Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 106

Chapter 6 Shelling

Seeing the undead who rushed towards him, Ethan calmly exhorted Philip next to him: “Stay back!” At the same time, he stepped forward. The cloak behind him had already turned into a big canopy while Ethan moved. The flame, just as the undead rushed in front of Ethan, a large flame fluttered forward from behind Ethan, and the undead was enveloped in a large flame in a very timely manner.

“Ah ”

The undead that was burned by the flame once again made the sound that could penetrate the soul. Unfortunately, Ethan had long been wary of its move. This kind of mental attack did not have any effect on Ethan. The flame formed by the magic still burned fiercely. In a short period of time, the undead burnt nothing left.

With the death of this undead, the huge flame returned to Ethan’s back, and slowly changed back to the appearance of the cloak, covering Ethan’s back honestly, and the undead had disappeared a little bit. No traces were left, everything was the same as when they first came in, as if nothing had happened here.

To deal with negative creatures like undead, the first choice should be the absolute positive energy of Holy Light. The second is natural energy, which is full of vitality. Flame is not the third choice, and natural energy has its own advantages and disadvantages. Simply talking about lethality, the effect of the flame energy is not even worse than that of the Holy Light.

Ethan did not master the real light. The energy simulated before could only be used for emergency. It was okay to deal with’laymen’ like Wilson, but the effect on real undead creatures was much worse, so he chose to be more effective. Familiar, better controlled flame energy.

The flame cloak, capable of attacking, defending and flying, showed its power in this world for the first time, stunned the people next to Philip. They had never seen that this ordinary cloak was so powerful before. Items.

Ethan continued to search for the locations of other undeads with his glasses, and found that after he had killed the undead, the positions of the other undeads had changed, and he moved at will, completely ignoring the structure of the ship.

“The existence between the real and the virtual is quite convenient.”

The energy bullets released by the magic wand and the flames of the cloak are all energy damage, which can perfectly damage the body of the undead. If it is a pure physical attack such as a sword, fist, etc., it will probably be completely immune.

After choosing the right way, this group of undead really has nothing to fear.

Preparing to move on to eliminate the second undead, Ethan noticed that the negative energy concentration around him began to increase, and the glasses also gave a warning: the increase in negative energy concentration is very likely to have unknowable effects and damage to the human body. It is recommended as soon as possible go away.

Ethan ignored the warning given by the glasses and carefully analyzed the negative energy around him, only to find that this energy was eroding into his own spirit.

“Mental attack? Mental pollution?”

Ethan’s current mental power has been condensed, and it will not be easily affected by this dissipated energy, but the people behind him will not be unaffected. Ethan noticed that their expressions are slowly changing, and at the same time The increasingly strong negative energy is also affecting their bodies, slowly devouring their physical strength and energy. If they stay for a long time, they will lose their lives even if there is no attack by the undead.

“Take these and carry them next to your body.”

Ethan took out a few amulets at random. They were all small props he made in his spare time. Since he had storage space, he would prepare some self-made small gadgets to keep in it. This time it really came in handy.

The protective effect is not great, but it is not a problem to deal with some dissipated energy, which is enough to ensure that they will not be killed by these energy.

but mental influence…

Ethan found that the picture in front of him was slowly changing, and the cabin that seemed a bit dilapidated was distorted a little bit, and then it became a more eerie, scarier, and more tattered place.

What concerns Ethan the most is that the space has suddenly grown countless times, and the hatch that was not far in front is now hundreds of meters away.

“Space magic?”

This is impossible. Ethan himself denied this speculation. He didn’t feel the slightest spatial energy fluctuation, so it couldn’t be any kind of spatial expansion or spatial distortion.

“So mental interference?”

Ethan closed his eyes, concentrated his own mind to detect himself, and finally he discovered the abnormality-it was a bunch of seldom very ethereal energy, he did not enter his own spirit, but deliberately avoided his own spiritual power , And then entangled in his body, misleading his senses.

opened his eyes, he used his glasses to probe again, and found that it was similar to the previous results, and the distance between the ghosts and himself had not changed.

“Hey! Illusion.”

There are several kinds of illusion arts. In addition to directly interfering with the opponent’s senses and making wrong judgments, there are also ways to directly generate scenes to affect vision.

The former has more powerful influence, but it is easy to be immune to wizards or those with strong mental power; the latter will not be immune, but the threat it produces is obviously not as good as the former.

This group of ghosts used a combination of the two. After Ethan eliminated the energy in the body, the scene in front of him did not change. As he moved forward, the scene in his eyes did indeed follow his movement. Is changing.

“Is it obsessive or do I not know how to work?”

Ethan used his wand to release an energy bomb again. He concentrated his mental power on the energy bomb, wanting to see how this group of undead would deal with it?

It turns out that after leaving the staff, the energy bomb is flying normally in his eyes. In fact, it is advancing slowly at a slow speed like a slow motion. At the same time, an unknown energy continues to corrode the energy bomb. The energy, and then the energy bomb will completely dissipate it corroded before hitting any object.

In Ethan’s sight, the energy bomb naturally flew out a long distance, and then dissipated naturally because of the distance.


Ethan has been studying mental power before, and his improvement in combat power has also focused on more straightforward aspects. He doesn’t have a deep understanding of illusions and mental interference and other spells, and even the curse on the ring that Zul gave him. He never used it once.

Until this time, he discovered that these spells are used well and the effect is indeed good. At least Ethan couldn’t think of the magic to dispel, and couldn’t find the breakthrough point of the opponent’s illusion.

“Unfortunately, I am not the kind of character that has to compete with the enemy.”

What he likes most is to use simple and rude ways to solve it. He really doesn’t know how to remove the illusion in front of him, but it doesn’t mean he can’t solve it.

smashed the magic wand in his left hand heavily on the ground in front of him, and Ethan’s free right hand made a virtual grip on the right side of his face, with his palm facing the top of the magic wand.

With his movements, the body of the magic wand flashed blue brilliance lines. As the light spread over the body, a blue magic circle slowly formed under Ethan’s feet, and a small circle appeared on the top of the magic wand. The magic circle echoed with the magic circle pattern that appeared on Ethan’s right hand at the same time.

The huge energy gushes out, and the wave of air that has set off will blow the few people who are being frightened by the scene in front of them back several steps-but in Ethan’s eyes, the few steps of these people are actually just Moved back a short distance.

Philip watched the very terrible energy condensed on the top of the stick in Ethan’s hand. The fluctuation of that energy made him, a man who had been wandering on the sea for many years, feel horrified. The kind of energy that can make him tremble Is it really something a young man can control?

He is very worried now, this powerful energy suddenly loses control, in that case they will die without the dead. But looking at the young man’s expression, he didn’t seem to be struggling.

After the energy on the wand gradually reached a certain level, Isen and others began to proceed to the second step.

At this time, the glasses indicated that several negative energy sources from the lower layer were floating upwards, trying to launch a sneak attack from under their feet to prevent this blow.

“Good judgment. I realize the power of my shelling.” Ethan glanced at his feet with disdain and didn’t make any actions: “But you think I will not be wary of anything? ”

This trick is very powerful. It is a pure energy attack method that he finally researched based on many messy works he saw in his previous life, combined with his knowledge of magic and with the help of Tony.

The shortcomings of    are also obvious. It takes a long time to activate. During this time, he cannot be attacked or interfered. Therefore, Ethan’s associated defense methods are also integrated.

The magic circle pattern under his feet is not just for good-looking.

Several undead tried to penetrate the floor to attack Ethan from below, but hit the solid energy wall with one head. At the same time, the powerful energy fluctuations caused very considerable damage to these undead, almost directly shaking these undead to death. .

The remaining few undead saw that the situation was not right, and immediately changed directions and rushed to the deck where Ethan and the others were located, and then surrounded Ethan and others in all directions.


Ethan’s glasses have reminded all the actions of the undead, and Ethan has discovered an existence that has never moved, but has always erupted with strong negative energy.

“Lock it!”

Following Ethan’s final action, the wand no longer stuck on the ground but was picked up. The magic circle in Ethan’s right hand and the magic circle on the wand were connected, forming a long series of passages with complex symbols. , The magic circle at the top of the magic wand suddenly became several times larger after being parallel to the magic circle in Ethan’s hand, and the patterns and text in it became more complicated.


Following Ethan’s instructions, the energy gathered in the core of the magic circle was finally released, and the strong and abundant energy turned into a brilliant beam of energy, which was directed straight at the negative energy source that had never moved.

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