Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 110

Chapter 10 2nd shelling

Hearing Christina’s words, feeling the energy fluctuations that were gradually violent, and no longer knowing what this guy was going to do, he really had studied magic knowledge for so long.

“Want to explode?”

He wondered why this lich suddenly resorted to such violent methods? But now there was no time for him to think slowly, Ethan responded immediately.

The magic wand appeared in his hand again, Ethan felt the energy contained in it, and after confirming that it was enough to use, he began to prepare to launch a second magic bombardment.

struggling to push the magic wand to the surface of the sea, but the position where it should be on the surface of the water made a loud noise, as if Ethan had smashed the magic wand on a huge iron block.

As the loud noise erupted, there was a light that was brighter than the previous shelling. A huge magic circle pattern appeared under Ethan’s feet, and the calm sea surface covered by the pattern became like a mirror surface.

The same casting process as before, Ethan was not disturbed this time. Christina, who was floating in the air, was also busy mobilizing the energy in her body. Although she saw all the movements of Ethan, she had no spare energy to do anything.

The only thing that can be done is to use language to interfere.

“It’s useless, it’s useless, your dying struggle has no meaning!”

Christina’s body was gradually enveloped in a thick layer of death energy, which was completely different from what she had felt before, full of mania, and seemed to erupt at any time.

“You can’t stop me at all, and your attack can’t even penetrate the energy beside me.”

She is not nonsense, Christina is mobilizing more and more energy and becoming more and more manic, but these energies are perfectly suppressed by her in a range. In this extremely small range, very powerful energy is condensed and highly concentrated. The energy forms a natural protective wall.

Before these energies erupt, they are Christina’s strongest shield, and as her preparation approaches the end, this shield will become stronger and stronger until it finally erupts.

The magic wand in Ethan’s hand has been lifted, the passage-like magic characters and the huge magic circle have been completed. The core position of the magic circle has condensed much more energy than the previous shelling. Ethan’s instructions will turn into a powerful beam of light.

Christina locked the target in mid-air, or the huge death energy enveloping Christina.


A bright blue beam of light spewed out from the magic circle, and instantly hit the energy sphere gathered by Christina. Although she was heavily wrapped in death energy, Ethan could not even see Christina’s figure, but she seemed There are also special means to perceive the situation outside.

After seeing Ethan’s attack bombarding his energy sphere, he couldn’t penetrate at all, and could only consume energy on the surface in vain. Christina showed a very rampant laugh.

“How is it? I said that your attack is beyond doubt, you can’t stop…I…”

It’s a pity that Christina noticed something was wrong before she finished speaking. She found that she seemed to be flying higher and higher, and the distance from Ethan was getting farther and farther.

“This guy, did you want to push me to the sky?”

She realized what Ethan was going to do. From the very beginning, Ethan realized that his attack could not penetrate the wall of energy outside Christina, so he never thought about taking it while Christina had not completed the preparations. The possibility of direct killing.

Instead, she changed her mind and chose to use magic bombardment to push Christina into the air far away from her. No matter how powerful her move is, it cannot be so exaggerated, as long as the distance is long enough. , The remaining aftermath is not difficult for him to deal with.

Christina didn’t expect that Ethan would choose this way to deal with herself. She didn’t know how to deal with it for a while, and she couldn’t stop it at all. She could only find a way to speed up the spell casting and strive to prevent Ethan pushing herself too far. Burst out the condensed energy.

“You… won’t… succeed…!”

almost gritted her teeth and said this sentence, seeing the distance getting farther and farther, Christina was forced to choose to detonate the energy in advance. She had to do this, and if she continued, she would be pushed out of the explosive range by Ethan’s attack, so that no one but herself would be killed.


The condensed death energy suddenly shrank, and then there should be an explosion, turning everything in the range into the purest death energy.

should be like this…

At the moment when the energy contracted suddenly, Christina’s mental core suddenly flashed a warning sign. The sign came so suddenly that she had no time to react at all, and then she felt that the position of her heart seemed to be penetrated by something. , And at the same time the death energy that was before was ablated, and the painful feeling of burning the body hit again.

“How is this going?”

The death energy in his body instantly fell into chaos, and even the energy condensed next to him fell into chaos. Once such a powerful magic fell into chaos, the consequences would be very terrible, especially for the caster himself.

But she didn’t have the time or even energy to care about it. Christina lowered her head and saw an energy blade shining with light yellow light inserted in her heart, and the hilt of this sword was severely damaged. She could hardly see the original appearance, even so she recognized that this was a weapon used by the enemy on the opposite side.


Christina didn’t finish her words, and the violent death energy swallowed it directly. Even if she becomes a lich, she fits almost perfectly with the energy of death, but such a powerful energy falls into a violent violent, and no matter how high the fit is, she will be hit hard, not to mention that there is another energy of the opposite nature in her body that is continuously producing. hurt.

Under the attack from inside and outside, Christina turned into powder in an instant, maybe even inferior to powder, but was turned into a part of herself by death energy, and was also turned into a sword blade that released pseudo-light energy. Give purification.

Ethan didn’t have time to pay attention to Christina’s situation. Although the magical energy bombardment mixed with his own battle cross destroyed Christina’s self-destruction, but this does not mean that he can sit back and relax.

The energy bursting out of the escape is also a threat. Besides, Ethan still remembers that there were a few ordinary people on the boat next to him who could not cope with these energy attacks. He was not going to sit by and watch those people just get killed like this.

After successfully conspiring to destroy Christina’s self-detonation, Ethan used the flame cloak to fly onto the deck of the Advance, and then immediately caught Philip and the others who wanted to ask questions, and flew to him together. On the Aurora.

Then he summoned the Book of Inheritance without stopping, deploying the magic shield at the fastest speed, protecting the entire ship.

While Ethan was busy with this, the explosion of death energy was overwhelming. Philip and the others, who originally wanted to ask questions, watched the gray energy shrouded, and the forward next to the goddess of dawn just went from there. Disappeared in this world.

“It turned into ashes?”

“No, it’s a terrible end than turning into ashes!”

The sense of fear that arises from the depths of the soul made Philip guess the truth. The object swept by the death energy, if there is no means to protect itself, it will turn into the same existence, just as Christina said before. Like that, they all turned into death.

Fortunately, Ethan successfully conspired with Christina, this energy burst is very low in intensity and durability. If the calculation fails, being able to push far enough will also give Ethan enough time to resist this wave of shock.

It didn’t take long before the death energy of the sky began to dissipate, and the fog on the sea did not know when it had disappeared, revealing a beautiful night sky dotted with stars.

Putting away the magic shield, Ethan felt a little dizzy. This was the first time he used so many magic items in a row, and his mental power was a bit high. If it hadn’t been improved once before, with his original mental power, he would really not be able to support it now.

But now is not the time to rest, Ethan re-displayed the flame wings and jumped out from the deck, took a thing that had fallen from a high altitude in his hands and flew back again.

“It was scrapped after only one use.”

What he caught was his own battle cross. Although it can only be regarded as a copycat, but after all, a lot of energy and effort has been devoted. I didn’t expect that it would be so badly damaged the first time it was used in battle, and it would be no different from scrapping.

“Anyway, it was hidden in a powerful energy cannon and fired out, and it could last until Christina was scrapped. This quality has exceeded my expectations.”

Ethan did not abandon it directly, he wanted to try to repair it. Even if it can’t be repaired, it can be remade again. The materials of this thing are not so easy to collect, and there are many precious alloys provided by Tony.

Until this time, he was able to take a breath and completely relax, and took out a bottle of blue potion from his belt and poured it into his mouth, restoring the excessive consumption of mental power.

Philip, who had never dared to speak, leaned in at this time and asked, “Is it over?”

Feeling the spiritual power being moisturized by the potion, Ethan nodded, “It’s over!”

Philip, Stephen, and Sean heard these words, Qi Qi collapsed on the deck with a look of exhaustion on his face. He couldn’t even celebrate that he was finally able to live. He could only show his heartfelt heart. Smile: “It’s great.”

Ethan didn’t laugh at them. Although he didn’t know what dangers they experienced on the Advance, considering their strength, they were definitely more dangerous than his own. It was really not easy to survive.

So he didn’t tell them something, but kept it in his heart secretly.

“It’s just this battle that ended…”

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