”

A young man who was in Japan, but suddenly was in Aztec Heaven? Yes, that was Aquamarine, zero doubt about it. It didn’t matter that his hair and eyes were different. The person the foreign world’s Goddess was looking for was Aqua, somehow, Quetzalcoatl was sure of it.

“....” Indra closed his mouth and stared at her for a moment, evaluating if she was speaking the truth or baiting him for whatever reason. A moment later, he smiled. “He’s not in danger, fear not. We just need him to help make this Goddess cooperate; let’s not beat around the bush, you know who I’m talking about. I’ll send Wu Kong over, he’ll pick the boy up. We’ll return him soon after the alien Goddess cooperates.”

“No,” Quetzalcoatl said and Indra frowned. “I’ll take him there myself. I need to make sure it’s not a lie when you say this boy will be safe. He’s a precious part of Aztec, I’m responsible for his safety.”

Indra remained frowning for a bit before he smiled, “Sure thing~! I’ll still send Wu Kong to you, he will pick you up with the boy. When will you be free?”

“An hour should suffice,” Quetzalcoatl replied, and Indra nodded.

The call was cut after that, and Quetzalcoatl’s body trembled and convulsed as she failed to hold back her laughter. She let out a booming laugh toward the skies, her eyes tinted with a crazy light as all the possibilities of a grand war spread across her head.


Interesting times were here.


Yohualteuctli, daughter of the Jaguar God, was in the 9th heaven to meet the Demi-God human. She hadn’t sneaked in or anything, she was allowed here—she worked as a trainer for the warriors in 9th heaven. Quetzalcoatl loved to hire Tezcatlipoca’s people for herself as a power move, which made it easy for Yohualteuctli to come here and leave anytime she wanted.

She came here with the excuse of greeting Quetzalcoatl, who had returned from the outside world for a brief period. She had returned a few weeks ago too, to meet that Valkyrie woman who had come here with false news, but Yohualteuctli didn’t get to meet her back then. So this was a good excuse.

However, when she walked into the palace, near the bath…

“Ahng~ yes~ t-that’s the spot, fuckh~ I love it, Aqua, yes, more~”

She found a scene so obscene that she had to quickly backpedal and leave the castle in a rush.

How disgusting! She couldn’t believe the sight as she ran down the stairs. How is the God Queen allowing them to be so obscene in her castle? No wonder Father is always mad at her.

Yohualteuctli was a young lady when her father was defeated by the God Queen, God King, or whatever name she liked to go by. She lived like a battle princess when her father ruled the Aztecs, and now she was a mere trainer. She didn’t hate Quetzalcoatl for it, it was how this pantheon worked – strength ruled it all. But now she understood, slightly, why her father was pissed with the way the God Queen ruled the pantheon.

With a disgusted frown, she was running out, when her enhanced jaguar ears caught on a sound that was not moans. It was Quetzalcoatl’s voice, coming from a few floors above her, and she had to slow down her descent to focus on it.

The God Queen was talking to someone.

Yohualteuctli found herself slightly confused after hearing her talk with Indra. A black-haired man with purple eyes? And the God Queen had him with her right now? How?

The question answered itself when the God Queen made another call, seemingly from the Chief God of Shinto if Yohualteuctli’s ears weren’t false.

“I’m sorry, Amaterasu,” Yohualteuctli heard the God Queen’s voice say, “I can’t do that. Hiding it from Aqua will cost him my trust, how can I take that risk? I’ll tell him~ and then see what he has decided. It’s up to him if he wants to go and meet Indra, after all, all up to him.”

Yohualteuctli blinked. But… didn’t she just agree to Indra without talking to this ‘Aqua’ about his opinion that they’d leave for the Vedas Pantheon in an hour?

Wait- Yohualteuctli paused, suddenly realizing something. Aqua, Aqua… That’s the Demigod kid. Some foreign Goddess is looking for him? What?

She stood confused for a moment before she quickly made her way out of the 9th heaven. She had to tell her father about this, this was too much for her to handle.


God-in-Spirit Tezcatlipoca was sitting on his broken throne as usual, his chin resting on his hand. He listened to Yohualteuctli’s words in silence before humming, “I see. This is interesting, as well as dangerous. From my other sources, I know about this Goddess — she’s from another world... Why is she looking for this Tiger? And is this stupid Quetzalcoatl really planning to initiate a total war out of this?”

“What should we do, father?” she asked, and Tezcatlipoca scoffed.

“What can we do?” he grumbled. “Go back to the 9th heaven, and try to meet her. Maybe if she sees you before leaving, she might tell you to tag along. She’ll need numbers beside her if she is really planning to throw herself into a war.”

Yohualteuctli looked confused, “You… want me to help her? But wouldn’t it be better for you if she dies?”

“No it wouldn’t,” her father shook his head, “If she’s to die, she’ll die by my hands. How can I allow some stupid Vedas fools to take my kill? Plus, I don’t think she’ll die—neither will the boy. So I want you to tag along and observe what goes on there. Understood?”

“Yes, Father,” Yohualteuctli replied a moment later. “Understood.”

She felt a little nervous. She was a strong warrior, but to go to another pantheon on short notice with the danger of death on her shoulder was a bit too sudden. Still, she wasn’t going to deny her father’s request.


[First Person Point of View]

Serafall and I finished in the bath, and we had to take a break when Quetzalcoatl walked over to tell us that we had to hurry. I wondered why, but I assumed she must want us to attend some of the festivals below or something.

So I helped clean Serafall, properly this time, and the two of us adorned ourselves in new clothes before heading out. Turns out Serafall has some kind of cloth magic, so her outfit was basically the same as before, except for different colors; she really liked that magical girl outfit. Not that I had any complaints, she looked cute. I wore jeans and a white shirt, with sleeves folded up to my forearm, and the top buttons loose to reveal my hard neck blades.

“Ah~ it’s the first day and it’s already the best day of my life in the last century~” Serafall clung to my left arm, her head resting against my biceps.

“Just the last century? I’m offended.”

“You need to try better if you want it to be the best day of my life, darling,” she kissed my bicep and said, making me laugh.

We walked over to the same hall room where we had our lunch earlier and found the tables clean. The servants worked fast here. I found Quetzalcoatl standing near the window, but she was not alone. A woman-


Isn’t that Jaguarman from Fate/Grand Order?

I paused briefly as I looked at the girl with short brown hair, with jaguar ears, wearing a black mafia-like outfit. She held a staff on one of her hands. I stared at her for a moment, causing her to turn and look at me, frowning immediately. My surprise passed quickly since Quetzalcoatl herself shared her appearance with the same anime.

“Hey~” Quetzalcoatl turned to me, waving at me, “You two are finally out.”

“Hey,” Serafall waved at her brightly, while I looked at Jaguarman’s frown. What, did she not like the show she walked into earlier? Of course, my Jade Perception had sensed her, although I hadn’t seen her face earlier.

“This is Yohualteuctli,” Quetzalcoatl pointed at the girl, “She’s the daughter of Tezcatlipoca, my archnemesis.” Why was she hanging out with her archnemesis’s daughter? “Yohualteuctli, these two are Satan Leviathan and Aquamarine Hoshino, my guests.”

“Hello,” the Jaguar nodded at us, “Just call me Yohtli, I reckon our real names are somewhat hard to pronounce.”

“Yeah, it is! I’m glad you shortened it for us,” Serafall excitedly said, while I looked at Quku.

“What do you need, woman? You couldn’t have interrupted our good time just to introduce us to her? No offense, but we could have met her later.”

“Whoa, no, of course not~” Quetzalcoatl let out a dramatic sigh. “Indra called. You know that guy who calls himself ‘God Emperor of Heaven’? He said he wants to see you.”

“Huh?” I blinked. What now?

“Yeah, he thinks the Foreign Goddess might be looking for you,” she said, and I frowned.

“But didn’t he have black hair and purple-” I paused.

The world seemed to lose all sound as my eyes trembled. Realization hit me like a truck.

I did indeed live a life when I had black hair and purple eyes. Someone… from back there is here, looking for me? How? No, no, that doesn’t matter.

The world began to sing, as the three ladies looked around. I felt the same Icon that had sung for me when Ai rejected me during the motorcycle date. I still couldn’t pinpoint which Icon it was, but it was unimportant. My cheerful expression was gone.

“When?” I asked. “When are we leaving?”

To my surprise, Quetzalcoatl let out a grin that almost matched my own excitement… and rage.




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