Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[209] Call for Reinforcements; Outer Gods and the Other Vagabond

Chapter 209: Call for Reinforcements; Outer Gods and the Other Vagabond

Unlike in Erebia and Khormavia where demons were openly attacking, in the Kingdom of Dinionia, they were hiding in plain sight, among the population to subjugate them if they acted up.

The Demon Gods didn’t want the world to end, they wanted World Pearl; the better the planet's condition before full absorption, the better the World Pearl’s quality. So rather than destroying the world, they wanted to keep it as intact as possible. 

Therefore, in places with no powerful people, the demons were planted to pretend to be humans and keep an eye out for potential threats. They pretended to be school teachers, blacksmiths, and many other commoners. They also pretended to be nobles, ministers, and many more higher-class people. They’ve been controlling the country from the inside, and nobody knew about them.

That was when Quetzalcoatl with her [Wisdom Eyes] saw through their disguise and burnt them to the stake. 

The Saintess was already notified about the otherworldly friends Galaxara bought, so when she heard about this new bright Goddess who descended nearby, she went to visit her immediately. She was quite surprised to indeed find a Goddess here.

After introducing one another and discussing their next actions, she joined Group 2, which included Quetzalcoatl, Memmy, Shoko, Yuzuru, Amir, and Layla.

With the Saintess’ help, Quetzalcoatl managed to spread her Wisdom Eyes like an auto-target missile. Since the Saintess was an extension of the Goddess, the creator of the world, she could do a grand ‘scan’ of the world around her, creating a Mini Map of sorts to form before her. And it was 3D, as well. Quetzalcoatl used Wisdom Eyes on it, intending to find demons, and the map lit up with a thousand little red dots.

It wasn’t hard to clear those hideous demons after that. Quetzalcoatl released her divinity, causing beams of light to fall from the sky upon the targets on a country-level scale. 

Because of such handy compatibility, it took only a day to clear not only Dinionia but also Cania, of any hidden demon influence. 

And just when they finished, before they could even wonder about their next actions, Aqua’s [Sage] presence filled Pangeal like a wave of tsunami. Those truly strong had already sensed his powerful existence, although they were unsure who it came from. By the time newspapers began to fly, however, that question was answered.

The Hero of Pangeal, Seriphoth Babylon, was back. 

When the world was about to end, he was here once again, to save Pangeal from doomsday for another time.

“Ohh, fucking hell…. Ahahaha-!” The Saintess Seraphina who has been serving the Goddess for the last three centuries let out a cheer, fisting the air, as she read the newspaper on her lap.

That man had finally dropped his identity to the world after six days of being here, just what had he been waiting for really?

The person she was sharing a flight above, spoke up next, “Looks like things will speed up even faster now that he has decided to show himself,” said Quetzalcoatl, the Dragon God of Warfare. Her serpentine form snaked across the sky, her massive wings flapping as she did so, while Seraphina and others rode above her.

Usually, Quetzalcoatl wouldn’t allow such a thing, to let others ride her majestic form, but she decided to let it be for now. After all, at the rate things were progressing, a massive reward awaited her at the end of this mission. She couldn’t wait to have it, and she couldn’t wait to see what Aqua would do next. She was sure though, that the war with Vedas would officially start once they were back.

“Hey, how much longer will it take?” Mem-Cho asked, sitting beside the two imperial kids of Erebia, Amir and Layla.

“At the rate of the flight… it should take a few more hours?” Amir replied, scratching his chin. He didn’t sound very certain. It made sense why since this must be the first time he’s flown this fast.

“It should take about 3 hours and 44 minutes if we maintain this speed,” Shoko replied, making them blink. She cleared her throat, a little blush on her face. “It’s an application of World Soul Magic—I asked the ‘air’ around us how long it’d take, and it answered after calculating our speed and the distance between here and Thalindra.”

“That’s such a cheat!” Yuzuru frowned and shouted from beside Quetzalcoatl. She was the only one who wasn’t riding above Quetzalcoatl and was rather forced to fly beside her. As a hybrid black dragon, with scales covering parts of her body, wings flapping on her back, and a tail twirling behind her, she was like a small jet flying beside a large commercial plane.

Indeed, they were returning to Thyranais, heading to Thalindra. They were sent to the Kingdom of Dinionia, near the borders of the Dynasty of Cania by Aqua before. They easily took care of the little demon influence there. They positioned the Raiden Duke family from Cania to erase any demon that would show themselves later, and left themselves.

“Alright then,” Quetzalcoatl’s draconic loud voice filled the air, “let us speed up a bit more, shall we?”



So, it only took two hours to reach Thalindra.


The dark chambers of the Blood Tower loomed ominously, the air thick with tension. The walls, adorned with dark flames and demonic sigils, seemed to pulse with a life of their own, casting eerie shadows that danced malevolently. 

At the center of this room, stood the Demonic Phoenix God of Destructive Flames. His hands were behind him, as he faced the huge screen in front of him. His eyes glowed with a sinister red light as he engaged in a video call meeting with his mate, the Chaotic Clown.

"Have you seen the news?" the Chaotic Clown asked, his voice a blend of amusement and irritation. His face, which was twisted into a perpetual grin, eyes wide with a manic gleam, looked more amused than usual.  "The fabled Hero has returned, they say."

The Dark Phoenix let out a derisive snort, his fiery wings fluttering slightly. "Nonsense. That presence we sensed earlier was too powerful. It cannot be the Hero, after all, how can the Hero be stronger than the Goddess? It makes no sense. I believe it's a ploy by the people, sending news around the world that the Hero has returned to raise hope among mankind.”

“Kek-” In response, the Chaotic Clown let out a peal of echoing laughter, a discordant sound that sent shivers down the spines of the lesser demons present. "Fair point. Otherworldly Goddesses have been seen acting around the world, challenging our planet Atlanton's authority. That presence must be a god affiliated with them, who's pretending to be the Hero to give the people hope. How amusing!”

The Dark Phoenix observed his mate laugh like a maniac for a minute and nodded, his expression grim. The flames around him flared brighter as his thoughts turned darker. "This changes things. This mission is not on the scale of a singular planet anymore, no. Since a third world is present, this makes it an interdimensional war with many worlds engaged within.”


“We need to ask for further backup."

"I see," the Chaotic Clown said, shrugging. "And who do you plan to call for assistance?"

Him asking that meant he was agreeing with that idea. Usually, his arrogant self wouldn't agree, but even he realized the potential danger of all this. The Dark Phoenix paused for a moment, his fiery gaze narrowing as he considered his options. "First, we'll summon Vortigern, the Abyssal Warlord, God of Despair and Conquest. Not only are his legions unmatched, but his presence alone can also crush the morale of any army."

"Next," the Phoenix continued a moment later, his voice reverberating through the chamber, "we'll call upon Ryxara, the Enchantress of Shadows, Goddess of Illusions and Nightmares. Her power over the mind is useful. It can turn our enemies against each other."

"And finally," he said, his voice dropping to a hushed tone, "we'll summon Zarthak, the Stormbringer, God of Tempests and Chaos. His control over the elements can ravage entire continents, and his storms can obscure even divine sights. He'll be useful in confusing the enemy, and erasing their numbers.”

The Chaotic Clown's grin widened, and he crackled in excitement. "Excellent choices. With their power, the tide of this war will move for us again.”

"Indeed," the Dark Phoenix agreed, his wings flaring wide. "I've already reached out to Umbrithar, the Obsidian Stalker, God of Shadows and Portals. He'll be here soon. But with these additional gods, we will ensure our victory."

With their plan decided, the two demonic entities ended their meeting. The shadows around them grew thicker, the air heavier with anticipation as they awaited the arrival of their reinforcements. With them here, victory was guaranteed.


The ripple of these events in Pangeal was not limited to that planet. The tales of Pangeal have reached high above the sea of cosmos, atop a massive floating island, in the Dimensional Crossing Point.

Stars twinkled in the vast expanse of dark blue space, heavenly clouds drifted lazily, and other supernatural phenomena created a breathtaking spectacle. Star clusters were visible from here, colorful dragons flew through the skies, and lights of fireworks filled the island.

Around the center of this massive island, amidst a pavilion of stones, the renowned Dimensional Restaurant was located, a sanctuary for beings from across the multiverse.

The establishment buzzed with conversations as customers from different worlds shared tales and rumors. At a corner table, a girl covered in robes sat quietly, her face hidden as she slurped steaming hot ramen. 

The taste was incredible, her tongue felt blessed, and yet she didn't let herself be distracted. Her senses, honed to perfection, picked up the aura of each individual around her, gauging their strength effortlessly. Many of the beings around her exuded powerful energies, easily capable of leveling Star Systems, yet none were beyond her estimation.

Her ears picked up conversations, looking for information she was interested in. Information about Twelve Evil Gods’ world, Atlanton. A group of humans conversed animatedly with another group of humanoid aliens with shimmering blue skin and elongated fingers.

"Apparently, that little low-class world was just about to be destroyed, but other worlds got pulled into it. That’s why the Dark Phoenix had to call for reinforcements,” one of the customers said, chuckling, his eyes glowing a faint green.

“Crazy right? And to think he's someone so fearsome, how strong must the invaders be?”

“Well, his powers are suppressed there, so the enemies don’t necessarily have to be super powerful,” another replied, shrugging his shoulders. This one had fiery red hair and horns curving backward, and just his presence seemed to intimidate the weaker beings.

A third voice chimed in, “And what about the Icy Blooded Sword Sect? Have they given up? I haven’t heard anything from them recently.” This speaker looked like a normal human, as he added, “They've been picking fights with Atlanton for a while now, but I haven't heard much about them recently.”

“Um, maybe they gave up?” A shy woman tried to chime into the conversation.

“Heh, you think that icy woman would give up on a mission after coming so far?” Another man said with a burst of laughter.

The girl’s fingers tightened around her chopsticks as she continued to devour the ramen, eavesdropping on the discussions. Her senses told her these individuals were strong, but not strong enough to pose a threat to her. So if she found someone who seemed to know a lot, she'd grab them and drag them outside to beat them up.

However, destiny seemed to have planned something even better for her today.

The lovely atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and a cold hush fell over the crowd.

She slowed down eating and looked to the side. A domineering figure walked inside through the gate, letting out a presence far stronger than anyone here.

A dark-skinned demonkin with black eyes and golden hair strode into the restaurant, followed by a series of minions. His aura was oppressive, and conversations ceased as he made his way to a table. The customers warned each other in hushed voices, for this was a man truly dangerous.

Conversations ceased as he made his way to a table occupied by a group of feeble-looking interstellar merchants. Their garb, rich and opulent, indicated their wealth and status, but even they seemed to shrink under his malevolent gaze. After all, they were no fighters.

The demonkin stopped at their table, looking down his nose at them. "Why's my favorite table occupied? I'll look over it as mere ignorance. So leave," he commanded, his voice dripping with disdain. 

The merchants exchanged nervous glances, their hesitation clear. One of them, a rotund man with multiple gold rings on his fingers, dared to speak up.

"Surely, there are other tables available, sir," the man stammered. "We were just about to-"

His words were cut off by a sudden, brutal backhand from the demonkin. The slap sent the man sprawling across the floor, his rings scattering like fallen leaves. Gasps and murmurs rippled through the restaurant as the other merchants scrambled to their feet, fear evident in their eyes.

The girl put down her ramen, scowling at the air.

"You fat merchants always talk too much," the demonkin growled, his black eyes blazing with anger. The remaining merchants hastily gathered their belongings and fled, leaving the table vacant. 

The demonkin seated himself with a satisfied smirk, his minions taking positions around him.

The robed girl's eyelids twitched beneath her blindfold at the display of arrogance and cruelty. 

“...As the rumors say, the Avatar of Vortigern, the Abyssal Warlord, is as cruel as his master. What's he doing in this Cross Point?” someone whispered, their voice tinged with fear.

“....” The girl's demeanor shifted. She froze on her spot when she heard that name. She hadn't recognized him from the get-go, how clumsy.

She slowly rose to her feet, drawing all eyes to her. Who dared to stand upright after that commotion happened? 

Under everyone's watchful eyes, she removed the robes resting over her head, revealing her appearance. A series of gasps filled the air as her white hair flowed out, cascading down her back. A striking blindfold covered her eyes, something she wore despite having perfect sight these days, as a yellow form-fitting outfit adorned with intricate designs wrapped around her. 

The entire restaurant gasped, and even the Avatar of Vortigern tensed. His minions grabbed their weapons in her presence. The arrogant man who was bullying those merchants transformed into a trembling mess before the majestic woman.

[Image Here]


“W-what the fuck?!” The Avatar yelled, taking a battle stance along with his minions. “What the hell are you doing here, Leader of the Icy Blooded Sword Sect?!”

“I'm here to bring room,” she declared easily, grasping the hilt of her sword that rested on her waist. Her presence began to exude a cold, calculated intensity as she stopped suppressing her Qi. The entire restaurant filled with Yin Qi as everything grew cold, crackling blue fire filled the air.

“M-madam! You guys! Please don't fight here, this-” the restaurant owner shouted, but it was too late. The Sect Leader waved a pouch of coin at the man and stepped towards the enemy.

“...Vagabond Style, 5th form,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, as she drew out her sword. A series of goosebumps ran by the Avatar of Vortigern’s body, and his minions trembled in fear. Everyone else ran from their table right away, as did the owner of the restaurant. In an instant, she disappeared from her spot in a burst of dust, reappearing before the demon with the speed of lightning. “Sword That Beheads the Quasar!”

In a desperate attempt, the Avatar tapped into his ultimate technique to try and match her. As a result, the restaurant exploded in a blinding flash of light, the sheer force of her attack obliterating everything in her path. The demon avatar and his minions screamed in pain as their bodies broke down under the extraordinary power of destruction. 

The shockwave sent the few customers who were too slow to escape tumbling, their cries drowned out by the cacophony of destruction as they were sent flying out of the restaurant.

Five minutes later, the Sect Leader stepped out of the rubble of fire and destruction, slowly sheathing her sword at her waist. 

The once bustling restaurant lay in ruins, flames flickering amidst the debris. She gazed at the distant stars, her expression contemplative, unbothered by the devastation she had wrought. 

“Pangeal, eh,” she murmured, her voice carrying a note of curiosity. “Should I check it out?”

Under the stunned gazes of shocked spectators, she vanished into the cosmos, leaving behind a scene of chaos and a lingering sense of awe.




Author Note: On another note, ‘Marvel: False God’ has caught up with its original chapter updates. 

There were 52 chapters out before, and I’ve uploaded 25 chapters now, which usually consist of 2 chapters in them, with two of them containing 3. So we’ve caught up. If any of you have been waiting for this, it’s time to dive in! 

Read the next chapter right away along with this entire month's, on my Patreon. 


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