Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 114

Chapter 14 Teaching Diana

When Ethan said this sentence, a person walked out from the dark side of the woods next to him.

“Do you know how to control supernatural power?”

is the queen of the Amazons on the paradise island, Diana’s mother Hippolyte.

Ethan had long been aware of the existence of this Amazon queen, but she had refused to appear before and he was too lazy to point it out. Unexpectedly, she would lead the queen out if she helped Diana point her maze.

After Diana greeted her mother, she looked at Ethan curiously, not sure why he said such words.

“Do you have Protoss blood?”

Hippolyte looked up and down for a long time, but he did not see that Ethan seemed to have the blood of the Protoss. If he had not known that he was a powerful magician, he would not be as good as heaven in Hippolyte’s eyes. The wild beasts on the island are just ordinary men who look weak and weak.

“Why do you think that you must have the blood of the Protoss in order to know how to control the divine power?”

Ethan did not understand this kind of thinking. He thought that Hippolyte would not have this kind of thinking, but it seems that he was a bit wrong. Hippolyte should be a firm supporter of pedigree-so she never thought that Diana, the demigod, can defeat the true **** Ares.

For Hippolyte’s stubbornness, Ethan shook his head helplessly: “I am a magician, do you know the nature of magic used by a magician?”

The two women stood in front of him and shook their heads together. The picture was a bit cute, but it was a pity that the two of them were not at all cute.

“Control the energy!” In order to emphasize his own words, Ethan put on his own set of magic equipment, and displayed various types of energy in front of the two people in turn.

Fire element, water element, false holy light containing abundant life energy, and the energy from the Ark reactor that is not clear about its nature.

All kinds of energies, in Ethan’s hands, circling around like a well-behaved pet, changing various forms. The dazzling sight made both people stunned, young Diana. I even showed some hope, and I couldn’t wait to start learning this technique.

The Amazons on Paradise Island are pure warriors, seemingly different from ordinary women. However, it is the nature of many creatures to like beautiful things, but the well-informed Hippolyte can return to normal in a faster time.

She is a warrior with a long life and rich experience. She doesn’t think that Ethan’s random tricks on a few weak elements are just small tricks, which will not help improve her strength.

She has plenty of experience and enough experience to be able to see that this seemingly useless little trick actually contains so much skill-it proves Ethan’s excellent ability to control energy.

The stronger the control ability also means that he can better control the powerful energy. Even if Ethan does not possess the divine power, he only needs to teach Diana this energy control technique.

“Would you like to teach me this technique?”

Diana is still young, far less resistant to beautiful things than Hippolyte, and is still immersed in the faint energy that changes and has a beautiful light. She didn’t have to hide her preferences like Hippolyte, and raising enough interest would also be good for her next study.

“Yes.” Ethan waved his hand and dissipated the energy in his hands in the same way: “This is the path that suits you best. When you fully control the divine power in your body, you will truly be a demigod. .”

In the infinite plane, there are countless people with excellent potential, but it is always a small number of people who really make full use of it.

He thought of the Superman among the Big Three in the Justice League. The potential of this one is so great that it makes people feel jealous. It’s a pity that except for the early comics world, he has never really explored all of them, and can only be regarded as a better control of the power he currently possesses.

In comparison, the other of the Big Three of Justice has fully tapped his potential. Not only does he use his strength to the limit, he often does things that far exceed the limit of his strength.

As the last of the Big Three, Diana is somewhere in between. Her potential is high, and she herself has worked hard enough. Let’s leave it alone in the comic version. In the movie version, there is an obvious lack of a good teacher. The guidance that Antiop or Hippolyte can give her is limited to melee skills, giving her most of her potential. None of them have been excavated.

Now, Ethan wants to act as this teacher. He is very keen on using his full potential, fully activating all his supernatural powers, and also happens to be Diana who killed Ares’s final weapon, can he turn Ares into a bear. This is full of expectations.

“So what should I do?”

“Now… take a good night’s rest. From tomorrow, I will conduct a comprehensive observation of you to determine your specific situation. Only after all the inspections are completed can I determine your study plan.”

Diana nodded excitedly, she was a little looking forward to the next day. For her, hobbies are learning all kinds of things, and the things that make her stronger are her favorites. If it wasn’t for her mother who asked her to go back first and wanted to chat with Ethan alone, she even wanted to persuade Ethan to start teaching immediately.

It is too troublesome to observe or something, and there is no need for it. She firmly believes that no matter how difficult the study plan is, she can’t be bothered. She can definitely learn all the knowledge Ethan taught her, and perfectly control the divine power in her body.

Watching Diana slowly disappear into the distance, Ethan pointed to the wooden stool not far away: “Sit and talk?”

Hippolyte shook his head: “No, I just say something and I will go back.”

Ethan nodded: “Thank you first for sending someone to clean this place during this time.” Diana is still a bear kid, so Hippolyte must send someone to clean and maintain this place. “How long has it been since I left last time?”

“It’s only five years.” Hippolyte kept remembering this. She originally thought ten and twenty years was the right time, but she didn’t expect to see Ethan again after five years: “I thought it would pass. Longer time.”

“Is it only five years?” Ethan then told Hippolyte a good news. In addition to staying longer this time, he could feel that his connection with the world has become much closer. Although I still can’t control the time when I come here again, it won’t be more than 30 years.

Compared with the longest 50 years, 30 years has almost been reduced by half, which also means that the risk is reduced a lot. What’s more, Ethan also provided a means of communication this time, even if it was just a unilateral message, it was enough to make Hippolyte feel more at ease.

At this time, Diana’s safety was completely guaranteed. Ethan’s commitment to keep her promise also made her feel a lot better about this young man.

“Are you serious about teaching Diana?”

Hippolyte was still a little worried. She didn’t want Diana and Ares to fight against each other. Even if she had made up her mind to make Diana stronger, she was more out of the need for Diana to have enough self-protection. The power of this idea.

“Of course, I’m very serious.” Ethan saw what Hippolyte was worried about: “You don’t have to worry too much. The divine power in Diana is much stronger than you think. She doesn’t need to play it all. Come out, even if you only play a small part, it’s enough to deal with Ares.”

In the original plot, Ares really did not create any danger. After Diana was able to use the powerful power in her body, she was immediately beaten with no power to fight back. This shows that Zeus prepared this final weapon against the God of War. Really super conscience.

“How did you make this judgment?”

Hippolyte would not just believe Ethan’s words, besides, Ethan didn’t seem to have seen Ares at all.

“Can Ares deal with the enchantment of Paradise Island?”

There has always been an enchantment on the periphery of the Paradise Island. In addition to preventing the Paradise Island from being discovered by ordinary people outside, it can also suppress the energy in Diana’s body to a certain extent. This is also how she can grow smoothly to the present The supernatural power in the body When it was still very weak and needed time to grow up, it was an important reason not to be discovered early by Ares.

Besides, Ares did not directly attack the Paradise Island, and it is probably because of the existence of this enchantment.

“what do you mean……?”

“Even if I don’t do anything, this enchantment will not be able to suppress the power in Diana in a few years.”

What does this mean does not require Ethan to continue. Hippolyte has enough IQ to understand the meaning behind it.

So the Amazon queen left Ethan’s cabin with a sad face, and after a night of psychological struggles, she brought Diana to the outside of Ethan’s cabin early the next morning.

It seems that she has made a decision, agreeing to Ethan to guide Diana, and is also preparing to cooperate with Ethan in all aspects to train Diana even stronger.

Ethan looked at Hippolyte, then at Diana, who was excited, and finally gave the Amazon queen a relieved look.

“Our training begins with today’s inspection.”

pointed to the empty sandy beach not far away. Ethan walked in that direction first. Although Hippolyte and Diana didn’t know what he was going to do, they still followed honestly.

With just such a little effort, Amazon warriors began to appear one after another. They all heard that Ethan, the man who appeared a few years ago, came to Paradise Island again, and after he wanted to teach Diana, he deliberately ran to watch the excitement. . They wanted to see how this man would teach them the princess of Paradise Island.

After Ethan and Diana were standing on the beach, Ethan put on his magic equipment and said something that surprised everyone.

“This inspection is very simple, it is actual combat!”

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