Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 102

Chapter 2 Choice and choice

Usually in a calm sea, it is more like practicing boat operation in a calm inner lake than sailing, and occasionally encounter some wind and rain, and the waves are not very big.

In such calm sea conditions, Ethan can pursue the agility and speed of the ship more, and there is no need to consider stability. If his driving skills were not strong enough at that time, he would choose a more extreme sail configuration for his ship.

And if a ship with that configuration comes into the environment at this time, there is no second possibility other than ship destruction!

Perhaps it is this kind of environment that makes many adventurers completely ignorant of the dangers of the sea of ​​storms. They even attempt to drive the boat they used to attack such violent waters. It is no wonder that not many people can succeed.

Ethan has the memory and knowledge of his previous life, and has some understanding of the dangers of the storm sea, so he will make enough preparations to drive this new ship here. The facts have also proved that his choice is very correct.

A large ship with a displacement of several thousand tons can ensure that it will not be lifted off by a random wave. The ballast material and stabilization device of the full warehouse can ensure the stability of the Aurora. As long as Ethan can make the right choice, it will not throw the ship. Drive into some more dangerous areas, then he can pass this sea area smoothly.

“you get what you pay for.”

After sailing in a storm for an hour, Ethan has been staring at the holographic projection of the Aurora Aurora. If the ship is damaged somewhere, the hologram will give immediate feedback to let him know the condition of his ship in time.

As a result, she kept climbing the waves in the squally storm and rain, and the Aurora Aurora did not show any damage, and sailed forward in a state of full blood.

“It seems that if there is money left, we still have to continue to upgrade the ship.”

After sailing for more than an hour, Ethan has gradually adapted to the turbulent waves, perfectly manipulating the Aurora from one wave to another.

He found that in addition to ensuring the smooth forward movement of the ship, it can also avoid damage to the hull of the ship when it is driven into a low place and is hit by the waves next to it. It may even be directly hit on the deck by a big wave. It is certain that the ship will be shot in. Under the sea, the unlucky spot may never come up again.

Ethan made this mistake when he didn’t adapt to this environment at the beginning. Fortunately, the new ship was strong enough, and the wave was not too big, it was just a surprise.

After that, Ethan began to avoid lower routes and sailed on peaks as much as possible, so that the power of the waves could make the ship move forward faster.

With this environment, Ethan’s sailing skills are also advancing rapidly, and he is more and more comfortable in dealing with stormy sea conditions. Even after two hours, he can no longer feel the huge threat before, and he is more calm. Standing next to the steering wheel, he made predictions to make the sailing route of the vessel smoother and faster.

The right hand is facing the holographic screen on the console. Although it can be manipulated with only one thought, a gesture can make him better concentrate his attention. Now he understands some legal professions or supernatural beings. , Obviously, it is necessary to reach out for various poses for things that have a single thought.

Seeing that he can think about these things now, he can know that the storm is no longer in his eyes, and he even has a leisurely look at the situation on both sides.

According to the rumors among the adventurers and the information recorded in the union, Ethan knew that the only channel he was sailing in the storm waters was actually safer. The storms in this area were also much smaller than those in other areas… this is not the case. The most important and more important thing is that in addition to stronger storms and stormy waves in other areas, there are also frightening lightning and thunder.

At that time, bombarding the thick thunder pillars on the surface of the sea from time to time, even if they were only rubbed by the aftermath, it would definitely be a dead end.

Ethan is very far away, through the continuous water curtain, he can feel the violent thunder and lightning energy. Under this terrifying majesty, even his own magic shield is just a joke, even If you don’t support it for a second, you will be defeated.

“Fortunately, I chose the normal channel. I didn’t know how to find a direction and rushed over.”

Time gradually passed, and Ethan slowly didn’t know how long it took. Considering that he was sailing in a storm, he did not wear a timekeeping tool such as a watch. He could judge by his senses before, and he became a little numb after a long time.

The sight is full of sea waves and heavy rain. Although the waves and winds will no longer cause danger, but the premise is that he will not suddenly make stupid mistakes. He must always keep an eye on the route until he sees the light faintly ahead before he realizes the surroundings. The waves seem to have become much smaller.

“Are you going to rush out?”

Ethan’s judgment is correct. As the waves become smaller and the rain on his head is getting smaller and smaller, the impact on Ethan’s vision is also getting smaller. He has seen the blue sky in the distance, as long as he maintains it now. At this speed, it won’t take long to rush out of the storm sea.

This time is not long, even faster than Ethan expected. When the Aurora rushed out of the rain, he was a little surprised.


Ethan looked back and saw that the storm was a few meters away behind him, and gradually farther away, but the place where he was standing was clear. Ethan looked up and saw that the black and white sky was really a peculiar sight. I stared blankly for a while, letting the ship move forward at will.

After expressing a strong protest from his neck, Ethan took his gaze back, held his neck with his hands and moved a few times, found a relatively calm sea to anchor, and checked the ship’s condition in a comprehensive and detailed manner.

The feedback on the console is that the Aurora has not been damaged in any way, but that is a major inspection. If it indicates damage, the condition is serious and must be repaired.

Some minor wear and tear or damage to the internal warehouse materials, the console will not know and will not report to Ethan, he can only check with his own eyes.

Changing the big ship is not good at all. Even if the operation and driving are solved by magic stone technology, it takes a lot of time and energy to work like this kind of tedious work. Ethan looks over from corner to corner, waiting for him from the bottom warehouse. When it came out, the sun hadn’t known when it would go down long ago.

“The first day of the new sea area passed so silly.”

Ethan took a shower and changed all his clothes. He found that the boat was too big and it was a bit scary to live alone on it at night.

He is not the kind of character who lights up the lights of the whole ship because he feels scared. Even if he feels uncomfortable, he will not do such meaningless things. Now that he consumes all his family assets, he needs to save everything. Sub-resources.

The night is quiet, and only the sound of waves that are louder than the calm sea can be heard. You can tell from the sound that the waves in this sea area are much larger than the calm sea, and it is no longer the calm sea area similar to the inner lake. Maybe there will be more severe, no less than the storm he had experienced before.

All of these were considered by Ethan, and he was psychologically prepared to face it many times.

“There must be a plan next.”

There are no remaining supplies in his hand, Ethan will make a decision next: whether to search for the ‘central island’ in this sea area first, or to search for a floating island first, replenish some funds and then go again?

“I don’t seem to have a choice either.”

Considering the loss, it is the right choice to find the floating islands to replenish the supplies. Fortunately, this storm hit the sea and did not cause any damage to my ship. After the inspection, only a few buckets were damaged in the waves and some clear water was lost.

For Ethan, this means that there is no loss. The fruits and food are partially damp. He is going to consume this part first. The ship, including the cable, is not damaged. As far as the current state of the Aurora is, it is not much different from just leaving the factory. , It is perfectly possible to continue sailing for a long time.

“The goal is to set the sinking island.”

Ethan took out the island pointer and chose the mode of searching floating islands. This thing is universal After passing through the stormy sea, it will search for islands in this sea, and it does not know what principle it is based on. And from this thing, we can know that the guild also has a very high status in this sea area.

“I knew that the power of the guild was huge, but I didn’t know how huge it was.”

Lying in his bedroom, Ethan rarely did various exercises, lying quietly on the bed to rest. He had spent more than a whole day in the stormy sea before, and manipulating the entire ship caused serious mental energy loss. Suitable for continuing to practice, he needs a good rest to recover the lost mental and physical strength.

The problem is that I don’t know if it’s because of the new sea that makes him feel a little excited, and he can’t fall asleep.

Sit up from the bed, Ethan flipped out some snacks and took out the book of inheritance, eating and reading some knowledge that had already been recorded in the book.

After the cigarettes were consumed, he never had time to make them again. In addition to the inconvenience of people on the island, he also wanted to wait for the new ship to be built before moving some work to his workshop.

Now there are some materials accumulated in the workshop. As long as he is willing to make a lot of cigarettes in batches at any time, but with the increase of his mental strength, the cigarettes made before can no longer meet his needs, he began to consider eliminating this outdated product. , Make new items to assist your spiritual practice.

“Currently, there is no better material in hand, and the effect can only be improved by increasing the amount.”

The most common way to increase the dosage is to make a potion. For potions, he has two choices-long-term, continuous growth, but the growth rate is still very small. As well as one-time use, after greatly increasing the upper limit, the second time will not have this effect.

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