Eternity Starts From His Seed

Chapter 69: Crazy Prep

The small bell above the entrance tinkled as the door creaked open. As Bubai entered the mundane shop, he immediately noticed a strange musty scent in the air.

Behind a tall wooden counter, a middle-aged shopkeeper with a goatee sat, engrossed in some calculation on his abacus. A young, thin man with fair skin stood behind him, massaging the shopkeeper's shoulders.

“...capitalize on times like these to make more sales, otherwise-”

The shopkeeper, looked up, frowning when he noticed Bubai’s face. “Well, well, what do we have here?”

However, the shopkeeper's frown flipped into a smile when he noticed the token on his waist. “Ah! What can I do for you, young master?”

“Came to see the goods.” Bubai swept his gaze over the sparsely-furnished store devoid of any wares.

The shopkeeper grinned, “Of course, of course! We’ve collected goods from all over the mortal kingdoms. I’m sure young master will not be disappointed!”

Reaching under the counter, the shopkeeper pulled out a jade slip. He inserted it into a slot in the back wall, and a section of the wall slid open, revealing a hidden passage with a staircase!

The shopkeeper nodded to his assistant, “Xiao Tang, take our esteemed guest down to the underground chambers. Show him the treasures we have for sale.”

“Yes, Shopkeeper Jin.”

Ceasing his massage, the assistant, Xiao Tang, bowed slightly and motioned for Bubai to follow him. “Please.”

Together, they descended the narrow staircase hidden behind the stone slab in the back of the shop. The air grew cooler, and the sounds of the clacking above faded away as they headed down the dimly lit staircase.

Soon, they emerged in an underground sandstone cave, and the air became thick with the scent of damp earth and sweat.

Xiao Tang showed a charismatic smile, “Honored young master, here lies the true essence of our… special collection. In the entire sect, you can’t find a shop with better goods anywhere else!”

Yeah, because you’re the only shop selling these goods. Bubai took in the grim scene presented before his eyes.

The flickering lamps revealed rows of cages lined together, each containing a man - some alone, others cramped together in their tight quarters.

These were his objective this time. There were certain matters he needed to prepare for in advance, particularly with the impending upheaval on the horizon.

“Let me show you our finest merchandise.” Xiao Tang then led the customer from cage to cage, introducing each man with a mix of pride and flair.

“This one here is a skilled blacksmith, trained to polish weapons of unmatched quality. And over here, we have a trained alchemist, skilled at brewing pots of elixirs every time, guaranteed to meet your cultivation requirements!”

“...” Bubai swept his gaze over their faces. A bit dark.

Noting his disinterest, Xiao Tang continued the tour, pointing at other cages along the way, “A former scholar. His strokes are imbued with the finest technique, and his pen-handling technique are the finest of the batch!”

“This one is a former thief turned stealth expert, perfect for covert missions.”

“And here, a skilled musician whose melodies can soothe even the fiercest beasts.”


“No?” Xiao Tang rolled his eyes and then guided Bubai toward another cluster of cages, each individually housing men with well-defined and muscular physiques.

“Ah, here are the former martial artists. Their endurance and physiques are unmatched, a perfect addition if young master is seeking a strong training partner.”

As Bubai observed the thick muscles on these individuals, many towering over him in height, a subtle twitch played on his lips. He wasn’t looking for a macho hunk… and it’s doubtful if these were real martial artists.

“Do you have anyone with…” Bubai raised his hand and gestured over his own face.

Xiao Tang's gaze swept over Bubai's rather unsightly countenance, yet his smile remained unwavering. “Ah, understood, understood! So young master prefers that type.”

Xiao Tang led him through the labyrinth of cages, arriving at a less-populated corner, “Now, over here, we have our special goods, a living embodiment of grace and beauty. Each of them have been trained in the virtuous arts, and their service is top notch!”

Bubai's eyes roamed over the youthful, fair faces of the slender men enclosed in the cages. Undoubtedly, these faces were notably more handsome.

Xiao Tang bowed slightly, “Our goal is to cater to the diverse needs of our esteemed guests. If none of these catch your eye, we can schedule a mutually beneficial arrangement once the storm has passed.”

Bubai raised an eyebrow but didn't press further. “What’s the price?”

“Just a low-grade spirit stone, a fair trade. What does young master think?”


Bubai laid a quarter of a small pouch of spirit rice on the counter.

One low-grade spirit stone. Bubai wasn’t foolish enough to spend so extravagantly on a male servant. Due to the mainstream culture of the sect, male servants were valued less than female.

So, if the price was too high, he would rather take the risk and select one from the male servant’s quarters.

Luckily, Shopkeeper Jin's bartering skills were far inferior to those of the seasoned old shopkeeper of “Heavenly Path”.

The smiling Shopkeeper Jin, satisfied with Bubai’s payment, handed him a parchment sealed with the mark of the sect.

“Here you go, young master Mo. The deeds to your new servant. Remember, they come with a lifetime commitment to serve you faithfully.”

Bubai accepted the parchment, his expression unreadable. He stowed it away in his storage pouch.

The shopkeeper smirked, watching as Xiao Tang brought forward a young man, shackled and wearing simple, clean clothing.

This was his final choice – a man that looked like the type of person to stare at his own reflection before getting in the shower.

The clinking of chains echoed in the shop as Xiao Tang handed the control over to Bubai. “Follow your new master well.”

"Good." The handsome young man lowered his head to show obedience, but his eyes flashed with a mix of unknown meaning.

“Follow.” Bubai led his new slave out of the shop, the chains clinking with every step.

Stepping out into the darkness, the still rowdy street outside the shop contrasted sharply with the silence they left behind.

The busy onlookers glanced at the scene, some with disdain, others with indifference.

“Che- no wonder he refused our invitations. So, he was a broken sleeve.”

“Don’t mind him, everyone has their own strange fetishes.”

“Hey, maybe it could be the Twin Yang or Pure Yang Method. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Even some of us might not be safe...”

Bubai, unfazed by the judgmental stares, made his way forward calmly with his new acquisition in tow.

They continued through the crowded pet market, soon leaving the shopping district, and headed towards...

The South District.

Strolling down the poorly illuminated streets, the handsome slave couldn't suppress a shiver as he glanced at the darkness surrounding them.

Sensing his slave’s unease, Bubai initiated a conversation with a soft smile, “What’s your name?”

The handsome man responded with a whisper, “Liang, sir.”

“Hmm. Liang, a good name.”

Glancing at the unchanging, gentle smile fixed upon his new master’s face, Liang couldn’t help but feel a bit hairy, “S-Sir, may I ask why you bought me?”

“Because I see potential in you, potential that the world here may not recognize. You have qualities that can benefit us both.”

Liang remained silent, unsure of what the future held under his new master's command.

The dark night shrouded the world, and Bubai approached the foreboding sandstone structure ahead with purpose.

“We’re here.”

The flickering light of distant torches barely illuminated a worn sign swaying above the firmly shut gates of the building.

Liang, his features sharply defined in the dim light, looked up at the sign, a subtle smile gracing his pleasing face. But soon, that expression of confidence turned to one of dread. “C-crematorium?!”

Before he could react, a swift, lethal force struck him from behind. A gasp escaped his lips as he looked down at the blade piercing through his heart!

Liang slowly turned his head, eyes piercing through the darkness to stared into his new master’s soul. A trace of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, whispering the agonizing question that echoed in the quiet night. “W-Why?”

Bubai, expression cold and unyielding, did not answer. He silently waited and let the dying servant slump into his arms, his wide eyes still locked onto his master's.

In this world, sometimes, the reasons are darker than the night itself.

It was just like the eerie stillness that enveloped this place. Death was common in this sect, and a normal crematorium would be working full-time to give the dead their final glory.

However, not many corpses actually met their fiery end here. An actual fire burial was very costly, and most just opt for the default disposal of corpses.

How are corpses disposed if not burned or buried? Recycling of course.

The sect just packed them up and “disposed” them by… selling them to the Death Corpse Sect – a demonic sect renowned for its corpse refinement and zombie raising techniques.

As long as there are interests, there is no end to exploitation. This was reflected in all layers of the hierarchy.

Liang's body grew limp, life slipping away. Bubai gently laid him on the cold, sandstone ground, watching the pooling blood overlap with the old stains decorating the doorsteps of the crematorium.

His first murder, and he knew it won’t be the last.

Kneeling beside the fallen, he tenderly touched the handsome face that had succumbed to death as he retrieved his skinning knife.

Bubai slowly closed the corpse’s eye, “Liang, your contribution will be remembered.”

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