Eternity Starts From His Seed

Chapter 34-35: Punish her? Truth or Lies

"WeiWei." On the surface, Bubai responded in a calm tone, but inwardly he was a bit surprised. How did he not notice her when he entered?

"Hehe! Correct!"

The soft hands were removed, and Bubai’s thoughts were clouded as he observed WeiWei twirling around in a red silky embroidered dress, dancing her way out from behind him. "Does Brother Bubai like what he sees?"

Indeed, it was a charming sight, but memories of WeiWei with the old man on the boat resurfaced, causing a discomforting lump to well up in Bubai's throat. He gritted his teeth and barely managed to squeeze out, "What are you doing here? Aren't you busy serving your new master?"

Not hearing the response she wanted, WeiWei pouted and stopped in place. However, when she noticed the hint of anger on Bubai's face, her eyes flashed slyly.

She shuffled up to him, grabbed his hand, and swung his arm back and forth, acting like a baby. "Isn't it because WeiWei misses Brother Bubai? As soon as master let WeiWei go, the first thought on WeiWei’s mind was Brother Bubai, so she came here to wait for him. If master had let WeiWei go earlier, WeiWei would-"

WeiWei's words seemed to have irked Bubai, and he felt anger building within him. "Master, master, after finally hugging his golden thigh, I’m afraid you have long forgotten about a useless mortal like me!"

"No!" WeiWei shook her head frantically. "How could WeiWei forget about Brother Bubai?"

Bubai sneered, flinging away WeiWei’s hands. "Heh. Do you think I will believe it? Why don’t you just go play with your new master?"

WeiWei’s eyes became watery. "Does Brother Bubai not want WeiWei anymore? Although master played with me all day, WeiWei made sure to wash up-"

"Shut up!" A sharp slap echoed, and a whimper escaped WeiWei as she fell to the ground. Touching her slapped cheek, she looked up with watery eyes, seeing Bubai unsheathing his silencer. "Brother Bubai-"

"I said shut up, you little fox!" Bubai, his eyes bloodshot with anger, grasped WeiWei’s head and silenced her...

10,000 words later...

Bubai's words came to an abrupt halt, his face contorting as a sudden, refreshing sensation swept through him, clearing his mind.

Merlin’s beard, this felt so good- Wait. What the heck is he doing?!

Beneath him, WeiWei sensed Bubai's loosening grip. Gasping for breath, her flushed face looked up at him, a sly, charming smile playing on her lips as she inquired, “Master, aren’t you going to continue punishing WeiWei?”

As her words reached his ears, Bubai experienced a sudden bout of dizziness, feeling desire coursing through him once more!

However, the horror of the situation preserved Bubai’s sanity, prompting him to draw another wisp of Qi to clear his mind.

Glaring down at WeiWei, who was on the verge of speaking again, Bubai promptly stuffed her mouth to prevent her from further influencing him.

“Ugg, little fox.” Bubai shot a fierce glare at WeiWei. Son of a witch, she got better.

And by ‘better’, Bubai didn't just mean her physical skills. Even her application of her mysterious charm ability had become much more skilled!

Bubai's golden finger was undeniably powerful, yet it wasn't omnipotent.

It possessed an instinctual defense against mysterious methods that sought to control his mind. In essence, no matter how formidable WeiWei's mysterious charm was, it could likely be easily cleared with a wisp of Qi.

However, the defense ability was tied to a program without a conscious mind to adapt to specific situations. This lacked the benefits of an intelligent guardian, which can provide high security against external influence.

On the bright side, this meant Bubai didn’t have to deal with a scary, conscious system. Bubai didn’t have to worry about his golden finger forcing missions or taking control of him, but in exchange, his golden finger also operated under rather rigid conditions.

For instance, the automatic cleanse function would only activate when a certain threshold was met. If this threshold wasn't reached, the seed wouldn't cleanse Bubai to conserve Qi- it was an optimal function Bubai couldn't argue against.

Yet, this rigidity left a loophole, a weakness that could be fatal, especially when dealing with cultivators using mysterious methods.

WeiWei, understanding that direct control would instantly awaken Bubai, opted for an indirect and subtle approach. Through her words and actions, she skillfully guided him to the edge of losing control but kept him teetering on the brink.

She deftly manipulated Bubai's emotions and desires, ensuring all his actions were left under his full control but still at her beck and call to achieve her goal, ultimately leading him to release into her. And as long as Bubai's lost of control didn't surpass a certain threshold, he would will never awaken!

Bubai himself couldn't determine this threshold, but after spending considerable time together, WeiWei seemed to have partially grasped it. This is what made her truly dangerous!

Fortunately, this time, it seemed WeiWei still hadn't fully grasped his threshold, and he managed to awaken. However, Bubai was well aware that he couldn't rely on luck every time.

If there was anything to blame, it was the fact that he had relaxed his vigilance against WeiWei after not playing together for a while. Normally, he would continually use wisps of Qi to manually clear his mind during the full course of all their interactions, even if it meant expending more Qi.

However, he had let down his guard this time, caught off guard by her sudden appearance, falling into her trap, and his train almost derailed.

This time served as a wake-up call for Bubai. His golden finger couldn't save him every time; he still needed to rely on his own willpower and vigilance!

Bubai seized her by her hair, pulling her head away. “That’s enough.”

Sitting down between his legs, WeiWei pouted cutely, licking her lips before resting her head against Bubai’s legs. She looked up at him with her red eyes, a provocative gaze lingering in her expression. “So, who does Brother Bubai like better, your little fox WeiWei or that little Lan toilet of yours?”

When Bubai heard her question, he sweated a bit inside. After spending considerable time delving into cultural studies in his previous life, Bubai was well aware that when a woman asked this question, it often signaled big trouble.

And when he knew he was going to step on more than one boat in this life, he knew he had to prepare for such a situation. One of the rules taught in the Book of Hundred Disguises was that an actor must always be prepared.

So, even though the question caught him off guard, Bubai knew how to deflect it to maximize the benefits for his current role.

Petting WeiWei on the head, Bubai answered, “WeiWei is good, Xiao Lan is also good. But for me, the best is the always the one who can bring me the most benefits. Does WeiWei understand?”

Hearing his words, WeiWei’s eye curved into a smile as she licked her lips, “WeiWei understands.”

Her head then slipped along his thigh, leaning in and began her oral speech. Bubai narrowed his eyes as he coldly stated, “Not this type of benefit.”

WeiWei blinked her eyes playfully, temporarily pausing her actions as she gazed upward. “Then, how does Brother Bubai like it here so far?”


“Mhmm, this tower.” WeiWei answered.

“This tower? It is indeed good. But so what?”

With a smile playing on her face, WeiWei observed Bubai’s satisfied expression. “It’s good that Brother Bubai is satisfied. But what Brother Bubai doesn’t know is that what you are enjoying now is what WeiWei sacrificed a lot to beg from her master.”

“Do you think everything came so easily? Brother Bubai doesn’t know how many times WeiWei catered to the old man, how hard she worked to please his old thing, even performing for other old men just to satisfy his ego, all just to get some benefits for Brother Bubai. This tower was just one of them… Brother Bubai’s inner disciple status is another.”

Bubai's satisfied smile gradually faded as he continued to gaze at WeiWei.

“Why else does Brother Bubai think he can enjoy such a good time as soon as he entered the sect? Relying on Brother Bubai’s acquired physique? His status as a mortal? Even if Brother Bubai is to serve as the scapegoat for the master’s scheme, it wasn’t enough to gain so much. After all, Brother Bubai’s status was originally just a furnace.”

Bubai stared down at WeiWei, his fists clenched.

“Although as a man, Brother Bubai won’t suffer as much as the women, but Brother Bubai has also briefly seen the treatment of servants and lower-level disciples in this sect. Then, Brother Bubai should understand why WeiWei must fight for better conditions for Brother Bubai.”

Bubai fixed his gaze on WeiWei, asking in a hoarse voice, “Why?”

“Why?” WeiWei chuckled softly, gazing ahead in a daze.“Does Brother Bubai remember that night… that darkest night where WeiWei was helplessly forced by that man? Does Brother Bubai remember what he said on that night?”

Bubai was silent. He recalled it was…

“The journey to greatness often began with the courage to face the darkest nights. Perhaps Brother Bubai had forgotten, but WeiWei remembers clearly.” WeiWei smiled, slowly looking up at Bubai, her gaze filled with tenderness.

“And from that moment on, Brother Bubai was WeiWei’s courage to face the darkest nights. And that moment when WeiWei swore to belong to Brother Bubai was WeiWei’s happiest moment in her life. And to keep this happiness in her life, WeiWei is willing to sacrifice everything, even herself.”

WeiWei laughed lightly, “This is why when WeiWei noticed master coming by to search the forest on the day Brother Bubai went to get water, WeiWei chose to sacrifice herself to block him… so when Brother Bubai was slowly drawing water, WeiWei played chess with an old grandpa for the first time… And when the old man discovered WeiWei’s Innate physique and wanted to take WeiWei away, WeiWei could only agree, even if it meant never to see Brother Bubai again.”

“You…” Bubai was left speechless, eventually releasing a sigh. "Why are you so foolish?"

WeiWei shook her head, “WeiWei is not stupid. In fact, Brother Bubai also knows WeiWei is smart. But even if WeiWei is smart, WeiWei is willing to be dumb for Brother Bubai. This is why even when Brother Bubai lied to WeiWei, WeiWei accepted it. And even though WeiWei could see how mysterious Brother Bubai is… WeiWei pretended to not notice.”

Normally, these words would have left Bubai feeling cold, but this time, he felt as if he were stuffed with cotton.

“And now, WeiWei can finally let Brother Bubai know how much WeiWei has sacrificed for Brother Bubai.”A happy smile adorned WeiWei’s face as she gazed back at him, her eyes filled with hope. “Then after knowing all of this… does Brother Bubai find WeiWei to be dirty?”

The room descended into silence. Hearing no response, WeiWei bit her lips and lowered her head, her disheveled black hair draping over her face.

Before long, Bubai felt the warm drops of liquid tickling his leg, causing a slight tremor in his heart. Yet, he suppressed the discomfort and drew a wisp of Qi to clear his mind. However, even the wisp of Qi seemed ineffective this time. Ugg.

Was WeiWei lying? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps a bystander may be able to tell?

Alas, Bubai was not a bystander. He wasn't certain how many truths were intertwined with lies, but upon logical consideration, he arrived at a single conclusion. Even if her words weren't entirely true, there was at least some truth in them.

At the very least, Bubai acknowledged that he didn't deserve his status as an inner sect disciple or a safe, exemplary abode like the one he currently occupied.

Plus, though the possibility was slim, there was also the chance that the Golden Core cultivator had come to inspect the forest after noticing his rapid Qi-gathering for a breakthrough.

But this still didn’t blind Bubai from the inconsistencies and truth.

First, even if he had been discovered breaking through in the forest, it might not have been a big deal. At most he would be considered a genius or a mortal with a special physique, and in the worse case he would be caught back as a furnace.

Second, how did WeiWei manage to discover and stop the Golden Core old man when he came to search the forest? Clearly, there are some other secrets at play here.

However, Bubai wasn’t going to inquire because he respected the fact that she kept secrets, much like she never asked for his own- despite her constant, indirect attempts to uncover them.

Third, it was hard to believe her cheesy claim, regarding him as her courage and light, especially when he didn’t offer any assistance to her in her darkest moments. He could be considered lucky if she didn’t hold any grudges towards him…

Alas, his extra workload arrangement on the farm already hinted at the truth. Retribution, at its finest.

And it doesn’t look like she was ready to relent. The reason he ended up here in the first place, isn’t it because of her?

Had WeiWei let him go in the forest, he would have been a free man wandering in the world.

Perhaps he could cultivate as a hermit, progressing steadily with the aid of his golden finger. Thus, each step of his future could astonish those who coincidentally stumbled upon him, allowing him to ascend effortlessly to the top by acting like a big boss.

Unfortunately, Bubai knew this was unrealistic. However, it was just as unrealistic as WeiWei finding him in the forest all the way from the ship in the sky. The fact that her ship so coincidentally passed by above him was even more unrealistic.

And this strangeness deserves his vigilance.

Even if WeiWei truly meant a world of good to him, Bubai understood that the road to the top was a lonely one, and his trust could only be placed in himself.

However, when others could be utilized, he naturally wouldn't let them go, even if he knew it as a dangerous game.

Reaching down with his hand, Bubai gently petted WeiWei’s head. “Cry. If you want to cry, let it all out.”

“Waaaaa…” The pitiful sobs transformed into an open cry as she buried her head against his lower body. However, her cries soon became muffled... Nani?! Even at a time like this?!

Bubai could feel the tears dripping on him during the process.

“If it makes you feel better, feel free to do so.” Bubai then sat in silence, gently stroking her head over and over.

After a while, WeiWei raised her head, looking up with her messy black hair cascading messily over her face.

Gently brushing away WeiWei’s black hair with one hand, Bubai was met with her puffy red eyes and tear-stained face. It was rather unsightly compared to her usual seductive charm, but Bubai still felt the sight was beautiful.

Bubai gently wiped away her tears with his other hand, “Feeling better?”

Lowering her head, WeiWei closed her mouth, gulping down her sadness before nodding. “Hmm.”

“Then, do you want to know the answer to your question?”

His words seemed to arouse WeiWei’s attention as she looked up, her puffy eyes glinting with some hope.

Bubai stared down at her watery eyes, hardening his heart, “I’m not going to be a hypocrite, and say a lie that I don’t believe. I also don’t like speaking out my heart and this will be a special exception. So, listen carefully, I’m only going to say this once…”

WeiWei’s face appeared to pale slightly as her body trembled.

Bubai's voice turned harsh as he clasped WeiWei’s pale face by her cheeks, forcing her to stare into his eyes. “WeiWei, you are dirty and filthy woman, but no matter how dirty and filthy you are, I am willing to accept you as mine, forever and always.”

For the entire next day, Bubai didn’t get an ounce of sleep.

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