Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[204] He’s Trying To Scare the Demon Gods?

Chapter 204: He's Trying To Scare the Demon Gods?

Asia was accompanying the benevolent Goddess Galaxara, along with Archangel Auriel and the foreign angel Kalawarna. It was a calming situation as she traveled with them, quite enjoyable for someone like her who had spent most of her life locked in a church. 

She knew this journey wasn't going to be calm for long, however. As per the plan, they were heading to a place infested with demons. A beam of light carried them toward the Kingdom of Khormavia, toward its border cities.

“About thirty percent of Khormavia’s land is covered in snow. It's the part that borders with the now fallen Erebian Empire.” The Goddess kindly explained the matter to Asia and Kalawarna, the two outsiders. “We are heading there since demons from Erebia are coming to Khormavia from that direction.”

It was a place known for its icy regions and resilient people. The Goddess let Asia know more about its characteristics, which interested her in the place. She who hadn’t even seen any country other than Japan, was excited to explore this other world. 

After a while, their beam of light entered the borders of Khormavia, and not long after, they flew above its icy regions.

“We’re here, my Goddess,” Auriel said, although everyone had noticed already.

“This is the border town, Frosthaven Crossing, we'll be lowering here,” The Goddess said, and as per her will, the path of light that carried them began to slow down and lower. The endless landscape of frost and snow expanded before them, and as they descended, the details of these lands grew evermore clear. “Please brace your mind, little Asia.” the Goddess added gently.

It was a moment too late, however. Asia’s eyes were already wide. The calming atmosphere from a moment ago was shattered by the sight of chaos below.

The light of fire and the clashing of swords and brimstone filled the air. Frosthaven was a large town, nestled among icy cliffs and surrounded by frozen forests. But now, it lay in ruins. The once pristine snow was stained with blood and soot. Buildings were reduced to smoldering piles of rubble, their wooden beams charred black, and stone walls cracked and crumbling. 

Demons rampaged through the streets, their monstrous forms silhouetted against the fiery glow. Demonic orcs, dark-skinned goblins, roaring kobolds, as well as many other creatures who didn't exist in this world. Monsters from another world were destroying everything in sight, and the Goddess’ benevolent expression was now a mask of cold fury. 


“Oh, Goddess, my child, please save my-!”

The monsters tore through the remaining structures with ease, their claws and fangs glinting in the inferno. The air was thick with the acrid smell of burning and the desperate cries of the townsfolk.

Shattered icicles hung precariously from rooftops, occasionally crashing to the ground with a sickening crunch. The cobblestone streets, usually bustling with life, were now littered with debris and the bodies of those who had fallen in the attack.

A massive demon, towering over the others, let out a roar that echoed through the desolate town. Its eyes gleamed with malevolence as it swung its colossal axe, cleaving through anything and anyone in its path. Flames erupted from its mouth, adding to the growing inferno.

“O’ Goddess… please save us…”

The few survivors huddled together, their faces masks of fear and despair. Some attempted to fight back, wielding whatever weapons they could find, but they were vastly outmatched. The town's defenders, though brave, were easily overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity and numbers of the demonic horde.

As Asia and her companions touched down on the outskirts of the town, the full scale of the devastation became clear. Frosthaven Crossing was on the brink of complete annihilation. What must have once been home for thousands, was now a nightmarish landscape of destruction and death.

Buildings lay in ruins, and the air was thick with the stench of blood and smoke. Screams of pain and fear echoed around them, blending with the cruel laughter of the demons.

People were dying.

…Of course, the Goddess could feel the pain in her creations’ hearts as they called her name. They’ve been calling her name all over the world, and if not for the friends she bought from Aqua’s world, she would have lost her mind, unable to decide what to do, or who to help. However, now her mind was clear. She watched the scene in silence, her power guiding the dead souls to heaven.

Her presence unfolded like the wings of a titan, and every demon stopped their attacks to turn to her instead. Creatures of darkness trembled before the Voidborne.

Asia's heart clenched at the sight. The sight was too much for her. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over as she witnessed the suffering of the innocent. Her empathetic heart ached with every cry for help, every life extinguished by the merciless demons.

"How could they do this?" Asia's voice trembled, her tears flowing freely. "These poor people... They don't deserve this."

Goddess Galaxara's expression was one of cold fury. Her usually serene and compassionate face was now set in a mask of anger. "Indeed, this is unforgivable," she muttered, her eyes blazing with divine wrath. "These failed creatures will pay for their cruelty."

Auriel, the Archangel, burned with rage beside her. She was always one of the more furious Archangels, as she represented fire and its destruction, and this sight tugged at her deepest anger. "Let me go down and deal with them, my Goddess," she growled, her wings spreading wide.

"Go, Auriel.” The Goddess nodded, her eyes never leaving the carnage below. “Show them the wrath of the heavens."

And Auriel did just that. With a roar, Auriel launched herself towards the demons, her fiery wings leaving a trail of light in the sky. She descended like a comet, her divine energy radiating in waves.

[Divine Impact of Flamestorms]

All the fire that burned the town rushed toward her fists. Her heavy muscles burned with fire, and her punches pulverized the demons.

Demons let out screeches of terror.

While mortals stared in awe at the battle angel.

Asia watched in awe and fear as Auriel tore through the demons with righteous fury. The Archangel's fists glowed with a holy light, mowing down the monstrous creatures with ease. Each swing of her arms was destructive and lethal, her movements a deadly dance of vengeance.

It was divine judgment.

However, it was not yet the real deal. Goddess Galaxara raised her hand, and the sky above darkened. Divine energy crackled around her, and her willpower sang the chantation of an ancient, powerful language through the voice of the wind. 

A brilliant light burst forth, engulfing the battlefield. Demons screamed as the light burned through them, their bodies disintegrating into nothingness.

This, now, was true [Divine Judgment]. The verdict was swift and merciless.

Asia could barely comprehend the power on display. She felt a mix of awe and fear as she watched the Goddess and her Archangel exact their vengeance on the demonic horde. While as an Underlord, she was quite strong, she couldn't effortlessly clear a town full of demons, while at the same time avoiding all the humans. The air was thick with the smell of burning flesh and the sounds of dying demons.

When the last of the demons fell, the town was eerily silent. Asia's tears still flowed, but now they were tears of relief. The people who had survived the onslaught were safe, although injured. The demonic bodies turned to ashes, and the people finally began to react.


“T-that’s her…!”

“Our Goddess has responded to our plea!”

The Goddess had personally descended down to the mortal realm to save them. In such a scenario, everyone was glad, yet a few were furious.

“Why-?! Why didn’t you come early?! My mother- my mother is dead!” a young boy cried, holding the disemboweled body of his dear mother. The Goddess’ expression softened at the sight, even as some of the elders quickly shut the boy’s mouth.

“Goddess,” Before she could speak to the boy, Asia said, “please allow me to heal them.” When the Goddess looked at her and nodded, Asia clasped her hand, closed her eyes, and tapped into her Sacred Gear. At the same time, her Path of the Verdant Phoenix amplified her power.

Green, restorative Qi bloomed from her body. It spread, healing the people’s wounds, even regrowing their limbs. No, was that all? The Qi spread over broken houses… and the houses rebuilt themselves. Not just living organisms, but even inanimate objects restored their damage thanks to the Qi. It was a miraculous sight.

Dead bodies, too, were healed of their injuries. Although without a soul, it just meant the corpse was uninjured.

But that was enough. “Thank you, Asia, my child,” Goddess Galaxara gently patted the girl who was the same size as her. “Leave this to me now,” she took a step forward, putting a hand on her chest as she began to float. “O’ my children,” the Goddess said, letting out a brilliant divine light as her voice filled the entire town. “I feel your pain, your loss. Today, we will reclaim what has been taken from you.”

Goddess Galaxara raised her hands, and divine energy flowed from her fingertips, intertwining with the green Qi that Asia had spread. The sky above shimmered, and a soft, radiant light descended upon the fallen bodies. Slowly, the light enveloped them, and a miracle began to unfold.

The once lifeless bodies started to stir. The son who had yelled earlier gasped. Eyes fluttered open, breaths were drawn, and the once-dead began to rise, whole and uninjured. The townsfolk watched in awe and disbelief as their loved ones were returned to them.

"M-Mother?" the young boy whispered, his eyes wide with astonishment as his mother, who had been lying lifeless just moments before, now looked at him with eyes full of life.

"My son," she replied, tears streaming down her face as she embraced him. The two held each other tightly, sobbing with relief and joy.

Throughout the town, similar scenes played out as families were reunited. The air filled with cries of joy and gratitude. The people of Frosthaven Crossing fell to their knees, tears of joy streaming down their faces as they praised the Goddess.

"Praise the Goddess! Praise Galaxara!"

"Our savior has come! She has not abandoned us!"

The cheers grew louder, it was like a chorus filled with gratitude and reverence that echoed through the icy landscape. Asia felt her heart warm at the sight. The once desolate and ruined town was now filled with life and hope, all thanks to the divine intervention of their Goddess and her companions.

Asia wiped her own tears, overwhelmed by the miracle she had just witnessed. Her heart swelled with happiness as she watched the people rejoice. She turned to the Goddess, her eyes shining with admiration.

In her entire life serving the church, she had never seen God do the same. Yet, this Goddess returned life to a town just because she felt like it.

"Thank you, Goddess," Asia said softly, holding her hands together. "You've given them hope. You've given them life."

Goddess Galaxara smiled gently at Asia, her expression one of warmth and pride. "Hope is a powerful thing, dear Asia. It is what keeps us fighting, even in the darkest of times. I’m glad I can be their hope."

Auriel and Kalawarna stood beside the Goddess, their expressions reflecting a mix of satisfaction and relief, although the latter looked quite awkward in that position. 

The demons had been vanquished, the town saved, and the people revived. It was a victory, but they all knew this was just one battle in a much larger war. As the townsfolk continued to celebrate with cheers of praise, bowing to her, the Goddess's expression grew somber once more. She glanced towards the horizon, her thoughts clearly elsewhere.

"At this rate," she muttered, her voice barely audible above the cheers, "the outer gods will be notified about my existence soon." They will know she’s not dead.

Asia looked up at the Goddess, concern in her eyes. "What do you mean, Goddess?"

Goddess Galaxara sighed softly, her gaze still fixed on the distant horizon. "Divinity is noticeable power. They’ll notice that I’m alive. Not that I’m complaining when the other choice was to stand by and watch my people suffer.” If she repeated this scene a thousand more times, she’d choose this over and over again. “We must be prepared for what is to come."

Auriel stepped forward, her fiery determination evident. "Let them come. We will face whatever challenges lie ahead and protect this world."

Asia looked quite worried at that. Would the Demon Gods come and ruin the town again? It was then that Kalawarna decided to speak up for the first time, “I don’t know if I should say this, but,” she cleared her throat, “I’m sure he… my lord sent us here knowing we’ll use divine powers.”


“Yes,” the Angel who had raven purple wings, instead of pure black, tapped True Longinus against the ground as if doing a war declaration. “Someone like him is not scared of those outer gods finding out about us, in fact, that might just be what he’s aiming for. He wants the Outer Gods to know about us and shake in fear… before we obliterate them in the end.”

If Aqua saw her right now, he’d have berated her for acting like some war general, when she was just barely an angel a few months ago. However, he’d also give her a pat on her shoulder for getting the words right.

He wanted those demonic gods to know, and he wanted them to resist to the end for ultimate despair.


“WHAT?!” The Demonic Phoenix God of Destructive Flames slammed his fist on the table. Even for someone as composed as him, he was unable to contain his rage and shock as the table shattered.

[“I- It’s true, my lord! T-the Goddess, she’s back!”]

The Clown of Calamity’s minion reported on the other side of the screen. The two gods’ video meeting had been interrupted by a minion of the clown, who was in charge of the Khormavia region as it was near the North Pole.

The Dark Phoenix found the news unbelievable, but the slight burst of divinity in the distance was still there. That made him confused. How could that cowardly woman, who fled from her world, be back?! With what courage? 

Even if she returned, it should be impossible for her to recover healthy enough to fight against a horde of demons and revive people. Then how the hell-?!

“What the hell is going on?!” the Dark Phoenix growled like a hungry predator, for he really, truly had a bad feeling about this.

On the other hand, his clown counterpart on the other side of the screen was laughing his ass off at this development. Unlike the Phoenix, this clown failed to take anything seriously. This was merely another amusing scenario for this fucking bastard.

“Stop laughing, you fool. The Ahaiyutes sent to Thalindra were all dealt with before even one of them could send a report. Even if the Princess and the Mage teamed up, at least one of them should have managed to send a message!” There was something odd going on, indeed, and the Dark Phoenix didn’t want to be surprised without being prepared for it.

[“Ahh, phoenix, come on~ it's an enemy we already defeated before.”] The clown continued to laugh, holding his stomach.

“...We need reinforcements.” The Dark Phoenix said in a serious tone. “The decision is final, do not try to oppose me.”

And so, out of sheer cautiousness, the Dark Phoenix decided to call for help.




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