Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[172] Wrecking Chaos and Rescuing My Goddess

Chapter 172: Wrecking Chaos and Rescuing My Goddess

[Third Person Point of View]

Bullshit. Kuroka cursed in her head as she watched the boy massacre gods and heroes as if he were on a Tuesday walk. He's bullshit! How in the world is he that powerful?!

Although Aqua didn't know her, she knew him. The fight between Riser Peerage and Rias Peerage was free for all to see on the Devil Net. Kuroka had seen the video and noticed the powerful Qi technique that her little sister used.

She researched about it later on, and that's when she learned about Aqua. He was the one who taught Koneko the “Dancing Dew of the Morning Lotus” technique.

Since then, she has developed an interest in him.

That interest had broken through all limits today, and it's not wrong to say that she was ovulating at the beastly smell of a tiger she smelled from him.

Unfortunately, she could bet that he'll kill her right after dealing with the remaining members of the Hero Faction. She hadn't even bullied that Goddess, in fact she joined this little faction after the capture of Galaxara, but she doubted Aqua would stand still and listen to her explanation.

She needed to escape, she wasn't willing to die in this land far from her home.

“Hey, you,” she turned to Zhuge Liang, the little girl adorned in Taoist robes. “Can you bring us out of here? I know you have a teleportation-type ability…”

The girl's eyes trembled at that and she nodded. She did have an ability like that. Her Sacred Gear, [Strategy Trap] allowed her to create small holes out of thin air that can transport both people and items through them.

 She must be scared, but since Kuroka has been standing over her and protecting her for a while now, she trusts her more than the others on this battlefield. “B-but won't he notice us… and take us out if we try to flee?”

“True, he might, but,” she chewed on her lips and then looked at Vali. She licked her lips and narrowed her eyes at the White Dragon Emperor who'd been frozen on his spot for a while now. She had an idea. She leaned over to the little girl and whispered, “Listen, we…”

She would apologize to the angry tiger in the future, be it in his bed, but today she'd rather survive than embrace a meaningless death.

-「Happy nation, livin' in a happy nation, Where the people understand and dream of a perfect man…


Jeanne’s eyes were cloudy from all this. Her entire faction was dead, most of them anyway, and if she was not careful, she'd be the next.

How can he be so heartless?! She asked herself in her head. Wasn't he a human by birth too? How can he be so demonic?!

Aqua’s footwork left her and the rest of the spectators in a daze. He moved around like a zap of lightning, the entire grand rooftop being the stage for an angry bull’s dance. He didn't attack anybody, not just yet, he was waiting for something. None of the Devas attacked his people either, the Satan Leviathan and the Jaguar girl. They didn't want to be taken out for offending him, so they just kept their guards up and tried to follow his movements.

Only Wukong remained engaged with the Dragon Goddess in the sky, their battle only growing more intense. 

Aqua encircled the area, trying to confuse the crowd on who he would attack next. Of course, his target was Cao Cao, the Hero Faction knew. More than Indra and his devas, he was madder at the Heroes. To him, the other Gods could wait.

Cao Cao took out a Phoenix Tear, moving sneakily, and about to heal his arm, when Aqua appeared in front of him and slashed the potion into the floor.

Heracles punched at him, but he was gone as fast as he came.

Jeanne growled. What is Indra doing?! He is standing around for what?! It took her a moment to realize he must be waiting for Aqua to run out of energy.

That enraged her.

“...Die!” Jeanne shouted and tapped her foot on the ground when her eyes caught Aqua for the briefest moment. That tap sent a mountain of holy swords spiking from the ground at him, her Sacred Gear. It was quite an impressive Sacred Gear.

Blade Blacksmith…!” she shouted, and a wave of holy swords of different affinities rushed toward him. She was a bane for any devils, but sadly he wasn't an evil entity, at least the Holy Swords didn't count him as one. So they couldn't be the most effective against him. Yet, she didn't stop.

Blade Blacksmith!”

Blade Blacksmith!”

Blade Blacksmith-”

She interrupted herself when he abruptly appeared behind her.

He danced like a spark of lightning, using that weird [Time Icon] to speed himself up, and now he was suddenly behind her.

“Shit-” she cried, as his sword approached her neck.

What has she done to deserve all of this?!

What did her faction do?! How were they supposed to know he was related to this foreign Goddess? No, even if it's this bitch who's behind all of it, they didn't even hurt her much. 

To begin with, it was on Indra's command that they captured her. And it's also him who wanted to turn the Goddess into a weapon, then why was this bastard taking out his anger on the Hero Faction?!

“No you don't!” Cao Cao swung his spear at him just as he appeared behind his friend, or maybe she was more than just a friend. He didn't know, nor did he care. 

His spear passed through an illusion, and his hand slammed into Jeanne’s neck from behind. She was turning around just then, but it was too late; he launched her against a pillar, pushing her against it, and hit her crotch with a knee.

“Keugh-!” She let out a painful gasp, her mouth wide open, and he slid his sword up her mouth just then. 

“NO, JEANNE!!” her people yelled, but it was too late. Aqua's sword, the same one that belonged to her friend, went into her mouth and came out of her skin, her eyes red and bloody.

Jeanne's world turned black, and she died.


Another “Soul Magic: Tomb Raider.” was enough to scavenge her useful sacred gear, that I put into my Void Storage.

I didn't have to rush towards Cao Cao and Heracles this time. They rushed at me, the user of the True Longinus running at me like a madman.

I grinned.

Time to end them.

Eternal Magic,” I took in a deep breath, “Discrimination of Time.”

It was the same spell I had used against the Jaguar Warrior back in the day.

The world slowed down for all except me. The two humans moved like slugs, and my blade cut through their nerves as my legs carried me around them. I moved like a graceful sage, my blade cutting them at the right parts, and not beheading them from the get-go.

I wanted them to feel it. To see their team die at my hands. I didn't want to make it fast for them. That's why I let them live for this long, anyway.

But now, it was enough.

My blade sliced through them, even as the two of them tried to block. Cao Cao was too slow, even if his spear was sturdy and could block my sword. All I had to do was avoid his spear and attack from another angle.

Heracles was a much simpler man. He had too much trust in his body, he crossed his arms and hoped for the best, and I cut him in two from head to crotch.

Discrimination of Time ended; time came back to its usual rhythm, and two bodies fell on the floor with a thud, and I gently sheathed my sword. I also deposited the True Longinus into my Void Storage, as well as Heracles’s Variant Detonation.


I turned to the little Chinese girl.

“Now only you-” I blinked as I saw her slip into a hole in space, right behind the sly Kuroka who dared send a flying kiss at me.

Of course, I tried to shut the spatial hole down on top of her, slicing her into two, but it didn't work. An opposing force worked to stop it.

Vali Lucifer, already on the other side of the hole, had used the White Dragon's full authority to stop me from shutting it down. Well, he only delayed it for a second, not exactly stopping me, but the result was all the same. Zhuge Liang had fled.


Annoying ants.

[It's fine, my child.] My Goddess’ soothing voice boomed in my head. [The little girl was a new member of the faction, she had joined after I was captured. Plus she was kind to me. I was going to ask you to spare her, but she escaped. Ah, and the two others weren't even part of this group at all, they worked for the greater faction above it.]

“Hah,” I scoffed. “Still, I didn't expect the proud White Dragon to flee. What a weak cunt.” I shrugged my shoulders.

Zhuge Liang, if she's a new member, does not count as a part of the group. So I'll let her be since my Goddess asked.

And that means the Hero Faction has just been wiped out from the face of Earth.

I heaved out a short breath and looked at the Gods remaining on the rooftop. “Come at me already, weren't you guys waiting for this?”

“Aquamarine,” Indra took a step forward, his hand clutching his shirt and pulling it off to reveal copper gold muscles. His face was a concentration of rage and anger as he pulled off the Buddhist jewel around his neck. The beads dropped and rolled on the ground, and my eyes matched his. “I'll put an end to your sinful existence today.”

“And I’ll leave your realm annihilated,” Our eyes met, our expression serious and filled with rage, and we kicked the ground to clash with the might of deities.

I drew my back to perform the Vagabond Form Three, while Indra prepared his Vajra for an attack I assumed was his ultimate. Our clash would certainly leave this city of Gods destroyed, but we didn’t care—it was far too late to care for that.

Our attacks met.

And two gentle hands blocked both of them.

Svarga wasn’t destroyed by the impact, no, our clash accumulated zero damage as a four-armed, sky-blue-skinned deity floated between the two of us.

The sun that had dimmed and vanished let out it's light again, as a beacon of hope was in the battlefield.

“Gentlemen,” Vishnu the Preserver, the Preserver of Hinduism, looked at us with an easy look in his eyes, while a song began to play overhead beside my own. “Let us put a stop to this nonsense battle.”

I scowled, about to put a test to his title as the Preserver, when I noticed something.

The [Aegis Icon] shone overhead beside my [Time Icon] and Indra’s [Storm Icon]. But that's not what I meant, it's the other Icon that shone, the [Crown Icon]... but it didn’t come from me. 

The new song that I noticed earlier wasn’t from Vishnu’s Icon, but this one.

Guitar strings hit the air, and the world hummed. A Goddess of celestial dignity came down from the skies, her eight hands spread behind her while her main two were crossed in front of her. Hindi lyrics I failed to understand filled the skies, but I recognized the song since it’s quite famous nowadays in the 2030s.

-「Hook~.... Door na jana, Tu mujhse door, Door na jana, Tu mujhse door...

It was the song [Maharani], which meant “Queen”. I guess that’s a fitting song if any for the divine Godmother of Hinduism.

The pressure of an entire Pantheon fell on my shoulders, as dagger-like eyes locked with mine. The Goddess’ eyes seemed to challenge me to make a single move and see what she'd do. 

Arrogant woman. I almost flared my Qi at her, but what Indra did next made me stop.

“O’ Great Durga,” Indra bowed, immediately pulling back his killing intent in her presence. I clicked my tongue and did the same. 

-「Haanji haanji dedo mic pe light ab, Hai Bolna boht kuch toh kholdi bottle, And I swear to God this ain't that liqour talk, Mujhe ni karna flex par ye bandi aisi...

Fuck. How anticlimactic.

These two didn’t come here to fight, I could feel their intention, so it'd be unwise to make them my enemies right now. I was about to tap into my other Icons and deal with Indra, and even Vishnu when he first intervened, but to deal with Durga too will be suicide. Using too many Icons will use up my Qi and willpower like a jet plane, and I might as well just pass out.

“Wukong, come down,” Durga said gently, and the Monkey King quit clashing with Quetzalcoatl and dropped beside Indra, crossing his arms and looking the other way with a grunt.

Quetzalcoatl’s draconic shadow grew smaller, and she too dropped to the ground, standing beside me with her arm around my shoulder. She wore a wide grin, looking at the bleeding monkey, while she remained mostly uninjured. She hadn’t even gone serious in the battle.

“I hope you understand what you’re doing, Goddess,” Durga said to the serpent who shrugged her shoulders.

“Of course, I took Shiva’s side by fighting against Indra. Shouldn’t you be happy?” she asked, and Durga frowned without a word.

The Godmother turned to me next, “If you’re here for that lady over there, just take her and leave. I do not wish to see you any longer, you who brought destruction upon Svarga.”

Indra’s head snapped, “But my lady, she-”

“Silence, Indra.” the Maharani glared at him. “You dare raise your voice when I’m here to help you out, despite your plotting against my husband? Be grateful and stand in a corner.”

“....” Indra’s jaws shut tight, while Vishnu rubbed the back of his head with a light chuckle.

“I don’t mind,” I said, looking at Durga. “I’ll take her and leave. Free her first.”

Durga frowned at me for my tone, but Vishnu waved it off. “Let him be. I’ll go free her,” Vishnu said, and a moment later he was beside Galaxara. He touched the chains with a hand and they turned into golden dust instantly. 

He looked at me from there, and I teleported beside him. “Now take this troublesome lady and leave. And I hope I won’t regret not punishing you, young man. Stay safe out there.”

“I’ve done nothing punish worthy,” I said, looking him in the eye, “Shiva should try being grateful to me for helping him out this much by lowering his enemies.”

“Big words, big words,” the Preserved shrugged and teleported back to Durga, who was looking at me with her dagger-like eyes.

I ignored her and approached my Goddess, who was coughing. I gently took her into my arms like a princess and looked into her eyes. I’ve never held her like this before, her words had always come to me via telepathy or Gaya System Messages. Yet, I felt that her smell was nostalgic. She felt like a piece of… the past. I loved holding her so close to me.

“I’ll heal you,” I said and snapped a finger, casting [Time Heal] that left her shining like a diamond for a moment, erasing her wounds. “Great.”

“Thank you,” she smiled up at me, locking her arms around my neck. “I’m looking forward to seeing your new home… I’ll take a nap till then?” She asked gently, and I nodded. My Goddess rested her head on my neck and closed her eyes.

I teleported beside Quetzalcoatl and pulled Serafall and Yohtli beside us with a wave of my Qi. They looked at me, and at all the Gods around us, knowing they were all enemies to us. I guess they must be thinking that if Durga and Vishnu had chosen to fight instead, we’d have been in serious trouble.

“Be careful next time, Indra,” I looked at the God Emperor, “I will kill you if you try anything, next time not even the whole pantheon can save your fuck up. Go pray to Brahma so that your foolish choice does not result in your people’s untimely death.”

As the Eternal Sorcerer, I was powerful enough to slap all these Gods and leave without a scratch on my robes. However, that wouldn’t be the case soon enough. I had to make sure this fool didn’t try to fight me anytime soon, and hopefully my threats would work wonders.

I had killed many Devas and even took out a powerful one like Surya. The sun of Vedas had dimmed.

“You foolish mongrel!” Indra shouted in pure rage. “How dare you-!”

“Goodbye, puny God.” I scoffed at his face and snapped my finger to teleport us out of Svarga. Our surroundings shone for a moment before Hoshino Households indoors cleared up to us.

I let out a heavy sigh.

I’ve returned home… with my Goddess in my arms.




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