Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 1729 Palace Lord’s Mansion

"My Lord, I don't know. This palace is a forbidden area. As long as you step into the palace gate, your longevity will be taken away and you will grow old quickly!"

After hearing what the other party said, Liu Qinghuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He was practicing in the inner hall, and he had been concentrating on fighting against the passing time. He had not noticed whether the door to the outer hall had been opened.

For him, the whole process may have only lasted a few hours, but others have spent tens of thousands of years. If he accidentally enters this palace where time passes quickly, it will indeed be like having his life taken away inexplicably. Yuan.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" Seeing that he was lost in thought, the monk cautiously shouted twice, the doubts in his eyes getting worse.

"It's nothing, you go ahead." Liu Qinghuan said, but at the moment when the other party bowed to leave, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed a finger between the other party's eyebrows!

After erasing the other person's memory of seeing him, Liu Qinghuan returned to the palace and closed the door tightly.

Turning around, he saw that there were several skeletons in the hall, but they were buried under thick dust and decayed and collapsed tables and chairs, so he had not noticed them before.

Liu Qinghuan was very tired now and had consumed most of his mana. Now that he roughly knew the situation in the outside world, he decided to rest for a few days before going out to investigate the situation.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the vast and tragic wars that took place have been forgotten by people. Since the space passage to the lower three realms of Jiuyou was opened more than 3,000 years ago, Senluo Palace has slowly regained some vitality.

At this time, Senluo Palace also had some appearance from later generations. The only difference was that Senluo Palace now had an owner and outsiders could not enter at will.

And Liu Qinghuan's biggest purpose when he came out this time was to find out what the so-called master recognition contract was about. In fact, Ji Guang had told him something about this before, but at that time, the other party was still in the idea stage and had not actually implemented it. .

Later, when he practiced in seclusion, Ji Guang died, and Renxiu Dongxuan took the opportunity to occupy Senluo Hall and became the first real owner of this hall.

Liu Qinghuan should have figured out the secret at that time, including whether the temple master's contract could be signed, which was related to what he would do after leaving this situation.

Unexpectedly, he only met Dongxuan once at that time, and time suddenly accelerated to the present.

"Don't lose your master..."

This time, Liu Qinghuan did not plan to show up in front of the other party again, but used everything he knew from his own time traveler to directly go deep into the core to explore.

Speaking of which, he may be the person who knows the most about this palace today, from the beginning of the establishment of Senluo Wanxiang Academy, to Huishan accidentally opening the space passage to the Infinite Hell, to the battle between demons, ghosts, humans, and cultivators, to Ji Guang building the lower nine floors...

Senluo Hall seems to have eighteen floors, but there are many secret passages, as well as various mezzanines and secret spaces.

For example, the central hall on the 18th floor actually occupies the entire three floors, but it makes clever use of space arrangement and illusion to make it surprisingly large.

Liu Qinghuan reached the sixteenth floor and skillfully entered the central hall, the palace master's palace, through the secret passage.

Compared with Ji Guang's practical principles, Dong Xuan and Master Mo She obviously have higher requirements for the comfort of the cave, so the floor is covered with visible green jade, and the walls are covered with thick and soft blankets. The screen frame decorations are also exquisite and luxurious.

Although some places are different from before, the general layout has not changed. Liu Qinghuan even knows where the treasure house of the Palace Master is hidden.

But it was of no use. He couldn't take the things inside out, and Wangbaoshan could only sigh in surprise. However, he could memorize things like letters and classics that couldn't be taken away.

Therefore, he likes to stay in the various bookstores of Senluo Palace and read the classics that have been lost in later generations, and he has benefited a lot.

At this time, there were many servants in the master's palace, all of whom were beautiful and handsome. I don't know what day it is today, but a big banquet is being held in the palace master's palace. All the monks present are of high cultivation. While they are chatting and laughing, no one notices Liu Qinghuan passing by the door.

Master Mo She was not at the banquet. He was sitting alone in the study, writing something furiously.

Liu Qinghuan glanced at him from a distance and walked away. He didn't know the opponent's strength, so it was better not to get too close, even if he was standing at attention and invisible.

After passing through layers of halls, passages, and secret doors, avoiding some organs and magic circles, he finally reached the deepest part of the palace master's palace.

A huge space appeared in front of us. In the center of the space, a light ball dozens of feet high floated in the air. In the ball was the "Senluo Palace" that had been shrunk countless times, quietly and slowly rotating.

Under the light ball, there is a small high platform. It is far away and shrouded in halo, making it difficult to see clearly.

Liu Qinghuan took a step forward, then suddenly stopped and squatted down to take a look. He found some formation patterns on the ground that looked like natural stone patterns, and he almost stepped into the formation.

After thinking for a moment, Liu Qinghuan stepped back again, the light of the magic formula condensed on his fingertips, and stars gradually flashed across his eyes.

"Return to heaven!"

The scene began to change in the next moment, but it seemed that nothing had changed. The ball of light was still the same ball of light, but it could not shine on the ground, and there was a deliberate dimness around it.

But as time went back, someone suddenly appeared, and it was Master Mo Shi.

As soon as he stepped into the magic circle, streaks of colorful light appeared on the ground, spreading quickly like a net.

It was a huge light array that filled the entire space. Countless light filaments were flickering, flowing, and intricately intertwined, floating in the air, covering the ground, and winding around the walls.

‘You shouldn’t be called Jiguang, you should be called Guangguang…’

Liu Qinghuan cursed in his heart, that guy Ji Guang really integrated all his lifelong practice into a magic circle, which was somewhat nondescript.

Then carefully examine the direction of each formation pattern, trying to distinguish what this formation is. It's a pity that although he has seen many magic formations, he has never seen this formation before, and he doesn't know where Ji Guang learned the unpopular formation.

"Master Don't Lose" has walked into the formation, and the light flows through his body, appearing docile and non-aggressive. But earlier, when he came to this palace for the first time, he was tortured miserably by those light threads.

Not noticing anything unusual, Liu Qinghuan turned forward again and finally saw the day when Mo Shi became the palace master, and also saw the so-called palace master contract.

Liu Qinghuan couldn't help but frown deeply. If Ji Guang were standing in front of him now, he would definitely punch him.

As the saying goes, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you, that guy simply wanted to torture others because he was being tortured. Anyway, he would never accept such a contract clause.

At this time, Liu Qinghuan suddenly raised his head, quickly withdrew his magic power, and his figure disappeared.

The next moment, Mo Shu ducked in and saw that there was no one in the hall, his eyes became more and more suspicious.

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