Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds

[214] Bar for Bar, Icon for Icon

Chapter 214: Bar for Bar, Icon for Icon

“What the fuck,” Ryxara, the Enchantress of Shadows said. The sight beneath her feet was awe-inspiring.

A single attack erased all of their backup numbers. All those monsters were erased with a thundering sword technique, which was more like a nuke.

“That was surely an Icon earlier,” Umbrithar, the Obsidian, replied. “It seems these invaders are not to be taken lightly. I wonder how he is able to use an Icon so easily, despite not being from this world?”

The Gods of Atlanton could only use their Icons by tapping into their True Form. It was a taxing thing to do, and it caused visible changes in them when used. How was this human doing it so easily?

They were hundreds of kilometers far from the main battlefield, yet due to the portal opened by Umbrithar, they could see everything closely. The Hero, the person who performed that attack, looked perfectly fine despite just having used an Icon. Since the Icon vanished, it should have caused him some trouble, like a backlash, yet he showed no reaction.

“It's probably just not as visible since he's a human,” Malakar the Clown scoffed. “Otherwise it doesn't make sense. This world has never seen Icons before we came, there is no way he can tap into an Icon's strength easily when the stream of the Way is weaker. It's probably just an act.”

“...How strong are they in their world, if they're this strong in another?” The Enchantress asked.

Umbrithar shook his head, his voice raspy, “I think this is their true power. Because the Goddess, as the ruler of the central world, as well as a Voidvorne, can use her Divinity to allow guests over without them falling under the suppression field. So it's natural to assume the Goddess allowed them to have their full power here.”

Which made even less sense if they thought about it. How could a man so young use an Icon so easily in another world, when his strength was nothing to brag about? While it was quite an impressive sight for this world's standards, in the grand scheme of things, Icon users were far stronger than what was shown.

“Kekek…” Malakar the Clown crackled up. “Well, since we're so curious about his secrets, why don't we just go and ask him…?” He looked at his two companions. “We're going to break one arm at a time and make him spill everything he knows, doesn't that sound fun?”

“You nasty bastard,” Ryxara crackled, licking her lips as she stared below the portal. The Hero Seriphoth was seeing the Emperor and his followers off, while he and his personal group remained behind. “Let's go already~ it's the perfect time. Just when they think the weaker turkeys will be able to escape, we'll bomb them to death. It'll be fun to see his enraged fa-”

From hundreds of meters below, the Hero's head turned from the retreating humans and at the little palm-sized portal in the sky. Purple eyes matched against her own purple, as Ryxara’s breath froze.

“What's wrong?” Umbrithar asked when she suddenly stopped talking.

Malakar the Clown crackled, “I agree, I agree, let's go and devour those little pests!”

“A-ah,” Ryxara cleared her throat. “Actually, let's take it slow. If they grow desperate in trying to stop us from hurting the retreating humans, things might be dangerous.”

“What?!” The Clown glared at her. “You're the one who suggested the fine idea, why're you backing off suddenly? And what, you think any of them can actually pose any danger to us?!”

Umbrithar closed the portal, focusing on the conversation as Ryxara frowned.

“What? You saw how he-”

“Sure, that Hero, whatever he is, can use the Sword Icon, but how can that scare me? You coward bitch.” The Clown growled at her in a thin, cracky voice, laughing to mock her. “Here I thought you were getting likable after suggesting such a tasty plan, but you just had to back off like the weak bitch you are. There are three of us, and a single Icon user scared you? We can easily deal with him by going all out for a bit in the beginning. Once we deal with him first, we chop off his limbs, and then we play with the rest of them! Killing one of his allies at a time would force him to answer any questions we have.”

Ryxara frowned, growling, while Umbrithar sighed under his mask. “Let's just take a careful step. He's not the only otherworlder there, that dragon woman is quite strong too. What if she can use an Icon as easily as he did, too?”

“....” Malakar the Clown didn't say anything when the possibility of a [Dragon Icon] was raised. Of course, he wouldn't lose if the enemy was just that strong, but the victory wouldn't be instantaneous if that Icon was involved.

Ryxara and Umbrithar exchanged glances when he didn't object, nodding to one another. A moment later, Malakar grumbled, “Alright, no teleporting above their head and dropping super-sized marble on them. Let's fly to them instead.”

By the time they reach there, the retreating humans should be far enough to not be a liability. Of course, they wouldn't be allowed to just go like that—after the Hero's group would be annihilated, Malakar would hunt them down himself. How could he let those monkeys escape?

“Follow me! Kekekeke~” The Clown let out a laugh as he shot through the air, followed by the other two.


[First Person Point of View] 

The sky was bright, all clouds had cleared from the pressure of the attack I performed earlier. The winds blew high, and I sat atop a stone, wearing my old armor, and resting my hand on the hilt of my sword. 

The rest of the troops had fled far enough by now, and we were waiting in our spots.

“Um, shouldn't we get moving too?” Shoko asked softly, confused. “I thought we were stalling for the troops to retreat properly. The pole is still far from here, should we really be sitting still?”

I wasn't surprised that Shoko didn't understand my actions. Only Quetzalcoatl did among everyone around me, while the rest of them followed blindly. Even Elara looked restless, eager to tear the Outer Gods apart.

“Why waste our breath when the enemies would be coming to find us themselves,” I replied. “The Outer Gods don't want to fight us near their Blood Towers, what if they get damaged?”

“Ah,” Shoko understood, nodding. 

They couldn't take the risk, so they should be coming over by themselves. I'd already confirmed their gaze earlier, and as I warned with a glare, they hadn't come right away and waited. I'm glad the receiver was smart enough to know when to take things slow.

Oh and, there was more than one of them.

“Wait, Ser,” Sieran suddenly chirped. I turned to look at her, finding an orb of light rushing toward her from the north. She snapped her finger, catching it in her palm, and clenched it. “It's a message from the Goddess. Should I play it here?”

“Yes,” I nodded. There was no need for secrecy now. Everyone watched intently as Sieran decoded the message, causing a hologram to burst open.

“I'll keep it short, my children,” Goddess Galaxara’s recorded message said, an ethereal echoing voice filling the area. “The enemy has received reinforcements. On this side of the world, there are three Outer Gods. We're assuming that's the same on your side too. The Clown and the Phoenix have also changed places, perhaps to catch us off guard. So please be safe and careful since you guys have fewer numbers than us. We'll try to finish on this side as soon as possible, and then move to your side.”

“No surprise there,” I said as the message vanished. The others looked far more worried than me, however.

It's whatever. I didn't mind. The reason why we hadn't flown into the planet from the moon the first day we arrived, was to hide our existence from the Outer Gods. My allies thought that was because I was scared of the reinforcements they would call if they sensed us, but that's not the case. The reason we sneakily took the Gate of Heaven instead was that I wanted to meet my wives first, then separate ourselves into two groups and send each toward each of the poles. 

Both of those goals have been fulfilled. I didn't care if the enemy had called for reinforcements. No, I would rather celebrate if they called more. I’d like to see each of them end by my blade, and only then would I be satisfied.

“Will… will things be alright?” Mem-Cho walked over to me and asked. “If it's three of them, wouldn't things be dangerous?”

“It'll be fine,” I looked up at her with a smile. “We’ll just have to be more careful than before. I'll take on one, Quetzalcoatl will take on one, and those three ladies will take on one. The three of you,” I looked at her, Shoko, and Yuzuru, “stay in the back and support any of us who look like they need it. But be sure to do it in unison, you three need to stick together.”

“I understand…” 

“You girls will be fine, right?” I looked at my three wives, who nodded together. Even Seraphina nodded, although she didn't meet my eyes. “Great. Then,” I stood up, grabbing the hilt of my sword as I faced the direction of the south. “Get ready. They're here.”

The sky darkened. It wasn’t clouded, no—a veil of darkness began to wrap around the sky as if it were a shroud covering a tennis ball. The shift was abrupt, plunging our side of the world into an unnatural night. Three figures flew towards us, their silhouettes stark against the encroaching gloom. Among them, a woman with flowing purple hair and glowing amethyst eyes shone like a beacon. She was the source of the darkness. It was a Witch Goddess.

Leading the trio was a grotesque white-skinned clown, his painted grin twisted in malevolence. Beside him floated a figure shrouded in shadow, a plague doctor mask covered his face. He gleamed ominously in the dim light.

They landed gracefully, breaking the eerie silence with the rustle of leaves and the creak of their attire. The clown stepped forward first, his grin never wavering as he twirled a knife between his fingers. His high-pitched cackle filled the air.

"So," Clown began, his voice grating on my ears, "you’re the famous Hero everyone’s been talking about? Seriphoth Babylon, was it? Corny~”

A clown calling me corny would have earned a snicker and a dirty remark usually, but today I met his gaze steadily, my eyes unwavering. "That’s correct."

The plague doctor spoke next, his raspy voice slicing through the tension like a scalpel. "Interesting. You managed to use an Icon. Not bad for a human.”

“....” They knew what Icons were. My Goddess did say that the Phoenix had used an Icon before, in her fight against him.

The Shadows Witch smirked next, her voice dripping with mockery. "But can you do it again, I wonder? Or was that just a one-time trick, cutie?” Although she spoke in a sultry tone, the aura of danger coming from her didn't create an amicable image. None of the three Gods were friendly, they were only talking because they didn't think of us as threats.

My companions tensed, their hands hovering over their weapons, ready for any sudden movements. I snickered softly, eyeing Sieran, resting my sword on my shoulder. "The weakest is the woman, the witch. You girls take care of her."

Elara, Sieran, and Seraphina nodded. "Understood," Elara replied, her spear shimmering with energy, Sieran spun her staff, while Seraphina murmured a divine incantation. The Saintess’ blood vessels gleamed. Divinity was rushing through her veins.  

I pointed my sword at the Clown. "You take care of the Clown, he's the strongest." Everyone knew who I was talking to.

Quetzalcoatl let out a low laugh, her voice laced with amusement. "I thought you’d take the strongest one, honestly."

"...I wanted to, but the plague doctor bastard is tricky. Your Wisdom Eyes might help, but I think my senses would do better. I’ll finish him fast." I said.

"Sure thing," Quetzalcoatl agreed, twirling her spiked club in her hand. “I'll get ready then, he doesn't smell like a playmate,” she said as scales covered her skin, wings sprouted from her back, and a tail emerged from behind her. She crackled with energy, her sharp teeth clattering together. The insane Goddess leaped into the sky, her club crackling with lightning as she engaged the Mad Clown.

I didn't wait to follow her shadow. I had already leaped forward, sword at hand. My expression was serious as I swung forward, blade clashing against the Plague Doctor’s scythe.

“Impressive, human. But why aren't you using your Icon?” the gruff, raspy voice asked. I didn't bother to answer.

But since he wanted to see it, I decided to show him just that a few minutes later. The sky hummed once again with the twinkle of an Icon. Since I couldn't call the Hero Icon, I decided to use the closest thing to it.


The three Near-Demi-God ladies also engaged the witch goddess, their movements fluid and coordinated. They had fought in the same party for decades, and even though centuries had passed since then, muscle memory led them to work together seamlessly. They fought like a single entity. Elara’s spear danced through the air, and Sieran’s magic crackled with power. The two didn't lead but rather followed their third partner.

Seraphina’s daggers shone with divinity, cutting through the shadows as she wielded a dagger in each hand, leading the other two. She vanished from her spot in a blink, appearing behind the witch, the battle raging on between them.

The witch's distant laugh echoed through the air, her illusions twisting and turning, trying to disorient them. "You’re no match for me, little girls," she taunted, her voice eerie. “Why not call your father?”

Holy slashes lit up the sky, but the witch dodged them with illusionary movements. Elara’s spear thrust forward, piercing through an illusion and narrowly missing the witch's side. "We’ll end you if you're not careful," she retorted, her eyes shining while Sieran cast a series of detonating explosions.

Sieran’s magic surged, golden lightning bolts striking the ground around them. "Your tricks won’t work on us, witch.”

“Ooh~ scary!” The witch dared to mock them.

Seraphina’s light enveloped the area, dispelling the shadows and revealing Ryxara’s true form. The witch's eyes widened for a moment. "Got you," Seraphina said, her voice filled with satisfaction, as she sliced a gush on the woman's cheek. “Bitch.”

“You dirty sluts!” Ryxara shouted, and the sky brightened with an Icon. A dark, boarding Icon shimmered overhead.

The [Shadow Icon] manifested.


Meanwhile, Quetzalcoatl’s battle with the Clown was a clash of power and chaos. Her club crackled with energy as it collided with Malakar’s knives, the Trickster's Daggers, and the ground trembled with each impact. 

"You think you can handle me, lizard bitch?" Malakar sneered, his voice dripping with malice. His body let out a green gas, as he crackled, “Let's see how you can maintain your sanity, you filthy lizard!”

The Joker's Laughing Gas filled the air, and the crazy Dragon Goddess inhaled it like a psychedelic. “Try me- ah.” Quetzalcoatl stopped, suddenly her body changing. Her blonde hair grew into light green, and her sharp horns became dull. Her abs grew into a soft tummy, and her sclera grew dark. She grinned, “Mhm, AHH! Can I get more?” She looked ahead, sharp rows of teeth shining as the clown growled. 

“Weird bitch- ak!” Malakar shouted, while her tail whipped through the air and smashed into his side, sending him flying.

Malakar regained his composure, rushing back at her with maddened eyes, as the sky grew red. “That's it, you're done!”

The world hummed.

The [Chaos Icon] manifested.

Right against it, the [Dragon Icon] shone brighter.


In Aqua's own battle, Umbrithar’s scythe moved with precision and deadly intent. Each swing was calculated, aiming for vital points. But Aqua's senses were sharp, and he parried the strikes with ease. 

"You’re not bad for a weak human," Umbrithar said, his voice calm. “How do you have two Icons despite being such a weakling?”

“I'm not here to make small talk, you old bastard,” he replied, his voice cold and measured. 

Umbrithar frowned under his mask. Shadows flickered around him, portals opening and closing as he tried to catch Aqua off guard. But Aqua was ready. His sword moved with speed and precision, cutting through the shadows and striking at Umbrithar’s defenses. 

"This ends now," he declared, his voice firm. 

“No, it's not,” Umbrithar said, teleporting from his spot with ease. How easily he did that was startling.

The world hummed again, and the [Space Icon] shone.

“Ah, so that's the thing,” that Icon was the reason why this bastard managed to slip by attacks made by the Crown Icon.

The ground trembled beneath their feet, the air crackling with energy. The entirety of Pangeal trembled as five Icons shone in the sky. They were ready to face whatever came their way, determined to protect each other's worlds. 

The war had begun, and there was no turning back. And Aqua couldn't take it slow, “Your luck is bad today,” Aqua said as the Crown Icon shimmered, and another Icon bloomed beside it. “This is the end.”

The [Time Icon] manifested. The earth rumbled, the dimension trembling as many Icons hummed in unison.




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