Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[192] A Hit of Nostalgia, and a Pang of Annoyance

Chapter 192: A Hit of Nostalgia, and a Pang of Annoyance

My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light of the medieval classroom. The new, almost empty set of memories in my head let me know where this was. The best academy in the continent, Eldein, was where I was an average student.

The room, built like a modern university lecture hall, had high seats in the back that cascaded down to the lower seats at the front. Wooden beams supported the ceiling, and the walls were adorned with ancient tapestries depicting various heroic battles and mystical creatures. My eyes stopped at a few that I recognized… but I didn't waste my time on that.

I blinked, trying to gather my bearings. Beside me, Ruby was already awake, her eyes scanning the surroundings with curiosity and caution. The two of us were seated somewhere in the middle, not too conspicuous, but not hidden either.

"Phew, I was scared I'll have to live through some 15 new years again," she said, whispering. "But it just feels like a dream, these new memories. And they're not bad too, I know quite some stuff about this world now."


"But what's up with the classroom's atmosphere? It's so lifeless and cold…"


She whispered to me, and I just answered with one word or hum. When she was about to talk again, I tapped the desk with my finger to stop her, otherwise, the professor would notice.

"Thus, we returned this time. Thanks to the few 6th-grade Knights, the losses were minimal this time around." At the front of the class stood a stern-looking woman, her presence commanding attention despite the state of her appearance. She was undeniably beautiful, with sharp features framed by red, wavy hair that fell to her waist.

Her one remaining eye was a piercing shade of light brown and held a mixture of determination and exhaustion. She wore an eyepatch over the other. Her clothes were a mix of practicality and remnants of what might have once been elegance, now marred by bruises and bandages. Despite her injuries, she stood tall, her posture unyielding.

[Image Here]


More than a professor, she looked like an adventurer or mercenary. And honestly, she probably was. The academy had no choice but to bring in someone who had battle experience.

"...Listen up, everyone," she began, her voice clear and authoritative, cutting through the low murmurs of the class. Yet, unlike before, she sounded a bit hesitant. "As you are all aware, the current situation is dire. The demons from the other world have intensified their attacks on the borders, and our forces are being stretched thin."

The room fell silent, the gravity of her words sinking in. I exchanged a quick glance with Ruby, who looked equally intrigued and concerned.

"While many of you are here to hone your skills and learn the ways of magic and combat," the teacher continued, sounding more hesitant now. "the reality is that you might find yourselves deployed to the front lines sooner than anticipated. The second and third years have already been fighting in the frontlines, as you know, and at this rate, the Academy can no longer afford to keep you first years sheltered if the situation continues to deteriorate. So… be ready."

She paused, allowing her words to resonate. Her eyes scanned the room, lingering briefly on each student as if assessing their readiness. When her gaze reached us, I felt a jolt from her eyepatch—there seemed to be something in place of that eye that was evaluating us just as we were evaluating her. She narrowed her eyes.

"...It seems some of you here have strength compared to the third years. I guess that's why the Principal wants to send you guys," she said, and it was obvious that she was talking about Ruby and me. In the end, Jade wasn't something these 15-year-old kids around me could reach, Ruby and I were still a cut above the crops. "I suppose I'll have to agree with the Principal's offer this evening. While your training here at Eldein Academy is crucial, so is your understanding of the threat we face. If this world doesn't remain, what's the point in studying shit?"

Good point. Her words caused an uproar of whispers to spread. She just admitted that she would agree with the principal to send them to the frontlines, after all. That could happen as early as tomorrow, for all these kids knew.

"Demons are not just mindless beasts; they are organized, relentless, and far more cunning than many of you realize. The border towns have already suffered greatly, and we cannot let their sacrifices be in vain." She said, letting out a soft sigh. She moved slightly, wincing as a fresh wave of pain from her bruises washed over her. Yet, she continued undeterred. "You will be prepared, and you will be ready. Each of you has a role to play in the defense of this world, and it's time you started acting like it."

The class was silent, the weight of her words pressing down on everyone. I could sense the mixture of fear and determination in the air. This was not just another lesson; this was a call to arms, a warning of what lay ahead.

The teacher took a deep breath, her expression softening just a fraction. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you must remember that we are all in this together. Support one another, train hard, and never forget who you are. You're humans, no, you're people of Pangeal. Your skills, your knowledge, and your courage will be the keys to Pangeal and its myriad races' survival." To everyone's surprise, she bowed. "I'm sorry."

A silent short passed, and with that, she turned back to the chalkboard, beginning to write out tactical formations and defensive strategies. The class watched in rapt attention, the gravity of the situation finally settling in.

Ruby leaned over to me, her voice a whisper. "Brother, looks like we're in the thick of it already."

I nodded, my mind already working on the next steps. At the same time, I felt a surge of pride at this academy that I myself had built three hundred years ago… no, for me it has been longer. Much, much longer.


The former hero, Jasmine, who's returned, founded the Erebian Empire, however, in my first life that's not where I was born. I was born in the Thyranais Empire and later became its Duke in my last days. I was proposed to be the King by my father-in-law, but I rejected it since it was honestly just too much work.

Grand Duchy of Thyranais, that's the part I ruled. Although it was called a Duchy, it was bigger than a lot of kingdoms of this world. Unlike Earth, with its 195 countries, Pangeal only had about ten countries. However, the landmass in total was far more than Earth, and if we count the duchies and other Major Nobles' areas as countries too, then we could easily surpass Earth's country in number.

For example, the Dynasty of Cania itself, which was a nation similar to China, was thrice the size of the Asia Continent. My Grand Duchy was still larger than Asia.

After classes came to an end, I looked around the campus to find the large world map stuck on a billboard. It felt… weird to find it here, since I was the one who drew a world map right here, by my own hands, a million years ago.

[Image Here]


All the titles were considered both a continent and a nation. However, there was an issue. Although it seemed like a recent map, it lacked some of the landscapes I was familiar with. For example, there was an island in the sea between the Kingdom of Moabia, and the Thyranais Empire. Along with some others.

I guess they were destroyed and drowned in the sea, huh…

I sighed and shook my head. Ruby noticed my expression and decided to distract my mind. "Where are we, and where will we be going, Onii-chan?" Ruby read the map beside me, understanding nothing, and asked.

I guess I ought to explain to her. I tapped a finger on the map, "Currently, we're at the edge of the Thyranais Empire, very close to the border of both the Eparchy of Sparcyros and the Grand Duchy of Thyranais. The latter was my home, I ruled over it." I said, deciding to give her a bit of lore. "Three nations' borders met here, yet from what the professor told us, the demons from the sea rather attacked Sparcyros and the Empire instead of the Grand Duchy. I guess even in this dying world, it's needless to say the Duchy was the strongest; that's my home, after all."


"Of course, heh. I set up the Academy myself 300 years ago, my modern senses curious to see Magic Academy drama that'd surround my kids, I wanted to keep it close to me. But at the same time not in my own territory because of political reasons. So I put it near the edge of three nations, easily turning it into an international spot. People from all over the world sent their kids here." I explained.

"Wow, you're so cool,"

"Are you mocking me?" I chopped her on the head hearing her dry tone. I tapped the bright blue lake near the Duchy next. "That's the Lake of Life, located between the Grand Duchy of Thyranais and the Dynasty of Cania. That is our destination. The Eleven Forest surrounds it."

"Ow… when will we be leaving?" She asked, and I smiled.

"We'll be deployed at the front lines tomorrow, at the edge of the three borders. As much as I want to destroy all those demons first, we shall leave for the forest. We can't be wasting time." I said, and she smiled back. "So we'll travel by carriage for a bit to save strength, I don't know how strong the enemies are but if possible I would like us to stay as Jades to avoid detection, and then when the carriage gets close to the forest we'll fly off to the Elven Forest."

"Sounds good," she clung herself around my arm. "Till then, show me around, will you? This place is more fun than our stupid entertainment school."

"Sure thing," I ruffled her hair and began to walk around. Roaming around would also let me gather information. "I also want to show you another place that's more interesting than this."

I stopped, turning my head to the sky, "Oh, and," I scowled. "Stop watching already, it's annoying."

Those fools sitting in heaven and watching me as if I was a Live Stream must have shuddered given the speed they stopped stalking me.


I didn't mind if people in heaven watched me, but it served no purpose. Even if they'd feel hope, it's meaningless since they're already dead. If I had to instill hope in someone, I would rather that be someone alive.

But… that was just the logical reason. There was a more emotional cause for why I didn't want them to watch me. Especially not the person I had become.

"So this is the place…" Ruby muttered, stepping closer to the pedestal in front of us. "The statues of the legendary hero party…"

Since the academy was something I established, it had my statue in it. The statues of the rest of my party were also there. The seven of us stood around one another in a circle, facing ahead with a bright smile on our faces. Well, six of us were smiling.

One of the statues lacked its head. It was cut from the neck above. I guess that's how people wanted to show their hate towards her…

"Is this guy you?" Ruby pointed at the man at the center, but I stayed silent. I stared at not myself, but my allies. Some dead, some alive.

"Look at that smile. I can't imagine you smiling so innocently, onii-chan," she said, but I still didn't reply. I watched the statues in silence, a feeling of odd twist in my heart.

This is where it all started.

With these six others, this is where my life took a magical turn. My 2nd life, my first Reincarnation. I thought I was born a loser with no cheats, but in the end, I saved the world. But without these six beside me, it'd have been impossible.

Where are they now…?

A soft hum filled the air.

That weird Icon, it's started singing the same song again. I don't even have enough willpower in this state to manifest an Icon, how is it singing?

-「Situation leading to sweet salvation… For the people, for the good, for mankind brotherhood

I crossed my arms and stared at the statues of my old comrades for a long time. I felt bad for Ruby, unsure what to do to cheer me up, but let her be silent for now.


[Third Person Point of View]

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Raiden Lian strode purposefully through the grand halls of Eldein Academy, her long black hair cascading down her back in a sleek waterfall. Her dark, almond-shaped blue eyes glinted with worry as she walked like a soldier.

Behind her, five henchwomen trailed, their steps echoing in unison on the polished marble floor. They moved with disciplined grace, the kind that spoke of rigorous training and unwavering loyalty. Just like her, they wore black suits and pants, although they weren't showing as much cleavage as herself.

[Image Here]


"Yes, ma'am, I can see it over there." One of her girls replied.

The principal's office loomed ahead, an imposing door that seemed to symbolize the authority and control of the academy. The guards were about to stop her before they recognized the insignia on her shoulder. The mark of the famous Raiden Clan, even in this foreign Empire they recognized it.

The guards hesitated and stepped away, and Lian paused for a moment. She steeled herself before pushing the door open. "Sorry to intrude."

"Huh?" The door opened to reveal a stern man with graying hair and a perpetually furrowed brow, looking up from his desk. He blinked. Even with his long bearded face, his expression of mild annoyance was obvious. "What the? Who are you?"

"Principal," Lian stepped inside, closing the door behind her while her subordinates stayed outside. Her voice was firm but respectful, "I need to speak with you about my younger brother, Raiden Jian, a third year. He has been studying here, but now he's been deployed to the battlefield. Our family was stunned when he learned about that. Since when was the Academy allowed to deploy students as soldiers?!" She scowled but then let out a breath. "Regardless,  I am here to request his return so he can come back to Cania."

The principal's gaze hardened, he put down the quill he was using to write a letter. "Jian is your younger brother? Ah, you must be Duke Raiden from the Dynasty of Cania, then. How about you take a seat and I call a servant for tea?"

Lian rested her hand on her sword, "I am not here to sip tea, Archmage. I am simply here to take my brother back home."

The principal laughed, but it was purely police. "I don't think that is possible, Duke Raiden. After all, your brother is a crucial asset on the front lines. As for who allowed the deployment, please contact the Emperor of Thyranais. Even if you're a Duke from Cania, isn't it rude of you to barge into the Eldein's Principal office and interrogate me about the Emperor's decision?" The principal said, and this time he sounded angry. He didn't have any reason to be cowardly towards her, even if she was a high-ranked Samurai Class and a Duke of a foreign land. He, after all, was an 8th Circle Archmage in his own right.

He added, "As for your brother, I've met and seen Jian fight with my own eyes. He is a dependable young man, and the other students trust him greatly. He is fighting for the survival of mankind and Pangeal as a whole. As his sister and guardian, shouldn't you be proud of him, instead?

Lian clenched her fists, frustration simmering beneath her calm exterior. "Principal, if he must fight demons and save the world, then let him do so in our homeland, not here."

"I can't just let him go, Duke Raiden. And I'm sure he doesn't want to abandon his friends, either." The principal shook his head, his decision resolute. "I'm sorry, but I can't grant your request. Please contact the Emperor if you have any problems."

"...." Seeing that arguing further would be futile, Lian took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain composed. "Very well, Principal. Thank you for your time." With a curt nod, she turned on her heel and exited the office, her henchwomen falling into step behind her.


As they walked down the corridor, and Lian gave them a short explanation, one of her henchwomen, a petite girl with short hair, spoke up hesitantly, "My Lady, what will you do now?"

Lian's eyes narrowed with intent. "Hah, what can we do? If the principal won't listen, I'll just have to take matters into my own hands. I'll grab Jian from the battlefield and leave."

"But... That's kidnapping. Won't the Principal, no, the Emperor be angry? Won't young master Jian be expelled and the Emperor hostile towards Cania, especially our Dukedom?"

Lian stopped, her steely gaze meeting with her subordinate. "Xia, if someone like the Emperor got angry over this, he would not have risen to the throne. Not that it matters even if he does get angry, the Empire does not have enough recourse to bite another country in the rear when we all have demons to battle against. Rather, Cania is lucky that we're not near the poles, but that isn't the case for the Empire. And if he gets expelled? Who cares? The world might end soon, Xia. What does it matter if he gets expelled? Erebia is on the brink of falling, even with the Reincarnated Hero Jasmine fighting for her homeland. We can't be sure Cania won't fall soon after."


The henchwomen exchanged glances but had no courage to say anything. They feared the same but didn't dare to say it to their lady's face. They were surprised that someone as high-ranked as her would acknowledge such a thing.

The group continued walking, the weight of the situation pressing down on them. As they neared the school grounds, about to leave through the gates and enter her carriage, Lian's attention was caught by something at the edge of her vision.

She stopped abruptly, causing her followers to halt as well. "Hmm, aren't those the hero statues?" She asked, her eyes fixated on the stone figures.

"Indeed, my lady. Since we're here anyway, it's not unwise to check them out at least once," one of her henchwomen suggested.

"...I guess we can spare a few minutes," Lian agreed. They made their way towards the statues, their forms becoming clearer with each step. Even from a distance, the ethereal and heroic spirit emanating from the statues was palpable. It was not just a figure of speech, the statues really let out an ethereal feeling, as blessed by the Goddess and built by the Hero himself.

-「Ideas by man and only that will last, And over time, we've learned from the past, That no man's fit to rule the world alone...

Perhaps this odd, sourceless music in the air was from the Goddess' blessing too?

-「A man will die, but not his ideas.

Lian stopped in front of them, her eyes tracing the carved features of the heroes. There were three males: the Hero, the Barbarian, and the Dwarf. Sadly, all three of them have passed away. Everyone knew about the Hero, Sephiroth Babylon, after all, his stories were fed to everyone like milk to a newborn. However, the other two were big-shots in their own rights.

The Dwarven Warrior of Meteorite Hammer, Durin Ironfist, revolutionized the era with his many creations. Although he'd often admit that a lot of his ideas came from the hero, who for some reason had great knowledge in technological fields. His name was in the textbooks for all to read.

The Barbarian was a little less talked-about, but strength-wise, it's said he surpassed even the Hero. They say if Barbarian Barolt of the Fire Islands had received the Hero Blessing instead of Sephiroth, he would have defeated the Demon King in a year. A lot of people discard the rumors, but those from the warrior families knew from the records that such a statement might just have been true.

Barolt, the Barbarian King, who flattened mountains with his fist for training.

Other than them, there were four females: the Princess of Thyranais Empire, the Elf Mage, the Saintess, and the figure without a head... the Demoness.

They were far more popular than the males, excluding the Hero, since they've been alive for three hundred years now. As an elf, Mage Sieran was basically immortal, but the Saintess Seraphina and the Princess Elara weren't. However, the Goddess was merciful and kind, she blessed them with immortality after their husband's passing, as an apology that she lost his soul.

There was another natural immortal in this group, other than Sieran, but people never had anything good to say about her.

"That's the bitch who's the cause for all this, isn't it?" One of her subordinates said, pointing at the headless statue. Xia quickly elbowed her to remind her about her language.

"I reprimanded Rhea for her foul language, my lady, but isn't it true? Don't you feel anger looking at… it? Why did the academy not destroy the entire statue? How ugly." Xia said, and Lian crossed her arms.

"I guess they wanted to make an example, they kept it here so that people's hate never dies. They cut off the head as a punishment." She theorized. "What a vixen of a woman, though. Truly disgusting. To think she not only killed the hero, she also sold the world to Demon Gods."

"She's probably dead, though. I hear she sacrificed herself for the ritual, that's why she is nowhere to be seen. Even the Great Mage Sieran and our Goddess combined couldn't find a trace of her in the ruins of her ritual, as well as the entirety of Pangeal," one of the other girls said.

"Oh well." Lian shrugged. "None of that matters, does it? We just have to wait until the Goddess recovers, then we will beat the Demon Gods. We just need to… wait."

The Goddess went into secluded training after she fought the two Outer Gods about five months ago, according to the Church, who were notified by the Angels. Some had doubts that she had… died, since four months ago two pillars of blood and destruction rose in the north pole and south pole, yet the Goddess didn't do anything to stop them. But most people didn't believe that. After all, how can the Goddess die?

Pangeal faced danger before, and they overcame it. This time it was the hardest ever, but they'll be able to overcome this too. Lian was sure. 

As Lian studied the statues, she noticed two other people standing nearby. They'd been standing even before Lian and her group came here, but Lian hadn't spared them a glance since it's not unusual for kids to come to watch the statues. Out of curiosity, her eyes did move to them now.

A girl and a guy, both blonde and sharing similar features, seemed to be engrossed in their observations. Ah, they're twins. Lian soon realized. I needed a second to realize since their expressions are so drastically different.

The girl looked unsure and confused, rubbing her head, while the guy stared at the hero statues with a reverent, melancholic expression. Something about the guy's face caught Lian's attention. It wasn't his handsome face, no, but the depth of his gaze, a profound feeling in them that seemed to transcend mere admiration.

More than a student, he looked like those Sage Wizards that Lian had the chance to meet a few times. Wiser than even Eledein's Principal. She found herself momentarily stunned by the intensity of his expression, a stark contrast to the usual apathy or fear she saw in others during these harsh times.

"Hey, who are you?" she asked aloud, her voice loud and authoritative as usual. She didn't mean to sound commanding, but it was her natural tone after having ascended as the Duke.

At her call, the young man closed his eyes, letting out a sigh. He was annoyed by her call, clearly. She seemed to have interrupted whatever was going on in his head.

"This brat," her head subordinate, Xia, stepped forward, drawing out her sword. "What's up with that sigh? A nameless kid like you should be grateful that our lady bothered to call you."

"Xia, drop it-" Lian was about to say, but it was too late. When the young man turned to her with a grunt, Xia kicked the ground, blitzing towards him, swinging her katana towards his arm.

The young man merely scowled, "...Fool." as he waved his hand, slapping her with the back of his hand. The air exploded from the impact, sending Xia's body flying far and crashing into a building, and even the others were sent skating backward.

"...Oh," Lian blinked.

What the hell just happened?




Author Note: As big as two chapters since this is basically the opening of this arc. Give me your thoughts if you're enjoying this or not!

Read the next chapter right away along with this entire month's, on my Patreon. 


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